The life of the Phoenix Queen...

By mya080406

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At one point or another the people I loved left me when they promised they wouldn't . After the death of my... More

Chapter 2: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 3: The Death of a King
Chapter 4: The Birth of a New Era
Chapter 5: The Kidnapping of the Queen
Chapter 6: The Fight for the Crown
Chapter 7: The Power has Awakened
What the characters look like!!!
Chapter 8: The Shot of Light in the Dark
Chapter 9: The Duchess of Death
Chapter 10: The 15-year-old Billionaire's
Chapter 11: Welcome Home, My Queen
Chapter 12: Armless Brother and Star Crossed Lovers
Chapter 13: The Office of New Beginnings
Chapter 14: Friends, New and Old

Chapter 1: The Beginning of Time

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By mya080406

Hi there, my name is Mya Giselle Bia Pacheco, Phoenix Queen of Ginovia, daughter of Hades and Persephone, Titan killing twin, goddess of power, reincarnation of the mother of all, savior of the world and this is my fucked up by somehow good life. To understand the present, you must understand the past first, let's start at the beginning of time when the creator of human and phoenix life was born. Now you're probably thinking of Adam and Eve or maybe even a God, but no the true creator of humanity was Astella. Astella Pacheco is my like 100 billionth times grandma and was born as a 25-year-old woman if that makes any sense. She was born out of the lava that once consumed the Earth, creating the first Phoenix ever. A perfect human made from pure fire.

Before we continue, let's go through the Phoenix's abilities. To quickly explain everything, 1.We can control fire, lava and heat and we can shoot fire from our hands, its self-explanatory right. 2.We can create invisible shields to protect ourselves in battle (These shields are also used to hide our country from the world. That's why Ginovia is not on the map). 3.We can create portals by cutting through the air while pushing out energy into the tips of our claws.4. With the flick of our wrist, we can summon swords, battle shields, knives, anything really. 5. A Phoenix can heal any illness terminal or temporary. (As long as the illness hasn't affected the Phoenix itself, it can be healed.) 6. Changing clothes is easy, just do a little Cinderella spin and picture what you'd like to change into and your outfit will change (you can only change into things that are in your closet). 7. Forms, we have 2 forms our phoenix forms, where we have fire hair (or scarlet hair when it's turned off) and red eyes. Then there is your human form and that is a mix of your parents DNA. I know you don't have the time to read about genetics go read someone else's book for that 😂. (Note: some Phoenix's who are also Gods have 3 forms, their human form, their Phoenix form and their God form.) 8. Claws are self-explanatory they come out from our nail beds like cat claws. 9. Fire wings come from our backs and are made from a bright fire and when they are turned off, the feathers are the brightest shade of Scarlet.10. While staring into someone's eyes we can read the persons mind and go through all of their memories. Also, we can mind link any person which is like talking to someone in their mind. 11. This only pertains to royal family Ginovia. By biting a part on the body of a mortal, the Phoenix saliva enters the wound and transfers the Phoenix genes into the mortal. While they sleep the genes merge with their DNA making them a Phoenix. It's best to do this process right before the mortal goes to bed or after... you know 😏. 12. Immortally is a bit complex, so stay with me while I attempt to explain. When a Phoenix is fatally wounded, we will not die. Out of the wound, our Phoenix will come out and become a ball of fire that shoots up above the body. When the Phoenix is above the body our physical body no longer exist. Inside that ball our Phoenix is repairing our body to be resurrected. Then once it is finished, your body will manifest down where we died. This also includes the fact that at a certain age we stop aging. I know we're really cool!

