Step Brother

By Author_B98

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STEP BROTHER REIMAGINED! He stayed on top of me for a few seconds longer his eyes melted into mine before he... More

Tall Glass of Water
Room of Memories
Welcome Home
Two Can Play At This
The Boy Called Kaden
Waiting Up
"Where Were We?"
The Notifications
Family Dinner
Vanishing Amy
A Close One
Spaced Out
Adelaide Street
"Where is She?"
She Saw Everything
The Question
Those Three Words
Night of The Party
Awkwardly Upset Ride
Sleep Over at Noahs
Catch Me If Ya Can
Here's The Catch
LA, Here We Come
One Bed
The Strange Buff Guy
Violet James
Lunch Date
Don't Leave Me
We Know Everything
Unwanted Hell
Mama and The Phone
We Have A Tree House?
Would You Say It's Love
The Idea
Sneaking Out
Lets Not Go Home
Night of Jingle Ball
Anywhere, but Here!
We're Perfect
Breakfast and Surprises
The Lecture
Where to?
Perfectly Okay
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
Central Park
A Good Morning
Spontaneous Bowling
Where Are My Clothes
We Can't Hide Forever
Needing Space
Parks and Chickfala
Gift Shopping
Church Parking Lot
Ice Cream Conversation
Our Little Secret
The Rayments
Box of Memories

I'm Sorry

10 0 0
By Author_B98

Scarlett Johnson

"Excuse me miss, are you alright? You've been in there for quite awhile."

A flight attendant asked quietly through the bathroom door, I had been crying on the closed toilet seat for the past thirty minutes, I regretted everything.

   "Ya I'm fine!"

I called back, I quickly stood and wiped at my eyes, my makeup was smeared across my cheeks.

   I quickly exited the plane bathroom and pushed my way past the line of people waiting to use the bathroom.

I quickly sat back down in my seat and pulled my pillow onto my lap, I hugged it as I stared out the window.

Why did I tell, I ruined everything?

I thought, I closed my eyes and let my mind run wild.

Noah would probably never look at me the same, how could I have been stupid enough to tell our parents the truth.

For all I knew our own family wouldn't look at the two of us the same, if they could they'd probably disown us.

I eventually drifted off to sleep for what only felt like minutes, but suddenly my phone began to vibrate in my lap.

I slowly opened my eyes and pulled my phone into view, Noah's face appeared on the screen.

I hesitated for a moment, not really wanting to answer.

I didn't want to face him, I didn't want to hear the disappointment in his voice.


I whispered, I could already feel the tears coming on, why did I answer?


He whispered back, I sighed and took a deep breath in.

"I'm sorry."

He whispered, I was taken aback, what was he apologizing for?

"Noah, you shouldn't be the one apologizing, I'm the one that should be sorry."

I quickly told him, as I tried to keep my voice low with people sitting on all sides of me.

"I shouldn't have told, I shouldn't have left you, and it's okay if you never forgive me for that-"

I went on, but he eventually cut me off.

"Hey, don't ever think that I'm not going to forgive you, I could never do that to you. I just love you so much."

He told me, I let out a sigh of relief, it was like taking in a breath of fresh air for the first time hearing him say those words.

  "Excuse me miss, you need to turn that off."
A flight attendant had come down the aisle happened to be eyeing me up and down.

I nodded and tried to end the conversation with Noah, but it wasn't going to happen.

"I love you too, but Noah what are we going to do?"

I asked him, there was a pause on the line for a moment before he spoke.

"Whatever it is, we'll figure it out together."

He told me, I really wished at that moment that I could turn the plane around and go back to him.

"When are you coming home?"

I asked him, I could hear giggling behind me, I turned around to see two teen girls staring at an iPhone between the two of them.

"The night of Jingle Ball, we'll figure everything out then."

He told me quietly, I nodded to myself and changed position in my seat.

"Alright love, I've gotta go. I promise baby I'll talk to you soon, I love you so much."

He told me, I smiled and my cheeks turned red.

"I love you too Campbell."

I whispered before hanging up.

The flight attendant glared at me before walking away.

I had totally forgotten about my Mom, that was waiting to pick me up at the airport in Toronto, and lets just say she wasn't the happiest person on the planet.

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