A time where Hope and Josie h...

By karadanvers8907

6.2K 203 3

This is my first story so I am not going to be good at it so yeah. This is literally fluff and nice time with... More

Hoise fluff
Hosie rain oneshot
Josie has a nightmere
Hope has a nightmere
Josie and Hope go to Target
Cuddle time hope and joise story
Hope sings joise to sleep
Josie get shot trying to protect Hope!
Hope is a tribid thats it
Hope and josie rosd trip
Hope an Josie go on a walk but then bam!!
Hope gets sick an josie is there
Never let go
Josie gets shot, hope turns her emothions on
Josies turns her humanity off ?
Josie and Hope chrismas
Hope and josie sleep then hope had a bad dream
I love you
Come back josie
Hope get drunk. ( its a funny hosie story) lol
Darling i am a nightmare dressed like a daydream
Its okay i would never
Running home to you
Hope i tried
Hope is always going to be your favorite child huh
Josie no!
Hope i am here for you
Need help
Josie n lizzie got stuck
Veronica mikealson and Riley danvers
I am sorry roni
Lets go?
Riley n roni hang out
Veronica n hope talk

I am sorry but i am here now

78 3 0
By karadanvers8907

Josie was depressed before she met Hope but they had a fight about something so Josie left crying  hope and Josie didn't talk to each other but wanted to cuz they loved each other so much.
Josie to hope
Jo: hope why are you fighting me on this you know that would make lizzie mad and you still did it and for what cuz she did something stupid to you. Your supposed to be the bigger person in theses things baby come on.
Hope: I know I shouldn't have I know but please see why I did it see why I made her mad your sister wasn't ever going to be nice to me when we got together so why think she changed jos
Josie was shocked hurt confused and in love with this girl but she was just kinda hurt she didn't mean to take it out on the redhead but she she did. She loved Hope so much she always will she just needed time I think she's needs Hope but she never really new how to open up to people that she loved she didn't mean to say anything she said that was mean to Hope or lizzie or anyone really it was just hard.
Hope: why Josie why think that she's gonna change.
Josie: cuz she's my SISTER! shit I am sorry I just I am I don't know hope
Hope was taken back why she yelled at her and just didn't want her to be hurt she loved the girl with her whole heart she was her world she just was so confused with everything she just didn't know what to do.
Josie: I am sorry I just need to go I- I- am- I- just bye hope
Hope stood there in her sports bra and shorts for what felt like days and years but she was just so shocked she tried texting Josie but she never replied she was so hurt and sad and angry she could kill anyone right now and not care she wanted to but she couldn't move she was paralyzed in her position. She just needed Josie she needed her kisses or her hugs or cuddles or everything thing from Josie but she left she left like everyone I knew one day it was gonna happen but I didn't think.
Josie goes running to her room and starts crying. Lizzie isn't there cuz she moved in with mg so she didn't want to bother her so she didn't she just stayed in her room and cryed she cryed cuz she was mad sad and just needed hope she loved Hope with her entire heart she loved to way she looked when she woke up and had messy hair in the morning she loved how she would call her princess or luv or baby she loved how Hope was so small and how she was so tall she loved how Hope was a soft to her but to anyone else she was mean she loved everything about her but she couldn't deal with it right now. Josie was really good at hiding how she actually felt so when she left she Hoped that she didn't come to look for her but little did she know Hope couldn't move neither could she.
Josie talking to her self
Josie:how could I just leave her she prolly hurting I need to help her but I am hurt where both hurting I wish I could just tell her why couldn't I
Hope: Josie left a day ago and I have been in my room hoping she'll be there but she isn't she isn't there and it hurts a lot.
Hope went to the tub turned it on n decided she wanted to take a bath or just relax. She accidentally fell asleep in the bath but she was fine she thought she closed her eyes n it was relaxing so she stayed like that for a long time she locked her door and had her phone on the bed so no one could bother her cuz she was hurting and needed to do something right?.
Josie decided to run just to leave she ran so fast that When she thought she was getting tired she didn't stop she just kept running she didn't bring anything or her phone so if she died or got hurt she would just be hurt and not saved hopefully right?.
Hope was still asleep when in her dream she was with her girlfriend taking at the pound they have Hope wished it was real but when she woke up to lizzie banging on her door yelling her name Hope decided to ignore it and just put on music until lizzie started talking .
Lizzie: Hope pls answer I am sorry. Ok I am. Just pls help me.
Hope got out dried her self and opened the door to see lizzie hurting. Hope got worried and said.
Hope: what's wrong liz
Lizzie: this is twin pain Hope Josies hurt I think....
Josie was running and running until she felt like her lungs were going to break but she didn't care she just ran and never stoped cuz everything hurt and she just needed Hope so she just ran into the woods until she passed out and feel down a hill and didn't wake up.
Hope: what the fuck do you mean didn't she tell you she left I- I - this is my fault I should of gone after her I didn't Omg what if she's hurt what if she's gone she's gone no stop
Lizzie tried hugging her but she fell to the floor so that when mg saw and ran
Mg: sweetheart what's wrong
Lizzie: this so twin pain mg hoep is freaking out and Josie is gone
Mg: ok everything is ok ok calm down
Hope: mg I can't calm down the girl I love more then anything BFF is gone and prolly hurt what do I do I couldn't save her no I am I can't I didn't go after her so she could be dead no i no I am sorry I am sorry I just what-
Mg: Hope pls calm down Shes fine prolly just prolly sad so she crying alot or just I don't know
Josie: what the hell happened I was just running she said to her self but she couldn't get up...
Hoep: we have to save her what if she hurt her self before she met me she was always hurting we both were
Lizzie: I know hon but I need to find her to it's hurting alot
Hope nodded n said
Hope: well let's go I will go mg you take care of Lizzie
Lizzie said
Lizzie: no I need to find her to make sure she's ok her depression is bad when it gets to it I need to be there for her
Hoep: Liz I now but your hurt n in pain you won't make it until I get her safe ok I am sorry darling but o swear I will make she she's ok now let's stop I need to go
Hope leave and vamp runs out to the woods she know Josie sent so it should be easy right?.
Hope is still running when she hears a heartbeat barley beating and she runs towards it and it Josie.
Josie: hope ( in her dream) I am sorry I didn't mean to leave you I am hurt n depressed and I just need someone I need you
Hope ran down the hill and went on the ground to hold Josie
Hope : Josie wake up pls jos I am sorry baby I am sorry don't leave me I am sorry your depressed I am sorry your hurting but it's ok I swear I will help you everyone will if they don't I kill them just pls I need you come one wake UP!
Josie in her dream
Josie: omg hope is there I need to wake up come on wake up wake up wake UP!
Josie shot up looking around and she saw hoep holding her and she just hugged her really tight and never wanted to let goo ever.
Hope: baby you scared me
Josie: I am sorry hoep I swear I am I am just hurting and depressed and I don't know how to say how I feel in words or anything I just don't know I am sorr-
Hope kissed her and Josie kissed back and they stayed like that until Hope said
Hope: luv I know I know how it feels why didn't you tell me tho I wouldn't have juged u I love you
Josie: I just didn't want to be a burden I knew you were hurting so I didn't tell you I didn't tell anyone really only Lizzie but she moved out and I am proud of of her but I am sad
Hope just hugged and said
Hope: I ma sorry luv let's go home pls if late and you need my blood in your system ok
Josie nodded and ok they go back to there dorm and went to tell lizzie she's ok and they did and then showered and went to sleep.

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