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By LonahLennox

406K 12.2K 5.9K

"𝙸'πš•πš• πšŠπš•πš πšŠπš’πšœ πšπš’πš—πš πš–πš’ 𝚠𝚊𝚒 πš‹πšŠπšŒπš” πš’πš—πšπš˜ πš’πš˜πšžπš› πšŠπš›πš–πšœ, πš‚πšπšŽπšŸπš’πšŽ. π™²πš˜πš–πšŽ πš‘οΏ½... More

Authors Note/Cast (Please Read)
01 β€’ Forget-Me-Not
02 β€’ The New York Times
03 β€’ Dogfight
04 β€’ Impeccable Timing
05 β€’ Blizzard
06 β€’ First Dates
07 β€’ Assumptions
08 β€’ My Girl
09 β€’ Soft
10 β€’ Jealousy
11 β€’ Triple Date
12 β€’ Respectable
13 β€’ Muse
14 β€’ Honey, I'm Home
16 β€’ Blood Is Thicker Than Bread
17 β€’ A Sign
18 β€’ Velvet
19 β€’ About Time
20 β€’ Cause
21 β€’ Correlation
22 β€’ If Today Could Last Forever
23 β€’ And So It Begins
24 β€’ Dear Steve
25 β€’ Yanks in York
26 β€’ Hell
27 β€’ Telegram
28 β€’ Numb
29 β€’ Why me?
30 β€’ Guinea Pigs
31 β€’ Distraction
32 β€’ High Water
33 β€’ Butterfly Effect
34 β€’ Relic
35 β€’ Blink Of An Eye
36 β€’ Good Different?
37 β€’ Readjusting
38 β€’ Fitting In
39 β€’ Tingles
40 β€’ Hyper-Vigilance
41 β€’ Experimentations
42 β€’ Birthday Girl
43 β€’ Deprive Me
44 β€’ Carter Curse
45 β€’ A Memory, Frozen In Time
46 β€’ Business As Usual
47 β€’ Goodbyes
48 β€’ Vibranium
49 β€’ Parallels
50 β€’ Prove It
Epilogue, Part 1 β€’ I Found You
Epilogue, Part 2 β€’ To Grow Old In
Final Authors Note and Preview

15 β€’ Birthday Boy

6.9K 222 134
By LonahLennox

Millie Mae ripped off a piece of tape and stuck down the brown paper, wrapping around the bulky box. Steve would be turning 24 today, and Millie spent months saving for this gift.

And by months, she meant years.

As things became more difficult, work and money was dissipating, but Millie was determined to get Steve the gift, a gift for their memories.

It started off as a fun little idea, but with the growing war, it became more of a sad idea. If something were to ever happen to one of them, Millie wanted the other to have memories, as many as possible.

Millie was currently at Bucky's apartment with him, who was laying out as much beer and food as he could afford, although he made sure that the invite for the party was clearly labeled as BYO.

Bucky came to Millie just a couple weeks ago, saying that with everything going on in the world, he wanted to shed a little bit of sunshine, and what better way than with a 4th of July party. It just so happened to also be Steve's birthday, so Millie and Bucky decided to combine the two.

Steve would never let a party go on just for him, he'd assume that he wasn't important enough, and that nobody would come to celebrate. Of course, a 4th of July party? Well, that was a different story. Millie figured if she could get Steve to come around, at least she could treat it like it was for him, and hopefully that would make him feel as special and celebrated as he deserved.

"Do you think Marco will come?" Bucky asked as he hung up red, white, and blue streamers.

"I have no idea," Millie shrugged. "It's his last night, he might want to spend it with family."

Bucky nodded, pursing his lips. "I can't believe he enlisted."

Millie sighed. "Me either." She paused and looked up at him with suspicious eyes. "Bucky... would you ever enlist?"

Bucky paused, letting his shoulders fall as he looked to his feet. "I don't know, Mills. I guess that all depends on how desperate they are. I mean, wouldn't we all enlist for the better of the world?"

