The Truth Untold

By Redtailedhero

11.1K 448 43

Ki Yuri and Lee Rang stumble upon a female in danger but she's more than she knows. Parings: Lee Rang x F. OC... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 2

996 42 3
By Redtailedhero

Eun-ji noted several things before opening her eyes. One, there was the scent of sandalwood all around her. Two, there was a shuttering noise that kept going off. Three, there was a heaviness over her waist. And four, there was warmth pressed to her back. She smiled gently as she snuggled into her spot a little more, content to feel so relaxed. It didn't last very long as the shutter noise kept going off. 'What the- oh my gosh.' Thoughts of the previous night flooded suddenly into her brain as her eyes flew open.

"Good morning Mae Eun-ji." Ki Yuri whispered as she held phone in her hand, aiming it at the wolf as if she was taking a picture. "I must say - this is adorable."

Eun-ji furrowed her brows in confusion for a quick second as she registered breaths on the back of her neck. Lee Rang must have fallen asleep on the bed and grabbed onto her in the middle of the night. She attempted to move away from him but his arm tightened on her waist, pulling her tighter against him. Her face heated in embarrassment as he murmured against her shoulder. Eun-ji gave a pleading look at the other female who was silently laughing and taking more pictures. "Help me." The wolf whispered.

Yuri shook her head, enjoying this a little too much. "No way. I can't wait to use this against him." She slipped the phone into her pocket. "I never knew he was a cuddler." The fox started to walk away from them. "See you out there for breakfast." She basically sang-song as she left the room.

Eun-ji frowned. She didn't want to wake the male behind her but she also was now uncomfortably aware of how inappropriate this was. She was sure Lee Rang didn't want to be this close to her, the poor guy was just trying to sleep. Sighing to herself, she knew that she needed to try to wake him or the other option was to wait until he woke up himself. She couldn't wait. She brought one of her hands up and traced her fingers gently over the arm holding onto her waist. "Lee Rang... Lee Rang, it's time to get up." She spoke gently, not wanting to startle him. His grip lessened on her slightly but not enough to get away. She turned her body slightly toward him, she had just enough wiggle room to look back at his face.

"Lee Rang, could you please wake up?" She spoke a little louder.

He grumbled in response and pressed his forehead into her shoulder.

"Lee Rang, please... It's time to wake up. Ki Yuri has already been in the room." She rubbed his arm a little more, using her entire hand now.

The male breathed deeply as he woke up. Momentarily, he tightened his grip on his pillow as he opened his eyes and blinked twice. His eyes widened as he noticed that his pillow was in fact not a pillow at all. He let go of the girl slowly and pushed himself up slightly to look over her. She stared right back at him as she bit her lower lip. His eyes caught the movement immediately, glancing down for a split second. "Sleep well?" He questioned.

She stared back at him, his intense eyes made her want to hide but at the same time she resisted the urge to push his hair out of his face. "Yes, how about you?"

He pushed himself off from hovering her and quickly got out of the bed. He was thankful to have slept on top of the covers to make things a little less awkward. "I slept fine. Let's eat and you can borrow more clothes before we head out."

Eun-ji sat up and looked down at her lap. "Right..." He didn't seem to be bothered by how they woke up this morning.

"We're going to your old place. I will be there with you. You will grab your things and leave, let me handle the rest."

"Okay." She whispered.

"You'll be okay. I won't let anything happen to you. Don't even look at him." He left the room after that.

She took a few more moments to collect her thoughts and relax herself enough to go out there and face her two saviors again. Slowly, she walked down the hallway and into the living area. She noticed the two sitting on the couch talking quietly with each other. She could only assume that they spoke of what the plans for the day were.

Yuri noticed the wolf first standing in the opening of the hallway. "Oh, Mae Eun-ji - please join us. I made some tea to start your morning."

Eun-ji shuffled into the room and took a seat on the second couch. "Thank you Ki Yuri." She grabbed the mug and brought it to her lips while thinking about how her day was going to go. Kyong wasn't going to be happy to see her there. Maybe she should just ask Lee Rang to not worry about it and just let go of everything she had.

"Did you want something to eat, or do you want to just get this over with?"

She looked at his face. She could tell that he wasn't going to just let this go. With a small sigh, she placed her mug back down on the table. "I guess we should just get it done." She didn't have an appetite anyway.

"Perfect. I'll help you pick something to wear." Yuri smiled as she bounced out of her seat in front of the wolf to grab her arm. Tugging gently, she brought the canine to her feet and proceeded to lead the wolf to her room.

