Inked Heart - Mafia!Kirishima...

By ajax_069xX

42.5K 955 516

After being framed, wrongly accused and expelled for being a "villain", Kirishima decides to go to his father... More

Your Quirk
Quick Head's Up
Summer Special Part 1
Summer Special Part Two
Kirishima's Birthday Special
๐Ÿ‹ Twenty-Nine ๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹ Epilogue ๐Ÿ‹
Author's Note + Fanart Dump
For my fellow Honkai: Star Rail lovers...
Boothill Fanfic is Out!


576 12 3
By ajax_069xX

The large group slowly walked through the cold, metallic, dimly lit tunnel, hearing blood-curdling screams from inside the walls and from the other side of the door at the end. Kirishima's head turned to ask Shinsou, "You do have Kaminari on a headset, right?" The male nodded in reply, Sero speaking up to him. A few former classmates cocked an eyebrow in confusion, some glaring. "Relax, Kaminari's helping us get (Name) back. I interrogated Taiga a few days ago; they're both helping." Shinsou muttered.

"Wait, if you had him on call, then why did we spend so long looking for a secret entrance?" The tape hero inquired, his brows furrowing. "He couldn't give me exact directions to it due to the suspicion of other people in the base," Shinsou replied calmly before continuing: "He gave me a general location, that was it." The black-haired male's face went calm as he nodded in realization.

"Stop talking," Kirishima sneered. Both males went silent as Shinsou pressed his ear to speak to Kaminari. "We're in the tunnel you told me about," he whispered. Shinsou waited for a few seconds before his earpiece crackled to life. "Keep going down the hallway, watch for numbers 9724 on the left wall; it's easy to miss, so look carefully. Press the center of the nine; it's a button. A keypad will come out. I want you to press 0701. A secret door will open, and it leads to a hallway. At the end of it is a door. Wait there, and Taiga and I will come for you," the blonde on the other side said before going dead.

Kirishima pressed his ear to speak to his father, humming in reply. "My men are in the base walls; they've surrounded every part of it,'" He said.

"Denki says to look along the left wall for numbers 9724 in that order," Shinsou said urgently. The class nodded and carefully searched the wall for the numbers. Midoriya quickly spotted them and hurriedly rushed Shinsou and Kirishima over, the rest following them. Shinsou moved in front of the green-haired boy, pressing the button that the electric user said would be there. After a short while, a soft mechanical whir sounded in his ears as a keypad came out at his waist.

He typed in the buttons 0-7-0-1. My birthday..? He thought. The brain-washer brushed it off as a coincidence, but it still bothered him in the back of his head. A secret door slowly thunked open, revealing a dark tunnel. Todoroki took the lead, lighting a small flame in his hand, dully illuminating the way. As the class followed the flame, they traced the wall to keep track of each other. A loud clunk came from the end of the hallway and they froze, the duel-quirked male quickly removing any trace of his fire. The door slammed open, letting light in. It barely reached the group's features, the class slowly inching back from it. Kirishima's hand instinctively went to his gun, ready to fire any second.

"It's fine, it's only Taiga and me," a familiar voice whispered. Kirishima took the brave step into the light, his hand still on his gun. He glared daggers into Kaminari's skull, possibly ready to shoot him then and there. "Come on, we'll lead you through the tunnels to where (Name) is being held," the blonde said, turning on his heels as Taiga gestured for the group to follow. Shinsou caught up to the cat boy, taking his hand in his. Taiga nearly broke at the touch, but he breathed in and stopped himself. The grip he had on Shinsou's hand was nearly stopping his blood flow, but the purple-haired male didn't care at the moment. He quickly noticed the callous that formed around Taiga's fingernails, deciding not to mention it and wait for a later date.

Kirishima desperately wanted to slam Kaminari's head into the concrete walls, but he didn't for your sake as the blonde led you to where you were.

Or at least to where you're supposed to be.

Kirishima stared at the blank and messy bed, littered with blood flecks and strands of hair. "Where the hell are they?" He hissed. "Did you fucking lie to me?!" He yelled, his pistol now leaving its holster as he loaded it.

"N-No! I didn't lie! They were here when I left!" Kaminari said frantically. "How the hell should I fucking believe you?! You're the reason why they're here in the first place!" The redhead shouted, his teeth grinding and his forehead growing harder as his quirk unconsciously activated.