Millie nodded, even she couldn't argue with that. Her graduation was coming up soon for nursing, and there was already talk about the war effort needing nurses to help the wounded soldiers. She didn't want to leave Steve, however, she didn't think she could.

"Do you know when Steve is getting here?" Millie asked, checking her watch which was nearing 7pm. She hadn't been able to see him all day because the workaholic was working on his birthday.

"Uhhhh," Bucky craned his neck to check the clock on the wall. "Any minute now, really."

Millie stood and placed Steve's gift on a side table. "I hope he likes it..."

"What did you get him again?"

"A camera," Millie said. "A real nice one."

Bucky rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding me, Mills?" He gave her the side eye. "He's going to love it. Probably use it to take photos of you naked."

Millie smacked Bucky's arm. "Shut up!"

"Maybe I should open up a dark room." Bucky chuckled but ran away as if he was anticipating another smack. "So then I could finally sneak a peak."

"Oh my god, Bucky!" Millie screeched.

Next thing the pair knew, Bucky's front door had swung open and in walked Steve. "Uh oh, what did Bucky do now?"

Millie scrunched up her face in disgust and waved her hands around. "Nothing, just being...Bucky."

Bucky smiled a cheeky grin and enveloped Steve in a hug. "Happy birthday, pal." The two men embraced, and it made Millie's heart swell to know that they didn't suffer from toxic masculinity, and could show their love for one another so openly. "You're old as fuck."

Steve rolled his eyes. "You're older than me, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, punk."

Millie stood with her hands behind her back as she waited for the two men to finish, it was in that moment that Steve finally got a good look at her and his jaw dropped.

"Shit, Mills..." he stepped up to her and reached out his hand, which she took and was instantly twirled around by him. "You look like a million bucks."

Mille looked down at her sage green dress and blushed, she couldn't wait for him to see what was underneath. "Thanks, Stevie." She shifted her eyes to meet his gaze. "It's all for you."

Steve smiled and held Millie close. "You know you ain't gotta do anything for me, sweetheart. But I appreciate the effort nonetheless."

"I'll always want to dress up for you, Steve. Gotta live each day like I'm still trying to win you over."

"Its been almost six years and you still flirt with me, keeps me young."

Millie playfully smacked his arm. "You are young!"

"I don't know, twenty-four feels pretty old in the grand scheme of things." He looked sadly down at his feet.

In Steve's eyes, he only had fifteen years left– at best. If the doctors were correct, and he was sure they were, he'd already lived half of his life, and it didn't feel very long at all. It's one of the reasons why he was starting to look at engagement rings for Millie, because he couldn't bare not making her his and starting a family before his demise.

"Don't say such a thing, Stevie." Millie fixed his tie. "Not tonight."

A birthday was usually a time to celebrate, but for Steve, it represented time moving forward, meaning less time he got to spend with those he loved, like Millie and Bucky.

"Okay," Steve smiled sadly. "Tonight, we celebrate."

"And what better way to celebrate," Millie turned around and grabbed Steve's present from the table. "Than with a gift?"

Steve took the gift tentatively. "Millie Mae, you didn't have to get me anything."

Millie rolled her eyes. "You say that every year, and I never listen. Apparently, neither do you, since you also spoil me for my birthdays."

"I'd hardly call it spoiling."

"Steve, last year you bought me the most beautiful dress in the world." Millie said, referring to the light blue winters dress, with a matching shawl. She couldn't wait to wear it one day. "Now, open your gift before I open it for you!"

"Alright, hold your horses." Steve laughed and sat down on Bucky's sofa.

Bucky, who was leaning up against the wall, had a huge smile on his face as he watched Steve carefully unwrap the gift. Millie, on the other hand, was near biting her nails with anxiety.

Steve carefully opened one end of the gift and slid the box out, flipping it over to read what it said.

"Oh my god, Millie..." his eyes widened as he read label of the Rolleiflex New Standard camera. "Millie, this is too much...I-how?"

Millie walked up to Steve and put a hand on his cheeks. "It's not too much, Stevie. And don't worry about it."


