Siren || Afterdeath ||

By WerewolfSoup

21.4K 1.1K 2K

Geno is the Captain of one of the most feared pirate crew in the seven seas along side his Quartermaster, or... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.
chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.

Chapter 4.

1.6K 84 140
By WerewolfSoup

The second day on the ship the two merfolk where woken up from their slumber by a skeleton that had black substance running from his eyes.

"Wakey wakey, time for breakfast!" He said loudly and watched in satisfaction, laughing slightly when Reaper jumped and fell from his hammock and landed on his face while Ink held on his Hammock for dear life while upside down so he wouldn't fall on top of Reaper.

Reaper glared at the forever crying skeleton." The hell was that for!?" He hissed out, clearly not happy being woken up this way.

The crying skeleton only laughed at him before answering." Oh nothing~, just came to wake you two up for breakfast is all. Unless you don't want to eat?"

"W-we'll be coming!" Ink said quickly when he actually got his footing on the floor and steadied himself.

Reaper got up and evened out his clothes. "Yeah yeah, what he said." Reaper said a bit rudely.

The smaller skeleton either didn't notice or ignored his tone and just turned around to leave." Alrighty! Fallow me!~" the two merfolk quietly started to fallow the land dweller after giving each other a look and nodding. They walked in relative silence untill it was broken by their escort." I don't think we were introduced properly. I'm Killer"

Reaper looked at him and smiled lightly." Reaper and he's Ink" he pointed at his short friend.

""Reaper"? Damn that's a bad ass name!" Killer said with excitement." Can't wait to have you two in the crew! You will join right?"

"N-not sure" ink stuttered out and Reaper finished.

"Though we do hope so, but it depends on if the captain allows us to"

"Me too" Killer said smiling at them." You two seem like you'd be a good addition to the team!"

"Heh, really?" Reapers asked to which Killer nodded.

"Definitely! I can already see us becoming great friends!"they walked for a bit more and made a slight turn to and entered the food area where practically the whole crew was eating and chatting amongst each other. "Come this way! Horror is the cook and one of my besties! Though a bit scary he's really nice and fun to hang out with!" He lead them towards tall skeleton that had a hole in his head and one vibrant red eye light. He wore a white dress shirt that had its sleeves rolled up and smeared with what looked like blood, whether it's animals or a person's is up to debate. He also had black ripped pants and around his waist he wore some animals fur like belt and around it a red felt with white triangle pattern. On top he also had and actual belt that had a lot of knives of different kinds strapped on to it. Strangely he, like Ink, didn't wear shoes, instead he was barefoot and had some dark brown, maybe red, cloth strips wrapped around his heal, foot and up his ankles. Over all that he had a slightly pink apron that was stained with what looked like bater.

Killer quickly made his way to him dragging the two newcomers by the cuffs of their sleeves. "Yo! Horror! My pall! How you doing!?" He greeted his friend loudly and when he reached him he finally let go of their sleeves.

Horror looked up at them and one look from him was enough to intimidate Ink as he hid behind his friend.

"Oh, hi Kills!" Horror greeted him surprisingly happily, even if his voice was a bit groggy and raspy , he sounded friendly. "I'm doing well, thanks for asking."

"Awesome, anyways here are the soon to be new crew members! This is Reaper." He pointed at him and then Ink who was behind them." And this is Ink, the one I hit in the head with the bag that had those metal parts Fresh uses on canons and to make his bombs 'n stuff." Horror smiled and greeted them before turning around and grabbing a plate." So what's for breakfast today?"

"Eggs, bacon, cooked tomato and zucchini slices, a salad, some cooked sausages and of course some fresh bread. And for drinks we have some tea, coffee and juice." Horror said and turned around handing Killer the plate that was now full.

Killer took it happily and then looked at him again a bit confused." What about them? Don't they get a plate as well?" He asked motioning at his two new friends.

Horror only shook his head.

"Wha-! why!?" Reaper asked a bit offended.

