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Autorstwa mayadaisyy

578K 15.8K 3.2K

โTo be bewitched, or under a magic spell.โž Nova was your average sweetheart, she was quiet, shy, loved by all... Wiฤ™cej

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Authors Note
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Authors Note


15.1K 363 64
Autorstwa mayadaisyy

Heart Monitor [ 1.6 ]

"How's your dad?"

Stiles turned to the girl next to him, "You ask every five minutes." He snapped slightly before fixing his composure. "I promise you, he's ok."

Immediately the boy felt guilty noticing her frown, "I- didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just angry. I love you Noves, thank you for being so concerned." He said, causing the girl to smile up at him.

The two walked side by side until they reached their classroom, "So...you haven't talked to Scott?" She was met with nothing. "You're not going to?" She questioned once again earning a silent response from him. "You're not very good at staying angry." She pointed out knowing that Stiles was pretty bad at keeping quiet.

"I totally am." An offended look crossed his face.

"We both know you won't stay quiet very long." She said as she took a seat to the left of him.

"Will to." Stiles argued back which prompted them to go back and forth for another minute or so.

"We'll see." Nova shrugged as she watched SCott enter the classroom and take a seat behind Stiles.

Scott sat in his seat awkwardly before leaning close to Stiles, "Still not talking to me?" He whispered.

Seeing as Stiles wasn't going to respond, Nova did so for him, "Nope he's not."

"Okay, can you at least tell me if your dad's okay? It's just a bruise, right? Some soft tissue damage? Nothin' that big--"

"He's fine." Nova answered again from him.

Scott sighed seeing as he was getting nowhere. "You know I feel really bad about it, right?"

"Okay. What if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out, and... that I went to Derek
for help?" Scott leaned back in his seat hoping to get a reaction from him or even both of them.

Stiles shared a look with Nova as he rolled his eyes. "If I was talking to you, I'd say that you're an idiot for trusting him." He said sternly before going back to pretending not to care. "But, obviously, I'm not talking to you..."

"Stiles thinks that you're an idiot-" Nova went on to repeat before she was abruptly cut off.

"I get it, Nova." Scott said, causing the girl to pout.

As the bell rang and class was started Nova could see Stiles struggle with holding it in. She knew he was about to give in.

" ...What did he say?" Stiles sighed giving in, turning back to look at his friend.

Scott did his best to explain what Derek told him to his two best friends. Though Nova asked a lot of questions considering she was also trying to pay attention to class he still did a good job doing so. Thankfully class didn't feel so long so they could catch up with more about it after.

"Wh--? He wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?" Stiles questioned exaggeratedly as the three walked out of their class earning a nod from Scott. "All right, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that, you try to kill someone, and that someone's usually me or Nova." Sarcasm laced his voice as he continued.

"He has a point." Nova chimed in as she followed behind the two taller boys.

"I know." Scott sighed. "That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it."

"Well, how's he gonna teach you to do that?"

Scott shrugged unsurely. "I don't know. I don't think he does, either..."

"Okay." Stiles threw his head back frustratedly. "When are you seeing him again?" He asked.

"He told me not to talk about it. Just act normal and get through the day."

Suddenly the three came to a stop and Stiles patted Scott on the chest, "When?

"He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work.

The buzz cut boy nodded understandingly, "After work. All right. Well, that gives me to the end of the school day, then..." He trailed off shortly.

"To do what?" Both Nova and Scott questioned.

"To teach you myself." Stiles answered before walking ahead of the two.

Nova furrowed her eyebrows slightly quickly following behind him, "Are you qualified for that?" She questioned.


* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ☾˚ 。* 。 • ˚

As the morning went by Nova was left alone for one of her classes. It was homeroom meaning there wasn't much to do. It was essentially like a free period.

Unfortunately she didn't have any friends in this class but because it was like a free period she was able to leave it. Though only if it had to do with educational purposes or sports. Lucky for Nova, reading and books were education so she spent her time in the library.

She sat peacefully in one of the lounge chairs that were scattered around the room. She had her earbuds plugged in and went on to keep reading the booth that her mom had given her last week that she surprisingly has yet to finish.

She completely blocked out the world for the remaining minutes of her class period, that was until someone came and interrupted her.

