By Purplelove1998

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"Fading memories and a broken heart is what I'm getting for loving you. For trusting you when I was not even... More

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By Purplelove1998

He stepped on the accelerator aggressively not caring that he was crossing the speed limit again. He couldn't just help the feeling. His mind is already a mess and couldn't get a grip on himself.

Not able to find any other means to calm himself down he gripped on his own hair harshly but instantly regretted it as he winced because of the pain that shoots up from the action. He immediately took his hand away from his hair and clutched it back around the steering wheel.

Tae groaned loudly bewildered by his own actions. What's wrong with him again? Is he finally resorting to physical torture, even it is just in a slight level? He shook his head furiously trying to get the unwanted thoughts out of his head. It's not good for his mind to go to those parts which he used to avoid at all cost.

Because He will surely lose control if he did that. Tae has never been a fan of physical pain. He knows it very well.

He has never ever allowed anyone or anything to hurt him intentionally, at least physically. Then why on earth was he trying to do that to himself?

Tae heaved out a helpless sigh rubbing his temple. He was feeling down again. And the fact that he is driving on a familiar road now was not helping either. It's not that he has never traveled the road just because of a particular reason. He has been taking the same route almost on a daily basis.

But still just a particular day was flashing in his mind continuously at the moment, making him more frustrated. Why is he being like this? Why is his own mind playing tricks with him when he has enough people around him trying to play with his stupid heart?

Why can't he be carefree and emotionless just like he pretends? Why is his mind still soft after all the heartbreak and pain which landed him in Seoul? Why is it becoming so difficult?

It was that same day, when he had ignored every warning that his mind was screaming and all precautions he had been taking all along and went to do something that he thought he would never do again.

And he went ahead and did what his heart told him to do even when he knew how foolish and careless he was being.

It was the same day when Yura was bullied in the cafeteria and the girl ended up in the empty football court all wet and vulnerable. Tae was planning to ignore and not get involved.

But in the end he couldn't keep up with his resolution. But it was never not like he was actually wanting to do that. But what was he supposed to do when all he could see in her glossy eyes was his own vulnerable self which he had been hiding from the world? So he offered her a ride back home not wanting anyone to see her like that.

She complied immediately, not bothering to argue or pull a stunt. And he could still remember how she was trying to control her sobs when she was seated on his passenger seat still in her wet clothes. He has insisted that she change her clothes before going home but she just said it was only a hassle. So they took off like that.

" Will you be alright?", he asked the girl, not being able to contain his worries. " Actually wouldn't your parents get worried when they see you like this?", he pressed further, genuinely concerned about her condition, in a soft tone not wanting to offend her even in a slight manner.

" They never care", she mumbled. It was just a whisper and barely audible and she surely wasn't expecting him to hear it.

But Tae has heard it clearly, much to his own displeasure. The phrase has gotten him confused but he didn't question her. Because he knows that she never wanted him to hear it when the words slipped her mouth. So he decided to let it slide knowing that he shouldn't be invading her space by being curious and that's why he pretended like he has never heard something like that from her at all.

And after a few minutes of sickening silence it was Yura herself who broke it. " It's okay, I could manage", she tried to assure him, this time in loud and clear words.

Tae only nodded in return. He was concerned about the situation. After all, he always considered her as a friend who stayed by his side and made his days less lonely.

But it was not his place to interfere so he kept quiet and focused on the road.

He was still skeptical when he dropped her in front of her home.

It was a quiet neighborhood mostly containing middle class houses, he noticed. He could tell her family is not rich like she flaunts everyday.

But he didn't care. He just wanted her to be alright and focus on herself. He wanted to say more, offer some more words to comfort her. But he didn't want to make things difficult for her. So he offered her a tight smile before driving away..

And as he was driving away, in his rear view mirror he could still see her standing rooted at the same place he had left her. He kept on feeling bad for her after that day. But it was not like he had an option other than to ignore all the concern he was feeling for the girl.

A loud horn pulled him out of his reverie. Someone is honking from behind. He couldn't help but frown at the gesture.

Couldn't they just overtake and go ahead instead of causing noise pollution and irritating him?

He sighed as the memory kept on playing in his head again. Why is he remembering this particular one? Because this same route is not just leading to Yura's home alone but his most beloved friend as well. Still, why is it Yura's face that kept on messing up his mind?

Maybe it's because of what happened today or because of the realization that has hitten him lately. Yura has changed the way she used to see him. It was clearly evident in her demeanor and actions.

She is not the same girl who used to annoy him just when people are around. And she certainly is not the same girl who proposed that he becomes her fake boyfriend. Tae could see it clearly, even though she has been trying hard to conceal the changed sentiments.

Because ever since they started talking again, Yura has been acting differently around him. She is not even trying to flirt with him now. There was only genuine care and affection that he could see in her eyes when she looked at him. And it's scaring him to the core.

Don't take him for someone who hates affection. But he is not really fond of getting affection and care from people who want him in a way he doesn't want anyone anymore. He was not planning to fall for another person after what had happened. He is planning to stay away from all those unwanted thoughts and feelings, for good. It's better. That way he could rule out even the possibility of getting hurt emotionally.

And he was not intending to make anyone fall for him either. When he said falling, he meant not about the fake feelings. He doesn't care anymore if they thirst over him or want him for their own selfish reasons.

He has tried his best to make everyone hate him or at least plainly ignore him. But nothing he did was enough for them to leave him alone. So he gave up the idea of running away and hiding to avoid attention. He would just plainly reject them if they ever dare to make an attempt to woo him again.

But he doesn't want anyone to have any genuine feelings for him. Because that would only make him more guilty and sad. That's the reason he shut his own self from the world. It's the reason why he put on a cold and rude persona in the first place. So that people would take him for a selfish and arrogant person. It was not an easy decision to take, at least for him.

Because the boy used to be such a sweet person who really cared for everyone around him. And he was not really fond of someone else hating him. Yet here he was doing his best to make people form a bad image about him while in his deep core he hoped they wouldn't hate him too much.

" Chim", Tae called as he laid down beside his best friend who seemed to be in a deep slumber.

He actually wasn't sure if he should wake the other up. But still it's already evening and Jimin has probably been sleeping since Tae left him in the morning. So most probably this boy hasn't even had his lunch.

Tae shakes the other a few times but not too vigorously, yet there was no response. So Tae laid back, deciding not to disturb the other anymore. Jimin must be really exhausted.

He sighed heavily as he looked at him again. Shaking his head he averted his gaze and fixed that on the ceiling. The house is awfully silent all the time, and Tae really hates the sickening silence. He still wonders how Jimin is able to cope up with everything on his own all this time? His parents have left him on his own. His friends are not fond of hanging out after school. And his only support since childhood has been avoiding him ever since he has found someone for him.

There are numerous times Tae really wanted to move in with Jimin so that his best friend wouldn't be so lonely. But he cannot do that because that means he would be leaving Hyunjin alone. But still Hyunjin is not the type who always wanted someone around. And moreover he often hangs out with his two best friends even after school hours.

But still it's not an excuse because how would he convince Hyunjin to allow him move in with Jimin. Even though he has been able to get away with lies now to visit Jimin, it doesn't mean Hyunjin would just let him move out without having a detailed analysis of the situation. And that's not a good idea.

Because the two do not have a good relationship even though Jimin has actually stopped irritating the other and everything that was wrong between them was just a misunderstanding.

Even though everything is alright now, still it doesn't mean one can just ignore all that happened in the past just like that. Jimin has in fact intentionally hurting Hyunjin just because of a misunderstanding.

And the gravity of the situation was so big that he forgot to think rationally and did everything he possibly could to hurt the other. Tae must have forgiven him, after knowing everything. But no one knows how much Hyunjin was affected by all that and how he would react to the truth.

Tae sometimes has wondered how good it would have been if Hyunjin and Jimin actually reconciled. That way he could have avoided a lot of energy loss and lying to his cousin.

Tae shrugged off the thought immediately not wanting to linger more on the topic. Whatever that has happened, it is between them. He has no right to interfere.

Of course, both of them are important for him. Them getting well along with each other means a lot to him. But still it's their choice, their decision. He is not supposed to play the mediator between them.

