Hope has a nightmere

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This is going to be a short one because I have a headache an I just want to get this out before I have to put another one in so year❤️❤️

It was 11:00 at night when Josie heard a noise, she was holding Hope in her arms while she was sleeping but Josie couldn't sleep so she watched tv. So she thought the noise was coming from the tv so she decided to pause it to see if it was actually the tv or some creater got in to there little shared bedroom her dad let them have cause she isn't in a sheared room with her twin anymore because she moved out an went to mgs room to live there now. So anyway when she pause the tv she still heard the quiet little noise but went she realized what it was she jumped and started shaking Hope awake cause she was crying but Josie forgot that when Hope had nightmeres hope is a little bad with her magic so when Hope woke up she used her magic to throw Josie across the room and Josie hit the wall an fell on the floor. And Hope said shit Josie are you ok did I use my magic to throw you across the room again when I was sleeping love, and Josie said yeah and this time it her a lot more an had a lot more force what is happening in that head of yours come on tell me cause if you don't tell me your gonna an I now you don't wanna but your gonna have to go to Emma's threpy thingy and I know you don't wan that so pls tell me what happened? Hope answered the question and told her that, I had a night meds were you died an I couldn't save you because you got tricked by evil Landon and killed you an I was alone and was sad, Hope was almost crying again when Josie told her this, hey luv I will never die cause you turned me remember and if evil Landon would have gotten me I would of ripped his head off his body and I know that your always going to protect me and I can protect my self cause you taught me how ok luv now we can go back to sleep or watch something for like 30 minutes, Hope picked watching somthing but by the time Josie found something to watch Hope fell asleep in her arms and Josie kissed her on the head and the lips and told her goodnight luv and she said night sleepily and that's how it went for the rest of the night an Hope didn't wake up until morning.

This was fun to write bye love ya guys ❤️❤️❤️

A time where Hope and Josie had a nice little moments Where stories live. Discover now