Hope i am here for you

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Hopes speech at klaus funeral and Josie is there to comfort her with Lizzie.
It was Josie Hope Lizzie and mg and ric and Caroline and others there at the funeral for the great and evil klaus Mikaelson.
Josie was holding hopes when Hope started crying.
Hope: why did this happen to me why couldn't my uncle just take all of it why did my father have to die.
Josie: I am so sorry you lost everyone but you know what you won't lose me or lizzie or my mom hey apart of my family now I will never let you go do you want me to go up with you to say your speech
Hope nodded and said
Hoep: thanks now let's go ( she said with a sad teary smile)
Josie and Hope went up together and lizzie gave Josie and Hope a thumbs up with all the other family members then Hope started to talk.
Hope: my dad was no saint but he always was there for me and my mom. He always made me feel loved and cared for they both did and I will always love them. My mom was my best friend she was the one person that was always going to be there for me. My father was everything to me if someone did something he would make sure I was ok and loved and protected Hope started crying and Josie just held her hand
Josie: it's ok okay
Hope nodded and started again
Hope: my dad was there when I first transformed in to my wolf and was there when I was a little witch he always said I was everyone's biggest fear. I just wish he could be here forever like it was supposed to be I knew he loved me they both did I just wish they were still here and they are just not here you know.
Everyone nodded and was crying Josie was.
Josie told hope
Josie: do you mind if I say some stuff you know I never thought your dad was evil right.
Hope nodded
Hope: go ahead pls
Josie: ok here it goes ok I am sorry just standing up at theses things kinda make me anxious but it's ok. So I didn't really now hope beloved father but what I heard from people at school was that he was mean and he was evil but I didn't see it that way I remember my dad making a book about him and saying this mean stuff and I yelled at him saying no he's not he's a father trying to protect his family sure his ways was a little iffy but he loved the people he cared for and he would literally let the world burn to save Hope the girl I love more than anything and I loved that bout him cuz he would always make sure hope and everyone was safe I wish I could of spent a lot it time with him when me and Hope got to got together we always would get along guess we had stuff in common to protect and love hope more then anything ( she laughed and cryed at the smae time) he was amazing to me and he accepted Hope and me together and I will always make her proud I love her and I would never leave her cuz well why would I do that huh? Sorry rambling but I loved him he was such a wonderful father to Hope and I knew he would always protect her but when I got the news he died it hurt but i comforted hope that whole week I felt so bad for her and I still do but I love her so it's gonna be okay.
Everyone was crying and laughing and clapping quietly. Hope was crying and held Josie hand and never let it go.
Then it was time to say goodbye.
Hope: jo I don't know if I can't do it
Josie: baby I know it's hard ok I know but I will be here for you always ok
Hope: ok ( she cryed) when it was her turn she stood there and stared at the box and was so paralyzed but she knew she was going to be ok cuz she had Josie
Josie put a hand on her shoulder and hugged her and Hope holded her so tight and let go
Hope: I love you dad I will always ok I will always do good by your side I now your with me right now but I can't see you and one day I will get to but I just need you but it's ok cuz I have the girl I love so much you would be proud I love you dad forever ok.
Josie: um I didn't know you well mr.Mikaelson I know you alway said to call you klaus but I just liked it I am hoping you make it to peace I have no doubt you won't make it but I just am praying for you I love you I know kinda werid but I grow to love your whole family I know you wouldn't I don't know say it I guess I just didn't get to do I am saying it know but I love you mr. Mikaelson I will always protect your daughter I will never let her go I promise.
Hope smiles and kissed her n said
Hoep: let's go home and eat I am hungry and sad and I want cuddles but I don't want to leave him but he's with my mom and everyone we lost it's ok
Josie: baby your allowed to hurt and cry and scream just remember I am her for you always ok
Hope: I know I know you are let's go home should we
Josie nodded and they hand and hand left.

Not gonna lie I cryed making this but it's ok

A time where Hope and Josie had a nice little moments Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum