Hope gets sick an josie is there

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It was a Tuesday morning when Hope got up trying not to wake up her girlfriend that was in here arms, she went to the bathroom and started throwing up the food she ate the night before.
Hope started but then stopped. She then heard someone at the door and she said to her self oh shit I woke her up and Josie said babe are you ok in there what's going on let me in, Josie said to her self when trying to open the door why is it locked, Hope finally opened the door with her face pail and said I am fine don't worry, Hope thought that she could cover it up but she didn't and Josie said baby you are sick I can tell I am not dumb silly, and Hope looked down and said in her head damn it and said sorry jo I just don't like being sick or being taken care of but I know what your going to say fine you can but only today.
Josie was so happy an she said ok thank you love either way I was going to take care of you you kidding, I wonder why your sick and remembered that the night before Hope was coughing and had some Chinese food that didn't look to great an now she has like food poisoning or something and said to Hope oh baby you have food poisoning don't you and Hope said yeah I do cuz of the Chinese food damn it I new I shouldn't have ate it and Joise gave her tribrid a hug and said well today we don't have to go to classes ok so we can stay her an I can drive to the store to get you things and you favorite soup form the store ok love and Hope smiled and said thanks
( A few hours later)
Hope was feeling better but it was time to eat dinner and Hope was asleep in Josies arms and Josie wanted her to stay like that but she couldn't she had to go get Hopes soup she loves and even tho her heart said now don't do it Joise woke up and Hope was kinda cranky and said what I am sleeping and Josie said I know baby I know you don't feel good but I have to leave you and Hope got up and said what why what happened why are you leaving me and Josie said love you didn't let me finish I have to leave to get you soup you know and Hope said oh right sorry Josie said it's ok and Hope said but I don't want you to leave I want you to stay and cuddle with me and Josie said well do you want to come with me and Hope thought about it and said yeah can I and Josie said yes come on it cold out there so bring a jacket.
Josie and Hope were driving to go get the soup and got to the store and then got out of the car went yo the soup isle and got it but on the way to the cashier Josie saw a cinnamon roll and got two box's with apple juice and chips and cookies and Hope said ok wow that is alot why she said smiling and jo looked at her and said cuz it's for when I have a period or when you have an we get grumpy and want food so that's why she said happy and Hope just hugged her an went to the cashier they paided and then went Hope ate an went to sleep happy and Hope said to Josie thank you baby for the best sick day ever and Josie was already asleep and mubbled saying something and Hope smiled and went to sleep.

The end

A time where Hope and Josie had a nice little moments Where stories live. Discover now