We Made You || An Eminem FanF...

By SlimShadysFeverDream

70.3K 3.1K 1.8K

What happens when country music's sweetheart and a notoriously feared rapper walk into a bar.. Nothing, becau... More

Negotiations & Sarcasim
Welcome To Detroit
Lights, Camera, Action!
Studio Time
Listen & Observe
Welcome To Nashville
Better The Devil You Know
Tears Of A Clown
The Last Supper
Darlin', You're Different
Always Be Prepared
Beast Mode
It's All Wrong, But It's All Right
I Feel A Sin Comin' On
Breaking Bad
The Devil's Dance
A gift Horse
How To Ride A Horse
Sad Birds Still Sing
One Vice for Another
Let The Sin Begin
Assault with a friendly weapon
Little White Lies
Grinnin' Like A Possum Eatin' A Sweet Tater
What In Tarnation?!
Walking In Memphis
Say What Now?
Let's Go Burn Ole Nashville Down
No Trash In My trailer
Well, I Declare!
It's A Date?
Fool's Gold
Heavy Is The Head That Wears The Crown.
Ridden Hard & Put Away Wet
Don't Let Your Sins Turn Into Bad Habits

He's The Giggle At A Funeral

1.3K 50 20
By SlimShadysFeverDream

"I could have sworn you haven't been to a church in some time"

I frown turning around to see Audry standing at my bedroom door.

"I haven't, you know that, what makes you say that?"

"Well" She said as a small playful smile sat on her lips "Either Marshall has truly turned his bedroom into a house of worship or..." She looks behind her checking the Hallway was empty before turning back "He's doing something that's got you screaming for god"

"What?" I said as I felt the warmth of blush cover every part of my body.

"I came back the other day to drop some paperwork and nobody answered, so I kinda just popped in through the back and dropped stuff on the kitchen bench and I heard... Praises to the lord?"

"Oh my god" I groaned shamefully sitting on the edge of the bed, scrunching my eyes shut.

"Funny because that's exactly the words I was hearing... Look, I'm gonna just come out and say it, while as your friend, I'm so glad you guys seem to be getting along... But as your manager, your emotional state and mental well-being are my concern, please be careful, please remember it isn't real and it will be forced to end once the power that be decided they've had enough of playing with people's lives and emotions, I would hate to see you with a broken heart Harley"

"Trust me, it's strictly just an agreement... we're friends in a fake relationship with certain benefits, you know, to pass the time, since we're obviously not allowed to get an out elsewhere"

Andrey eyed me, not looking convinced.

"I'm a big girl, you know that, besides at least I'm sober and knockin' boots with someone I know, lord knows that's a lot better than some predicaments I've been in, in the past"

Audrey grimaced at my words "Please Just... The both of you need to be careful, you're both recovering still, I'm not sure how good of an idea this is"

I nodded and waved her off turning back to the full-length mirror over analyzing my outfit for the 10th time "We are just fine"

"Going out?" Audrey said with a defeated sigh.

I nodded smoothing an invisible lump under the silk top "Robert's birthday, he's having an intimate closed birthday celebration here in Detroit"

"I must say I'm not disappointed that you're being social again, it was unhealthy hiding in the shadows all the time, I understand you're recovering but that's not to mean you can't go out and see friends, especially now that you have over a years sobriety under your belt"

"Well, I guess it helps to have support"

"Well we can safely say that Marshall has become your somewhat unofficial sponsor, am I right?" Audrey smiles kindly "and he's definitely bought you out of that shell you've enclosed yourself in"

I turn to her slowly.

I had never thought of it that way.

I had never gotten along with my other sponsors, after my years of struggling with identity and alcohol abuse, I just couldn't seem to click and trust the people that offered up to be a sponsor.

But Marshall stepped in and unofficially took the title if I'm being honest.

He was so easy to trust, and he never came with judgment, even if it does seem a little on the nose considering his art form and lyrics.

The ruse of us having met in AA was well and past, and he easily became my confidant in such a short period.

However usually you're not meant to be sexually attracted to them, a sponsor of the opposite sex isn't usually recommended.

Two lonely ex-addicts following each other, what a mess we are.

"He's a confidante that's for sure though considering... Our sexual relationship... I would say they would frown upon him being a sponsor"

We were interrupted by the sound of someone jogging up the stairs.

Speak of the devil, and he shall show his beautiful face.

"Yo, sorry I'm late, I got held up at the..." Marshall stops in my doorway next to Audry, and leans lazily on the doorframe, crossing his arms across his chest and letting out a low whistle "Damn Harley, you trying to keep me on my toes tonight or what?"

I gave him a coy smile "it's fine, when are we leavin?"

"Give me 10 and we'll be outta here" He grinned at me before disappearing into his bedroom, the door softly closing behind him.

Audrey looked back at me raising her brows "Now, y'all have fun now, you here?"

I roll my eyes before turning back to the mirror for one more check over "We will"

"Call me if you need anything" She said with one more knowing smile before leaving the room.


"Harleen! As I live and breathe!" Robert announced, whiskey in one hand and cigar in another, swinging his arms around me affectionately and kissing me on the cheek "Fancy seeing you, pretty as the first day of spring, with this goon"

"Someone's gotta turn the outlaw into a gentleman"

Marshall snorts next to me, a wide grin sitting on his lips as Robert bumps a fist with him "Ain't no help from anyone to do that, you know I'm damn well I'm all about the ladies"

"Please Slim, you ain't the prettiest pictures up close, she just softens the blow"

"Ouch man, low blow" Marshall chuckled "How you been?"

"Yeah doing ' good, writing and stuff, heard you about to tour is that right? Together with Harleen? Crazy shit, but I'm here for it, country and rap should have their time to shine together, its a marriage made in heaven" He grinned and then Paused "I heard another something else that left me shocked, you know me, I don't like to buy into the tabloids, but I heard some close friends mention it, Said you and Harleen are engaged? is that true?"

"Well man, you know me, I'm not one to let go of a good thing when I see it, or I'm just chasing that feeling down forever"

"Damn well congratulations to you both" Robert smiled, throwing his hands in the air before dropping suddenly them and holding them up in front of himself "Sorry for looking bewildered it's just that, the matching isn't what I would expect, for either of you, not that there is anything wrong with it, it's actually refreshing"

"Don't worry about it, it's the shock value we live for" Marshall grinned while looking at me "I didn't expect it either"

"Naww look at the happy couple, it's almost too sweet to stand, I'm happy for you both, truly, I will be expecting that invitation to that wedding, it's gonna be one hell of a shindig" He grinned one last time before we were interrupted "Well enjoy! I'll see you a little later on, I've got a few people to catch up with, please enjoy, the open bar is filled with everything soda you can dream of, so knock yourselves out and ill talk a little later, Harleen sweetheart, its always a treat seeing you!" he bumped fits with Marshall and took off with the person who interrupted us.

"I love that man" I giggled turning to Marshall.

"I didn't realize you knew each other well"

"Of course we do, we're country! I've sent him a few lyrics, and I actually helped wrote All Summer Long"

"No shit hey?" Marshall smirked "What big-selling artist hasn't sung one of your songs?"

I pretended to think and tapped my chin.

"If I told you then I'd have to kill you" I say before turning away to hide my poor attempt at hiding my laughter.

He snorts and grabs me around the waist hands slipping and resting on my hips as he juts his jaw forward and eyebrow raised in a playful manner "Oh so she's tough now?"

The familiar euphoric feeling radiates through my body until he lets go.

I catch myself getting lost in it as if it was real for a moment, before snapping back to reality, back to the real world covered in a veil of beautiful intricate lies.

If only... You know.

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