     Now that we covered that, we can get back to the story. Now Astella was the only Phoenix/human on Earth, so 5 days after her creation she created her husband Michaelis, he too was a Phoenix. With her healing powers she ripped a rib from her flesh and healed it to create Michaelis, just like Adam and God made Eve. Let's skip ahead 300 thousand years after the Earth's surface had cooled. There is a country that resided about 1 thousand miles West of Puerto Rico, Ginovia. The Royal palace is in the center of Ginovia was built from gold and the finest metals known to man. This metal was called Dragonite, made from the cartilage inside Dragons bones and extracted after they die. The world population was 10.7 million people, which were all Phoenix's. Astella and Michaelis had a single born daughter, Rose. Rose had 2 children and the Royal line went on. Astella and her husband were made the Queen and Prince of Ginovia since they created the first 100 people on Earth by redoing the same process that was done when creating Michaelis. One day after a walk through her beloved kingdom, Astella found Michaelis cheating on her with a maiden from the market square. Astella, in a fit of rage and sadness flew to the mad titan Kronos and begged him to give her a steel that would be able to take away a person's Phoenix and with their phoenix their powers too. Kronos decided to be kind for once and he gave her the orichalcum ore, it was heavy and it looked like a black rock, but nonetheless she thanked the crazy titan and took it anyway. But this seemingly harmless ore was more dangerous than Astella thought. Once she had returned to the kingdom Astella went to the town's blacksmith. The blacksmith told her it would take 1 week to make the sword of her dreams with the orichalcum ore that she had given him. She had also given him a bright scarlet jewel made from her blood to adorn the hilt of the sword.

1 week later:

1 day before the day Astella takes away Michaelis's phoenix;

"MOTHER!!!", Rose yelled for her mother while tears streamed down her face.

"What's wrong my child, why do you cry?", Astella asked her daughter while comforting her.

"There was a man in the market that took Poppy (her daughter)."

"Don't worry my child we will find them and bring her home safely", Astella said calmly.

Rose told her all about what happened in the market and thoroughly described the man that took her daughter.

That night the blacksmith came with her sword.  It was perfect. The hilt was a bright gold decorated with the red jewel on the base of the hilt. The sword itself was made from the orichalcum ore which was a bright scarlet red on the inside of the black stone like exterior. "How do you like it, your highness?", the blacksmith had asked. "This is perfect, thank you", Astella replied. " I will call you the Phoenix sword", Astella thought.

     Astella called her Guards, to go and find her granddaughter. As Astella got dressed in her armor she knew that when she found the man that took her granddaughter, she'd kill him even though she was never violent person and he was immortal, she would make him pay.

10 hours before Astella takes away Michaelis's phoenix:

Astella had arrived at the man's hide out and snuck up behind him while the guards were searching for the man. "I have found you, and now you will pay", Astella said while stabbing the man in the heart. She retracted her sword and once the sword was fully out, the man's phoenix got pulled out of his body along with the sword, forming a ball of fire. Then while looking into the ball of fire and the man struggled to begged from his life, a picture came to Astella's mind. She saw herself cut through the phoenix ball and so she did. She cut through the ball of fire, making it explode and instantly killing the man. Astella was baffled by what she had done, she had never killed a man since everyone on Earth was immortal. She though that the Phoenix sword would have just stripped the man of his Phoenix, but she was wrong. "Was it the placement of the wound that killed him or was it that we cannot live without our Phoenix's? I don't k-"

"HELP ME PLEASE!!!!" ...

Astella looked to her right and saw Poppy sitting in a steel cage with a blind fold on her eyes and her hands and legs bound together. "Thank god she didn't see what I have just done, but this will be perfect to kill Michaelis's with.", Astella thought. "I have found Poppy", she mind linked the guards. After asking her if she was okay and thoroughly making sure, she picked up the small girl and carried her to her horse to bring her home.

8 hours after Astella and Poppy made it home safely;

5 minutes before Astella takes away Michaelis's Phoenix:

