One Wrong Text and a Rescue

By MischiefManaged-3000

34.7K 1K 128

Sirius Black was livid. He had just been freed from Azkaban after a decade and Albus Dumbledore was refusing... More

The Meeting
The First Text
The Suspicions
"I'm Going to Murder that Bloody Man!"
idk what to title this ..
Just Enough Proof
The Rescue Pt. 1
The Rescue Pt. 2
The Rescue Pt 3
Finally Home
RIP Albus Dumbledore and Adult Dursleys

Merry Christmas

2K 66 34
By MischiefManaged-3000

Within the few days before Christmas, Harry and Sirius bonded immensely. It felt like they had known each other for years.

It started with a question Harry asked.


"Hey, Sirius?"

"Yeah, Harry?"

"Are you gonna decorate for Christmas?"

"With all this legal stuff and the bastards that raised you, I guess I didn't know if you'd wanna help me put some stuff up."

"Well, if it's not too much trouble, could I help, to y'know decorate?"

"Of course, young buck. How about we leave to Hogsmeade in an hour and pick up some decorations and a tree. I have a feeling there might be some presents ready to go under the tree."


"Always. We'll pick up some butter beers while we're their and we could watch a film when we get back."

End of Flashbacks:

That night changed the relationship within the course of hours. Harry and Sirius went from complete strangers to a morphed father son dynamic.

A familiar feeling was engraved through both their minds. A feeling that should've been felt years before but unfortunately couldn't have been.

While the past was not forgiven, it was forgotten and both seemed to genuinely appreciate the present moment.

Sirius and Harry laughed and retold story after story of their best moments.

The decorations were all put up by now and Grimmauld place was covered from ceiling to floor in Christmas Spirit.

The tree was an entirely different story. Presents were stacked against the grand pine and drowned it. Let's just say there was way more than 37 presents. Not that Harry was complaining. Last year, he got a sock.

Most of the poor boy's presents now ranged from clothes to quidditch supplies to newest wizarding technology. All coming from Sirius's almost untouched vault.

However, there was one present. One very present that could change a lot. It wasn't big and wrapped with magic. Nope, Sirius himself wrapped the gift nervously and placed it and the very back not to be opened until the moment was perfect.

Anyways, the infamous day arrived. Harry was awoken early in the morning and dragged out of bed by Sirius, only to be placed in an ugly Christmas sweater and being photographed for an hour.

"Siriuuss.." Harry whined.

"Come on, Hare. This house is really lacking photos of your that don't include a drooling baby on a plastic broomstick."

Harry stopped whining and allowed himself to be fussed over for a while longer.

"Alright, I think I have enough but we'll see. Depending on whether or not you can win famous Padfoot at wizard's chess. "

Harry sighed. He wasn't getting out of this, was he?

"Alright, Alright.." He mumbled.

"Cheer up, I'll make hot chocolate and flapjacks."

Harry grinned and soon wolfed down the food placed in front of him.

"Alright, I was thinking we could go flying right now, thoughts?"

Harry responded flying out of his chair and racing up the stairs to return with his broomstick.

They were outside for hours until Harry got cold and Sirius being the overprotective godfather ™ decided it was time to go inside and get ready for the chaotic day ahead of them.

"Alright, Harry. Tomorrow, you'll be getting a bloody ton of presents so go get some rest. Otherwise, Father Christmas won't come." Sirius said winking.

"Sirius, I'm 11. I don't believe in Father Christmas." Harry said, climbing into his bed.

"Well, I do, so I'm going to bed." Sirius said smiling and kissing Harry's hair before heading to the door.

"Merry Christmas, Sirius." Harry mumbled snuggling into the covers.

"Merry Christmas, Harry." Sirius said back.

Time Skip brought to you by "ROnAld WeAsleY, hOw daRe yoU StEal thaT cAr!?"

It was 6am. Too early, in Sirius's opinion, for presents. Harry had other ideas.

He ran into his godfather's room after awakening and jumped on the bed to wake the poor animagus up before running downstairs and discovering that the treen was even more full than before.

Sirius had headed downstairs just as Harry's shocked face stared at the tree.

"Come on, Harry, you've got lots of presents to open." Sirius said, hoping Harry didn't notice how nervous he sounded.

Harry smiled and ran towards the tree. He began with a present from the Weasleys and gift with no sender.

Upon opening it, a letter signed M.M in neat handwriting was at the top.

"Your father left it in Dumbledore's possession, but I think it's better I give it to you. James used it wisely, and I assume you will too." The letter read.

"No bloody way." Sirius cursed under his breath as Harry pulled the mysterious gift out and became invisible.

"Woah, I'm invisible!" Harry exclaimed, looking down.

"That was James's. We got into so much mischief with that cloak. I suppose you'll use it well." Sirius said, reminiscing.

Harry nodded and grinned. The next few presents consisted of a new wardrobe, a book Harry had seen previously, and items from Sirius that belonged to James and Lily.

There was only one gift now. A small, paper thin gift. While it was for Harry, Sirius figured he should explain before giving it to Harry.

"You said your Christmas wish was to have a family, right?" Sirius asked.

Harry nodded. It was true. Last time he had looked in the Mirror of Erised, he wanted his family. But now, he had Sirius.

"Well, uh," Sirius cleared his throat, " Uh, as you know, I have legal custody of you. However, I'd like for it to be more than that, if you agree."

Harry looked confused.

"You don't have to say yes, just remember, that this is an option. Well, I don't want to replace James. But as the assigned godfather, well he told me, that if anything every happened to him, he wanted me to take on this role in your life."

"What?" Harry asked confused.

"Sorry, I probably should have phrased this a bit better. Er, well, I'd like to adopt you, meaning, I'd become your legal father instead of guardian, and you'd take my name and well, y'know, all the other father/son things." Sirius said rapidly and awkwardly.

"You want me to be your son?" Harry asked.

"Well, I can understand if you'd rather stay like this. It was just a suggesti-" Sirius was interrupted by Harry crashing into his chest and tackling him in a hug.

They both stayed in each other's embrace for the next few minutes. A comfortable silence in between them.

Finally, Harry pulled apart. "Wait does this mean I'm Harry Black, now?" He said not looking to pleased at the idea.

"Merlin, no. If you wanted to take my name I wouldn't give you the one I absolutely loathe. Harry James Sirius Potter sounds nice, don't you think?" Sirius asked.

Again, Harry tackled him in a hug. This one felt even more real, because they both had what they wanted.

For Sirius, it was a proper family. And Harry, his Christmas wish finally came true.

All because of One Wrong Text and A Rescue.


Tysm to those who read this story. Unfortunately, it is over, however if you'd like an epilogue of a couple months later when Harry calls Sirius Dad for the first time, you're welcome to request it in my Harry Potter Oneshot Book. Pls comment, vote, and share tysm again for motivating me to get this done. I love you all 3000 and I hope u enjoyed!!

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