"But nothing. It's for you, for your birthday."

Tears began to well in his eyes and his hand met Millie's, covering it with his own as her thumb continued to stroke his cheek. Steve gripped her hand tighter and pulled her down to him, where she swung her legs over his waist and nuzzled into his side.

"I love it." He whispered. "Oh my god."

Steve set the camera to the side and wrapped his arms around Millie before planting a big kiss on her plump lips. Very quickly, the kids grew passionate and next thing the couple knew, Bucky's hands were pushing them apart.

"You guys are sick," he joked. "Did you guys not even hear the knock on the door? Guests are starting to arrive, we don't want them thinking they've come to some sort of peep show."

Steve and Millie both blushed but giggled nonetheless. "Sorry, Bucky." Steve said sheepishly.

"Yeah, yeah. You guys are just like teenagers, I mean honestly." Bucky dragged his feet to the front door, letting in the first of the guests.

"Come on," Millie got up from Steve's lap." Let's go greet the guests and put your camera somewhere safe."

Steve followed Millie through Bucky's apartment, holding her hand with his left, and gripping the camera in his right.

As they passed the front door, they were met with none other than Dot, who had arrived with some girls and guys that Millie was completely unfamiliar with, and apparently Steve as well.

"Hi," Millie said awkwardly. "Nice to see you again, Dot."

Dot, who was chewing gum, looked Millie up and down before smiling fakely. "Hello, Mildred...Steve."

Steve gave an awkward wave, but was shying away from the rather tall men who stood behind dot and looked at him with smirks– just not the nice kind. They looked like bullies, planning their next attack.

"I didn't expect to see you two here." Dot checked her nails as if to show Millie and Steve she didn't care for the conversation at all.

Bucky coughed. "Well, it is Steve's birthday. So we went for a two birds, one stone kind of thing."

"How old are ya, kid?" One of the men asked and Steve frowned.

"He's twenty-four." Millie snapped and the men looked at each other with wide eyes, muttering to themselves things that Millie nor Steve could hear. "Come on, Steve."

Millie took his hand and continued to drag him through Bucky's apartment, to Bucky's room, where they were allowed to keep their personal belongings and such.

Steve sat the camera down on Bucky's dresser and let out a deep sigh. Millie knew what the men said got to him. Over the years, Steve's self confidence had seriously grown, but only when he was with Millie and Bucky. When it came to other people, he shrunk right back to who he used to be.

As Steve ran a hand through his hair, Millie came up behind him and wrapped her arm around him, kissing the back of his neck over and over again.

"Don't listen to them, Stevie."

"How can I not?"

"Because I'm telling you not to, and you listen to me." Millie giggled.

Steve turned around in her arms and draped his over her shoulders, examining her features.  She was as beautiful as the day he met her, perhaps more so, if that were even possible.

She had changed, of course, but who hasn't? As far as Steve was concerned, she would change a million more times before she died, and Steve was certain he'd love every single one of her versions.

She'd taken to wearing trousers more often than dresses, though still did on special occasions. She'd tried several new hobbies, though none of them stuck. Occasionally she'd have bad days too, just like everyone, where she truly felt like the only thing she was good at was loving Steve. Of course, things could be worse. Millie would then think to herself that being good at loving Steve was a pretty good thing indeed.

Millie moved one of her hands to cup Steve's jaw, running her thumb over his light scruff. He had been attempting to grow a beard for years, but it never worked for him, so Steve never let it grow longer than a stubble that sat in patches across his face.

"I love you," Millie whispered. "You're my big, strong man."

"You're the only one that thinks I'm big and strong."

"Well then I'm the only one who matters." She smiled softly and Steve felt himself melt.

"I love you." He muttered and pressed a kiss to Millie's lips, which she gladly returned.

The kiss, like all of their kisses, was filled with love. Millie remembered when they'd first kissed, when they'd first gave themselves to each other, when they'd first said they loved each other. They experienced almost all of their firsts together, and Millie hoped it would continue. Five years down the track and the sight of Steve still gave her butterflies, and his hands still touched her the right way.

