chapter 10

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My high school was like a normal student.
And about my university I am proud to say I had finished 4 years course in 2 year. My life was good.

At my 21st birthday dad came to my room.
"Yibo can we have a talk" he said
I just nodded.
"You know I am a very straightforward person I say what I want to" dad said. And I nodded again.
"I think you are old enough to know the person who you are gonna marry" dad said.
I just kept quiet. I wanted him to finish speaking.
"This is his photo" he gave me an envelop. "But there is something you should know" he added.
"His name is xiao Zhan, my best friends son. His parents died when he was 11 and from then he was taken care by his adopted parent the jangs." He said.
"What is there to worry then dad" I asked. I could clearly see worry in his face. I could not help but ask.
"He..he.he hates us son" he said. Crying. This was the first time I saw my dad emotional. And also the first time I saw him crying
"He blames us for his family's death" dad said wiping his tears. I frowned.
"The why do I have to marry him dad" I asked.
"It was a promise I made to my best friend. I wanna fulfill it son. Before they died we had made a promise that my son will marry his youngest child and it is not only that. It is easier to  protect him when he is living with us ." Dad said.
"But he won't marry me dad, like you said he hates us, then???" I asked
"I want you to make him fall in love with you son, can you do it for me" dad said. I nodded and hugged him.
This was the first time my dad had asked me to do something, for him. And I will do it. I thought.
"Get ready son the party is about to start, I will attend the guests now. " dad said and left the room.

I looked at the envelope in my hand and slowly opened it. That's when I saw the world's most beautiful person. First time in my life I felt my heart beat fast.
For some reason I could not take my eye off the photo dad gave me. May be this is called love at first sight.
I fell in love.
I decided to chase him, make him fall in love with me. But not because dad asked me to because I wanted to.
I will make him fall in love with me no matter what. And he will be mine and only mine. I smiled at my thoughts.
Just then my best friend/ cousin ( Wang houxuan) entered my room.
"What are you smiling at bro" he asked.
"I fell in love" I said.
"YOU WHAT???" He shouted.
"I said I fell in love" I repeated with straight face.
"Who is the lucky one, wait then what about the person you are arranged with" he asked.
"He is the same person" I said.
"Huh!!??" I know he was confused.
"I fell in love with the person I am arranged with" I said.
"What??? how??? when???" I know he was confused.
"Just now" I said and told him what happened.
"So you gonna help" I asked.
"Of course bro" he said. And that's when our plan started .

In the age of 22  l I took over my dads  company. I asked my secretary to get zhan's information.

For 2 whole year I had been busy with my work in the company as I had just took over. In the mean time Wang houxuan entered the university and it was no big of a problem for him to do it when we own the university. I had bought the university when Zhan entered the university. It is kept a secret so Zhan won't leave the university.

I also got to know how much Zhan hates the Wang's. He does not even enter a store that is under the Wang.
I got to see an angry bunny when he got to hear the name of Wang's. ' what will you do when you become a Wang one day' I thought.
May be he would distroy the whole world.

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