"I swear! Ask Taiga! Have Shinsou brainwash me! I'm telling the fucking truth!" Kaminari shouted in return. Kirishima's hardened fist hit Kaminari's face square in the nose, probably breaking it. The smaller male stumbled as he hit the back wall, holding his nose in pain.

"Where the hell are they?" Kirishima ordered. Cold metal was up against Kaminari's forehead as the redhead grew to a calmer rage. The blonde daringly opened his eyes to meet the barrel of a piston square in between his eyes. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you right now. Where. The fuck. Are they?!"

The sound of a gun being loaded distracted them from their one-sided conversation as a man hidden in the corner stood up. Without hesitation, Kirishima whipped his arm towards the strange man and shot.

A bang went out as Kirishima killed the first man of the night. The bullet ripped through his chest, blood spewing out and spraying the floor and some of Class 2-A's clothing. "Back to our conversation, Kaminari," Kirishima sneered, his eyes cruel and demanding.

The heroes in training opened their eyes in horror as their kind, former classmate ruthlessly killed someone, the dead body on their feet in front of them. Iida stepped forward, declaring something from his chest.

"Kirishima! You can't kill a man! You wanted to be a hero, remember?!" The taller man shouted. "Hell yeah, I wanted to be a hero! But I got expelled for being a 'villain'!" Kirishima shouted back, whipping around to face him. "So if it's a villain UA wants, it's a fucking villain UA gets! Now can it, before you end up like your brother!" Kirishima dangerously guested the barrel of his pistol to the dead man on the floor, now surrounded by a puddle of blood. The redhead's unsympathetic words hit Iida hard, his face falling as he put the helmet to his hero costume on.

Kirishima turned back to Kaminari, his eyes cast by a shadow of pure rage. The rest of the class was too nervous to say anything, their hero instincts being pushed from kicking in. "We're here to get (Name), remember? They're our main focus. Now where the hell-"

A scream cut Kirishima off, his eyes widening as he recognized the voice that was screaming for mercy and to be released.

"...(Name)!" He darted out the door, Kaminari and the class following him. The group immediately noticed the physical advancements he made. He was faster, stronger, and his reflexes sharp.

When he finally got to you, his eyes widened in horror. Forced into skimpy clothes, your face was bloody, the red liquid flowing down your neck and onto your chest and back. The room was cold, and your bluing skin was proof of that. Fresh bruises and cuts littered your body as you were suspended on a wooden board, your arms spread. Throwing knives were through the palms of your hands, blood slightly dripping out of your fingers. You were close to passing out from the pain, or near death, no one could tell.

"Nice of you to drop by, Eijirou Kirishima."

The redhead turned, a throwing knife barely missing his new victim's head. "Denki, I'm disappointed in you. I thought you were smarter than this," the male said. Kirishima's eyes flicked between the stranger and his old friend, quickly noticing that Kaminari was nearly a carbon copy of the man.

"Denki, you can't think that I'm that stupid to know that your silly little hero friends wouldn't come help to save this little bitch," the man gestured to you, your head hanging as tears rolled down your face.

The class surrounded you, Asui and Shoji focused on getting you out of the chains you were forced into. They all knew you were too weak to possibly even try to use your quirk. Bakugou ordered clothes to be made for you as quickly as possible, Yoayorozu almost hesitating.

She looked at your face, stained with blood and trauma, to Kirishima's determined one, ready to kill anyone who dared hurt you again. She noticed that the only reason he needed to kill was to protect you from dangers. He obviously understood how dangerous it was to be in his situation, but he was busy putting his own "villainous" life aside to protect yours.

All he wanted was to protect you.

A true hero. When she and many others did so much to hurt you because of something that wasn't your fault.

Tears formed in her eyes as she started a deep apology in her mind, repeating the same words over and over as warm clothing was made and put on you. You were tucked into Todoroki's left side, his quirk ever so slightly activated to heat up his left side without hurting you more. Yoayorozu threw a blanket over you, muttering a short but heartfelt apology to you. You gave her the smallest and most painful smile she had ever seen, but she smiled back, a tear cascading down her cheek.

You were warmed to your heart's content, and put into Shoji's Dupli-Arm cage to keep you safe for the time being. He swiftly brought you to a corner where he threw the blanket over your head, hearing you humming to yourself, probably to try to keep yourself distracted from the ongoing events.