As Steve pressed into the kiss slightly more, Millie pulled away just as he was starting to slip his tongue in, making him whine.

"It was just starting to get good..." Steve tried to grab at her curvy body to pull her back in, but she escaped him.

"Oh hush," she chuckled. "I have an idea."

Millie went to the dresser, taking the gift she bought for Steve and opening it. She slipped the film into the camera and started working it.

"Well, are you going to come over here or not?" Millie smirked at Steve who rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless, coming up behind Millie and wrapping his arms around her. They stood in front of Bucky's dresser mirror and smiled.

Millie pressed the button and a little clicking button sounded. "There," she said. "Our second ever photo together. I figured it's time for a new one, the one from the fair is from when we were practically kids."

Steve leant down and kissed Millie's neck. "It's still my favourite photo of us though."

"Mmm, mine too."

The pair were about to devour each other once more when Bucky's bedroom door swung open by the man himself. "Oh my god, there you guys are." He dabbed his sweating forehead. "Sylvia is here and she's talking my ear off, you gotta come distract her."

Millie and Steve laughed and walked hand in hand with one another to the rest of the apartment. It wasn't hard to find Sylvia through the growing amount of guests, just follow the lilted voice, squawking through the halls.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STEVE!" She screamed the second Steve and Millie locked eyes with her.

Steve winced at the sudden attention that's was brought onto him, but thanked Sylvia nonetheless.

"How's your birthday been?" She said more quietly, noticing that Steve hated the attention.

Steve snuggled into Millie side closer. "Really good, nothing better than spending it with the people I love."

"Well, I hope I'm included in that group." Sylvia joked and Steve laughed.

"Of course."

Interrupting the pair was none other than Marco, who walked in with his secret boyfriend. The two looked distraught, with hollowed cheeks and red eyes.

Millie left Steve's side to greet him, much to his dismay, but he let her go. He couldn't help his jealousy, and he had no idea the Marco and William were dating, after all.

"You guys came!" Millie tried to sound cheery. "Welcome."

"Thank you for having us, Mills."

"Of course," Steve came up behind her and wrapped a protective arm around her waist. "We're both happy to have you you." Millie nudged Steve's side slightly.

"Yes," he said from Millie's little incentive. "Very happy."

William stepped forward. "Well, we brought beer. Where can we uh...?"

"In the kitchen!" Bucky startled the two men and walked up behind them, patting their backs. "Great to have you here, guys."

Millie noticed both William and Marco blush at Bucky touching them. Apparently, Bucky had that kind of affect on men too, not just women. He was charming and gentle and it made all the ladies swoon, so of course, the same went for William and Marco.


The party continued on through out the night, with no sign of it slowing down. Millie and Steve tended to keep to their little group consisting of themselves, Sylvia, Marco and William, and occasionally Bucky when he wasn't being a social butterfly. Steve had even started up a few conversations with Marco, which became easier the more to drink everyone had.

Steve wasn't a big drinker, neither was Millie, so they sipped on their bottles slowly, enjoying the slight buzz.

As the night continued on, Steve and Millie would inch themselves towards each other even closer. Steve got a bit a bold at times, slipping his hand under Millie's dress to rest on her knee and thigh. He knew that men were looking at her, looking at him touching her, and getting jealous. Steve thrived from it.

He thought back to New Year's Eve, when Thomas used Millie as his entry to the dogfight. How on earth he ever thought Millie was ugly was beyond Steve, because it's very obvious that nobody else ever thought that way about Millie. She was beautiful, yes, a little curvier than the others perhaps, but Steve loved it. Her body had such elegant curves to it that could make him drool.

Millie's hand found Steve's thigh and started tracing patterns on it while Sylvia was distracted talking to William and Marco. It wasn't long before the tip of her middle finger grazed over his groin and slid up the zipper track, making Steve let out a whimper.

They were being cheeky, far more so than ever before. Steve and Millie were in no way against PDA, but this...this was a lot, even for them.