"Hi." Nova could hear the faint greeting causing her to look up at the person speaking. It was Allison.

Nova looked around making sure she was talking to her though there was really no one else in there, "Oh...hi."

"I'm Allison, I know you're friends with Scott-"

Nova interrupted, "Oh I don't know where he is." She said.

"No." Allison shook her head softly, "I've seen that you're a pretty big reader." She pointed to the rather thick book in Novas arms earning a shy 'yes' from the girl. "I was wondering if you can help me look for any books that might help with my history project. I'd ask the librarians but..." She trailed off looking in their direction.

"They look cranky all the time." Nova finished for her as the taller girl laughed, agreeing. Nova contemplated but gave in to helping the girl, "Sure."

For the last ten minutes Nova was able to help her find books for Allison while they made small talk. Nova answered in simple responses which was not surprising to Allison but she grew to like the girl very much.

"Do you maybe want to join me for lunch?" Alison questioned as they walked out of the library and into the hallways.

"Oh uh..." Nova stuttered out not knowing if she should or not.

But before she could answer the squealing voice of Lyida Martin came through the halls, "Allison!" She marched over to the raven haired girl before turning to Nova, "Are you new?" She tilted her head as she looked at her.

"No..." Nova could not tell if she was serious or not. "We have a class together." She reminded.

"That's right." Lydia snapped her fingers as she semi-remembered the girl's face, "Noelle right?"

Alisson deadpanned as Nova just sighed, "It's Nova but close enough." She corrected.

"I was just asking Nova if she'd like to join us for lunch." Allison interrupted, trying to make things less awkward.

"She has too." The strawberry blonde agreed as she linked arms with the shy girl, "I need to know where you got that outfit from." She said as she eyed the clothes. "I can't believe I've never noticed you till now."

As the girls made it to the lunch room it was primarily empty. Nova was quick to notice Stiles and Scott who was attempting to hide behind a book. The two however were shocked to see Nova with the girls.

The brunette girl tried to ignore their stares and did her best to focus on the many questions Lydia had asked her about. They had a long conversation about her wardrobe while Allison conitined working on her studying for her history project.

Soon Lydias and Novas talk fizzled out and Nova went on to continue reading a random book she had while Lydia played with her hair, and Allison talked about her project.

Nova was pretending to listen for the most part, she was still too focused on her own things. She turned them out, that was until she heard the next words that left Lydia's mouth.

"Your ancestors killed a big wolf. So what?"

"Not just a big wolf. Take a look at this picture. What does it look like to you?" She turned the book so the two other girls could get a good look at the picture.

Nova instantly knew what it was and guessing by Lydia's reaction she was aware of the fact that she's seen it before.

"Lydia?...Lydia?" Nova waved her hand in her face, noticing her eyes began to widen with fear.

It took a few moments but the girl returned to her normal state, "It looks... like a big... wolf." She said before standing up. "See you in history.."

As she stood up Nova noticed both Stiles and Scott began to do the same while trying to avoid Aliison. She was quick to notice as she began to gather her things.

"Scott!" She called out for him. "Scott, wait!"

She turned to Nova. "I'm sorry I-"

"Go ahead." Nova smiled, earning a grateful one from Allison in return.

Although part of Nova was happy she spent her lunch with other people besides her two usual goofball friends she was not ecstatic at the people chosen. Especially considering now that Allison was getting to know more about supernatural beings and her family's business without even knowing.

* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ☾˚ 。* 。 • ˚

After another hour Nova finally met back up with Stiles and Scott for their economics class. Nova took her usual seat in front of Stiles. Just as Stiles began to take his usual seat Scott quickly told him to sit behind him so Allison wouldn't be able to but it was too late.

As much as Nova loved Scott and was happy that he was in a happy relationship she couldn't help but cringe at both him and Allison. She loved him but not enough to hear the lovey dovey words when she was in class. So she did what was best, ignored them and waited for Coach to begin class.

"Let's settle down! Let's start with a quick summary of last night's reading."

Nova was one of the first to raise her hand along with Greenberg.

"Greenberg, put your hand down. Everyone knows you did the reading." Coach sighed before turning to the other person raising their hand, "And Nova how about we give the rest of the dummies in here a try." He said, making Nova frown as he looked for his next victim. "Like how about, uh..." He trailed off before his eyes landed on Scott, "McCall?"