"I'm thinking of just a nice simple dress. I think I have something like that here." Yuri opened her closet and started sifting through the clothes. "Hm... I wonder what he will wear... it will probably match anyway.." She was mumbling to herself while Eun-ji sat quietly on the bed. "Ah-ha!" Yuri smiled as she pulled out a black dress.

The dress was pretty, solid black that went to mid thigh. The sleeves were slightly flared with a lace rose pattern. Eun-ji wasn't sure if she ever wore something so pretty before. "Oh, are you sure it's okay if I wear that?"

"Of course!" Yuri smiled and placed the dress in the wolf's arms. "Get changed, I can't wait to see Lee Rang's reaction." Yuri just smiled more as Eun-ji gave her a confused look. "Do you forget that I saw those snuggles this morning?"

Before Eun-ji could even try to explain anything the fox was out the door. Defeated, she changed from the night clothes and into the dress. It felt nice against her skin, and was long enough that she didn't feel the need to tug on it to make sure everything was covered. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

Lee Rang was sitting on the couch with Ki Yuri when Mae Eun-ji re-entered the room. Rang stopped mid sentence as he did a double take. The black dress looked nice on Eun-ji, nicer than it normally does on Yuri. Her legs looked like they stretched for miles, but felt a flare of anger in him once he noticed more bruises on her thighs, peeking out from under the dress. Glancing back up at her face, he noted that she looked nervous and was twisting her fingers anxiously.

Yuri looked over her shoulder and smiled at the female. She knew that the dress would look great on her and better yet Rang had a reaction to the wolf. Yuri knew the cuddles were most likely an accident but they looked adorable together. She pulled her phone out and looked at the pictures she took that morning quietly.

Rang recovered quickly. "Let's head out. Yuri - we will be back shortly."

Yuri smiled at Rang as he got up from the couch. "Eun-ji," the vixen got up from the couch and gave the wolf a hug. "Just remember that you are safe with Lee Rang." She whispered in her ear.

Eun-ji nodded her head as she returned the hug. After a moment she pulled back and walked over to the male. He was wearing a black suit again with a white dress shirt. She watched him look her up and down before he offered his arm. Not wanting to offend him, she took it gently as he led her out the door.

The pair walked in silence for a majority of the trip, Eun-ji speaking softly only to give directions. She used this time to think about what she was going to do when she was Kyong. She was furious with him, but her sadness overpowered her anger. She decided to think about what she would have to grab; a few pairs of clothes, her phone, and some work supplies. 'Oh no!' She halted in her steps, eyes widening. She was supposed to be at work today, she didn't even have her phone to call out or at least tell her boss she would be late.

"... wolf, what's wrong?" Lee Rang's voice broke through her thoughts as he gave her a concerned look. She had just stopped in her tracks and seemed to be panicking. "Eun-ji." He called out to her again and she finally looked at him. "What's wrong?"

She blinked twice. "I'm so sorry Lee Rang, I was just thinking when I realized I'm supposed to be at work right now. I can't even call out, I don't have my phone. It's a newer job that I can't afford to lose right now. I panicked a little bit. I'll need to speak to my boss as soon as we are done."

The fox let out a sigh, thankful that it wasn't anything too bad. He was sure the girl was on the brink of a breakdown and he wasn't sure he would be able to handle that without Yuri. "Do you know the number? You can borrow my phone and call your boss. Tell them that you had a serious personal issue that you had to take care of and only now had a moment to inform them of your absence." He pulled his cell phone out and passed it to the canine.

"Oh, thank you Lee Rang. This will only take a quick moment." She let go of Rang's arm and took two steps away as she dialed her job's number. "Hello, Goo Shin-Joo, it's Mae Eun-ji. I'm so sorry that I didn't call sooner." There was a pause from her as the male on the other end spoke. "I'm fine. I just had a serious personal issue that came up. I can fill you in more about it at a better time. I'm just trying to get some things settled."

Lee Rang watched her, still annoyed about the bruises on her wrists and cheek. He wondered why she didn't seem to be aware that she was a wolf, it bothered him immensely. 'Besides my name, I have no memories of my life before two years ago. Kyong tried his best to help me find my family or at least where I came from. He never had any luck - I was such a burden on him.'

For a brief moment he wondered about her statement from the previous night. Could this be why she doesn't remember she's a wolf? And how much did Kyong really try to help? From what he heard of the male, Rang couldn't imagine the human male doing much.

"Thank you Lee Rang." Eun-ji held his phone out to him. "My boss is extremely understanding and told me to take the next two days off."

