Hollstein Karate AU (Broken C...

By geek_and_nina

29.6K 930 168

Laura is the new girl at a karate studio famous for it's most talented students: Carmilla Karnstein the five... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 6

1.6K 58 10
By geek_and_nina

Danny had thrown up four times, but understandably blamed it on the 100 degree heat. She had long ago learned to push through discomfort. Being the daughter of the coach was a natural way to learn these things. No excuse would ever be good enough to get out of beach training week. However, this particular exercise was her favorite because it involved Laura Hollis and a bikini.


“Hey there, Psycho Society.” said a familiar and unwelcome voice.


“Kirsch.” she replied as Elsie threw the beach ball to her and she roundhoused it over the blonde’s head.


“No need to be harsh.” he said with that wounded puppy dog look of his.


“You, Zeta. Me, Sum Soc. Every need to be harsh.” she explained harshly as she threw her own ball to the younger girl across from her.


“Come on, Psycho Society, I don’t see why we just can’t be friends...” Kirsch trailed off and Danny definitely didn’t notice how extremely muscular he was as he kicked the ball, so very different from the lanky boy she had grown up with.


“S.J. S.J is why we can’t be friends, Kirsch.” she replied sadly.




“You got carpet burn...from the sand?” Perry asked, putting neosporin on the scrape on LaFontaine’s shoulder.


“Yeah, I guess I did.” they reply with a sheepish grin, reaching with their uninjured arm to scratch the back of their neck. Perry can’t help but notice their fantastic jawline as they turn to watch their friends on the beach.


“You amaze me.” Perry chuckles to blow off her staring, completely oblivious to LaF’s blush.


“Have you been getting enough water? Do you need to put on anymore sunblock?” she asks, everyone was stinky and sweaty and Danny had been to see her twice for some Tums.


“I’m good, thanks. I’d better get back before I’m missed. I’ll see you during the break though, yeah?” they ask.


“Of course.” Perry replies, and grins as she watches LaFontaine race to their place in line. She couldn’t imagine how they have the energy for all of this crap, but she definitely enjoyed the view.


-----/////----- *Actual Break*


Carmilla had cursed that damn black and white bikini more times than she could count since they hit the beach. It was causing her chest pains to see how often the Zetas would check Laura out. she was totally aware of how attractive the smaller girl was, she just didn’t expect the raging jealousy that came with how often some douchebag guy would stop to flirt with her. It was much less problematic now that the game was over and Laura was out playing in the ocean with LaF, Danny, and Elsie. Though Danny could occasionally be almost as bad.


Carmilla really needed to find a new way to handle these ‘feelings’ she was having. If seeing other people look at or check Laura out in her bikini was enough to drive her into a jealous rage, she was much worse off than she had initially thought.




For not the first time Laura was struck by just how hot Carmilla actually was. At this particular moment, the older girl was relaxed underneath an umbrella, book in hand, sunglasses on, legs crossed in a solid black bikini that left almost nothing the the imagination, her body covered in a thin sheen of sunblock and sweat. She dry gulped almost every time her eyes strayed in her partner’s direction.


“Hey, guys? I’m going to go take a breather for a bit.” Laura announced, abruptly turning to shore. In what she hoped wasn’t too obvious a manner, Laura spread out her towel  much too close to where Carmilla lounged. She splayed out on her stomach and pillowed her head on her arms for discreet crush watching as she dried out.


“You’re going to burn like that, Creampuff. When was the last time you put on sunscreen?” Carmilla asked, glancing at her over her shades.


“Before we ran the beach actually.” Laura confesses.


“Come here and I’ll do it for you.” carmilla offered pulling a tube from her bag.


“Sure, thanks!” Laura scrambled up and sat in the sand in front of the older girl’s chair.


“It’s not like you aren’t already tan enough.” Carmilla murmured.


“I like the way the sun feels on me.” She explained.


“There the two of us differ yet again. I burn much too easily.” carmilla replied as she took her time rubbing the cream into laura’s shoulders, enjoying the excuse for non-violent physical contact. The smaller girl practically hummed with pleasure as Carmilla massaged her way down her back.


“Want me to do you next?” Laura asked.


“Sure thing, Cupcake.” she replied with a snicker at Laura’s choice of words, right as Coach Lawrence’s whistle shrieked.


“Alright ladies and gents and none and all of the above. Let’s play some volleyball! Team captains are Laura Hollis and Carmilla Karnstein. Pick your players.” she said before stealing Carmilla’s seat and sitting back to watch.


“Flip for first pick?” Laura asks Carmilla with a happy-go-lucky grin as she tied up her hair.


“Sure thing. Sundance.” carmilla replied with her classic smirk. The Zeta’s coach provided a quarter and the older girl expertly flipped it with one hand still on her hip.

“You go first, cutie.” she says.


“Okay, Danny!”  she says, waving the taller girl over.


“Ridiculously tall, puppy dog Zeta-bro.” Carmilla says flippantly in reference to Kirsch.










Carmilla and Laura went back and forth picking people for their team and they split to each side of the net with Laura serving first after a gracious nod from her fellow captain. Everyone was already exhausted beyond belief from the day’s training, but were much too competitive to give in very easily.The entirety of the game was neck to neck and each player had served only once and it was already nearly dark. The coaches leaned forward in their seats, it was so heated and Perry stood beside of them. The serve was with Elsie on Carmilla’s team and the two captains were facing off at the net.


Laura already knew that everyone on team ‘dark and broody’ would be underestimating her due to her height and sugary sweet personality, but she wasn’t worried. Volleyball had kind of been her thing until karate had gotten to the point that it had taken over her life. She was quite used to having anyone and everyone underestimate her and had long ago discerned how to use it to her advantage. Elsie served and it was short, falling right into Laura’s area. She sprung up, ready to tip it over , hopefully slipping right past Carm. Instead, as soon as Laura made contact, Carmilla was knocking it back at her, throwing her off balance. She ended up falling through the net and onto Laura, knocking the breath out of the smaller girl.

“Nice move, Karnstein. Now, could you please remove your hand from my breast?” she asked, her hair full of sand, her face flushed, and chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

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