chapter 8

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"zhan lets go on a double date" jiyang suggested. Zhan and Jiyang were in the cafeteria waiting for there boyfriends.
"Huh,if I go on a date with you, yibo will be sad. I won't go " Zhan said.
Jiyang almost facepalm but stopped as  he knows about zhan's innocence.
Zhan has never dated anyone before.
It was zhan's first time.

It was not like no one liked zhan. Zhan   was very famous and also got proposed a lot of times.But When anyone proposed him he would just say "I am not made for you and you are not made for me. I hope you and I meet the person who is made for us soon".
And with his words he always made people confused . And some also said that he has mental problems. Cause whenever that talk about him being in love he says I am yet to meet him.and when they ask whom he said the person of his dream.
"A-zhan, double date means you and yibo, and me and xu Yang together" Jiyang tried to explain.
"Then how is it double date, isn't it quadruple date" Zhan asked innocently.
"We are four so it should be called quadruple date, hehe" Zhan said giggling, he was proud of himself. He was so smart.
This time Jiyang could not hold it anymore he facepalm.
"Bro, your boyfriend is so smart" xu Yang said laughing.they had just entered the cafeteria and heard what Han and said just now
"That's why I love him" yibo said and left the dumfoled xu Yang, he went towards Zhan and sat beside him.
Zhan who saw his boyfriend happily hugged yibo.
He placed his head on yibo's shoulder.
"Yibo Jiyang wants to go on a quadruple date" Zhan said.
"Ohh, so do you wanna go" yibo asked Zhan
"Yes, let's go. We can have fun there" he said.
"So, you guys in" xu Yang asked who was hugging his boyfriend Jiyang.
"Umm, but where are we going" Zhan asked.
"How about amusement park" Jiyang suggested.
"Yeaaaa, let's go I love amusement park" Zhan said happily clapping his hands with joy.
"Let's go there tomorrow" xu Yang said and everyone agreed.

Amusement park
Yibo, xu Yang ,zhan and Jiyang came to the amusement park together. They played a lot of games together. Zhan was the happiest among the four. He was like a child who went to his favourite toy shop and wanted everything.
"Zhan slow down" yibo said. Zhan was running towards the ice-cream parlour.
"Yibo who gets to the parlour first they will get two ice cream, let's compete" Zhan said.
"Ok, then" yibo said and ran after Zhan.

When yibo was about to win Zhan.
Zhan falls down.
"Ahh, hurts" Zhan said.
Yibo returns to Zhan and picks Zhan up. He carried Zhan in bridal style and walks towards the nearby chair.
"I told you not to run, now look what happened" yibo scolded Zhan. Zhan pouted.
Yibo kissed zhan's pouted lips and said "it's ok, I will get the ice cream you stay here ok" yibo said.
Just as yibo left Jiyang came running towards Zhan.
"A-zhan what happened" Jiyang asked worried.
"I sprained my ankle" zhan said
"Ohh, my baby. Does it hurt" Jiyang asked. And Zhan nodded cutely. You can see tears in his eye.
"Ok then let's go home" Jiyang said.
"But where is yibo" xu Yang asked
"He went to buy ice cream for me" Zhan said happily.
'how can this mood chang so suddenly' xu Yang thought.
"How was your ride to the biggest rollercoaster" Zhan asked.
Well it was the only game he did not play cause he was too scared to play so only Jiyang and xu Yang played it together.
"It was amazing, well but not for someone who was crying for his mommy" Jiyang said
"Who cried for his mommy" Zhan asked
"Well, someone did" Jiyang said
"I did not" xu Yang protested
"I did not say you did" Jiyang said
"But why do I feel that I am that someone" xu Yang said
"That called self conscious baby" Jiyang said
"Ok stop you both, let's go Zhan needs rest" yibo Said to the love birds.
"Zhan come let me give you a piggyback" yibo said and Zhan happily hopped to yibo's back.
"Your ice cream sir" yibo da dig giving Zhan ice-cream
Zhan kissed yibo's check and happy said "my boyfriend is the best, I love you"
"I love you too baby" yibo said

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