"What?" An alarmed Scott sprung up as he looked at Coach.

"The reading?" Coach questioned the confused boy.

"...Last night's reading?" Nova shook her head, having second hand embarrassment for her friend. 

"How about, uh, the reading of The Gettysburg Address?" Coach remarked sarcastically, further confusing Scott.


"That's sarcasm. You familiar with the term "sarcasm," McCall?" He looked at him seriously.

"Very." Scott and Nova muttered as they turned to Stiles who wore a proud smirk on his face.

As Coach continued to press into Scott Nova couldn't help but flinch each time he said something insulting or mean. She felt sorta bad for Scott, there was a lot stressing him out right now, of course homework wasn't his first priority. She also knew the screaming wouldn't be good for Scotts rage.

Nova turned to give Scott a sympathetic look which he returned with a smile. Though it wasn't Nova's good gesture but by Allison's comfort.

Soon the class had come to an end and they could not be happier, especially Scott. He was still embarrassed by what had happened.

"It's her." Stiles said out of nowhere as the three walked down the hallway.

"What do you mean?" Scott questions confusedly.

"It's Allison." He repeatedly tried to clarify what he was saying. "Remember what you told me about the night of the full moon? You were thinking about her, right? About protecting her."

There was still confusion so Stiles went on to further explain, "Remember the night of the first lacrosse game? You said you could hear her voice out on the field."

"Yeah, I did..." The teen werewolf nodded.

"Well, so that's what brought you back so you could score. And then, after the game, in the locker room, you didn't kill her-- at least, not like how you were trying to kill me." Stiles took a pause before pointing over to Nova, "Or when Nova found you that day in the woods you attacked her but once you found Allison you were fine." Scott's face filled with guilt at the topic, although Nova had forgiven him he will never not feel bad.

"She brings you back, is what I'm saying."

Scott immediately denied it, "No, no, no. But it's not always true, because literally every time I'm kissing her, or-or touching her--"

Before he can go further Stiles interrupted, "No, that's not the same. When you're doing that, you're just another hormonal teenager thinking about sex, you know?" He said making Scott's face turn all dopey like he was dreaming. "...You're thinking about sex right now, aren't you?"

Nova pulled a face of disgust, "That's gross." SHe shivered, not wanting to think about it.

"Yeah. Sorry." A sheepish grin crossed his face as he apologized.

"That's fine." Stiles laughed it off. "Look, back in the classroom, when she was holding your hand, that was different, okay? I don't think she makes you weak-- I-I think she actually gives you control. She's kind of like an anchor."

"So cute but yet so gross." The brunette muttered under her breath.

"You mean, because I love her?"

Nova looked at Scott stunned by the usage of his words, while Stiles just carried on.

"...Did I just say that?"

"Yup." Nova hummed in response.

Although Nova was once again happy for the boy she shouldn't help but think maybe it's too soon. But, who knows the only boy she ever dated was in 3rd grade and even then it only lasted three days.

"And that's beautiful. Now, before you go off and write a sonnet, can we figure this out, please? Because you obviously can't be around her all the time." Although Nova knew if that was an option Scott would never leave Allisons side.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... Sorry. So, what do I do?"

"I don't know. Yet." Stiles began to think when suddenly a devious smile spread onto his lips..

"That's never good." Nova mumbled as she saw it.

Scott agreed as he noticed it, "Oh, no. You're getting an idea, aren't you?


The brunette looked up at Stiles, "How much trouble?"

"You're dads still picking you up right?" He questioned the girl. He didn't want her to wait long, he knew they'd be getting detention.  Nova nodded at his question, "Good."

Nova was confused but didn't question it, "Text me if you guys find out anything." She told them as she walked out of the school towards where her father was picking him up.

* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ☾˚ 。* 。 • ˚

Nova didn't make it home. Her dad was paged in for an emergency operation so she was forced to sit and wait till he was done. Her mom was out of town so she didn't have a ride consideringStiles and Scott were also busy.

Though she did have a chance to keep on studying her magic in the privacy of her fathers office. She had been doing a lot better. She had learned how to light a candle with her mind. She was very excited when she had done so, that was until her mom told her that was only the basic level of what she can do.