"You can't eat anything before getting tested. You know, since it can mess up the results and all?" He said before noticing the confusion on all of their faces. He sighed before explaining." Sci, the med of our ship, came and said to not give them food before they get tested. He said that they should go to him first. My guess is that he'll check if they have a disease that they don't know about or any allergies."

"Ohh!" Killer said and turned to look at the two merfolk. " Do you two know the way to the ships infirmary or as some call it sickbay?"

Reaper and Ink shook their heads.

"Of course they don't know Killer! They where cleaning the upper and lower decks all day!" Horror growled slightly.

Killer only shrugged and gave him back his plate. "Ok! Then I guess I'll have to lead them! But until we're back, could you keep my and their plates warm?  No one likes a cold breakfast! Ok thanks bye!" He said and didn't wait for his bestie to answer before grabbing both of their sleeves again and dragging them out to the infirmary where Sci was waiting.

The trip to the sickbay was pretty quick with Killer starting small talk on the way there. When they finally reached their destination, they opened the door.

Inside the room there was a few large tables, chairs, some beds for patients with curtain deviders, a some medical machinery, most likely built by hand, and a lot of shelves with cabinets that were filled with books, files, medicine, medical equipment and all that stuff. The walls of this room where painted white with some pictures of the entire crew and slightly disturbing paintings of skeletons, body parts, organs and mussels that you'd see in a doctors office.

On one of those chairs was a short skeleton with glasses looking over what looked to be notes. He wore a light greenish blue dress shirt, a dark blue vest with a white lab coat on top that looked like it's been sown together at some places, it also having a pocket that had some pens in it. He also wore black pants and dark blue shoes that had white parts showing.

"Sup Sci!" Killer loudly greeted, startling the doctor of the ship.

Sci quickly regained his composure and looked at newcomers." Killer, what have I told you about barging in like that!"

Killer looked to be at thought for a bit before he answered." Not to?" He smirked when Sci stared at him like a mother would at her child when he did something bad for the up tenth  time." Ok ok, but that's not why I'm here. I brought these two to get checked." He pointed at the two merfolk.

Sci looked at them and nodded. He walked towards his desk and pulled out two pieces of paper, each having  some writing in it." Who'll go first?." He asked not looking at them.

Reaper and Ink looked at each other and Ink stepped up. " Uhh, I guess I will.."

Sci hummed in acknowledgement." and your name?"

"U-uh... Ink? Ink Comyet" Ink said slightly unsure of himself.

Sci wrote something down presumably his name on a piece of paper. When he was done he walked towards a wall where there was a hight measuring ruler attached on the wall." Please stand here, back straight and facing the wall." He ordered and took a picture frame that was nearest and held it.

Ink did as told and stood back facing the wall. Sci then put the book on his head and looked where it was on the scale." 3.8 feet." He said before writing it down.

Ink could hear Reaper and Killer chuckle at one of the beds where they sad down and flushed a bit.

Before he could say something to them Sci told him to step on a scale that looked like it was built from scratch. When he stepped on it Sci did some things and measured his weight. When he was done he wrote it down.

"For a skeleton your hight that's pretty good." He said before motioning him to sit in a chair. Once again he sat down." Open your mouth." He Sci instructed.

When Ink opened his mouth, the doctor put a flat wooden stick in his mouth and moved his head at different angles to get a look at his teeth, sometimes even lightly smacking them with the wooden stick to see if there where cavities or any pain." Hmm, you have fairly Sharp teeth, not ass sharp as Reds or Horrors, but still on the sharp side." He said and pulled the stick out. He wrote down the results as Ink cringed at the taste of wood in his mouth. " Ok, before we move on, do you have any allergies, sicknesses of any kind or foods that you can't eat?"

Ink thought a bit." Hmm... I don't think I have any sicknesses or allergies but I can't eat meat of any kind and uhhhh— Oh! Whenever I feel a strong emotion, and I mean like an overwhelmingly strong, I puke." He answered and Sci wrote it down.