He really couldn't understand how a lot of others too have been involved in the fight between the two without any cause and when they have zero knowledge about the root of the rivalry between the two.

He just wants to laugh sometimes thinking how even Hyunjin has no idea why he was constantly targeted. The poor boy doesn't even know that he was being targeted. And many got involved in something they have nothing to do with. Still it's not their fault that they got caught up in the drama.

In the case of Jungkook, the boy has nothing to do with anything about the flights. Yet he is the one who simply gets drawn into the fight with Hyunjin all the time. And he is still fighting with Hyunjin even when he has no particular need to do it. They simply keep on doing something unknowingly.

Tae sighed as his mind drifted off to all that happened today. His mind was in a daze. He couldn't understand what was happening with him anymore.

He still remembers everything that the ravenette has told him. He still couldn't understand how this all came to this point. How did Jungkook manage to read him so well even when they are not so close and he has been masking his emotions very well around him.

He has been sure that he has been acting very diligently. Especially around Jungkook. Because he has always seen him as a threat. But still everything was in vain. The boy has managed to figure out what's going on with him even when both Jimin and Dale were completely unaware of reasons other than his grief over the break up.

How did it happen? Is it because of his outbursts with Jungkook during the time they have been project partners? Tae furrowed his eyebrows, realisation hitting him. That's the only possible explanation and he himself has given himself away.

But still Jimin and Dale are completely unaware. Is it because they already know the other reasons that they never seek another explanation beyond what has been told to them.

He rubbed his temple frustratedly gritting his teeth, irritated by everything. Tae has no idea what to do now and Jungkook does not know how much distress he has been causing for Tae. He really regrets befriending the raven haired boy now. But still it wasn't like he had a choice. Right?

He should have acted more wisely and kept the distance with the boy so that the other wouldn't have gotten an opportunity to get close to him and read through him. Or at least he should have been more careful around him and kept his mouth shut instead of blowing up his own covers.

But what could he have done when the other was such a great manipulator and always managed to mess up with his head? It was always like he has no control over his own emotions when the other is around.

So now, whoever he wants to blame for his tough situation, he knows very well that he has brought this upon himself. So there is no use trying to find reasons but he needs to decide his next step. He couldn't just act immaturely again.

So what is he supposed to do now? Pretend like nothing has happened or just avoid any kind of interactions with the boy?

Maybe avoiding it seems to be a good idea. It would be even easier to make up excuses once the football practices have begun. Because Jungkook has no good bond with any of the football players and thus it could make a perfect hideout for him even though it would put him in a vulnerable state again because then after people would know where to find him.

Or maybe he could get Jungkook's schedule like last year and thus could save himself from the trouble.

But he is already tired of everything that he has been doing since the break up. He is tired of running away when posed with a difficult situation. What did he even get after pulling up such a great act in Bangtan?

He sighed heavily, pressing himself against the mattress.

And moreover now there is Yura, a threat he has ruled out so conveniently all this time. Although Yura has made no such attempts as to impose her feelings on him, it could happen anytime in the near future. And it would only give him more headache and regrets if that really happens.

" What has gotten you so confused and lost?"

A voice disrupted his thoughts and Tae abruptly turned to his left startled by the sudden question.

Jimin is now laying on his side, facing him, his brows raised in a questioning expression.

Tae sighed softly, now turning to his side facing the blonde. " Why did you ask that?", he asked in a soft voice, while his eyes fixed on the cute bed hair of the blonde which was messed up and directed in all directions.

Jimin snorted loudly, before letting out a sigh. " I have been watching you since I woke up. But you were so lost", he said. " What is it?"

Tae shook his head playfully, even though he was freaking out inside. He is not yet ready to spill everything. He can't.

" How are you feeling now?", he asked, not bothering to answer the previous question.

Jimin chuckled softly, now slowly getting up from the bed. He sat up, still looking at the other.

" Changing the topic. Huh?", he asked, making the other groan internally.

Then much to his relief, Jimin smiled widely. " Well I'm fine now. I can go back to the school tomorrow", he said, dropping the topic just like Tae wanted.

Tae just hummed in response, he was now feeling somewhat better after seeing that Jimin is alright. He closed his eyes slowly, his eyes feeling heavy.

" I'm feeling sleepy. Don't disturb me now", he mumbled.

Jimin heaved a sigh as he leaned back on the headboard and his eyes fixed on his friend. But no sooner he could hear soft snores coming from the boy and he could tell that the other was already fast asleep.

He smiled as he slowly slid down from the bed and went to the other side. He took off Tae's coat without making too much hassle not wanting to wake up the tired boy. After removing the coat, he placed it on the couch. And covered the sleeping boy with a duvet.

After making sure that the other is comfortable, he went out of the room while trying to decide what he should make for the snack.

" You know now I think of it, you should never trust your first impressions", Tae said, grinning widely.

He was sitting on the couch in Jimin's living room watching TV, but kept on changing, wanting to find something more interesting, nearly causing a headache to his companion who was now sitting on the opposite couch trying to concentrate on the assignment work that he was supposed to submit sooner.

Jimin looked up from his laptop, his brow raised not understanding where a discussion on first impressions is coming out of the blue.

" What do you mean?", he asked even though he was not really interested to know what it was about. He still has many portions to be covered and works to be done thanks to the break he has taken from the school.

It has been the third time the same week that Tae has been staying in the blonde's home claiming that he missed him so much when all the tension that was growing between them has kept them apart. And who is Jimin to say no when his sweet best friend is choosing to stay with him instead of staying with the stupid cousin of his?

Anyway the two have been very discrete and meticulous with their moves not wanting to let anyone come between them.

Anyway, Tae looked away from the screen and smiled softly at his best friend ready to spill it. Jimin scowled, not really sure what was going to come.

" When I first saw you, I thought that you were a real arrogant bad boy", Tae smiled, his smile never fading, while going back to changing the channels again.

But the next instant it did when a cushion hit his head unexpectedly. Tae yelped loudly, startled by the sudden attack.

" What?"he yelled, frowning at the other, not really sure why Jimin is now glaring at him after throwing a cushion at him. Shouldn't he be the one who should get mad now?

Jimin put aside his laptop and stood up from the couch, still glaring at the confused red haired boy. " When you first saw me, I was crying my eyes out. And you were thinking that I was a real arrogant bad boy?", he scoffed, mimicking the last part.

Tae looked at him with a puzzled expression, still confused and lost, not sure of what the other was saying. And this made the Jimin even more mad. What's going on with this idiot now?

Tae looked at Jimin again as he tried to think back only to see him standing in front of him with his arms folded across his chest and gaze fixed on him.

But the already irritated boy was bewildered when the next second the other bursted out into a fit of laughter.

Jimin looked at him wide eyed, a feeling of betrayal taking his mind. He huffed seeing the other laughing while clutching his chest and rolling down on the couch without any intention of stopping any time soon.

Jimin pouted unhappy with the situation and waited for the other to stop but Tae kept on laughing historically making the other become sad.

Jimin is now clearly hurt. " Tae..", he called out softly, looking at the other sulking. But the younger paid no attention but his laughter only became louder making the other feel more sad than he already was.

" Tae", Jimin shouted, not being able to stand the betrayal anymore.

Tae looked up at him, wiping his tears and tried to control himself from laughing again once he saw his friend's sulking face.

" You are really cute when you do that", he blurted out when he finally managed to stop his laughter. But in no second, he was met with another cushion.

" Park Jimin!!", he shouted. " Stop hitting me with pillows. What if I got a concussion?", he groaned while patting his head where he was hit with the pillow, trying to soothe the pain.

Jimin huffed, sulking involuntarily. " You are really mean", he said. " You really thought-"

" No, it's not like that, Chim", Tae cut him off, knowing that he should clear the misunderstanding soon, otherwise who knows how many times he is going to get hit again.

" Okay! Listen", he started as he stood up from the couch not really ready to stay at the same spot again and putting himself at the risk of getting hit by another pillow.

" About the first impression, there is something that I haven't mentioned before", he said, while trying to find the right words.

Jimin looked at him with a frown, unimpressed. He slowly went back to the couch and sat down ready to hear what it was about.

" What I told you was really my first impression about you", Tae started again making Jimin frown at him. But nonetheless the boy remained silent, letting the other continue.

