chapter 13

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"then do you know where he is now" Jiyang asked
"Of course we know. He is going in his office today. I hear that there will is an awkward important meeting going on" one of the girl replied.
"How do you know" Jiyang asked
"Ohh, we know from our fan group." The girl answered.
Jiyang just nodded. "Zhan, let's go I... Zhan" Jiyang said but stopped in the middle as he could not find Zhan in front of him. He looked around but did not find Zhan anywhere. He stood up and ran to the exit. He knows where Zhan will go

On the other hand Zhan felt like his whole world was collapsed. He felt like he had suddenly fell from the sky but still he did not want to believe it. No not yet he does not one to believe someone he does not know. He does not love. He will ask yibo himself and he knows yibo will not lie to him. He trusts him. He knows or does he.
He left as soon as he heard yibo was at his office he had heard that Wang corporation was located.

"Can I ask you where is Mr Wang yibo" Zhan asked.
"Do you have an appointment sir" the person asked
"Umm, I don't. But I have a very important work with him" he said very politely.
"I am sorry sir then I cannot do anything" she said.
"But I really.." before he could complete someone cut him
"Why are you talking to these kind of people, these kind of people come just for two things one is to get job or to seduce rich people. Hey you get lost" said the man.
"But manager..." Before she could complete the manager cut her again.
"Listen carefully I don't want these kind of people here again. Such low key. I have seen a lot of people like you. Piece of dirt. People like you.." before he could complete someone punched him hard on the face to make him fall.
"Sir, I..." The manager was about to say something but the person stopped him.
"You are fired" he said in a cold tone. Then he turned around and looked at the person in front of him. His eyes softened and so did his voice.

Yibo had just finished his meeting and he could not wait for another meeting to start and finish it. then he could go and meet his Zhan.
"Sir we have a meeting in 20 min" his manager told and he just nodded
"Let's have coffee " he said and walked ahead not waiting for the person's reply.
When he reached in the first floor he saw the manager scolding a person and cursing him. He looked closely and it was Zhan. Who had his head low with what the manager was saying.
Yibo blood boiled in anger how dare the manager talk to Zhan like and more over how could he say those things about him. He walked towards them and punched.

"Baby are you ok" he asked. Zhan who was frozen in his place. Everyone was surprised. They had never seen this side of yibo. He was always cold towards them. He did not even care to greet them but today he was talking so softly to the person.
"Mr. Wang please. I beg you. Please don't fire me please sir" the manager begged.
"Security take him away" yibo said.
"Mr. Wang" Zhan said looking straight at yibo's eye. Yibo looked at him. He just realized that his secret was out. His plan was ruined.
"Baby listen" he tried to explain.
"Mr Wang , so you are Mr Wang." Zhan said and laughed. Not a laughter of happiness but laughter of pain, betrayal, sadness.
"You are Wang yibo. You lied to me. And I was a fool to think that you were that someone made for me. But in real life it was just a were a lie everything was a lie" Zhan said tears were  in his eye.
"Baby listen to me please" yibo tried to explain.
"There is no need for explanation we are done. Do not ever come to find me" Zhan said and left. Yibo was about to follow Zhan but his manager stopped him.
"Sir you have a meeting in.." but before she could complete yibo shouted at her
"Do you think a meeting is more important that my boyfriend" he said and followed Zhan but he was no were to be found

I really want to apologize for not updating . Actually I had my exams going on so I coul not updating I am really sorry for making you wait.

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