"Can you not eat meat because it grosses you out or because some sort of religion?"

"It just makes me really sick and makes me want to puke, so I try to avoid it."

Sci once again wrote it down." That's all?" When Ink nodded he put the paper and pen down and went over to the other side of his desk where he pulled some things out." Well then." He said putting on some gloves on and doing some stuff that neither Ink nor Reaper and Killer could see." This won't hurt a bit, the most you'll feel is a pinch." Sci said and turned around with a syringe in one hand and a cotton ball soaked in something.

Reaper tensed at the sight of the needle and stared at it as if it was the source of all things evil.

Unlike Reaper, Ink didn't react much. He only watched in slight worry when Sci rolled up his sleeve on his left hand and dabbed it with the soaked cotton ball. It strong smell making the mermaid a bit nauseous.

"Ok, this will only take a moment, and word of advice, don't move, it'll only Hurst more and I may accidentally bruise or harm your arm." Sci whispered as he neared the needle closer to his marked bone." Would you like a warning before I insert the needle?"

"U-uhh, a count down would be nice–" Ink said looking the needle of the syringe tap his bone.

"Alright..." Sci said and positioned the syringe.


Ink did his best to steady his breathing. ' It's not going to hurt much, I'll only feel a prick...'


He tried distracting himself by looking at the things around the room. ' hmm, I wonder if I'll be able to draw on this ship... Do they even have art supplies?'

"One" Sci said and inserted the needle. Ink did his best to relax his hand as much as he could and took deep breaths." Hmm... Curious... Are these marks tattoos or birthmarks?" Sci couldn't help his curiosity.

"Oh, they're birthmarks, it... Runs in the family, he he-" Ink laughed awkwardly.

It only took a few moments for the doctor to finish taking Inks blood, and once he was done, he put took the needle off and put a strip of paper on top with Inks name. Setting the tube of dark blood safely aside he turned to the second piece of paper." Ok Ink, you can go sit with Killer now."

"O-oh, alright..." He said as he walked over to the medical bed.

"I'm guessing you're Reaper Renrink?" With a nod from the taller skeleton Sci wrote it down." Ok, let's begin. First we'll start with the hight."

Everything was going smoothly with Reapers check up, until it came time to take his blood.

"Ok, now all's that's left is to take your blood for testing and you'll be free to go." Sci said putting on his gloves on and preparing the syringe. "Now roll up the sleeve of one of your arms."

Reaper shakily rolled up his left sleeve, yet never stopped staring at the needle of the syringe. His body was practically frozen, you'd think he's a statue, yet his smile never left his face.

Sci came closer to his arm and positioned the needle after dabbing it with the wet cotton ball, the strong smell only adding to the sirens anxiety. "Ok, I'm going to count to three and you'll feel a small prick."

"One—" ' ok it's going to be fine, everything is going to be fine, it's all fine, everything is fine-' he thought to himself as he started to sweat.

"Two—" ' if he tests my blood he'll know there is something Off! There will be no way to hide it.!' he panicked internally.

"Three—" before Sci could insert the needle, Reaper smacked the syringe out of the doctors hands.

The glass syringe hit the wall and shattered in to pieces of glass shards falling on the floor. Ink and Killer jumped a bit at the sudden sound. They stared at Reaper surprised.

Sci looked just as surprised as them and rubbed his gloved hand as he looked between the syringe pieces on the floor and back at Reaper.

"I-I am really afraid of needles" he tried to make an excuse as he scooted away from the doctor.

"I can see that, but did you have to break  the syringe? There not cheap you know." Sci said and walked towards a drawer and got a nother syringe."luckily I have more of them, but seeing as you're afraid of them... I guess I'll use the butterfly one." He said and reached out for another one. This syringe looked relatively the same, but with a longer needle, a blue butterfly like shape on top and a long tube that connected to the glass tube.

"The butterfly syringe? Doesn't that one hurt more than a regular syringe?" Killer looked questioningly.