Shots were being rung, voices were shouting, metal was clashing, people were screaming. It was a war zone. Kaminari got into a brutal fistfight with a man, Kirishima fighting his own battle. The class spread out, each taking on their own person. With Kirishima's men helping out, it was almost a 2v1, the class hoping it would be easy.

It was not.

Kirishima's knee slammed into the face of one of the strange men, quickly turning around and throwing a punch to the face of another.

Kirishima glanced at your whimpering figure, adrenaline flowing through his veins as a gun was raised and pointed at you.

All he could see was red as he violently attacked the man, shooting him in the joints and pressing down on his back. Kaminari's father was too surprised at the sudden attack, as Kirishima was on one side of the room before he was on top of him. Kirishima's strength outnumbered his by many, heading the younger boy's teeth grinding against each other.

The young male nearly pulled the older's arms out of the socket, hearing cracks in his wrist as his knuckles were whitened with his grip.

"You wouldn't kill your only uncle would you, Eijirou?" The man managed to wheeze. Kirishima stopped pulling, the room going completely silent. "What?" The redhead snarled.

"Oh, Eichii didn't tell you?" Kaminari's father taunted. Kirishima pulled ever so slightly on his arms. "He and I are brothers."

Everything went dead. Not a heartbeat or breath was heard, only the soft sound of you trying to control the pain could be faintly heard.

"Eichii and I are brothers, dear nephew, I took my wife's last name," the man said. Kaminari's and Kirishima's eyes widened at the new information, Kirishima looking to his father. Eichii nodded slowly, his eyes down and lips pressed into a firm line.

"You and I may be blood related," Kirishima growled. "But you will never be my family." A scream erupted from the man's throat as his arms were nearly ripped off of him. Kirishima removed himself from the man to stand in front of him, separating you and the criminal.

His red orbs glanced around the room, seeing multiple rival men tied up, beaten, unconscious, or dead. Class 2-A did well. Eichii moved to stand by his son, Taiga and Shinsou joined the group as well. Kaminari glanced at his father with a hateful look, standing next to Kirishima and Taiga. He felt something brush up against his hand, looking down to see Taiga's pinky wrapped around his. He cautiously grabbed the smaller male's hand, entwining his fingers with his. The blonde felt a dainty hand on his shoulder, and looked over to view his mother, with grateful tears cascading down her face.

Where she came from, he had no idea, but he leaned into her, both comforting each other. Eichii took off the suit jacket to cover the strange woman dressed in skimpy clothes, the oversized piece of clothing draping down past her knees. She nodded gratefully, smiling gently at the strange man.

One by one, each man who gave an oath to the Kirishima family stepped behind the family, one helping you to your feet. "I'm sorry for everything I did, (Name)," the man muttered. "How should I trust you, Daisuke? You kidnapped me," you voice was raspy, coughing after your sentence. "Please refrain from speaking, and believe me. It was to protect Chiyo. They threatened to kill her and our unborn son if I didn't do anything..."

You paused, taking in his story. You didn't want to believe him, but some part of your body did, and you let him usher you to Kirishima.

"Your life ends here, Daiki," Eichii growled, his son raising his gun. "You deserve everything that I did to you," the redhead hissed, and fired.

Shot after shot rang out as Kirishima shot the dead body over and over again. Each time a bullet hit, the body would jolt and more blood would pour out. You grabbed his sleeve tightly, your other arm going around his waist to keep you balanced.

"Eijirou! He's dead, please stop shooting, he's dead!" You shouted meekly, your throat burning. The second your voice hit Kirishima's ears, he dropped his gun and turned to you. He gently took you up into a hug, his head burying into your neck, yours doing the same.

"(Name)... you have no idea how scared I was..." he muttered, feeling tears roll down his cheeks. "It's okay, Eijirou. I'm okay. I'm glad you're here..." you replied, feeling your vision blur.

"We're gonna get ya to a hospital, alright? You're gonna be just fine," Kirishima cupped your cheek with his hand, lightly kissing your head, ignoring the drying blood that coated it.

"Stay awake for me, okay?"

"I don't think I can do that, Eijirou."

"Please, (Name)... I don't want you to die..."

"I'm not going to die, Eijirou... I'm just... a little sleepy..."

You passed out in his arms, his eyes growing with worry. "Call a hospital," he ordered, his brows furrowing.

You weren't dying on his watch.

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