Marina oneshots

Por TheFlash7656

12.4K 196 30

Just some Marina oneshots that I have and are fun to write. Mostly with kids. Request are open! Mais

Mazie Isabelle Deluca-Bishop
Sick Mazie
Atlas Deluca-Bishop II
Sawyer Bishop
Wren Deluca-Bishop
Wren Deluca-Bishop II

Atlas Deluca-Bishop

1.5K 25 2
Por TheFlash7656

I will make this into two or three different parts so hang tight. I will say that the next oneshot isn't apart of this oneshot.


POV Atlas:

Mom helped me up the stairs of the house and Mama unlocked the front door. I limbed through the front door, holding my right side of my rib cage. I just wanted to forget the last few days, wanting the pain of all of it to go away. Nothing would be the same without her. Mama set my bags down and said something to me but it didn't come across. She noticed I wasn't paying attention and didn't press further. The outside world was loud but mine was silent and only the muffled sounds from reality seeped in. It has been like that since......

"Atlas? Atlas?" Mom voiced while trying to grab my attention.

"Hmm?" I finally acknowledged her and came back into this reality. "Your mama wants to tell you that you will need to take your pain meds in the next hour. Also you will need to change your bandages as well." She told me. "Got it." I commented and then gave a thumbs up with my good arm. I slowly made my way into the kitchen to get a drink of water, as I reached to grab a glass for my water.

A bolt of pain shot up my right side causing my body to recoil which made me drop the glass cup I had just got. It made me jump which also accelerated my pain more and more. Within seconds, Mom and Mama came into the kitchen, hearing the glass shatter in the kitchen.

"I...was j-ju-just...trying to um...... g-g-grab a um a glass o-of w-water." I stuttered.

At that moment, my heart was racing and my vision was beginning to fade and start to get spotty. I stumble back into the cabinets. Then, shook my head in pain and pinching the arch of my nose also closed my eyes to negate the said pain pounding into my brain. I was trying not to fall over and that is when mom ran over to my side. "Lean on me, ok?" She indicated as she put her one arm around my waist and holding me by my good arm. She helped me to a bar stool and I just broke down.

"I just wanted some water but apparently I'm too broken to do the little thing!" I exclaimed and then started sobbing which only made my headache worse.

"Hey! Look at me ok? You aren't broken, you just need a little time to heal. We are here for you every step of the way. Even if you need help with the little things." Mama promised and mom nodding in agreement. We just sat there with my muffled crying being the only sound in the room. Until my phone rang over by the cabinet where the glass cups were. It scared all of us. Mom went over to my phone and looked at who it was, smiled and handed the phone to me to answer it.

A smile came across my face when I saw who it was and my mood became slightly better when I heard his voice.

"Hello handsome." I shyly said smiling.

"Hi beautiful." He stated, making me blush in embarrassment. "Hi Reid! Ciao Reid!" Mom and Mama chimed in. "Hi Maya and Carina." He greets while waving his hand. I talked to Reid for a while and mom helped me to the couch. There I talked to him for a little while longer. We made plans for him to come over.

It was time to change my bandages,  "Ok love, I have to go. I will see you in thirty minutes. Love you!" I said while mentally preparing myself for the pain that I was about to have upon my all pain ridden body.

"Ok I will see you soon! Love you too!" He giggled and then hung up.

I threw my phone next to me, looking up at the ceiling dreading what was to come. Mama came into the living room with the supplies to change my bandages and mom soon came in as well to help. Mom helped me up and we went into the kitchen and we started the painful process of bandages. Mama and mom put some gloves on, mom took the old dressings off while mama cleaned and placed new ones on.

It was as painful as I thought it would be and more.

Then the thought of the accident came rushing back to me. What I lost that day could never be replaced. What I lost was my best friend Emory, she was the best friend that I could have asked for. She was my sister from another mister. (American saying). Our parents would classify us as two peas in a pod.

UGHHH I miss her so much.

Half way through the process, Mom told me, "Ok At (nickname), time to take the sling off." As she was taking it off, I looked to the ceiling, trying not to let the tears come down my face.

Mom had noticed the tears in my eyes, "hey what is wrong? Are you in pain? Tell me what you need." I shook my head "no", not wanting to say it but it just ended up coming out. "I uh I don't want to uh feel uh *pause* this way anymore. I want to scream but it feels like I'm drowning in this......whatever this is!" I yelled the last part with my tears falling.

"Then scream. Let it out, Bambina. I promise you will feel a lot better. Even if you laugh or cry, you just need to let it out of your body." Mama shared with me.

I was getting too overloaded with the emotions, that is when my defense mechanism kicked in and I just numbed out. All the emotion drained my face. Mom and Mama saw it, exchanged looks and didn't watch to press it any further. A few seconds later, there was a knock at the door and mom opened it and let Reid in. He put his keys on the kitchen counter and makes his way over to me.

"Missed you!" I mumbled while leaning in a little.

"Missed you too! Is there anything I can do, Carina or Maya?" "Umm yes, you could grab Atlas's pain meds and bring them. She needs to take them." Mama says while pointing to the cabinet.

