Fluffy Harry One-Shots

By 17blackcherry

53.2K 475 180

Harry Fluff stuff. Hope you enjoy!!! More

Feeling Sad
Sickies (ageplay)
Beach Days (kidfic)
Puzzles and Friendships
A day with Harry
Six Flags
Untitled Part 14
Grumpy and Sick (age regression)
Home Sick

Night Time

2.4K 26 6
By 17blackcherry

This was a request from @sparkler2020 (i really hope that users right lmao) I'm so sorry it took so long for me to get it finished, I've had a lot of shit going on irl lately and I'm doing online school again which is annoying. But anyway, enough rambling, here's the story!!!


Harry- 15
Louis- 20
Liam- 19

Summary: Harry gets scared in the night and Louis finds him and, obviously, gives him comfort and cuddles. 


"Lou Lou!" Harry cried out into the dark room. He was sobbing and terrified, he desperately needed the comfort Louis' presence brought him. 

He had woken up scared, alone and with a wet nappy. That was definitely not a good combination so, of course, he had started crying. 

When Louis hadn't heard his cries over the baby monitor right away, Harry cried harder. He just wanted Louis to hold him and comfort him and change his nappy. 

He had been sobbing for almost ten minutes and there was no sign of any of the boys coming to help him. He automatically assumed they had left him and that thought didn't sit well with him. 

Harry hugged his stuffed dinosaur to his chest and buried his face into it's head. He sniffled some more, tears running down his face. 

"Dino, they don't wan' Hazzy no more," he whispered to the stuffed animal. With that, he cried harder still, trying to accept the fact that he had to face his fear of the dark by himself. 


Louis woke up when he heard a noise. He rolled onto his back and wiped the back of his arm over his eye, then he heard the noise again. This time the sound registered as crying. He got up from his bed quickly, tossing the blankets back and rushing out of his room. 

Louis got to Harry's room and turned the lights on. The action made Harry jump because he hadn't heard Louis coming, but when he realized who was there, he started crying again. 

"Oh, Haz, what's happened?" Louis cooed, taking the shaking boy into his arms and rubbing his back soothingly. 

Harry just kept crying, he looked like he'd been like this for a while and the thought made Louis feel terrible. He hated the though of Harry alone and upset, longing for comfort.

They stayed this way for a while, no one talking, only Harry's cries filled the silent night. 

His crying didn't stop for a long time and Louis was concerned that he was going to cry himself sick. 

"Shh, Harry, can you stop those tears for Lou?" Louis asked softly. 

Harry curled in closer to Louis' chest but his crying did slow a little. Louis was relieved, he really didn't want Harry getting sick right now, the boy was already stressed out enough and he didn't even know why. 

Eventually, Harry stopped crying and was just sniffling. This calmed Louis down a bit, so they sat on the bed, Louis rocking him back and forth gently and rubbing his back in soft circles. 

It was quiet for about five minutes and then, Louis heard it. Harry gagged. Of course, all the crying had made him sick. 

Before Louis could react, Harry had thrown up all down his own shirt and Louis' lap. And just like that, the crying started again. 

"Boo, s-s-sowwy!" He cried. 

"Oh, no, no, no, Love. Boo's not mad, I just need you to calm down and we can go get cleaned up!" Louis tried to speak as softly and calmly as he could so Harry wouldn't think he was upset. 

"Do you think you're going to be sick again, bug?" Louis asked, carefully slipping Harry's shirt over his head and discarding it on the already messy bed. 

"N-nuh-uh, B-B-Boo," Harry sniffled. "Need'a changie though, pwease." 

"Of course, love, let's get us both out of these messy clothes and you can have a little bath." 

Harry nodded gently. Louis walked them to the bathroom and set Harry down on the counter top. He turned filled the bath with warm water and when it was full, helped Harry in. 

Usually, bath time was filled with fun toys and bubbles but for the moment, no one was feeling like playing, just getting cleaned off and back to bed. 

"Bug? Can you tell Lou what you were so upset about?" Louis asked, washing the boy's body with a washcloth. 

"Jus' got scawed of the dawk, Boo," Harry explained. Louis accepted this answer because the boy had had moments like this before, just not this extreme. 

"Aww, Bug, I'm so sorry you got scared," Louis cooed, rinsing the soap off the boy's body. "Maybe we can pick you out some nice new night lights tomorrow." 

"Yeah!" Harry smiled. He had a night light but it was still pretty dark in the room. 

"Well, how about we go get back into some comfy jammies and snuggle up in Boo's bed?" Louis suggested. It was about two o'clock in the morning and both of them were definitely ready for bed. 

Louis helped Harry out of the bath and got him into a new nappy and some pajamas. They went to Louis' room and laid down, Harry in Louis' arms. 

Louis still had to go get himself and Harry's bed both cleaned up so he stayed awake. He hummed to Harry softly and rubbed his back until he was sure he was asleep. 

Louis carefully climbed out of the bed and went and took Harry's sheets as well as his clothes off and threw them all in the laundry to be dealt with in the morning. He quickly sneaked back into his room and showered, wiping himself down before getting changed and back into bed. 

As soon as he got back under the covers, Harry rolled towards him and grabbed his shirt in his fist. Louis smiled and wrapped himself around the boy and drifted off to sleep. 

A/N Heyyyy!!

Happy 2022 or whatever! 

I hoped you liked this! It was a shorter than usual but I didn't feel like it needed to be too long honestly. 

I've been thinking about trying to write a chaptered fic this year, one shots are good but I want a project. I've been writing one shots for a while and I definitely will continue to write them, I just want to challenge myself to write more. 

Anyway, requests are open as usual :) hope you're having a good start to your year so far!!

Love you all so much <3333

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