Crushed (Partners in Crime Bo...

By kierak26

2.4K 301 6

Olivia Wagner is one of the top CSI's in the state. She's worked many tough cases before. But this one is dif... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22


118 13 1
By kierak26

Wagner Fourth of July Bash

The sun beat down upon the Wagner's backyard. Most of the people there didn't feel the heat because they were enjoying themselves so much. Fun, upbeat music played in the background while what to many people looked like chaos was happening.

Cole and Hunter were passing a football back and forth. Nicole was helping Grace set up the food for lunch. Dominic was teaching Chloe how to grill "properly". Chad and Amber were busy talking with Arthur and Carol. Sophia sat in a wheelchair reading a book. Jack and Olivia sat together on the porch swing.

"I could get used to this." Jack mused.

"Used to what?"

"Sitting here with you."

Olivia looked up to him and smiled, "So could I." She had confessed to him about not thinking she was worthy of him and how she didn't think he would want someone like her. She had braced herself for the heartbreak of a lifetime, and instead was filled with love when Jack had told her none of what she had said was true. The whole reason he had fallen in love with her was because of her personality and how she lived.

Jack settled onto the swing. He was healing well for having a quick heart transplant. Most everyone was surprised he was already back to normal. He just smiled when they asked and thanked the Lord. He was on paid absence, Landon's orders, and Olivia was just fine with that. Almost losing him had practically killed her.

The family never spoke about those two days and Olivia was grateful. Even in movies when people lost the person they loved Olivia didn't understand their pain. But then she had felt it ten times worse. And she understood what love really was.

"So I heard Dominic and Chloe have an announcement to make." Jack watched Chloe slap Dominic with the ketchup bottle, a big grin on her face.

"Is that so? I heard Grace and Hunter have one too." Olivia saw Grace intercept the football from Hunter and run off laughing.

Jack sighed, "Do we have an announcement?"

Olivia turned, surprised, "What?"

He grinned, "I don't want to feel left out."

"What did you have in mind?"

"Hmm. What did you have in mind?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?" He shot her a smile.

"Stop copying me." She shoved him, trying to cover her grin.

"You're cute when you're angry, did you know that?"


"Olivia!" A stray football came flying in their direction, but Jack swatted it away. Cole jogged up to them and took the football from Jack, "Thanks for saving your girlfriend."

Olivia jumped up at him, but Cole just ran away.

Later, everyone was settled at the oversized picnic table eating burgers.

"You know, Chloe, these are better than Dom's." Nicole remarked.

Dominic's jaw dropped. He was famous for his burgers and everyone knew that. Chloe closed his jaw with her hand, "Don't be so surprised." She teased.

Hunter laughed, "But Mom's pie is still the winner."

Amber blushed, "Hunter, you're too kind."

"He just wants an extra piece." Grace snorted.

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Well maybe..."

The table erupted with laughter. Chatter continued for a few minutes before Chloe and Dominic stood up, hand in hand. "We have an announcement to make." Chloe smiled. She looked at Dominic and nodded for him to go on.

"Mom, Dad, you're going to be grandparents."

Amber dropped her fork in surprise. Chad smiled.

Nicole jumped up, "No way!"

Jack reached under the table and squeezed Olivia's hand. She was beaming. He felt so happy for her.

Grace and Hunter stood as well, "We also have an announcement." Hunter grinned.

"Mom and Dad are actually going to have two grandchildren."

Amber's eyes filled with tears, "You're having one too?!"

Grace nodded and ran to hug her mother.

"I don't know what to say." Cole sputtered. "This is crazy."

Chloe nodded in agreement, "That's for sure."

Sophia clapped her hands.

Grace cleared her throat, "I also have decided for the safety of me and my child, to quit the force. Being a negotiator isn't the safest job. But I know I'll miss it." Hunter smiled at his wife and kissed her forehead.


"I think that's a wise decision. But I can say on behalf of all of us, we're losing a good agent." Olivia smiled.

Agreements went all around. Soon, chatter was abuzz again. Hugs to the expecting parents, excitement from the to-be aunts and uncles, laughter, and happy tears. The place was hectic.

Nicole then stood, a big smile on her face. "Um, big shocker but I also have something to say." Holding up her left hand, a large diamond ring sat on her finger.

Cole dropped the slice of watermelon he was holding onto the ground. "What?"

"Nicole!" Grace and Olivia squealed at the same time. They ran up and hugged their sister.

"Why didn't you say anything? What's his name?" Olivia asked.

Nicole laughed, "I wanted it to be a surprise. His name is Seth Collins."

Chad hugged his daughter, "I'm proud of you honey. When can I meet him?"

"Thanks Dad. And how about we meet for lunch tomorrow?"

"Sure." Now the activity and excitement was even more crazy. Everyone had something to

say about everything and the decibel meter was ticking up by the second.

That night, during the fireworks, Jack pulled Olivia aside. "I have a question for you."

She leaned into him, "Sure."

"Do we take this one step at a time or can I marry you tomorrow?" He pulled a ring out of his pocket and grinned.

Olivia gasped. "For real?"

Jack chuckled, "For real and forever."

"There's no one I'd rather do life with." She gazed into his eyes.

Jack slid the ring on her finger and stood up. "Now for the best part." He whispered. Leaning down, he kissed Olivia. Not just any ordinary kiss. The best kiss. The best kiss Olivia could have asked for. She leaned into it, savoring every bit of it.

Applause and cheers rang out in the family.

It was about time.

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