chapter 12

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"Jiyang can you come to the mall with me" Zhan asked.
"Sure, but why are we gonna go there anyway. And where is yibo" Jiyang asked.
"Yibo said he has some work. But still I cannot take him cause I had left the locket in the shop to clean it" Zhan said.
"Which locket????" Jiyang asked
"That one" Zhan said
"WHAT" Jiyang shouted.
"Stop shouting" Zhan said.
"Don't tell me you are gonna give it to Lan yibo" Jiyang asked.
Zhan just nodded in answer.
"But you treasure it more than your life" Jiyang asked
"I do, and I want to give him my life" Zhan said.
"You know Jiyang when my parents bought that locket they said to me give it to someone who you trust your life with" Zhan said.
" I know but isn't it too early, you guys have been together for only a month" Jiyang said.
"I know we have been together for only a month but there is something about him that tells me that I have loved him for a long time." Zhan said.
"So your gonna give it to him just like that" Jiyang asked. He knows how is important the locket is for Zhan. It was a gift from his(zhan's) parents to him( Zhan).
"Jiyang you know very well I have never been in love to anyone except yibo. I wanna give it all." Zhan said.
"Zhan isn't it too stupid" Jiyang asked.
Zhan gave him a confused look.
"What I mean to say is yibo knows everything about you but you don't know anything" Jiyang said
"I know" Zhan protested.
"Then tell me about his family Zhan" Jiyang asked making Zhan speechless.
"Zhan, yibo has met your family but have you met his family" Jiyang asked.
"I.." Zhan did not know what to say.
"Zhan I know he loves you but sometimes I can't help but be suspicious" Jiyang said.
"Jiyang I know I have not met his family and don't know anything about it but I trust him" Zhan said.
"My parents always told me to trust the people you love. If there is no trust then there is no meaning in staying in that relationship cause eventually it will fall apart. So I wanna trust him. For once I wanna trust someone blindly." Zhan said.
"If that is what you want then you can but remember we are always there for you" Jiyang said.
"I know" Zhan said and smiled.
"Come on, stop wasting time let's go" Zhan said and started dragging Jiyang to the mall.

"Thank you sir" said the counter.
"It is so beautiful, Zhan can I touch it" Jiyang said extending his hand to see the locket just to be slapped away.
"What was that for" Jiyang said irritated .
"It is not for you" Zhan said. Jiyang did not say anything but just pouted.
"Ok, let's go eat something" Zhan said and pointed at the restaurant.
"Let's go" Jiyang said happily.

"Have you seen the new CEO of Wang corporation" one of the girls said.
"Yes, he is so handsome as well as cold" the other girls said
"You know I heard that he never smiles" the other girl said
"That makes him more handsome"
"But I wonder what would he look like if  he smiles"
"I think I would die there"

"Can we go to the next restaurant it so noisy here" Zhan said irritated
"Zhan relax, we already ordered we cannot go from here" Jiyang said.
"I just hate the word Wang, why do they have to be everywhere" Zhan said gritting his teeth in anger.
"Zhan relax, we will go just after we finish ok" Jiyang said trying to relax Zhan. He knows his friend's hate rate towards the Wang's.
Zhan closed his eyes trying to calm his anger.

"What are you talking about and who is the Wang corporation new CEO" one of the girl in the group asked.
"WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW WANG YIBO" the girls shouted together.

'Wang yibo, what did they say Wang yibo' Zhan asked himself.
"Excuse me what did you just say, Wang yibo" Zhan asked.
"Yes, Wang yibo CEO of Wang corporation" one of the girl replied.
'may be the name is only same. How can Lan yibo be Wang yibo. It is impossible' Zhan thought.
"Do you have his picture" Jiyang asked.
"Ohh, I do. wait let me show you" she said and showed her phone to Jiyang and Zhan.


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"Thi...this is wang yibo? " Zhan asked and the girl nodded.

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