She didn't give up though. She went on to learn about other things such as telekinetic spells which had been more difficult to learn. It took a lot of focus and while Nova was very good at staying concentrated she had grown to be easily frustrated.

She knew it was probably dangerous to do it in a public place such as her fathers office but Nova was bored to the point where she had finished all her homework for the week.

So placing her father pens laying across the desk Nova did her best to pick them up one by one and return them into a mg. It took a while for her to actually begin to start, she just kept thinking of all the advice her moms given her.

Tune things out. Focus. Relax. Believe.


Following the instructions Nova found it easier then she did a couple days ago when she began learning. She was doing so well until there was a sudden knock on the door making her drop the pens and the mug that she had been using to hold them in. She started herself making her let out a yelp.

"That's just great." She muttered under her breath as she made her wya to the door frustratedly. opening the door she was shocked to see who was there. "Derek?"

"Are you ok?" A worried look was written on his face as he looked behind her on the floor where the broken mug was.

"Oh-" Nova quickly looked at the pieces before turning to Derek.  "Yeah I was just messing around...what are you doing here?" She changed the subject.

"I came to visit my uncle." No emotions came from him.

"Oh. How was it?" She asked curiously.

"It was fine." His voice sounded disappointed but before Nova could question any further he quickly changed the subject back to her, "What are you doing here?"

"My dad got paged in. I didn't have a ride and my dad didn't want me to walk so...here I am." A shy smile graced her lips.

"I thought I told you, you could call me."

"I thought about it..." SHe trailed off taking a small pause making Derek give her looks to go on.  "But there was no way for me to reach you."

The werewolf sighed, holding his hand out, "Give me your phone."  Nova did so and she watched him type in it before handing it back to her. "There you don't have an excuse anymore." Nova thanked him silently as her cheeks reddened shyly. "I'll give you a ride now if you want."  He offered.

"Sure." Nova nodded. "Just give me a sec." Derek nodded and waited by the door as the girl walked fully into the office picking up the broken mug pieces and putting things back where they belonged. She left a note for her dad knowing he probably wouldn't check his phone first though she still left a message. She picked up her belongings and closed the door behind her as both her and Derek made their way down the halls.

"You know I think our friendship is starting to be based on you being my personal chauffeur." Nova joked as she walked alongside the brooding man.

"Just for you." A cheeky smirk made its way to his face causing the girl to become flustered which Derek noticed rather quickly.

As they made their way to his car he stopped in front of the windshield and picked up a folded piece of paper. "What is it?" A curious Nova questioned when he began to look more alert.

As much as he didn't like bringing her into this he couldn't leave her now. If the Alpha was around there's a chance she'd get hurt alone. "Get in the car." The stern voice scared her. "Now." At the tone she pulled the door open and got in. She watched Derek's head turn in every direction vigilant before getting into the car.

"What's going on?" Worry laced her voice.

"It's the Alpha." He stated and that was enough to allow fear to fully consume Nova. "The Alphas Deaton."

"Scotts boss?" How was that even possible? Nova thought he was the sweetest ever. "That has to be wrong."

"We'll see."

Once they got to the Animal Clinic Derek was the first to step out and NOva was about to follow in suit but he stopped her before she could vene get a foot out.

"Stay in the car." He knew she was about to argue so he spoke up again before she could get a word out, "Just please don't be stubborn. Stay here." His pleading eyes made Nova nod understandingly. She stayed put even though she had every urge to just get out, for what? She didn't know, it's not like she really knew what was going on.

It wasn't a long wait till she saw a car pulling up. More specifically a jeep. From the rearview window she can see Scott make his way out quickly. "Nova?" He noticed the girl from the corner of his eyes. "What are you doing here? And why are you in Derek's car?"

"Deaton." Was all she said giving him the hint that there were more important matters.

After a while she watched Scott come out and leave with Stiles in his jeep. They offered her a ride and she would have taken it if she had known Derek would come out with Deatons body all tied and taped.

When he got in the car it was silent when they started the drive. He didn't say anything and neither did she.

"Is he dead?" She broke the silence.

"No." He answered simply. "Do you want me to drop you off at home?"

SHe shook her head, "I don't really feel like being alone." Truth was that she was scared--terrified even.