" And you think that it's on the rooftop that I first saw you. Right?", Tae looked at the other. " But that's not it".

Jimin looked at him puzzled. " Wait! You know me even before meeting at the rooftop?", he asked, unable to remain silent anymore. Tae nodded slowly but before he could speak further, Jimin beat him into it.

" Wait!", he exclaimed. " Now I remember, when we first met, you told me that you knew me", he smiled widely. " Aahh...that's it. Is it Hyunjin?", he asked curiously.

Tae nodded his head, humming. " Okay, stop talking and listen to me", he said, making the other huff and sank into the couch.

" Actually Hyunjin told me a lot about you guys. But he never showed me any pictures at first. But later he did after I failed to recognise Jin and let him know about my disinterest in Yura", he said in a calm voice.

" But we met even before all that", Jimin said, pointing out.

" Yeah", Tae nodded his head. " Actually before I met you I had seen both yours and Jungkook's photos", he said, making Jimin quirk his brow instantly. But Tae paid no attention to it as he continued.

" And it wasn't even intentional", he chuckled softly recalling the memory. " One day I saw my cousin sulking while staring down at his mobile. And when I asked him what's wrong, he showed me some instagram posts and asked me how people could find those guys on the post handsome while in his opinion they were clearly ugly", Tae smiled.

But Jimin didn't find anything amusing in what he heard. " And those guys in those posts were me and Jungkook. Right?", he scoffed.

Tae nodded his head, smiling confirming other's obvious doubt.

Jimin scoffed but nonetheless found himself laughing after thinking about everything over again. " And you formed such an opinion about me from those photos?", he asked, chuckling.

Tae smiled. " I never thought that handsome blonde I saw in the post was actually gonna be my best friend", he said.

" And Hyunjin kept on sulking looking at his phone saying how could those posts get that much likes. It was hilarious", Tae added, grinning.

Jimin smiled widely remembering that day when he talked with Tae for the first time.

Should l thank Min Yoongi for breaking my heart? Otherwise how would I have ever get to know this bratty angel?

But the next second, he groaned as a pillow hit his head. " Stop staring into space and complete your work!", he could hear the other saying as he closed his eyes tightly, groaning because of the pain.

" Brat!", he mumbled, knowing very well that Tae is trying to get back at him for what he did earlier.

But the next second he opened his eyes frantically hearing a groan coming from the other.

" Oh my god! My head is spinning", Tae groaned clutching his head. " Am I gonna faint?"

Jimin looked at him with a done expression as he watched the other making his way to the couch and occupying the previous spot while cursing under his breath.

Jimin couldn't believe it but chuckled softly.

What a drama queen!

Of course after all he is Hyunjin's cousin!!

But that's when another thought crossed his mind. " Tae", he called, making the other turn around to him with a questioning expression.

" What was your first impression of Jungkook?"he asked, curiosity getting the best of him.

He thought that the other would just scoff or say something derogatory. But to his surprise Tae looked at him with a calm expression before muttering something under his breath. But unfortunately Jimin failed to catch it.

" What? Did you say something", he asked immediately.

But the other just shakes his head with a mischievous smile which made Jimin even more curious than he already was.

"Tae", he called, pouting at the other wanting to know what he just missed.

" Nothing", Tae mumbled, shaking his head again and the other could only pout again and guess the possibilities.

" I can't believe it,'' Kai exclaimed loudly.

" Just when I thought they are over, they have started with this again", he said, as his gaze was fixed on the table far from them, almost at the corner of the room where there were not as many students as there were on the other side.

And as expected the only two occupants in the table indulged in some serious conversation considering the way they were even unaware of gathering too much attention.

Jin sighed softly. " Leave it, Kai. Why are you always getting bothered with Taehyung? How does it even affect you in any way if they are dating or not?", he tried to knock some sense into the boy even though he himself was curious about the situation.

But still after having been forced to listen to Kai rambling about all the rumours going around about the dating of Taehyung and Yura his head has been pounding crazy and now he doesn't want to know anything on the topic anymore.

Kai turned to him with an unimpressed look. " I don't know, I'm just stating my opinion. Alright?" He tried to defend himself but Jin chuckled dryly, amused. " Don't tell me that you have a crush on Taehyung,'' he said laughing. " Or maybe Yura".

" I have no feelings for Yura", Kai gritted out the next second and Jin laughed loudly.

Kai groaned, embarrassed for getting caught. " Whatever!", he shrugged. " Who doesn't have a crush on him in this school?", he said, trying to defend himself.

And Jin started laughing even louder, making students from the other tables turn to them. But most of them looked away after meeting with the cold gaze of the basketball captain who was unbothered till now but seems a little fazed after hearing what his friends just said. Anyone could say he was not pleased.

Jimin was a little bit skeptical about the situation even though there wasn't anything too suspicious. But he could clearly tell that the ravenette wasn't even least affected when Kai kept on blabbering his random thoughts on the couple seated farther away from them, but now he doesn't seem too happy after knowing how most of the students in Bangtan have a crush on the red haired boy. But wasn't that fact too obvious to get surprised now?

But why is Jungkook so relaxed about the situation between Yura and Tae? Jimin couldn't pinpoint. Ever since hearing from Tae various instances of encounters between the two, Jimin was sure that Jungkook was interested in Tae. But now even after seeing him with the girl he despised the most, the boy was calm.

And even the fact that Tae is straight does not even seem like a bother to him. But after hearing the last words of Kai, Jungkook has not been the same. And much to everyone's surprise, before they could even ask what's going on, the youngest stood up from his chair and dashed out of the room.

Jimin let out a sigh, his mind getting clouded with thoughts that he wanted to forget. But the next second, his eyes went instinctively to a certain someone who has been awfully silent again. It was another memory which kept playing on in his head as he stared at the bored look on Jung Hoseok's face.

It was about a certain exchange last year. And it wasn't a pleasant memory.

What's going on with this boy? Jimin wondered as he glanced at him subtly. He doesn't know if any other has noticed but Jung Hoseok has not been the usual these few weeks. He has been quiet. Awfully silent and he rarely spoke whenever they gathered there.

Is there anything wrong with him? He slowly averted his gaze to Yoongi and to his surprise, Yoongi seemed quite fine. Unlike his own boyfriend, no discomfort or grief was visible in his face.

Is he really alright or just masking it? Did they fight or something? Or did they break up? Jimin's eyes widened at the thought as he drifted his gaze back on his rival again. Did something happen which he is unaware of?

He scoffed internally at the absurdity of his thoughts. What does he even know about them? These two are the masters at acting. What if it's just another drama?

Or is it something because of him? Did he do something to provoke Hoseok again? Is it because of something he did? But as far as he remembered, he hasn't done anything since the year has started. If anyone has done anything provoking or daring enough between the two of them, it's Hoseok.

Then why is he even thinking about this snake when he has a lot of better things to do? He scoffed involuntarily at the thought. Well the realization that he let his inner thoughts take control over his action brought him back to his senses and he looked around hoping that none of the rest had noticed what he did.

But his hope of no one finding out came to an end as he locked his eyes with the one who was invading his thoughts, he couldn't help but glare back.

He again was thinking about that time when they got into an unpleasant conversation last year. And as he looked at the way the other was glancing at him he wondered whether the other was also thinking about the same day.

It was the last time Jimin tried to provoke Hoseok. Yet it wasn't even intentional and he was not even the one seeking out the other. It just happened and they really managed to argue with each other without paying any regards to formalities.

Moreover they didn't even have any audience since they were the only ones in the empty basketball court. And after that day Jimin has often wondered if he could ever do that again.

Fighting with the other without caring about anything. He wanted to do that. He knows. He wishes he could have a fair competition with Hoseok about who is the one who deserves his hyung more. At least that way he could tell how he managed to lose a battle he didn't even get the chance to fight.

It was one of the days when he couldn't find it in himself to at least hope that everything is going to be alright. He could clearly see it very well and he was not even ready to think that something good is going to happen out of all this misfortune.

He was sitting lazily in the outdoor basketball court. He chose this place because he was sure no one else would come here and some solitary confinement was what he needed so badly at the moment.

He stared at the schedule in his hand, sighing softly. He has no idea what he's supposed to do right now when he is sure that he could not make it to the end of the day with such a packed up schedule and messed up mind.