"Very good." He slipped the phone back into his pocket and offered his arm again. He watched her bite her lower lip before placing her arm in his as they continued their journey to her old place.

The apartment complex was decent and quiet. Not exactly where Rang thought Eun-ji was going to lead him. He allowed her a moment to collect herself before leading her toward the building by taking a few small steps forward.

She followed in tow - eyes looking up at the tall building, hands forming into fists as she tried to keep her wits about her. She had stepped through these front doors plenty of time but this time was different. She didn't exactly want to be here anymore. If she was like a wolf that Lee Rang kept referring her to, she imagined that her hackles would be on end.

Rang felt the shift in her aura, she wasn't comfortable anymore, she felt threatened. He looked down at her hand, which had grabbed his sleeve into her fist. He placed his other hand over hers reminding her that he was there with her.

She led him to the elevator and pressed the call button for the doors to open. It took a moment before they eventually did. The two of them stepped on quietly before Eun-ji pressed the button for the seventh floor. Once the doors opened again the wolf didn't move. She just looked down the familiar hallway, all of her energy leaving her at once. Her feet felt heavy as if she was wearing cement shoes.

Rang slipped his arm from hers and pressed the button to keep the doors open before they could close on them. He then placed his hand on the small of her back and leaned toward her ear. "I'm right here with you darling, I won't let him hurt you again." He applied just the smallest amount of pressure to her lower back and urged her forward.

Eun-ji nodded at his words, finding some comfort in them. She moved slowly off the elevator platform and walked down the hall stopping at the second door on the right. She was well aware of Lee Rang standing next to her, the hand on her back bringing a small amount of comfort to her. She looked over to the male, her eyes meeting his, waiting for some signal from him that she could do this.

Rang stared at her, there was a hair out of place and he resisted the urge to push it back from her face. He focused on the bottom lip she was biting on again. A shiver ran down her spine as he felt it on the small of her back where his hand still rested. Finally he reached up and pushed the stand of hair back before resting his hand on her face, his thumb pulling gently to pull her lip from between her teeth. Once freed his thumb brushed the lower lip once soothingly.

She felt hypnotized by his dark eyes, her body relaxed in the sense of a familiar comfort that she didn't understand but also didn't want to question. After a moment she let out a shaky breath and nodded her head as his hand dropped from her cheek. She took a step forward and knocked on the door. She no longer lived there so she didn't feel comfortable just walking in - even if her stuff was in there.

The two could hear some rummaging behind the door before it opened. The door swung in and a man stepped out, raising his brow as he looked at the female outside. "What the hell are you doing here? Didn't I tell you that I was done with you?"

She was about to respond when Lee Rang stepped in front of her. "You don't get to speak to her that way anymore."

"Who the fuck are you?" Kyong looked amused at the male in front of him. "Listen, I don't want her back - you can keep the whore -"

Whatever was to follow those words was cut off as the fox moved quickly, pushing Kyong back into his apartment and slamming him against the wall.

"Watch your mouth." The words were venom as Lee Rang spoke.

Eun-ji felt a shiver go down her spine, watching in awe that Rang overpowered her ex and had him speechless.

"Go grab the things you need sweetheart." His voice turned back to velvet as he addressed her.

Eun-ji moved quickly past the two men and into the bedroom to gather her supplies. She heard the front door slam shut before the sound of a commotion could be heard in the living room. She tried to gather her things quickly for two reasons. One being that she didn't want to be in the apartment longer than she needed to. Second, she wasn't sure exactly how strong Lee Rang was - but she didn't want any chances of him getting hurt over her.

Grabbing a tote bag she packed three outfits, a pair of work clothes, her cellphone with the charger and snuck into the closet to grab her small stash of money she had for emergencies. She entered the hallway to go to the bathroom and caught a glance of Lee Rang punching Kyong in the jaw, sending the larger man to the ground.

She grabbed her costemic's bag, toothbrush and hair brush. That was it. She didn't need anything else here, she could always buy more clothes. Taking a moment she looked at herself in the mirror and frowned at the reflection she saw. The bruise on her cheek was a decent size and wouldn't be the easiest thing to cover but she would have to do her best.

"I don't know what you're talking about man!" She heard Kyong yell, followed by another crash.

She exited the bathroom and walked back into the main room to find Lee Rang kneeling over Kyong, shirt fisted in one hand and he punched him again with the other. She almost felt bad for her ex, but not really.

Kyong's eye was swollen, face bruised and lip was bleeding. It looked like he was jumped by a gang instead of one single man.

