Hope an Josie go on a walk but then bam!!

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It was a Thursday afternoon when Hope and jo thought it would be nice to go out for a little walk through the woods at the school.
They new they would be safe cuz ric but up cameras and staff the watch it 24/7 cuz of all the accidents that happened in the woods.
Josie was holding hopes hand when Hope started to get a really bad headache but Hope didn't tell Josie cuz it would worry her, but jo new something was up so she asked Everything alright love, Hope said yeah jo everything is okay, why wouldn't it be. An Josie just nooded and said ok luv, but you would tell me if someone was wrong right cuz of that one time you fell an I didn't now an then you had a bad headache for a week— Hope new she was rambling and said baby everything is okay and yes I would tell you if something was wrong okay, and jo say ok and they continued to walk but after awhile they were walking a long time Hope kinda got unstable and grabbed onto a tree and Josie with her fast reflexes catched Hope ( cuz of her vampire powers) and say baby you okay what happen jo said worryingly, Hope said it's nothing I am fine ok I am a tribrid I can handle anything ok and Josie said love it's okay to ask for help you now that what is happening please tell me and hope sighed and said fine I have a headache that hurts really bad and I don't know why and I really just want it to go away an at that time she didn't notice that she was crying when Josie wiped a tear away from hopes face and said love you supposed to tell me theses things why didn't you an I now what your going to say either it's going to be I didn't want you to worry or cuz I didn't want to bourden you an I am saying right now hope you could never do that you now why and Hope says why am jo says cuz I love you and for ever will hope baby you my girl forever an nothing ever going to change that ok so if it just a headache and if it hurts really bad then I think we should go lay down ok and hope shaked her hand a said no love we're not I don't want to ok I just want to go on this walk ok an Josie nodded an made a mental note in her head to say if this bitch falls I will have to carry her to the school won't I but it's fine cuz I can I am just going to have to deal with it and Hope looks at Josie one last time before she falls down on the ground hard an jo run over to her and says omg baby are you okay love can you hear me hope HOPE and then jo picks her ups and runs her to the school and too her dads office we're Lizzie and him we're and told her dad everything and said omg is she okay, look everything is going to be fine Carey her to her room and then we can figure it out then.
Josie was about to start crying but didn't she listend to her dad an ran there and ric ran there and lizzie was behind him and he went to her and lizzie went to jo and said look it's going to be ok she hope she gets through anything nothing can bring her down. An jo nods and says thanks liz and ric comes to both of them and says she'll be fine she just needs a blood bag and rest an she'll be fine tomorrow jo, get rest ok an jo nods and lizzie gives her a hug and says do you want me to stay Um with you until you fall asleep and jo nods an says can we watch tv pls and lizzie nods and turns on YouTube and watch's it and says jo want to watch thos try not to laugh things and jo nods and then falls asleep so then lizzie turns off the tv and kisses jo on the head an say good night hun and leaves an then jo could feel Hope staring at her an says to Hope you staring when you should be sleeping why and Hope just says well cuz your really cute an I wanted to say sorry for worrying you I didn't me to I thought it was just a headache and jo says well that's what you said last time an you fell down stairs cuz of it hope you can't keep these things from me I am you girlfriend and Hope says ok I promise not too ok and now can we pls eat something I am starving and jo said I new you would say that so my dad give me this blood bag to give to you and I am going to go down and get a donut ok love I will be right back.
Then after they were done they both cuddled up and went to sleep and that was there day.
The end

A time where Hope and Josie had a nice little moments Where stories live. Discover now