He really wants to get some assurance that things are going to be well in the end but he knows better than not to do it. Because it's clear that, in the end when everything shatters before his eyes he is only going to end up more disappointed and sad.

Now they are nearing the end of the academic year, he was under even more pressure. He couldn't even find the inspiration to keep going. All he wants to do is to just give up and let everyone who was waiting for his downfall just rejoice when that really happens.

He has tons of work that should be completed before the exams start officially. Moreover he still has a lot of notes that are still left incomplete. And him skipping the classes again without bothering about anything now, is also making it a lot complicated. Now along with the incomplete notes, he has no idea about the syllabus or how much portions are there to be covered.

The exam dates are already announced and it's already time for the study leaves to start. And most of the school works that are yet to be submitted are asked to be submitted before the final exams.

After all this ends, a new academic year is about to commence. No. He is not prepared yet. For anything. Neither for the academics nor for the decision he has taken long ago.

Moreover he has not been spending much time with Tae these days. It's not that he doesn't want to or that he is too busy to pay attention to the boy. If anything in this world that could make him a little bit happy, it's his new best friend whom he adores and loves.

But it's just that Jimin is trying to keep Tae away from all the trouble that he is entangled in. He doesn't want to upset the boy by letting him know about his pathetic condition.

He knows very well how much Tae cares for him. And if the boy comes to know about everything that Jimin has been hiding for too long, he is sure that Tae would only blame himself for not paying enough attention to his soulmate when in fact Jimin has to struggle a lot inorder to conceal everything from his caring boy.

And after all this ends, he was supposed to fulfill the promise that he had made to himself long ago. He would never see Yoongi again once he is out of Bangtan. He is so sure of it by this time.

The thought made him more sad. What he feared all the time is finally happening and there is nothing he could do to stop it and there is no way he could avoid the heartbreak and pain.

It's inevitable that he is going to get hurt. It's finally time for him to let go of everything. Whatever friendship he has with the elder as well as the feelings that he has for him. It's not easy, he knows. No one who truly loves could just stop their feelings on an all fine day. But he has made the promise and he is going to keep it, no matter how impossible or heart breaking it's going to be.

Jimin doesn't know whether it's just his mood swings or it's just his exhaustion but he felt completely drained out even before the classes had started. He knew that he should attend the classes and get a grip on the situation. Otherwise it's not going to be easy for him. He knows it all, better than anyone.

Yet he chose to cut the classes and come to the empty court in search of some comforting silence. Even when his mind kept on urging him to go back to the classes, he stubbornly stayed in the place.

Moreover even if he decided to attend the classes there is no way he is going to understand a single thing with such a great mood he is in. He could never focus on anything with the mood his mind is in thanks to whatever that's happening around him.

Sighing heavily, he leaned back on the seat, soon closing his eyes. He involuntarily sighed again feeling another wave of headache hitting him again. There is no way this day is going to end well.

" Jimin, what are you doing here?"

A voice startled him, disrupting his chain of thoughts.

Jimin shot open his eyes instantly, already recognising the voice. There stands before him with a concerned look on his face which must be just fake, the ultimate cause of all his sorrows and misery.

Jimin couldn't believe it. This guy is really something for approaching him like this when he knows exactly how much the blonde despises him. Or does he not know? Even after all that happened between them? Is he really that dumb?

Well he didn't care. All that matters now is that if it's not for Hoseok who came in between him and Yoongi, Jimin wouldn't have been sitting alone in an abandoned court all depressed and disconsolate.

" What do you want, Hoseok?", Jimin spat, his voice mistakenly hostile.

He knew he was playing with fire by doing what he is doing now. Well he couldn't care less about it. He doesn't care what or how the other is going to respond. He is done with everything so he has no interest in masking his annoyance and sugarcoating this guy.

Hoseok looked at him bewildered, somewhat pale, all the colors drained off from his face. He at first was puzzled and confused as soon as he heard the words. And moreover he could tell that the blonde was not ready for a sweet talk when he heard how he addressed him by his first name instead of his nickname like he does all the time.

But soon, as Jimin watched, his lips twisted to a smile, a rather fake one Jimin could tell.

" Why?", the other smiled. "Aren't we friends? I'm just concerned about you", Hoseok said, probably trying to gain his lost confidence back.

" Of course, we are friends !", Jimin was not ready to fake it now.

For once he needs to be genuine with his feelings, even if that means he is going to have a feud with his former friend.

But he doesn't care. Jimin actually has no idea about what is happening with him. He has no idea why he is being so careless with Hoseok right now.

But there is one thing that he is sure of. He couldn't be more pathetic than he already is right now. He can't be a pathetic bitch and have a nice friendly conversation with Hoseok just when he has the urge to kill him. At least not now he is going to fake it until he makes it right.

" Jimin?"Hoseok was looking at him, puzzled, not having any idea about what was wrong with the boy. He was just trying to mend what's broken between them. But what's he supposed to do when the blonde is not even trying the least to be civil with him?

" Just fuck off!", Jimin spat nonchalantly. " Just go and bother someone else. Why are you even bothering to mess with me when I'm trying to have some peace? Can't you just get lost?", he yelled, unable to contain the raging flames within his heart.

Jimin felt better, much better after the outburst even though he clearly know that he is being plain stupid. But he is already tired of pretending and faking every damn time. And for once he could just be himself, and tell them what's actually in his mind. Right?

" What's wrong with you?", Hoseok asked, not planning to leave the blonde without knowing what's wrong with him.

But the gesture only made the younger one even more irritated. He scoffed at the other, while shaking his head in disbelief. Why is the other even trying to pretend to be caring when no one is there to watch? Or is there anyone else watching the whole thing without him knowing? Is Hoseok trying to trap him?

The idea hit him hard and he looked around frantically trying to find any signs screaming danger. But even after scanning the surrounding areas, he couldn't find anything suspicious. So he decided to let go of that doubt, for the moment.

But Hoseok who was watching him looking around searching for something, was getting confused what is happening with the other,

" Jimin, what's wrong? Are you alright?" he tried again, determined to get an answer out of the blonde somehow.

Jimin sighed heavily, after shooting him a cold stare. " Just leave me alone. Then all my problems would get solved", he scoffed.

And it only made the other even more confused. But Hoseok who was trying his best to win back his once dear friend all the time, was done as he heard all the venomous words coming from the other boy.

So he decided to change his plan to be friendly and listen to his friend who has long ago started acting the opposite.

" How's everything going?"he asked the younger while smiling at him.

" And haven't you just heard what they are talking about now?", he asks, making the other curious.

" Taehyung and Yura are a thing. Perfect pair, I must say", he scoffed.

He was clearly lying at this point because no one would say this about the two. At Least now, when there is absolutely no interaction between the two and everyone was getting impatient to know what has happened that has made the two drifted away like this. And Jimin, who knows exactly what has happened, was now confused why the other is lying to his face right now.

Even though he wants to know what it's about, he remains quiet, his eyes fixed on the other with an inquiring look plastered on his face.

Hoseok chuckled, continuing. " I don't even know what is so special about him that everyone is going head over heels for him. I don't find anything so interesting about the boy except that bloody color of his hair", he said, a frown etched on his face.

And Jimin just rolled his eyes.

Go and ask your best friend why he keeps on bugging Kim Taehyung if there is nothing so special about him,

He wanted to say. But he knew that he shouldn't.

" You know what, " Hoseok started again after getting no response from the other. " I used to think Yura had high standards. Because she kept on clinging to Jungkook like a leech even after knowing that he is not interested. But suddenly she lowered her bar. Really interesting! Isn't it?", he scoffed and Jimin was trying his best to control his anger rising within with everything the idiot standing before them was blurting out.

"Anyway they would make a perfect pair", Hoseok smiled at the other. " A loser and a bitch!"

Jimin actually saw red once he heard what the other just said. But he was somewhat in control now. But that doesn't mean whatever he was just spoken to was not affecting him at all.

He clenched his fist wanting nothing more than to beat the other lifeless. He couldn't stand another insult against his baby. Maybe he could just do what he wants right now. They are the only ones present here and a third party wouldn't have got a chance to know what has happened here.

But Jimin somehow didn't think that it would be a good idea. So he decided not to argue with the other right now. But there was still something that was still confusing and nagging him all the time.