     Astella snuck up behind Michaelis in their bed room as he was writing something on a piece of paper and tried to hug him just to see if he still loved her. As she suspected he pushed her off and said "Not now Astella, I'm busy". So, on impulse she asked him "Do still you love me, my love?" "Do want to know the truth?", he asked. "Yes, I would love to know why you have been so unloving and distant lately", she said sadly knowing what he would say. "No Astella, I do not love you as I did the day you gave me life. I have met someone else that has stolen my heart." With a broken heart and tears streaming down her face she summoned the Phoenix sword and stabbed him in the leg. She screamed "IF I HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS PAIN, YOU WILL TOO", Michaelis fell to the floor as blood pooled out of his leg. His Phoenix was extracted from his body the instant he fell. "I am sorry Astella, please have mercy!!", he begged. "You have shattered my heart and now you beg for mercy. Well, my heart no longer has any emotion other than rage and sadness. So, no I will not have mercy on you." She sliced through the ball of fire and watched it shatter, expecting her beloved to die with it... To her surprise, he was still alive but no longer in his Phoenix form. His hair went from a head of bright red flames to an obsidian black head of hair like the stone made from lava. His eyes were no longer scarlet but they were a deep brown as if they were the color of dried blood. His wings disappeared from his back. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME ASTELLA?", Michaelis cried. "This is how you work," Astella thought referring to the sword. "If you deal a fatal wound, you immediately kill your victim after cutting through the Phoenix. But if you deal a non-threatening wound the victim lives even after the Phoenix is killed.", she thought.

"I have stripped you of your Phoenix, Michaelis", she said staring at the man she once loved with cold dead eyes. "You are now mortal", Astella said grabbing his arm and dragging him to where his lover was waiting for him in the garden of Eden under the apple tree Astella created, just as she had the days before. "Michaelis are you alright?", the woman asked staring at the man she once knew. As the woman looked at the changed Michaelis and then Astella realizing that she had dragged him there, she finally spoke, "Your highness, why are you holding him like that? Why is his hair not aflame? Did he finally tell you what has been go-" "ENOUGH!!! Come here girl", Astella screamed while throwing Michaelis aside. As the girl walked toward her Astella asked, "What is your name child?" "My name is Eve," the girl replied. Eve stopped in front of Astella and got down on her knees to bow. As soon as Eve's knee hit the floor, Astella summoned the Phoenix sword and stabbed Eve in the arm. "My Queen, what have I done to deserve this?", Eve asked tears streaming down her rose-colored cheeks. "You stole my beloved, so I have punished you" Astella responded. Michaelis pleaded with Astella, "Leave her alone, she's done nothing wrong." Not listening to a word Michaelis said Astella sliced the girls Phoenix in half, stripping her of her immortality. Eve's hair turned strawberry blond, her eyes a bright blue like the sky and her wings disappeared. "What is happening my Que-""Stop", Astella interrupted Eve. "I am no longer your Queen you both are exiled from Ginovia, now and forever, never to return. Do you understand?", Astella said calmly, and yet somehow angry. As the two mortals looked at each other they happily agreed to Astellas conditions, knowing that they would live happily together for the remainder of their lives. So, they took a boat to modern day Florida. Eve and Michaelis lived happily for 10 more years and they had three children, none of which were Phoenix's. This created the start of the human race.

Once Michaelis and Eve had left, Astella informed the kingdom of the events that had transpired. She was dressed in an all-gold bikini, with a shear white skirt over the back of it. On her ankles and wrists, she wore gold bracelets and her hair was a bright red with perfect curls. To adorn her perfect hair, she had a gold crown with red jewels on every point and around the red jewels were white diamonds. As soon as she was ready, she walked out on the palace steps at 2:00 pm and began her speech. "I have called all of Ginovia here today to hear my words. Michaelis Pacheco is no longer Prince of this land. He has broken my heart by having an affair with another woman. So, I have taken matters into my own hands. I had asked Kronos, the mad Titan, for something to be able to kill a Phoenix. He gave me the orichalcum ore, that is able to kill a Phoenix and or strip them of their Phoenix and their immortality.", Astella said while standing on the palace steps surrounded by her people. She summoned the Phoenix sword and continued.  "By dealing a fatal blow to the victim with this sword and then cutting through the Phoenix that has been extracted from their body, the victim dies. But if the wound is not life threating then when the sword is removed and the Phoenix is extracted and killed, but the victim lives on as a mortal. With this being said I am going to be honest with you all, I have stripped Michalis and his new lover of their Phoenix's and I have exiled them to another part of this world, which that I will now call Florida. In Florida is where the exiled mortals who have done wrong will go. This sword will be entrusted to the monarchs of the royal family. It will be passed down to the monarch only. That way this sword will always be in good hands. Now that I have established these rules and I have explained what has happened, I will be resigning from the thrown because I can no longer rule this country after what I have done. Please forgive me my beloved people...Your new Queen will be my daughter, Rose Isabella Pacheco. Her coronation will be tomorrow at this time, on these steps. That is all does anyone have any questions?"