"Keep doing that and we're going to have to leave early." Steve groaned quietly.

Millie looked around, doing a couple head checks to make sure that no one was watching them before cupping Steve's entire manhood, making him throw his head back quickly before he could stop himself.

She rubbed him slightly and then let go before anyone caught on to what they were doing, but her eyes traveled down to watch's tear instantly grow hard. His grip on her knee tightened and his nails dug into her skin slightly.

"You're evil," he huffed. "Do you know that?"

Millie giggled. "Looks like you're already hard, it's too late to escape now."

Steve squinted at her and pulled his shirt out of his trousers so when she stood, it covered his bulge. He tugged Millie up to her feet and dragged her through Bucky's apartment until they found his bedroom once again, which was thankfully empty.

Steve shut the door and instantly started attacking Millie's lips with his, reaching behind her as he did so to pull down her zipper and letting her sage green dress pool at her feet.

He pulled back to take a good look at Millie and his jaw dropped. There she was, standing head to toe in an ivory white lingerie set, with a lace up brassiere and girdle, topped off with stockings.

He felt his mouth water and silently prayed that Millie would wear this exact set on their wedding day, whenever he got a ring– and the guts to ask her.

"Like what you see?" Millie shifted on her feet and twirled her hair.

Steve gulped. "You've been hiding this under that dress all night?" His hands found her waist and pulled her close against him, his hard bulge pushing into her.

Millie let out a breathy chuckle. "I'll take that as a yes."

"It's a definite yes, though I think I'd like you better out of it." His hands found the tie on Millie's girdle and he loosened it, letting her body slip out of it while he slid it down her legs.

Millie watched Steve on his knees as he helped her step out of the girdle and blushed, his face, his mouth was so close to her dripping Pusey, she wouldn't be surprised if she had a little wet patch that he could see.

She was right.

Steve pressed his lips to her clothed heat, kissing right over her clit. "So wet." He kissed again.

His hands hooked into Millie's panties and pulled them down her ass and legs, throwing them somewhere in the room, not caring enough where. His mouth instantly attached to her core, plunging his tongue into her folds. The tufts of brown hair that she had down there tickled his face, but he didn't mind.

He lapped up her wetness, moaning at the taste of her, something he always loved. Millie's hands went to his hair and knotted them in his locks, attempting to pull him closer, needing more friction than she was getting.

He sucked on her clit harshly, pulling away to expose her swollen nub, red hot, waiting for him to continue. But Steve had other plans.
He rose up again, only to find that Millie had unlatched her brassiere and was now standing in front of him, fully nude, beautiful as ever.

Her hands quickly started to unbutton Steve's white shirt, loosening the tie and sliding down the suspenders, not in the correct order. She tended to fumble when she was desperate, and lord knows she was desperate for Steve's cock.

By the time she finally ripped everything from on top off of him, she dropped to her knees, tugging Steve's trousers and boxers down with her, exposing his rock hard cock.

Millie wasted no time in wrapping her pink, plump lips around his pink, plump head. Her tongue tickled his slit and she looked up to watch him scrunching his face in pleasure. Just as he started to calm down, Millie opened wide and took his whole length in her mouth, letting it push up against the back of her throat. He wasn't big enough to completely deep throat, but Millie didn't care, he was still perfect for her.

She bobbed her head backwards and forwards quickly, sucking in her cheeks for added friction. Steve had come to understand that Millie could handle a little bit of force, so he gripped her hair and start pulling her against him until her nose was pushing up again his pelvis, completely suffocating her for a few seconds before pulling her off of him and near dragging her to Bucky's bed.

She lay flat on his mattress, with her hair sprawled everywhere. She giggled slightly at her red lipstick which was now painted all around his groin.

Steve started frantically opening drawers, looking for a condom. He should've brought one, but he didn't exactly expect to be fucking Millie in his best friends bed.

Finally, Steve found a tin stuffed into the bedside table, which really should've been the first place he looked. He unrolled a rubber sheath and slides it down his cock, which dangled close to Millie's face as she watched from the bed.