" Why do you hate him so much?", Jimin asked him in a calm voice even though he just wanted to beat him up into pulp.

Hoseok looked at him with a frown without bothering to answer. And Jimin smirked internally seeing the other losing his grip again on the unexpected attack.

Jimin let out a chuckle seeing the other looking at him curiously. He knows that it would be risky. But he just wants to play a bit with the other for saying all rude things about his baby.

" Are you perhaps jealous that he is extremely handsome while you are not?", he asked, feigning curiosity.

Hoseok scoffed instantly, balling his fist. His frown has deepened. He was gritting his teeth not wanting to say something which may make him regret later. And Jimin was smirking internally seeing the way the other was trying to control himself. Oh! How much he is loving this!!

" Or," he started again looking at the other straight in the eye wanting to push his limits while the other was trying to look away from him, already mad and unfocused.

" Is it because that you have a crush...", he dragged on without completing the sentence purposefully, and Hoseok's head snapped in his direction instantly, the panic evident in his face.

" On Yura?", Jimin asked, completing his question.

Jimin could see the way the other relaxed after hearing Yura's name. He smirked internally as he could tell Hoseok had nearly thought that their secret was out.

He really loves doing this. Riling up the other using that one secret that they are hiding with all they have. But still why are they hiding it anyways?

Jimin tilted his head, not bothering to hide the smirk plastered on his face. " Other than that, I don't see another reason for you to hate him so much!", he declared, finally gaining Hoseok's attention again.

The boy looked at him with a blank expression on his face, not bothering to defend himself or say something to counter the accusation.

Complete silence followed after that. Jimin was having the time of his life seeing the way he has been able to control the boy who he hates like he has done to no other ever. It's such a satisfying feeling seeing how his rival was trying to get himself calm after nearly getting a heart attack.

But what surprised Jimin was that confusion and anger was so evident in the latter's face which he didn't even try to conceal. Jimin scoffed at the audacity. Pretty much open huh?

" Tsk! Seriously I didn't know that you like Yura!", Jimin said, breaking the continuing silence. He was not ready to let go of such an opportunity to make the other even more angry.

But this time his words don't seem to have any kind of effect on Hoseok. Instead of reacting aggressively as he had expected, the other looked at him as if he had grown horns in his head. And Jimin didn't like it even a bit.

Jimin now knows for sure something is really fishy. He decided to go with the flow. He needs to get something out of this boy today.

" You have a crush on that bitch!"he gasped, trying his best to feign surprise and disgust. " Seriously!!"

But it seems like Hoseok was done with the drama they were trying to play with each other with different intentions.

He now is looking at Jimin with a calm face which only made Jimin become more alert. But before he could say something else to provoke the other and get away from this awful silence the other beat him into it.

" Why are you being like this, Jimin?", Hoseok asked. His voice was calm and composed and the latter looked at him puzzled.

" You are not the Jimin I used to know", Hoseok added, making the other scoff instantly. And you are the reason that I changed, he wants to scream at the other. But the next sentence that left the other's mouth made him freeze.

" Why? Are you now going against me? For an enemy?" Hoseok was looking at him with a calm expression on his face, probably hoping that the other would give him a satisfying answer or just stop all the nonsense. But Jimin was already immersed in his own thoughts, his mind going crazy.

He was sure of it now. Hoseok knows, he thought as he stared back at the other. And Tae's assumptions were right. But how much...he knows? The rooftop?

The memory of that day is vividly etched in his mind.

Even though the information he got from the encounter was not very good, the amount of satisfaction he got that day was more than he could have imagined.

After going against Hoseok so openly, he should have been more remorseful and confined but that's not what has happened. He got his lost confidence and courage back and it fuelled him to fight without giving up. It boosted up his lost morale and energy.

But after that day they haven't interacted much face to face and Jimin has even tried to avoid such unwanted interactions. What happened that day was clearly unintentional.

Even though it served to help him so much he knew the effect wouldn't be the same all the time. Of course, fighting face to face with his enemy seems a tempting offer. But it could also grab unwanted attention and confrontations from other members of the group.

So he acted wisely and stopped provoking the other boy. But it's not that he would just stop doing that. But only when he gets an opportunity to attack subtly and cause the intended harm.

As Jimin was lost in his own thoughts, someone else was watching him curiously. Hoseok was looking at Jimin. He could tell something serious was going on in the blonde's head.

He sighed softly and wondered whether Jimin is also thinking about that day in the basketball court where they have been at each other's throats without caring about their images and masked reputations.

He scoffed at the memory, this boy really has the audacity to accuse me of having an affair with Yura when he was the one having a secret relationship with the enemy behind everyone's back.

He sighed heavily, tired by everything. He also noticed how Jimin acted as if nothing of the sort had happened after that day. Well he also has done the same. They pretended very well that they were still okay after going all the way to tear each other's facades down.

And now they are sitting across from each other at the same table, probably the same thing running through their mind. Ironic! But maybe Jimin is also trying to protect his own relationship. That's maybe the reason why he has been keeping away from the trouble.

And Hoseok was also being careful but not overly. After all nothing has been going on between him and Yura and he has no stupid crush on that boy crazy girl. Then why should he be afraid of the blonde?

But Hoseok knows that something is really off with the way Jimin looks at him. And he knows very well that Jimin is not what he seems to be and moreover he is now together with Taehyung, that manipulative bitch. So how can he be so careless with the blonde and risk them getting suspicious of his private life?

That's the reason why he kept on keeping his distance even though he never confines to himself fully. He still needs to pretend that he is fine and nothing else is wrong with his life when in fact his life was everything but fine right now.

Because these days they have started fighting again. He has told Yoongi that he wanted to reveal their relationship with their friends. At least with the closest ones, which includes Jungkook, Jin and Namjoon.

Jackson is also his good friend but that boy has a real soft spot for Jimin. And no way he is going to let Jimin know about their secret. Because that means he would be taking a big risk.

Of course, he really did care for the younger a lot. He was also a very good friend. But now everything has changed and Hoseok has already found the reason for everything to end up the way things are now.

He tried his best to stop Jimin from continuing with what he was doing. But Jimin was never ready to comply. He doesn't know why Jimin kept on pushing him away even when they were so close in the past. Was that only how much he trusted him?

And now he doesn't know what he is supposed to do with everything that is happening in his life. His relationship with Yoongi has seemed to have a negative impact on his mind.

He longer feels the confidence to confront his own boyfriend. Is their relationship turning unhealthy now? How long will they last with this much little trust in each other? It's not that he doesn't love or care for Yoongi.

But he has been thinking about all of this a lot lately. And he has kept on questioning if Yoongi has any other reasons for hiding their relationship like this? Is he really hiding something else from him?

Tae sighed heavily, shutting his eyes tightly. What was he even thinking in the first place? Was he really expecting her to respect him and hold back her feelings for him?

He doesn't even know how he managed to land himself in a tight spot again.

For days he has been ignoring her like plague. It's not like he despises her or something. It's just that he didn't want to take risks. He could never let her confess her feelings which were so obvious at this point.

And Tae has to do a great job trying to pretend to be oblivious when it was so clear. Maybe others around them may not have noticed it because after all in their eyes they are already a couple when in fact they are not and would never be.

He really has but hoped that she would let him be on his own. That she would let her own feelings slide and not try to impose herself on him. But it was not her intention, he realized it today.

He chuckled dryly, wanting to slap himself for being the stupid that he is. Was he really expecting that selfish girl to pay heed to his own emotions?

Really Tae?

He sighed as he looked at the place his legs had taken him once he had fled from the cafeteria. He slowly made his way into the garden and sat down on the bench. He breathed in the fresh air slowly, sensing himself relaxing in the cold air that flows through the place. This place has never failed to give him the solace he has seeked out here even when his mind was a whirlwind of confusing emotions.

" You really have no idea how I feel..."

Yura's words kept echoing in his mind.

He scoffed involuntarily. She is clearly wrong if that's what she thinks. Because he knows very well what she feels and for whom she has developed all these stupid feelings. But the only thing that he has no idea is when she changed the way that she used to feel about him or what prompted this sudden shift in emotions.

Anyway he doesn't even want to know because her telling him all this would only end up in the confession that he dreads so much right now.