"Yes ma'am he then went over to the cabinet and grabbed them. Mama finished with changing my bandages and I took my meds. Then, Reid helped me over to the couch and we put on Captain America: The First Avenger. About 20 minutes into the movie, a wave of dizziness accompanied by a headache hit my body.

I let out a groan of pain, leaned back into the couch and closed my eyes. Reid must have noticed because the volume of the tv went down drastically and he moved me into his arms. With my back against his chest, I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck and within a few minutes. I fell asleep.

POV Reid:

Atlas was finally asleep which she looks like she hasn't gotten good sleep since the accident. Also Maya and Carina had mentioned she was having a hard time sleeping as well. From what I could tell she was pushing through the grieve of losing Emory.

Emory, Atlas and I would hangout on somewhat of a daily basis, Emery was actually the one who got Atlas and I together. Those two girls would tease me everytime we would hang out that I was in fact the third wheel in their relationship.

"Oh yes! She is finally in a comfortable sleep! You have the magical touch, my friend." Maya gave a sigh of relief.

"Well thank you but I think a headache set in. So that is what prompted her spur of the moment nap." I commented while moving a piece of hair from her face. "How are you doing?" Maya asked me, then sitting in an armchair across from me. "I'm good, just applying to colleges. Hopefully Atlas and I get into the same college." I rambled on but I didn't get what she was actually implying.

"What I meant was with everything that has happened?" She specified.

"Oh well knowing Emory is never going to come back and we are never going to hear her laugh again is hard to comprehend. Although the thought of losing Atlas scared me, she is a huge part of my world and I can't picture it without her." I divulge to Maya.

Maya and I talked for a good hour until Atlas started to stir awake.

"How long was I out?" She asked while I helped her off my chest. "You were asleep for a little over an hour. So not for too long. Do you want to eat or anything." I inquired. "Yeah, I could go for one of mom's smoothies, if that is ok mom?" She supposed, wanting one of Maya's delicious smoothies. "Yeah definitely, I will make it now. Reid, could you help Atlas in the kitchen?" Maya elaborated to me.

I nodded my head to the soon to be Battalion chief and helped Atlas.

"Hey Mom, where is Mama?" Atlas said as we entered the kitchen. "She had an emergency at Grey-Sloan that needed to attend to. She said she would be home as soon as she could." Maya said while putting the ingredients into the blender. Then she turned it on.

POV Atlas:

The pain meds I took earlier were the type that made me very sleepy. I'm not surprised that I fell asleep. Reid is the best cuddle buddy. Also what was surprising was not having a flashback in my sleep during my short nap.


Emory and I were jamming out to our favorite band, Surfaces, when we came up on a light which had turned red. Emory, who was driving, stopped at the light and waited for the light to turn green.

Emory was crazy but when it came to driving, she took it very seriously.

The light turned green and Emory went across the intersection but half way through is when everything went downhill. A driver going the opposite way, ran the red light they had. They hit Emory's side of the car, they were going at least 55 mph in a 45mph speed limit which killed Emory instantly. My right shoulder and ribs hit the car door at the same which broke 3 three ribs and my shoulder. When I came to in the hospital, Mama was holding my left hand, her eyes were bloodshot from crying and Mom had just come back with two coffees in hand.

The first thing I asked after the doctors checked me out was, "how's Emory?" That is when my whole world came crashing down. With me fighting the tears threatening to come down my face, I looked up to the ceiling but all in vain when the tears finally came rolling down.

Mom and Mama tried to comfort me in my start of uncontrollable cry from grief, it helped a little but it was a gaping hole burning within me.

*End flashback*

Mom finished the smoothie and handed Reid and I a cup each of smoothie. Reid was a sucker for Mom's smoothies. As we were drinking our smoothies I asked Reid, "Are you staying over tonight?" "Somehow I knew you would ask me at some point, I brought things just in case you asked and if it is ok with your moms?" He responded back to me. "It is ok with me but check with your Mama first, Atlas." Mom said to me. "Shit! I left my phone on the couch." I commented and proceeded to get up from the bar stool.

"I can grab it." He stated, giving me a kiss on my forehead.

He walked over and grabbed my phone. After he handed it to me, I went and FaceTimed Mama.

"Ciao la mia bambina. How are you feeling?" "I'm ok, there is some mild pain but I'm good until I have to take meds again." I said, then propping my phone up to let my good hand hold my throbbing ribs.

Although that was a bad idea because Mama immediately noticed. "Maya, in the freezer, there is an ice pack. Can you get it for Atlas? And Atlas please use it." She spoke to mom, knowing she was there but off camera. Mom nodded her head and then got the ice pack as instructed.

"Ok thank you Mama but the reason I called was to see if you were ok with Reid staying over tonight? Thank you for recommending the ice pack, I forgot that it helps."

"Sometimes I wonder if your mom is capable of taking care of you when I'm not home." Mama said then Reid and I started laughing but on the other hand mom wasn't.

"Haha very funny y'all three." Mom playfully said, then rolling her eyes.

"So to answer your question, bambina. It is ok with me but you have to keep the door open and no funny business, bene?" She conveyed with serious eyes.