Everyone in the kingdom was astonished at what their Queen had just said that they were all stunned in silence. But one man was brave enough to speak up, "Why can you not continue to rule the kingdom, Your highness? We all love you and we are by your side no matter what, my Queen."  Everyone in the kingdom agreed, cheering for Astella to stay Queen. Astella feeling touched, crouched down with her knees to her chest and cried, "I stole my husband and his lovers Phoenix, I killed a man to save my granddaughter. My heart hurts so much because the man I loved doesn't love me anymore. I... I just can't do this anymore," Astella said between sobs. Everyone in the kingdom once again went silent. Seeing their Queen, who was now on her knees crying, so vulnerably. One woman who was standing at the bottom of the staircase walked up the stairs, past the guard that tried to stop her, to the Queen and hugged her. Astella hugged back. Seeing this, many more Phoenix's followed. Women, children, men, non-binary people, everyone comforted their Queen. "Thank you all, but my decision is final. Please respect my wishes, I love you all," Astella said.

1 hour later Astella was taking a nice hot shower;

"I feel better, but my eyes are still swollen," she thought. When she was about to get out of the shower, a prophecy came to her, given directly to her but the fates of Olympus (the home of the gods).

While her hair was still wet, she ran through the halls in her silk pajamas, into the writing room, grabbed a quill and a piece of papyrus and started writing.

Written by Queen Astella on September 26 in the year 300,000;

Today is the day I will die by my own hands. I will push the Phoenix sword through my heart and cut through my own Phoenix, for I am no longer fit to rule the Phoenix's of this world. But, fear not, my Starfire Phoenix will rise again. In body of the eldest daughter of a pair of twins. She will become Queen of all this land. Together they will be the most powerful pair on this Earth. I will live on inside of her, she will obtain my power, and use it to save the world. She will be a God. Her life will not be easy, but she will find her happiness. Once a year on my birthday of August 29th, I will rise again in the body of this girl, this day will be called "The day of The Mother of All." I leave this sword to the Kings and Queens that come after me. I wish this world great luck and a prosperous future.

                                   Your Queen Astella Pacheco The Mother of All   

After Astella finished writing this prophecy she wrote 3 more letters one to her daughter Rose telling her how much she loved her and how proud of her she was, one to her demon butler Sebastian giving him his last orders; to become the butler for each and every monarch of Ginovia. (Sebastian was a demon that was not from this world. He had come from a realm that was not seen during the day, but was only seen in your dreams. He had made a contract with Astella to help her build Ginovia and in exchange she would provide him with the souls of the evil, since that was his food source. He would follow every order she gave him no matter what, since he too was immortal.)  The last letter went to her Grandson, Roses eldest son, telling him to be a kind, loving, and welcoming king because this will lead the world into a peaceful and prosperous future. She rolled up the papyrus, walked to the garden of Eden and sat underneath the apple tree. This tree was the first thing she had made after she was born. Astella, without a thought in her mind summoned the Phoenix sword and fulfilled the prophecy she had written.

An hour later her Demon butler Sebastian had found her and rushed her inside, but it was too late she was already gone. Everyone, including her daughter, son-in-law and her grandkids said their last goodbyes and at 9:00 at night the same day Astella was buried under her apple tree, which Queen Rose had deemed untouchable as her first act of duty right after her coronation.

After the events in the year 300,000, every ruler of Ginovia stepped down after 100 years of reign. The mortal population had grown every year since Eve and Michaelis. Roses eldest son, who took the throne after her, had called the mortals, humans and the name just stuck.  The Phoenix sword was passed down through the royal family to each and every ruler of every generation, just as Astella had wrote. Astella's belongings were all preserved and the gold bikini outfit and the crown she wore to address her kingdom for the last time, was passed down to the Kings and Queens that had come after her. They were worn by the Queens on August 29th as a ceremonial garb.

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