He shakes his head troubled by everything. Why is this happening to him now? What if he got trapped in another situation like that in the cafeteria today? What if he wasn't quick and didn't excuse himself as soon as that sentence left her mouth?

His mind kept on rushing him with question after question making him feel even more sad and lost. He huffed at the thoughts.

Why did this happen when he thought he had everything under control? Why is everything going downhill after all the efforts he has put into the matter? How will he even tell this to Jimin? Because Jimin, from the very beginning has warned him about getting associated with the girl. But still he didn't pay attention and went ahead with what he felt the right thing to do. But it seems like he has made another mistake.

Tae pouted sadly. Why can't he ever do something right? Why can't he understand how things work? And why does everyone want to mess with him so badly? He kept on thinking and soon he could feel tears pricking in his eyes. But before they could make their way down his cheek he wiped them off.

No way he is going to sit here and cry. But still the boy couldn't bring himself to stop the thoughts from invading his mind.

Tae sighed softly looking ahead. But why is he so scared of Yura confessing to him? Is it because he knows for sure that he would hurt her by rejecting?

But why in the first place is he worrying about her feelings instead of his? Because he has already told her in clear words that he is not interested in getting into a relationship from the very beginning of their friendship. And if anyone is at fault here, it's Yura for catching feelings for someone who was so against relationships.

He sighed heavily putting his face into his palms. What is he supposed to do now? Should he directly confront her before she could make a move? But isn't it the same as rejecting her? Or is it better to pretend oblivious till the highschool ends? But there are months till it happens.

Tae was so lost in his thoughts that he failed to hear the sound of approaching footsteps from behind him. And he only realized the presence of someone else in the garden when the person took a seat beside him on the bench.

Tae looked up confused by the situation and wondering who else knows this place beside him in the school.

But his whole confusion was gone the moment he realized the person who suddenly decided to invade his personal bubble.

He sighed, leaning back on the beach not acknowledging the presence beside him.

" What happened?"

Tae sighed softly again as he heard the other asking him in a soft voice.

He sighed again before turning to the other. " Jungkook, honestly I'm not in the mood for anything. If you are here to annoy me, then please go back because I'm already so down. Please don't add to it", he said, practically begging. Because he has no idea what else to do.

He was already expecting the other to mock him and tease him about it when he practically voiced out his real thoughts. But he was surprised to hear nothing from the other after hearing what he said.

He slowly looked at the other and was surprised to see him just sitting there with his eyes closed but that annoying smile intact on his face.

He huffed seeing the sight, and turned away not really sure what the other was thinking right now. Is he thinking of how to make use of the information that he just blurted out?

Now Tae really wanted to slap himself for acting so carelessly, all his worries about Yura's confession long gone.

" Oh! Are you pouting now?"

Tae nearly jumped by the sudden invasion. He turned to the other with a frown plastered on his face and was somewhat surprised to see the ravenette smiling at him so widely with an amused look gracing his soft features.

And Tae was confused as hell about what was happening with him. Why is he kept on complimenting Jeon Jungkook out of all the people in the world?

Tae shook his head trying to drive the crazy thoughts away.

" What?", he asked coldly, trying to intimidate the other.

Jungkook chuckled loudly, shaking his head, much to Tae's despair. " At one minute you are pouting like a cute puppy, the next second you are trying to scare me with that glare?"he asked with amusement playing in his lips. " Nah! It's not working at all. Because you are cute even when you glare at me like that".

Tae looked at him horrified by what he just heard. Is he hearing things right?

Jungkook smiled and turned to him. " What? I wasn't wrong. Right?"

Tae blinked at him, unable to process what he was hearing. Did he just call him cute?

And he was even more mortified the moment the other reached his hands out and ruffled his hair softly.

Tae immediately swat his hands away and looked away, huffing. Why is everyone playing with his poor heart like this? Moreover the fact that he has been finding Jungkook to be someone attractive was also not helping the situation.

Unable to gather his own thoughts and hold himself together, he put his face in his palms and shut his eyes hoping to shut off his thoughts too.

But soon he felt slender fingers running through his locks obviously messing them up. But he didn't find it in him to swat those hands away when he could only find it as a caring gesture.

But did Jungkook even care about him?

" Are you alright?" He heard the ravenette asking. Tae shook his head, being honest about the situation. But he still hunched down, his face hidden in his palms.

" Do you want to talk about it?" The next question was quick to come. But Tae again shook his head not wanting to do that at all.

When the red haired boy was sure that the other would press him to answer, the ravenette again surprised him by stopping talking all at once. Yet he didn't retreat his fingers from the other's soft red locks but he did after a while.

The silence engulfed them and Tae has no idea what is happening anymore. But when he finally removed his palms from his face and sat up, the other was still there.

Tae turned to him questingly. But the other boy was lost in his own thoughts.

So Tae didn't bother to disturb him. But he couldn't stop himself from sighing again after remembering about the deep pit he is in now.

" Actually you need not keep everything to yourself you know", Jungkook said, suddenly breaking his chain of thoughts again.

Tae turns to him with the tilt of his head, confused.

Jungkook smiled softly. " I was saying that you shouldn't bottle your emotions without letting anyone know about it. If you feel comfortable enough to share, you should do it", he said.

Tae sighed before nodding. But he was even more confused by the way the ravenette kept on acting around him lately. Precisely ever since they have started the school year. He didn't know why, but he was sure that something had changed. He could sense it.

" Well everyone thinks that there is something going on between you and Yura", Jungkook said after some time.

And Tae turned to him instantly surprised by the bored look intact on the other's face.

"And you don't?"he asked quizzically, somewhat surprised by why they are discussing it right now.

Jungkook just shrugged in response. " I know better than to believe it", the boy answered, still his tone so passive and Tae was surprised why the ravenette is sounding as if he is so sure of what he is just saying.

"Why?", Tae pressed, intrigued by the way the other is acting.

Jungkook turned to him with a smirk.

" Because I know for sure that you two are just faking it", he said as if it wasn't so obvious.

And Tae was for sure taken aback. How did the other find out? After all, this is something known to a very few people. And Jungkook for certain is not one of them.

And why would the ravenette be so sure of the nature of the relationship between the two when the whole school thinks otherwise?

But before Tae could think more about it, the other cleared his throat, obviously continuing.

" I'm not accusing you. I'm sure that you don't even have a choice. But I was so certain about it because it's Yura", Jungkook stopped before starting again.

" And moreover she is not someone who could love someone else more than her. The only thing she wants out of a relationship is popularity", the ravenette finished off and Tae was at a loss of words.

He didn't say anything. He just sat there thinking about all that he heard. How did Jungkook even know about everything? How did he know about Yura's obsession with popularity?

" If it was any other person in Yura's place", Jungkook continued and Tae turned to him.

" I would have asked you to be careful and not lead them on. Because the way you act around her is not the right way if you don't want to have anything to do with her", he said and Tae was even more than confused, he felt an accusatory tone in the ravenette's words.

But he chose to remain quiet because he himself knows that the boy is not entirely wrong.

" Because being honest in the very beginning even if it causes them some grief is better than breaking them in the end", the ravenette added after a while without knowing what he is doing to the other boy.

He has no idea how his words were hitting the right spot and hurting the already devastated boy even when he was trying to guide and help the other.

Tae didn't say anything. He knows that the other is right. He knows it all. But what is his fault in it? He has been honest with Yura about his disinterest in relationships from the very beginning. So how is she falling for him even after knowing it turned out to be his own fault?

"But don't worry, I wouldn't say that you are doing anything wrong because it's Yura we are talking about '', Jungkook started after a while disrupting Tae's thoughts abruptly. "She is not really looking for love or even a real relationship. She just wanted to get a boyfriend who could boost her popularity", he said, in a comforting tone.

But the words only had the opposite effect. Because according to Jungkook, it was sure that Yura is not someone who would fall in love so easily. She was not looking for a commitment.

She wants to enjoy life right now and was only planning to be in a relationship once settled with her career. Even Jungkook is so sure about it even though Tae has no idea how he knows so much about the girl.

But this was all what Yura was about in the past. She was so sure about what she wanted. And that certainly was not a lover. But now despite everything Yura has developed feelings for him. And those feelings are not fake just like Jungkook is assuming. And Tae has no idea what to do right now.