"I guess, but for kids the butterfly shape on it helps calm them." Sci explained not noticing the increasing look of horror on hooded skeletons face.

[ I remember when I was a kid and was afraid of getting my blood drawn for a test, the doctor used a butterfly syringe saying that "it'll hurt less and the pretty butterfly will 'comfort' me." Yeah it hurt way more then a normal one and I hated every moment of it.]

"Now then" Sci said turning to look at his ' patient'." I need to take your blood, so stay still."

But before the scientist could take a hold of the others arm again, the siren pulled away and got out of the chair he was sitting on. "U-uh is is it necessary to take my blood in particular?" He asked sweating bullets and lightly walking away.

Sci was slowly loosing his patience with the tall skeleton and it was clearly showing on his face." Yes, every member of the crew has to get their blood checked to make sure there isn't anything wrong with it."

"B-but I'm not a part of the crew yet so c-can't we reschedule?" 'to another time when I think of how to magically change my blood from poisonous to normal' he refrained from saying, still backing away.

"Hmm? You don't know yet?" Sci looked at him with a slightly sinister smile."I guess it makes sense since as the doctor of the ship I am the first to be notified, other then the quartermaster and master gunner. The captain was most likely going to tell you today, but there's no harm in me telling you." He said with slight pride in his voice" You two have been accepted as the new crew members of the sea angels, and there for, you need to get checked as soon as possible and that includes, taking your blood."

This caught all of their attentions. "We where!?" The two merfolk said in ussion.

"Awesome!" Killer said after the doctor nodded."we are officially crew mates!"

"Yes, it is truly exciting." Sci's smile droped." But seriously, stay still and et me take your blood!" He said taking a step towards

"No!" Reaper said sternly, grabbing a hold of a hilt of one of his daggers.

Before anything could happen though, there was a knock on the door of the infirmary before it opened to reveal the captain himself. " Am I interrupting?"

"O-Oh, Captain!" Sci said straightening out." You're here for a check up correct?"

Geno nodded." Yes, even if I don't see the point in it, if I didn't come, either you or Error would have barged in my room." His voice sounded bored, like he'd rather be anywhere else." Hello, Reaper... Ink... And Killer?" He greeted, not expecting to see Killer here.

"He came to guide and keep company to the newcomers while I did their check up." Sci explained.

"Oh, will it take long?"

"No, captain Geno, I only need to take some blood from Reaper for testing." He explained and then turned to glare at the tall skeleton." It shouldn't take long if he stopped avoiding it!"

"Oh, I see." Geno sounded slightly amused. He walked towards the desk and looked at the two papers on it, skimming through them."Ink, you don't eat meat?"

The mermaid flinched at being called, but nodded non the less." Y-Yes, captain. It makes me sick..."

He nodded at the answer." We'll need to inform Horror of this." He murmured to himself and looked at the other one. Skimming through it he ignored the slight noise of Sci chasing Reaper in the background, trying to insert the needle to jis arm. At some point, Reaper took a hold of a broom and used it to keep the scientist at a distance as if he where a mouse or rat.

"Stay back!shoo! Shoo!" He pushed the smaller away.

"Oh gods, this is the best! I don't even care if I'm missing breakfast!" Killer fell to his back laughing at the scene.

Turning around Geno smiled and lightly shook his head.' I swear those two act like children.' sighing some he looked around the desk for a normal syringe.' if this keeps going Sci won't be done till next morning... Guess a little help won't hurt.'

While Reaper was trying to ward off the doctor with his broom and think of an escape, he was unexpectedly slammed in to the chair he was previously sitting in, his arms and legs restrained by magic. He looked frantically around starting to slightly panic, not liking being restrained, until he felt a bony hand on his arm and a wave of calming magic started to pulse through his body. Successfully calming him down, even if he still wanted to fight back. The siren winced at the small prick at his arm and turned to see the captain with the syringe in his one hand taking the blood, while the other sent calming magic through the entire body. His only eye light glowed a bright crimson and blue, still restraining his limbs. His expression showed concentration and seriousness.

