The Boy Who Couldn't Leave

By RiddleMeThis__

35.7K 640 194

Dark!Irondad fan fiction. Tony Stark saw Peter Parker one day when the boy was visiting Stark Industries. As... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

4.3K 57 21
By RiddleMeThis__

This is my first dark! story, so please be kind!!

I felt kinda creepy writing this.

Chapter 1

Peter Parker prided himself in very few things; his wit and Aunt May. His aunt was his only living family member and in all honesty, he didn't know what he would do without her.

His intelligence could make the list, although he doesn't really think of himself as that smart, not like Tony Stark; his idol!

From the age of nine years old, when little Peter Parker visited the Stark Expo in Queens, NY, he was heroically saved by Mr. Stark from a Hammer drone. He remembered it like it was yesterday. 

Peter was so excited to meet the one-and- only Ironman! Aunt May had taken the afternoon off from work just to take him on this special trip! He put on his Ironman mask and was walking around the large room when he heard a noise behind him. 

Peter turned around to see a Hammer drone headed straight for him! He decided to summon his inner superhero. He held out his arms, like he had seen Mr. Stark do numerous times, and tried to shoot the thing down. 

Much to his surprise, it actually worked! The drone was smashed to pieces! But when he turned around, Ironman was standing right behind him! The man bent down and said "Nice work, kid" before flying off.

From that day forward, Peter idolized Tony Stark! He wanted to be just like Ironman! It also didn't hurt that the boy was consistently at the top of his class. 

So when Peter came up to Aunt May with the permission slip in hand for a Stark Industries field trip, she didn't bat an eye and simply signed the paper. 

Peter was beaming "Can you believe it, Aunt May?! Stark Industries! I get to meet Tony Stark!"

May Parker couldn't keep the smile off of her face as Peter ran to his room to call his best friend, Ned. Her kind-hearted, sweet, lovable nephew deserved the world. 


The day of the trip came faster than anyone realized. Peter shot up from bed and excitedly got ready for the day before kissing May on the cheek and running out the door. 

When he was out the door, he glanced around to see if anyone was watching and proceeded to jump out the window and web to school. 

The amazing Spider- man was 14 year old Peter Parker, but no one needed to know this. He spent his nights slinging through Queens as the masked vigilante. 

Peter had hoped to stay this way because, while he would love to be an Avenger, he liked working to protect the little guy. 

Peter reached Midtown High and almost ran into Ned. 

With a big smile, he said "Hey man!

Ned returned the smile and said "Hey! Are you ready to meet Tony Stark?!"

The two engaged in happy chatter, blissfully ignoring Flash Thompson and his "Penis Parker" remarks, the entire bus ride.


Tony Stark sat in his office setting up conferences and signing all the papers Pepper sent his way. What was the point of making her CEO if he still had all this paperwork?!

He finally was able to make his way to the second floor where the interns were tinkering with some of his older technology. 

Friday took him down the elevator, only for him to walk into a room full of teenagers. Ah yes, the high school tours. Euugh. 

He really didn't pay them any mind until he heard a bit of commotion. He turned to see one of his employees yelling something. 

"Who did this?! Who changed the wiring of the watch prototype?!"

Normally, Stark wouldn't care, but he saw that some of the students were a little frightened, so he walked up to the man. 

"Roberts? What seems to be the problem?"

Tony couldn't keep the smirk off his face upon seeing the students watching him in awe. What caught his attention though was a skinny, 5'8 boy with dark, curly hair. He looked scared, yes, but also a little guilty. Hmmm. 

Roberts said "Oh Mr. Stark. I was showing the students your Stark Watch Prototype when I stepped away for a bit. When I returned, the wiring was completely different. Look" He showed Tony the watch and all his notes. 

Tony, however, lifted his eyebrow in surprise. The wiring looks correct. Just to be sure, he turned it on and tried it out. It was working perfectly. All bugs fixed. 

He quirked his eyebrow again and said "Friday. How are the parameters on the Stark Watch Prototype?"

The AI answered "Everything is in order boss. It was been fixed and is working to maximum capacity."

He asked "Who fixed the watch, Friday and how long did it take?" She said "Peter Parker. It look him approximately 10 minutes to rewire the entire device."

Tony turned to look at his employee and an unreadable expression and said "You mean to tell me it took a high school student 10 minutes to fix something that you and your entire team couldn't fix in 7 days?" 

Next, Tony tuned to the students and said "Peter Parker! Show yourself."

Tony wasn't all that surprised when the same boy with dark, curly hair stepped forward. He also couldn't help but notice another boy stuck to his side. He raised his brow at this. He wouldn't hurt the boy. For crying out loud!

He approached the teenager and said "Peter Parker? How did you manage to fix this watch?"

The boy was too stunned to speak. 

However, he finally managed to stutter out "M-Mr. Stark! I'm s-so sorry! I noticed a few flaws on the watch and I-I"

Tony stopped him in that moment. "You managed to fix this watch in mere minutes while the supposed smartest team in the country couldn't figure out the issue. Mr. Parker, how would you like to intern for me a few days of the week?"

When the boy didn't answer, he turned to see him slack-jawed along with the rest of his classmates. 


Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays were the agreed upon days and Peter couldn't be more ecstatic! 

On the first day of his personal internship, Mr. Stark led Tony into his personal lab and instructed Friday to make him an official badge and allow him onto the floor during the designated days and times. 

It was literally a dream come true for Peter! 

Mr. Stark attempted to further test Peter with obscure codes and "faulty" items. Peter passed every test with flying colors and in record time. 

Tony couldn't help but to stare at the boy in awe. The scrawny teenager had no idea how brilliant he was. When Tony was his age, he flaunted his intelligence to the point of jealously and annoyance in his classmates. 

Tony also couldn't help notice the way Peter's nose scrunched in concentration during work, or his cute t-shirts. He especially couldn't forget the boy's sweet scent whenever he passed by. 

He had to have him! 

Tony obviously had Friday pull up everything on the Parkers. Dead parents, dead uncle, raised by a single aunt, top of his class, attends a prestigious school, but also very poor. He could see that May Parker didn't have much money, they could barely afford rent, let alone necessities for Peter. 

Tony made up his mind. The boy was too similar to him just to ignore it.  

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