"Ew Mama! *gagging noise*. I'm just going to say that it isn't like I hear you and Mom doing the devil's tango every night." I implied which Mom and Mama both blush in embarrassment. "Oh also I should be coming home in an hour." Mama expressed. "Ok ciao mama!" I stated and then Reid and mom repeated after me. After theta I hung up the phone.

Not even a minute later, another headache came. I closed my eyes, punched the arch of my nose and leaned back against Reid who was still behind me.

"Hey hey hey, what do you need, At?" He calmly said while giving more support to my body that was going limp.

"" I manage to get out through the throbbing pain of the headache.

He nodded his head and then slowly helped me off the bar stool and into my room. That is where he gently placed me on the bed. After helping me adjust myself under the covers, he went over to the curtains, closed them and then crawled in bed next to me.

With the room being dark, it helped this headache which was a lot worse than the last one. It was probably because the meds are slowly starting to wear off. We just laid there until I fell asleep for the second time today.

POV Carina:

I walked through the front door to an empty living room and the kitchen. "Maya? Atlas? Reid? Hello? I'm home?" I announced throughout the home but still no response. So I walked into the kitchen to make an espresso, when I heard a door open and close. Then Reid came out of Atlas's room, "hey Carina!" He said walking over and sitting at the island counter. "Where are Maya and Atlas?" I ask while getting the things out for my espresso.

"Maya texted me that she went out on a run and then I was with Atlas who is currently in bed with another headache." He informed me.

"Ahhh ok. I was wondering why the house was quieter than usual. Do you want some espresso?" I ask, pulling out a mug from the cabinet. "Uh yeah sure. Thanks." He replied back. I was in the middle of making the espresso when I noticed the melted ice pack over by the sink and I went over and put it back. I handed Reid his espresso and we just talked for a while until we heard the front door open and close.

Maya came into the kitchen dripping sweat and out of breath.

"Hello you two." She greeted the both of us. "Ciao bambina, how was your run?" I asked after she came up to me and gave me a kiss. "Um, it was good. It gave me time to clear my head a little bit from the past few days." She was referring to what had happened to Atlas.

The room went silent between the three of us, knowing the accident was still too fresh to talk about.

The silence was cut when Maya said she was going to grab a shower which I teased and told her that she needed it. Reid and I continued talking until Atlas came out at the same time as Maya.

"Hey, could I have those pain meds, my shoulder is killing me. With the combination of the headache and my shoulder. The pain is unbearable." She states while walking over to us.

We all just looked at Atlas trying to not freak out......

"What? What are you looking at?" Atlas stuttered. "Babe, I need you to stay calm and let your Mama help you. I don't want you to bust any more stitches." Reid calmly responded.

POV Atlas:

They all were giving me a weird look and I couldn't figure it out until Reid said to stay calm. I looked at my body to find out what they were internally freaking about......

"Um, w-w-why is there so m-much blood? Mom, Mama," I stuttered for them with tears forming in my eyes. Mama slowly walked over to me as well as Mom and Reid.

"Bambina, I need you to walk with me to the bar stool very slowly. Reid I need you to grab a towel and Maya I need you to see how much is on the sheets which will tell me how long her shoulder was bleeding. Then call the station and see if they could give us a ride to Grey- Sloan." Mama said while setting me down and grabbing scissors to cut through my t-shirt.

I busted a stitch and had no idea how I did it.

My heart began to race and my breathing began to become shallow. "At? Hey babe, what do you need?" Reid noticed the sudden change in my body posture and mood.

"J-just the thought o-of g-going into a c-car again it um... I-I know that um I um did it this m-mor-morning but w-was barely holding it um to uh together..." I barely got out through my hyperventilating.

"Bambina, I promise we will do everything in our power to make sure you will get to the hospital without any other injuries, bene?" Mama said lifting my head so my eyes met hers.

"O-ok." I shakily said while I felt Reid behind me, rubbing my back to help calm me down.

Mom came back telling us that I only bled through my shirt and only a little onto my bed. Also Andy and Ben were on their way now. They came 5 minutes later and loaded me up in the ambo and we were on our way to Grey-Sloan.

POV Maya:

Ben was in the back with Atlas and Carina. Reid drove to Grey-Sloan separately so we would have a way getting back home but most likely we will take ambo home. I was upfront with Andy who was driving. "How are you doing with everything that has happened?" She asked through the blaring of the sirens of the ambo.

"*sigh* I personally trying to hold it together for Atlas but some nights I lay awake wondering what would have happened if she was the one driving that day. Would she be dead and Emory alive or a totally different outcome. I mean I ran like 8 miles to put off some of this feeling but no matter how much I run, this feeling is always going to be there." I hesitantly expressed.

Andy just looked at me with a concerned look and not knowing what to say.

As we were nearing Grey-Sloan's ambo bay, I got out of the front seat and went in the back to see if Ben needed help. That is when I saw Atlas having a panic attack.......

Author's note: The first one of this oneshot is out. This next one I'm writing is going to be light hearted and based off of a memory I have with my family.

I do start school this coming Tuesday.

I hope you enjoyed it and check out my other Marina story "A Beam of Hope"

Request for future oneshots?

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