After a while he pulled the syringe out, healing the small wound in the process, and gave it to Sci." This enough?"

Sci nodded taking it and going over to the desk." Yes, thank you Captain." He then proceeded take the needle off and write Reapers name on it.

Nodding to himself, Geno released the magic restraining Reaper and helped him get up." See? That wasn't that bad."

Reaper growled quietly, feeling slightly woozy. "Uh-huh, whatever you—say"

Geno chuckled and helped him to the door."Killer, Ink, you should go eat now. And maybe help him with his Ballance so he doesn't fall face first." Hearing this, and the slight laugh from his two 'friends', Reaper couldn't help but blush in slight embarrassment.

"Yes, sir!" Said Killer as he walked over, but before he could take his arm to help, Reaper pulled away.

"It's fine! I'll just use the walls for support." Reaper explained leaning against the wall. "C'mon, let's go-"

"Before you go! Ink take this and give it to Horror." Sci stopped them before they could leave and handed Ink a peace of folded paper.

"Uhh, sure? I can do that." Taking the what he suspected to be a note, he walked out the door and waved goodbye.

"Bye Sci!" Killer said waving at the scientist and his captain."bye Captain Geno!"

Sci only waved back and went over to a shelf looking for something.

"Go eat, or you're going to collapse." He said refering to Reaper who looked wabbly as he leaned in.

"Y-Yeah, sure thing."

When the door closed behind the three skeletons Geno turned and walked to the patients bed to sit down.

"Are you ready for your check up?"

"*Sigh* As ready as I can be..."

[ Extra]


"oh, hey Kills." Horror greeted smiling." Ready to eat?"

"Yes!! I'm starving! How bout you guys?" Killer asked turning to look at the two merfolk.

Reaper nodded looking like he's going to collapse." Yes, I'm so hungry I could eat an entire whale."

"Whale?? Where would you get a whale?" Came a monotonous voice from one of the tables. Turning around was a hooded skeletons with miss matched eyes, one being completely red and the other red with a blue center.

"Dust! You actually got out bed!" Killer greeted." Usually you sleep till mid day!"

"Yes, Cross took over the night shift so I got some more sleep."

"Ok, enough chit chat. Time for food, Killer here's your plate." Horror handed the forever crying skeleton his plate of food.

"Thank you bestie!" He thanked taking his plate and walked to sit next to Dust.

"Hey, Ink." Reaper whispered leaning to his friend." Don't you need to give Horror something? Like a note from Sci?"

As if a jellyfish shone, he remembered the piece of paper. " O-Oh, r-right!" Shakily he walked towards the tall skeleton with a hole in his head." E-Excuse me, mister H-Horror. Sci t-told me to give you."

Horror took the note, opened it up and read it." Hmmm, another vegan. At least you have a valid reason, unlike " if you wouldn't eat a dog, you shouldn't eat meat". Alright! I'll change your plate to the vegan version." He then turned around, throwing the piece of paper out, and prepared a vegan breakfast. Once he was done he handed the small skeleton." This may be vegan, but I made sure it has lots of protein, minerals and all that good stuff you need to get stronger."

"O-Oh! Thank you so much!" Ink said taking his plate and walked to the table where Killer was talking to dust.

"And lastly you." Reaper turned to look at Horror when he got a massive plate shoved in his hands. It had way more food then Inks, Killer's or any other crew members he'd seen." You're scrawny and look like you're going to collapse. I'm guessing you had hunt for your food and sometimes even went weeks without it. Therefore, you're not leave untill you eat the entire plate." The way he said it made it obvious. Complaining or denying the food wouldn't end well.

Reaper nodded and walked to the table, looking in his plate with dismay.' there is no way I'm going to finish this entire plate!' he thought taking the fork and mimicked the others in using it. Taking the first bite he smiled.' Welp, better stuffed with good food then starving.'

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