I Don't Love You

By samaira821

44.2K 2.9K 158

book 2 of please hate me I don't like sad ending so I thought of making book 2 I hope you like it. What happ... More

character update
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
35 (END)

chapter 14

956 77 1
By samaira821

"did you find him" Mr jang asked. They have been searching for Zhan for almost 12 hours but could not find him. They got to know about what happened right after Jiyang came back asking if Zhan was home.
They have searched everywhere but he is no where to be found. They are now starting to get scared.

Yibo and xu Yang had come there looking for Zhan but jang Cheng punched yibo and the warned him to never show his face in front of Zhan and his family again. And kicked him out of the house.

While xu Yang was pulled by Jiyang in a corner.
"Did you know he was Wang yibo" Jiyang asked
"What Wang yibo" xu Yang asked
"Did you know Lan yibo was not Lan yibo but Wang yibo" Jiyang asked
"I..I..I did not know" xu Yang sluttered
"You are not lying are you" Jiyang said narrowing his eye
"Of..of course not" xu Yang replied
"Ok then I trust you" Jiyang replied
"Then.." Xu Yang said but was cut
"What then let's go we still have to find him" Jiyang said and xu Yang just nodded.

'god please forgive me for lying but this is the only way I can save my relationship as well as yibo's. If I am close to them now then I can give information about Zhan to yibo. Please forgive this cute little helper' xu Yang prayed to God in his heart.

"I think it is time to inform her" Mr jang said.
"Umm" Mrs jang agreed.
"But if she finds out about it then we are .." Cheng was about to complete when Mrs jang cut him
"Let's not care about it first. His safety us more important" she said
"Yes, so who will call her" Cheng asked
"I thing I should" Mr jang said and they just nodded. And Mr jang called.
"Who are they talking about" xu Yang whispered to Jiyang
"Her" Jiyang replied
"Her????" He asked confused.
"Forget it you don't know her any way" Jiyang replied.
"Just stay quiet now" Jiyang added
"Her number cannot be reached" Mr jang said
"Then call him" Mrs jang said and Mr jang just nodded.

"Hello" the person
"Hello, it is me" Mr jang said
"Uncle, hello hello. How are you and how is everyone" the person asked
"Well..." Mr jang hesitated
"Is something wrong, where is Zhan is he ok" the person asked
"Umm, the thing is he is lost. We cannot find him" Mr jang said
"WHAT" the person voice changed into a cold tone
"What happened" he asked and Mr jang explained everything
"Ok, got it. Where did you look for him" the person asked
"Everywhere" Mr jang said
"Did you search there" he asked
"No not yet" Mr jang replied
"Then what are you waiting for go look for him. And after you find him call me again" the person said
"I will" Mr jang replied

On the other hand, when Zhan left the Wang  company building he just walked and walked. He did not know where to go right now. Whom to blame right now except himself. He felt like he was a joke, a toy.
He walked and walked until his leg had found its destination.
He looked in front of him and suddenly kneeled down.
"I am sorry" he said and bowed
"I am sorry" he said again and bowed again. He repeated it many times until he felt dizzy.
He slowly crawled upwards and made himself a ball in between the two cemetery.
"Mom, dad I  am sorry, I fell in love with a wrong person. I fell in love with the murderer. It is my fault. I am sorry. But I listened to my heart like you said but then it betrayed me mom. It betrayed me dad" he said and cried until he fell asleep saying sorry.

In his dream
"Zhan stop running or you will fall down" the man said.
"But it is fun" the little Zhan said
"It won't be fun if you fall down" a woman said
"But mom, dad it was fun" he said crossing his arms around his his chest and pouting cutely.
"But you will fall and it will hurt" zhan's dad said hugging him and kissing him
"Your dad is right. So you should listen ok good boy" zhan's mom asked
"Ok" zhan's said happily.
"Mom what is love" Zhan asked.
"Where did you hear it baby" his mom asked.
"I heard it in the school. The value education teacher was talking about it" he said
"Mom what is love" Zhan asked again.
"Love is the most beautiful thing in the world" zhan's mom answered.
"More beautiful than you" Zhan asked
"Yes more beautiful than me" she replied.
"Dad is it true" Zhan asked with teary eye
"Of course love is a beautiful thing but not as beautiful as your mom" he replied and little Zhan nodded happily
"Then how do you know you are in love" Zhan asked
"This, this heart will tell you" his mom said pointing at his heart.
"Oh" Zhan made an O face.
"Mom do you love dad" Zhan asked
"Of course I do" she replied without hesitation
"Then dad do you love mom" Zhan asked
"Of course I do" his dad replied.

End of the dream

Zhan slowly opened his eye and looks around finding a new surroundings he has not seen.
"You woke up" the person said. Zhan looked at him

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