Steve climbed on top of her and positioned himself between Millie's legs before frowning and changing his mind he pulled Millie up and helped her turn over so that she was on her hands and knees.

Steve delved his face into her one more time from behind, starting his tongue at her clit and licking all the way to her lower back, even going over her ass which made Millie jolt with both surprise and pleasure. The extra moisture was to act as lube, and next thing Millie knew, Steve was lining his cock up with Millie's entrance.

He pushed his head through her slit, slipping himself into her warm pussy in one, smooth thrust. He moved his hands to Millie's hips, which he knew she loved, and started to pull her back against him while he thrusted into her, enabling him to reach even deeper than usual.

Millie kept her ass stuck out in the air so Steve could keep fucking her swollen pussy, and moved her head down to rest on Bucky's pillow. She closed her eyes and bit on his bedding to stop the moans coming from her mouth.

One of Steve's hands came to meet Millie's clot, and started to rub tight circles on the bundle of nerves. Her pussy fluttered around him, pulling a moan from his parted lips.

She felt the knot build up inside of her from the added attention and slowly little whimpers left her lips. "Steve...Stevie... I'm gonna-I-I-..."

"Come on, Millie Mae. Cum. Cum. Cum!" He grunted, pressing his fingers against her more forcefully.

With one final deep thrust, helped by Steve pulling Millie's whole body back into him, the tether in Millie's core snapped. She rolled her eyes back as her pussy throbbed around his now twitching cock.

Steve's thrusts we're growing sloppy, but he didn't dare stop while euphoria overcame Millie. The feeling of her clenching around him was practically sucking him and Steve couldn't take it anymore.

"Millie Mae," he grunted. "I'm gonna, I'm gonna-"

Steve's own tether snapped, and he was instantly overcome with pleasure, but the very second he was thrown into his orgasm, Bucky's bedroom door swung open.

"Are you guys in he-ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" Bucky cried, covering his eyes with his hands. "SERIOUSLY?"

Steve scrambled to pull out of Millie, despite his cock not being done with his orgasm. His hands found his sheathed head and covered it, so Bucky wouldn't see the rest of his pleasure spilling out.

"Bucky!" Steve and Millie yelped in unison, flailing around to cover themselves.

"You're nasty. You're really nasty. Fuck both of you." Bucky separated his fingers covering his eyes, peeking at Millie who was now covered by his sheet. "Except you Millie, you're pretty hot."

"BUCK!" Steve screamed and threw the tin of condoms at him, which he caught, laughing before realising.


"GET OUT!" Millie cried.


"We're naked!" Steve yelled in hushed tones.

"Yes, I can unfortunately see that, Steven." Bucky made a gaging noise. "You know, if it wasn't your birthday, I'd beat you to a pulp. You better wash my fucking sheets after this party."

"Oh shut up, Buck." Steve laughed. "You probably enjoyed it."

Bucky picked up Millie's dress and Steve's pants, throwing them at the naked couple on his bed. "Get dressed and hurry up, before I tell everyone what you've been doing."

He shut the door and Steve burst out laughing, but Millie just looked mortified. "I can't believe Bucky just saw me naked. All of me." She said with wide eyes. "Steve, my ass was facing the door! He would've seen my-my..."

Steve laughed and kissed Millie. "I mean, we are in his room. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later."

Millie blushed crimson and hid in Steve's chest, who held her. "I guess you're right. Maybe in 70 years we will look back on this and laugh."

Steve smiled at the thought, and it wasn't sad, because for the first time ever, he completely forgot that he wouldn't live past his forties.

Instead, he thought about growing old with Millie Mae, as if it could actually happen.

Thank you all for your patience. Y'all would understand why updates are slow if you saw my post on my profile. It's been difficult, but it's life I suppose. I'm grateful all my followers are so kind and caring.

Hope you liked this happy go lucky, fun kind of chapter, and I hope your needs are satisfied! 👀

Peace and love,
-Lonah Lennox ♡︎♡︎♡︎

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