" Tae, I wanted to get revenge. I'm not letting them off so easily after messing with my feelings".

Tae looked at his soulmate puzzled by the words but as soon as it registered what the other was telling, his puzzled expression instantly contorted into a frown.

Apparently Jimin has another bad day. His mood has become sour early in the morning after witnessing the sweet interaction between the two secret lovers in the group.

He couldn't help but feel sorry for himself after seeing the way Yoongi was trying to cheer up Hoseok. Just a few days back he saw how Yoongi was completely unaware of Hoseok's low mood. And it has made him so happy to see how careless Yoongi has been with Hoseok. But today it's as if things have taken a one eighty degree turn. Because Yoongi couldn't even focus on anything other than Hoseok.

And Jimin is done with this drama between the two lovers who have no idea about how going back and forth in their relationship is affecting a certain blonde boy. Everytime Jimin could tell that the two lovers are not on good terms, he would be happy and hopeful expecting a twist in his tragic love story. But just when he would be celebrating on his own the two would resolve whatever issue they had and would be back to normal. And Jimin could do nothing but accept his fate.

And the same thing has happened again and again and Jimin couldn't help but pity himself for falling so deep for someone who doesn't even care for him. All the thoughts have made him more emotional to the point he nearly has another breakdown in the cafeteria. But before that happens he somehow got out of the place and rushed to the rooftop and fortunately his soulmate was there as usual to support him and soothe his pain.

Tae was actually taken aback by the sudden breakdown. But he did his best to help his friend. He did what he could, he stayed by his side as he cried hysterically and held him close showing him that he's always there for him no matter what.

And once Jimin has calmed down,he has been sitting in the other's embrace in silence. And Tae was really concerned about the other. He knows more than anyone that whatever that's happening is not really easy for Jimin.

He knows that it's really heartbreaking to see the one that you love with someone else that's not you.

He also knows very well that he out of all people could never stand such a situation. That's the sole reason why he has left Busan and shifted to Seoul.

But now he is okay. He has managed to accept everything that has happened and moved on with his life. And the one who has helped him to overcome his depressed state is Jimin. But now he couldn't do anything else to make it less painful for Jimin.

So he would never complain even if he has to struggle a lot to calm down and sooth his best friend. He was only hoping that the other could move on from all this pain as soon as possible.

But he was really shocked to hear the first sentence from Jimin after the long silence.

Tae glanced at Jimin thinking that the other was just joking about it. But once he saw how serious Jimin looked as he stared into nothing, Tae knew that Jimin was being serious this time.

He sighed before unwrapping his arms from the other's shoulders and turning to the latter now facing the blonde completely.

" And how are you going to get revenge from them?", he asked calmly. " By exposing them?"

Jimin nodded his head, before looking away from the other's face.

He sighed once more before looking back at the red haired boy who had his eyes fixed on the blonde all this while.

" Yeah", he said, his face displaying a grave expression. " I'm sure that they must have more reasons for hiding their relationship from all of us. I don't really think it's all about the thrill of secret dating. Yoongi hyung is not someone who would just play around", he said.

Tae shakes his head, sighing , not really pleased to hear Jimin's words. He was sure that this plan to get revenge would only backfire.

" Why are you getting revenge on them?"he questioned softly, not wanting to upset the other too much. " For falling for each other?"

Jimin stared back at him, puzzled by the sudden questioning.

" I don't know", he shrugged, not really wanting to say anything more or just give an assertive answer. He could not even think about them loving each other even though that's the plain truth.

Tae sighed softly looking at the distressed boy beside him. He knows that Jimin is already upset with the relationship between Hoseok and Yoongi. But still he couldn't accept the way the other is trying to get revenge on them.

It's not like Tae doesn't care about Jimin. But it's because Tae cares about him so much. And he knows very well that it would be Jimin who is going to end up being hurt if he continues with the plan. That's the only reason Tae was trying to stop the other.

But the way Jimin has been avoiding a talk about it has somehow gotten him more frustrated and confused. So he leaned back on the wall, closing his eyes, and decided to keep quiet for the time being.

But after a few minutes Tae opened his eyes and already made up his mind to do what he should. After much thought he has decided to intervene and make the other understand the problem at their hands.

Because he knows that it would only lead to more mess if he kept quiet and let the other carry out whatever he is planning. He also knows that it's best to voice out his own thoughts.

" Jimin", he started slowly gaining the blonde's attention instantly who was now looking at him with a frown.

" You have to think straight. I know it's really tough for you to see what they have been doing. And I also know that they have been selfishly using other people's names in order to hide their relationship. They have already dragged you, Hyunjin, and maybe some others too-"

" You too". He was cut off by Jimin.

Tae looked at him puzzled, not understanding. " What?", he tilted his head.

Jimin let out a sigh. " They have already used your name countless times", he said.

Tae nodded understanding. That's something Jimin has already told him before.

" Whatever!", he shrugged, wanting to get to the point faster.

" As I was saying, all the tricks they were using to hide their relationship has messed up your feelings. And I would never say what they are doing is right. Because even if they don't want the world to know about what they had, they have no right to drag others into their own mess. But they did it and hurt you unintentionally. But they surely have no idea how much impact each of their actions has on you. They have somehow played with your feelings indirectly without any bad intentions", he paused before starting again.

" But that's not what happened in my case. He knew exactly how it's going to affect me while he played with my feelings. Yet in the end I forgave him. I'm not asking you to just forgive them and pretend like nothing has happened. I'm not asking you to follow my suit. We both know how different our circumstances are. But the results are somehow the same. We both got hurt so badly. But still if you ask me, I would advise you to be the bigger person and forgive them", Tae said, his gaze fixed on the other.

Jimin stared at the floor wordlessly. He was still trying to understand what Tae just said.

" But if you are still intending to go with the plan," Tae started again and Jimin looked at him curiously. " I would surely support you", Tae said. " But there would be no guarantee that they are the only ones who are going to get hurt in the end. And chim, I really don't want you to get hurt", Tae finished off in a soft voice, his words laced with sincerity.

Jimin was silent after hearing Tae. He was lost in his thoughts and Tae made no effort to disturb his reverie either. He let him be and leaned back on the wall hoping the other wouldn't do anything rashly leading to his own downfall.

And after a while of continuing silence, Jimin has finally decided to break it.

" But Tae, how did you manage to forgive him like that?", he asked, actually a little bit shocked by the information.

He knows that Tae has finally decided to start afresh leaving behind all the bad memories and is making efforts to come out of the shell he has built for himself ever since that incident.

Joining the football team was the first step towards moving on from the past. But Tae has never mentioned anything regarding forgiving the boy who has broken his heart. So Tae telling him how he has forgiven Jae was such a surprise to Jimin.

Jimin sighed, before continuing. " I can't believe you actually", he paused himself before starting again. " After everything he has done, you are forgiving him", he said.

" I know that you actually have no chances to get revenge on him or something. But we could have still found a way", he said, his voice laced with a serious tone.

Tae chuckled softly. " Forgiving someone is the first step towards moving on from them. That's what I am trying to do", he said, shrugging. " And Jimin, I still have a chance to get my revenge. But I'm not going to use it".

" I didn't get it", Jimin said truthfully. He had no idea what Tae was saying. Seems like today he is getting to know a lot of things he has never known.

Tae sighed softly looking at the other, before starting. " His sweetheart's dad was actually working for my Dad back in the States. So I really have some kind of advantage over them. But I decided to let it go. I don't want to be labeled as a Jealous bitch. Moreover they have no idea that I'm badly hurt because of him", he said.

And Jimin scrunched his eyes completely confused by the other's words. " How would anyone not know that you could be hurt?", he rolled his eyes.

" Maybe you have managed to convince everyone that you are okay by your perfect acting skills. But he knows you better than everyone else. Right? I'm sure that he has at least a hint that you are not okay", he said.

Jimin was actually regretting being the reason for this topic to be brought up again. But no way he would agree with all the stupid things Tae was saying now.

But Tae just smiled softly, making the other confused. " No, he already knows why I didn't oppose the break-up", he said with a shrug.

But Jimin couldn't keep his calm after hearing that.