Lee Rang pulled his fist back to punch him again, but Eun-ji felt he already wasted enough energy on the male. She touched his shoulder and called his name gently. "He's not worth it anymore. Let's just go, please." The fox nodded his head and dropped Kyong's shirt before standing up and guiding Eun-ji back to the front door.

If Kyong was a smart man, he would have kept his mouth shut. Unfortunately for him, he's not that smart at all. "Not worth it? Bitch, like you have room to talk. You're the most worthless piece of garbage there is. No one is going to want a nobody like you."

A small whine escaped her throat as she froze in the doorway. The comforting hand left her lower back as she heard footsteps walking away from her. For a small second she thought Lee Rang came to his senses and realized that Kyong was right - she was a worthless nobody.

"What the fuck is wrong with your eye?!" She heard Kyong yell from behind her but she couldn't bring herself to look. Something in her head told her NOT to look.

"The thing is Kyong, the real nobody here is you. Don't forget it."

A moment later Rang placed his hand on the small of her back again as he stood behind her. Once more he leaned in close to her. "I apologize, he got to hurt you again even after I told you I wouldn't let him."

Eun-ji turned around to face him, she didn't try to look back at Kyong, she could tell by how Lee Rang stood that he was blocking the male from her sight. "Don't apologize Lee Rang, I'm the one sorry that you had to deal with this." She grabbed his right hand, the one that hit Kyong's face multiple times. The knuckles were slightly red from the constant impact on the other man's flesh. She pulled the hand to her face as she brushed her cheek against the irritated skin. "Thank you Lee Rang."

His eyes crinkled slightly as he gave her a softened smile. "Of course wolf. Now let's get you something to eat. You must be hungry." He spoke as he guided her backwards from the apartment and into the hallway.


Ki Yuri bounced into the main room as the front door opened to reveal the fox and wolf coming into the entrance. She was even more excited to see there were bags of food in their hands. "How did it go?" She asked as she grabbed the bag of food from Mae Eun-ji's hand.

"It went okay." Eun-ji stated, unsure if the fact that there was a beat down counted as an okay trip. "I got a few things that I needed." She shifted her tote bag on her shoulder. "Hey Ki Yuri, do you think we can go shopping in a few days so I can get just a few more clothes?"

"We can go whenever you want." The female replied instantly, her eyes lighting up at the thought of shopping with another female instead of Lee Rang.

Lee Rang brought the food to the table and started putting the meals out in front of the chairs. Eun-ji had been quiet again on the way back to his place, but she seemed better - her aura wasn't as timid. He watched the two females speak for a few moments before the wolf dismissed herself to put her bag in the other room.

Yuri walked over to him. "How did it really go?" She questioned as she looked at his reddened knuckles.

"Fine. He won't be bothering her anymore." He stated. "I tried to question him on why she doesn't remember anything from before two years ago. Asked him if he really tried to help her out. I don't think he did anything for her. I think he was there to stop her from remembering."

Yuri frowned at his words. "Do you think he was hoping those men would have disposed of her after they were done with her?"

"That's exactly what I think he was hoping would happen."

Eun-ji entered the room, staring down at her phone while she cleared the messages and missed phone calls from her boss early this morning before she called him. She looked up at the two foxes once she was done and gave a soft smile. "Shall we eat?"

They took their seats and for the first half of the meal the table was quiet. Eun-ji knew she'd have to bring it up now before she didn't have the nerve to talk about what plans were. "Um," She stared at her plate, utensils hovering over her next piece of food. She could feel both pairs of eyes on her suddenly. "I first want to thank you both for helping me out. You really didn't need to, but you did anyway and again I'm eternally grateful. I don't want to be too much of a hindrance to either one of you. I don't have the right to ask, but I was wondering if I could stay here a few more days, possibly a week or two while I try to figure out living arrangements?"

There was a long pause of silence from them and Eun-ji couldn't stand it anymore, she slid her eyes up to look at both of them, first Yuri and then Rang. Both seemed to wear slightly confused expressions on their faces.

"Eonni, you don't have to worry about any of that." Yuri stated. "You're going to take my room. I'll be heading back home but I'll be around a lot. There is no reason for you to stress yourself out trying to find your own place when there is a perfectly good room here for you."

Eun-ji blinked twice before looking at Lee Rang. "Is that really really okay with you?"

"Yuri is right, there is no reason to worry yourself. Of course, if you want to get your own place I won't tell you that it's not allowed. There is just no rush. Take your time."

Eun-ji could cry. She wasn't sure how she got so lucky to have these two enter her life but she was very happy they found her.

AN: Thank you for being patient for the second chapter. I'm planning for chapter 3 to be longer than this one.

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