The New destroyer of Universe...

By Eyeofcreation

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You are a Saiyan named Ager and you have become the new destroyer of Universe 6 after killing Champa in battl... More

Bio: You/Ager
Bio: The legendary super Saiyans.
Meeting a God
Meeting Goku and Vegeta.
The God Born of Thunder
A Visit to Sadala
When you realize you just dissed a god...
Meeting Kale and Caulifla
Broly! The Legendary Super Saiyan!
A God's defeat...
Meeting of Destroyers
Into the Past
His name is Yamoshi
Assembling An Army
Birth of a Super Saiyan
Back to the Future
Hit! The Legendary Assassin!
Welcome, To Planet Sadala
Kelfa! The Might Fusion!
A long-awaited reunion...
A God And A Legend Fashion Show?
The beginning Of The End...
Bio: The Villains
The Controlled of Universe 7:
The Controlled of other Universes:
The Assassin Of Gold
Green vs Rose
Don't Piss Off Beerus
A New Power, And A New Enemy
6th God vs 0 Titan
The Final Confrontation
Legend Vs Legend: Awaken the Power Within!
Titan vs God! The Birth of Existence!
Ager vs Magnac! The Battle Ends!
Book 2 Teaser!

Brother vs Sister, Instincts Clash!

139 3 1
By Eyeofcreation

P.O.V 3rd

The two Silver-haired Immortals stared each other down, both daring the other to make the first move, both wanting to attack, both wanting to counter the other. 

'A battle between Angels can last millions of years before any notable strain appeared, but this battle is unavoidable.' These words rang true within Whis' head as he stared down his dear sister.

For in a battle like this, the first strike to connect is almost always thrown by the winner, and a single mistake, no matter how minuscule, would decide the battle. 

Both immortals narrowed their eyes simultaneously. To the untrained eye, neither one moved. Yet all around them, explosions of immense force began to erupt. Triggered by Ki blasts of intense force colliding. 

Just as suddenly as the explosions began they stopped. Both Angels waited for the other to blink, a split second of darkness could be the deciding factor here. It was the younger of the pair who blinked first. 

Faster than the blink of an eye, [Pun possibly intended...}, Vados sped towards her younger brother. Summoning her staff to her right hand and bringing it down in an overhead arc aimed for his head Vados smirked as she almost landed the attack.


Mere moments before the staff hit Vados, Whis began to grin, despite the situation. Summoning his own staff in his right hand and lifting it up while using his left hand to support the weapon. The two staves clashed in an immense explosion of power and raw strength. Again the siblings narrowed their eyes and as their hands became a blur the testament to their skill became clear.

The unamused stances and faces of the angels were gone, replaced by looks of determination and fierce will, coupled with a stance that was the clear mark of a master. The sound of clashing weapons occurred constantly, with the space in between getting shorter and shorter, until...


The sound barrier was broken as the space between the sound of the weapons clashing vanished completely. Yet despite the force of the sonic boom, neither Angel moved an inch, with only their hair giving any sign of it even affecting them. 

The speed of the two angels continued to increase, climbing higher than what any developed universe could withstand. With each collision of the two staves, energy waves were released throughout the slumbering universe. Waves of raw power that made the power waves released by the clash between Super Saiyan God Goku and Beerus look like a water balloon fight.


Their weapons vanished completely as they shattered through the speed of light, The energy waves became nigh-constant with enough energy to rival the entirety of the universe's 6,7 and 11 pouring out of them, Whis narrowed his eyes, this kind of stand-off wouldn't achieve anything, nor would his usual tactics, he needed to try something different.


Vados landed a solid, direct blow to Whis' side, grinning but her grin was wiped off her face almost before it could even form, for Whis hit her in the face directly with his staff, sending her spinning away. Vados' eyes were wide with shock, that wasn't the normal techniques they used or were even meant to know. But before Vados could even recognize what her brother was doing he vanished, creating a large gap between the two as he ran away. Vados smiled sinisterly, Whis was running away. She gave in pursuit.

Whis sped away, A plan formulating in his mind, he halted once he determined he had created enough distance from his sister and drew his hands to his side, channeling his Ki and willing it to appear in the space between his hands, "KA-ME!" his keen eyes picked up the silver aura of Vados swiftly approaching, "HA-ME!!" Vados stopped in front of him, smiling "Brother, you can't run like this, it's unsightly, come join me!", Whis narrowed his eyes, and making his opinion clear he thrust his hands forward, "HAA!!!!" The silver and Blue beam soared towards Vados who was too slow to stop it or move away. 

The Kamehameha met its mark, dealing great damage to Vados and Pushing her back a great distance. But as the light faded, Vados still stood "My, My Brother!" She said clapping, "I never would've thought that you could even use Goku's move, You suprise me!", Vados' hands froze as her expression darkened, "But now I will kill you" She raised her staff and a large silver ball began to grow at the tip "REMORSELESS!!!" She shouted, dropping her staff and sending the Ki sphere towards Whis.

Whis prepared to counter the Ki strike, this time spreading his arms to either side of him, as Bright Silver Ki appeared in them he drew his hands to his side speaking each word as he moved "Final, Kamehame-" But before Whis could complete the attack he was struck from behind by Vados with a Ki blast. Caught unawares Whis was unnable to stop himself as he was knocked into the heart of Vados' Ultimate Attack.

Whis screamed as he felt the unbearable pain that Remorseless caused him. He couldn't think straight for the pain stopped all rational thinking. As he closed his eyes, all he could do was pray that the suffering ended.


Whis' eyes snapped open, despite the torture that he endured Whis found his determination renewed. He would not surrender, and he would not Lose, no matter the pain, no matter the suffering, he would free his sister.

Whis began to struggle within the Sphere, fighting to stay awake, fighting the pain and suffering. And as he did he felt something immeasurable within him.
And something within him snapped.

With a yell Whis' hair began to glow brighter and brighter until it was as bright as a Sun. Whis brang his arms into an x over his chest, then with a scream he tossed his arms to either side of him, Breaking the Ki Sphere instantly.

Vados, who had been flying away spun around as her attack was shattered. "What!" She shouted in confusion and anger. She began to fly back towards her brother summmoning her staff and swinging it at his still figure with a battle cry. Whis looked up at her without emotion, before grabbing her staff with two fingers. A shockwave was released and Vados' eyes widened. She hadn't even seen Whis' hand move. She tried to pull away but Whis' grip was like iron, raising a single hand pointing it at her face he released a single, concentrated Ki Blast.

And the Battle was decided.

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