Derek sighed feeling a lot of guilt for her fear, "We're meeting the guys at school. Is that okay?" Nova nodded in response. The journey to the school continued in silence, it wasn't awkward,

just silent. As they arrived at school they saw Scott and Stiles standing by his jeep. Nova sighed as she got out already having a bad feeling about things or worse feelings seeing as things were already not good.

"Where's my boss?"

"He's in the back." Derek pointed nonchalantly.

The two bent down to look through the windshield, "Oh, well, he looks comfortable." Stiles muttered sarcastically as he noticed the position the vet was in.

The two highschool boys turned towards the school, "Wait--" Deek called out for them. "Hey. What are you doing?"

"You said I was linked with the Alpha-- I'm gonna see if you're right."

"Do you want to come Noves?" Stiles asked more out of concern not wanting to leave her out here with Derek.

She looked at the school and then to the tools in his hand, "I- I don't want to get in trouble."

"She'll be fine." Derek told them but they didn't exactly believe his words but a reassuring nod from the girl made them comfortable leaving her with her.

Waiting for the boys to do what they needed to, Nova went to lean against Stiles' jeep. Her heartbeat was beating quicker than usual, "Are you ok?" The wolf's concerned face stared down at Novas. "You're hearts beating faster than usual."

"There's a lot going on." The girl sighed as she looked down to where her hands fiddled with the necklace she wore. "And I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared." She admitted making the beta feel even more guilty.

He shook his head and tried to comfort the girl, "I won't let anything happen to you." His tone was firm letting her know she was serious. She was grateful, she hadn't known Derek very long but after learning a bit about him she did know he was good on his word for the most part. He was protective.

A smile was sent his way, "Thank you." It was a good thing it was dark and somewhat chilly out because if it wasn't he would have noticed the pink tint that warmed Nova's cheeks.

All of a sudden out of nowhere an attempt at a howl came from over the PA system. There was no howl, there was no name for whatever came out of Scotts mouth.

"You've got to be kidding me." Derek muttered incredulously as he put his head down.

Nova couldn't help but close her eyes with second hand embarrassment. "That was painful to hear." His 'howl' sounds more like a cat being strangled.

Then another sound came, a real growl. The loud roar caused by Scott was able to cause a small shake inside the building, making objects move around a bit. But, outside in the parking lot the only thing shaking was Nova. Fear once again amplified in her body as she scooted closer to Derek in a way to feel more secure. He didn't push her away or tell her to back up. He could sense the fear off of her and he hated that she felt it.

It didn't take long for Scott and Stiles to make their way out of the school they were met with a pissed off Derek and frightened Nova, "I'm gonna kill both of you!" The elder of them pointed. "What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?"

"Sorry... I didn't know it would be that loud..."

His best friend of course nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it was loud... and it was awesome." Stiles threw his hands up in excitement..

"Not awesome." Nova muttered under her breath as she shook her head. "Not awesome at all." She denied.

Derek was quick to send both boys a look before looking towards Stiles specifically, "Shut up."

"Don't be such a sour-wolf!" Stiles mocked.

Before anything else can be said Scott was quick to notice the open door and empty back seat in Derek's car, "What'd you do with him?" He questioned harshly thinking that he'd been hurt, at least more than he already was.

Both Nova and Derek were quickly to turn their heads confusingly, "What? I didn't do anything." Decked answered.

"He was just here." Nova's voice was low as she remembered seeing him not five minutes ago. There was no way he could have just walked away.

However before anything else can be said the scream coming from Nova quickly filled their ears as they witnessed Derek be lifted up into the air, claws belonging to the Alpha pierced right through his back making it so blood spurted out of his mouth.

The two boys didn't give it another thought before grabbing both of Nova's hands, one in each of theirs and running towards the school. Sprinting towards the open doors they quickly pulled Nova in with them ducking under the open window part to not be seen before the two boys secured and looked at the doors.

Nova was quick to fall into panic mode. She was good with some of the things that have happened but witnessing someone die and being chased by a monster was not okay with her. Stiles was quick to notice the girls state and quickly pulled her into a hug.

"Hey, you're ok." He reassured her in a soothing tone. "We're all going to be ok."

"For how long?"

˛ ☾˚

Hope you enjoyed! 💫 Comment and Vote

Czytaj Dalej

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