" What are you saying?", he shrieked, his mind going into a frenzy. He was also too confused why Tae is so calm if Jae knew about everything that happened.

But just when Jimin was freaking out thinking about it, Tae chuckled softly already expecting such a reaction from his best friend.

" Relax, chim", he tried to calm the other down. But Jimin just frowned at him seeing him remaining so calm even in this situation. Has Tae lost his mind or something? He couldn't understand.

" Do you remember Dale?", Tae asked, disrupting the silence that had followed.

Jimin looked at him puzzled. " Your best friend back in Scarlett High?", he asked, remembering all the times Tae has mentioned the boy. But he couldn't understand why Tae is bringing him up when they are discussing Jae.

Tae nodded, a smile spreading across his face. " After I left the school and Dale returned back to school, everyone kept on asking him why did I break up with Jae when we were so in love with each other. Unable to contact me and not knowing the real reason and in order to hurt Jae's pride, he announced that actually I was already bored with Jae but was keeping up with him so as not to hurt him. But when Jae brought up the break up, I decided to comply. Really understandable. Right?", he chuckled softly, as he gave a soft smile to the other.

Jimin shook his head, not really impressed.

" I don't think there is anything understandable in it, considering how you have been back in Scarlett High", he said, frowning at the other. " But if this story is being told here, anyone would have believed".

Tae chuckled, nodding. " Jae didn't believe it either and that's why he asked me about it when we met for the last time", he said as he recalled his last meeting with the boy.

Jimin looked at him puzzled, not understanding but soon his eyes widened remembering something that Tae had told him before. " Oh! Right!", he gasped slightly. " So he knows that Dale was lying. Right?", he asked.

Tae nodded. " Anyway, he really believed when I told him that I wasn't hurt because I wasn't looking for a long term relationship", he chuckled softly, shaking his head.

Jimin sighed heavily, his expression contorting into a frown as he remembered how upset Tae was after that reunion. But he was happy that his friend is finally leaving the past and moving forward. How he wishes that he could also do the same!!

But it isn't so easy.

Tae turned to the blonde who had again slipped into his reverie of thoughts.

" So what about your revenge?", he asked.

Jimin scoffed. " You are really good with your words", he sighed softly.

Tae smiled, understanding what the other meant. But he nudged the other softly. " So?", he asked, a playful smile adorning his face.

Jimin shot him a glare. " What?", he asked, feigning anger. " You won!"he huffed. " I'm not doing anything now", he said, sighing.

" But at least I could still kill them verbally. And you are here to listen and join whenever you want. That's enough for my poor broken heart", he said, cupping his face with his palms, another sigh escaping his lips involuntarily.

Tae smiled widely, happy to see that Jimin had actually listened to him and decided not to take the revenge plan forward.

" It's going to be okay", he said trying to comfort the other, because he knows very well that Jimin is trying his best not to act otherwise.

" You know very well that it's not going to be alright. Right?", Jimin retorted with a pout.

Tae moved closer to the other and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, bringing him closer.

" It's okay, Chim", he tried. " Time will heal all the wounds. I know that you are really not sure about this. But don't worry. I'm here for you always", he said, assuring his friend who nodded slowly as a response.

" Don't think too much about it all", Tae said after a few minutes of silence. " But if you are feeling low and need a listener or a shoulder to cry on, you know where to go. Right?"

" Cheesy!", the blonde just shrugged, feeling flustered all of a sudden.

Tae chuckled at him. " But you know. Right?", he asked again, not ready to let the blonde go like that.

Jimin looked at him with a smile. " Of course!", he shrugged, playing cool. " Here!"

Silence followed after that and they sat there without exchanging any more words. But the comforting silence and the assuring presence of someone who really cares for you are sometimes the only things that you need when you are down. Maybe that's what is happening with the soulmates as well.

" I already told you before", Tae smiled, but this time the smile didn't reach his eyes.

" That broken souls has a thing for this place", he said.

Jimin looked at him puzzled by the sudden shift in tone. But he knew that the other is just becoming a bit moody right now.

" Then why are we the only souls here?", he asked, his tone turning to teasing. He was just trying to light up the mood for the other.

" Maybe we are the only broken souls in Bangtan", Tae chuckled dryly.

Jimin huffed, clearly not expecting to hear something like that. And it somehow made him uneasy. " Now I'm really jealous", he pouted. " How can they all be happy when we are not? It's not fair!"

Tae pinched his arms, with a chuckle. " Hey, how can you get jealous like that!!"

Jimin groaned, patting his arm where the other just pinched. " Ughh!!", he groaned, glaring at the other. " Go away! I already told you a thousand times not to abuse me physically !"

" Okay!", Tae shrugged off before unwrapping his arms around the blonde and attempting to move away from him.

But Jimin was quick to pull him back.

" Yaah! Come back here!! I'm not done yet!", he said before pulling the other back and quickly wrapping him in his embrace.

"How about we make a move?", Tae asked, nudging his shoulders with his own. " You already skipped four classes and the lunch break is also over", he stated, as he glanced at his soulmate who was leaning back on the wall still in a daze.

Jimin nodded slowly. Tae was right, after Jimin nearly has a breakdown because of the events from the cafeteria he has been cooped up on the rooftop without bothering about anything else. And Tae has been by his side all the while, giving him the comfort that he needs so much at his vulnerable state which he would never let anyone else see.

He sighed heavily, tiredness still lingering around. As much as he loves this comfortable silence and serenity of the place, they really need to be more responsible and stop skipping classes. But it seems like he is not going to force Tae to stop this unhealthy practice until he himself stops running back here whenever something upsetting happens.

" What about you?"Jimin turned to the younger one even though he knew the answer without needing to hear that from the other.

Tae shrugged off, with a faint smile. " I'm just going to visit the library or something like that. Anyway, I couldn't bring myself to attend some classes right now", he said while standing up and pulling Jimin along with him, and the blonde made no move to resist.

He just took his backpack that has been lying around on the floor since the morning after Jimin threw it on the floor in his fit of rage.

Jimin sighed tiredly. " Okay, let's go", he complied even though he didn't feel like leaving the place anytime soon.

So they walked off the rooftop and descended the stairs in silence. Jimin actually wanted to urge the other to start attending the classes again but he was sure that there is no way Tae is going to listen to him in this matter after what happened last time he took Jimin's words in consideration even if it was actually even forced.

Soon they were walking side by side along the hallway that connects the rooftop to the main building. And soon they reached the place where they should part their ways and go on with their own matters.

But before Tae could say bye and leave him, Jimin stopped him remembering something that he wanted to know.

" So when is your practice starting?", he asked, his voice of course filled with worry for the other.

He was actually so worried about the whole thing with the football practices that would be starting soon even though he has no exact idea when because he has not been close with any of the football players.

Of course, he himself has kept on pushing Tae to try to get into the team a lot of times before it actually happened thanks to a certain ravenette. And he has never been so thankful to the boy but it's not like he is ever letting the younger know that.

Tae smiled, sensing the worry in other's words and posture. He immediately hugged the boy in an attempt to assure him.

" Don't worry about me too much", He gently patted the other's back trying to assure him and the blonde eased a bit after a while.

Tae pulled back after a few minutes, but they still remained in the embrace in silence until Tae started again.

" Actually the official season of football is not going to start anytime soon but still the practice is likely to be starting earlier", he informed, to which the other just nodded in understanding.

"Anyway I've already started practicing in that center that I already told you about. Maybe you should join me one day to watch me practice", he added.

Jimin grinned widely at the suggestion, nodding in excitedly before tightening his grip around the other. " I can't wait to see you play", he chirped happily.

Tae chuckled slowly as he returned the hug. " Well, I'm hoping that I'm not making a mistake", he said in a small voice, suddenly feeling skeptical about the whole idea.

And Jimin, knowing exactly what the other is thinking about, immediately jumped in.

" Hey, don't go there", he said, loosening his grip a bit but without pulling back his arms completely. " You are gonna be alright, my dear baby", he said, with an assuring smile.

Tae smiled at the other, grateful for always keeping on encouraging him to move forward even when all he wanted was to just give up and crawl back to himself. But before he could say something else, another familiar voice resonated in the empty hallway.

" Well well well!! Look what we have here! And what a lovely sight we are blessed with!"

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