Perfect Imperfection

By KingofThugs

881K 35.5K 3.3K




22K 965 61
By KingofThugs


A week went by since that petty ass argument. I still pick her up and see her but little words are exchanged between us.

"Hey." She said getting in the truck.

"What's up." I drove off and headed to her house.

Fat fat was at the house with her grandmother so we didn't have to worry about her.

"Alexis I just want us to be good again." I spoke up once we made it to a red light.

"You were upset with me for now reason Arthur. I didn't deserve to be treated like that at all." She looked at me. I looked back at the road and pulled off from the red light noticing it turned green.

"You didn't and I apoligize. I was in a bad mood and you twisting my words up just made me even more mad."

"Just don't talk to me like that." I pulled into her drive way.

"I'm not. I missed you and I got you something." I said smiling at her. I reached in the back and got the MK watch I got her, LV tote bag, and all black Nike Huaraches.

"I missed you too and what's this." She smiled at me.

"Open it when you get in the house but I have to tell you something but let me finish it before you say anything."


"I almost cheated on you after our little argument. I didn't but I was close to doing it." I said. She just stared back at me. "Can you say something." I said after a few moments of silence.

"Bye Fatz." She said reaching for the door but I locked it and grabbed her arm.

"Bye? That's all you have to say?"

"You waited all this time to tell me? How am I supposed to know you didn't actually cheat. Then the fact you almost did after some petty ass argument leads me to believe after every time we have a dispute you're going to be in a situation to cheat."

"She came onto me. She was close but I pushed her off."

"How were you even alone with her?"

"She work at the trap. We fucked around a few times before I met you but I ended all that."

"Oh and now she just there hanging around waiting for her opportunity to come onto you."

"Its not like that. It's just business now."

"So you want me to trust that y'all don't do shit at all?"

"Yes. Trust me. I'm telling you this when I didn't have to even though we didn't do shit. I still thought you deserved to know." She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever Fatz. Bye, I'll talk to you later."

She said opening up the door.

"We good?" I asked her. She turned around and faced me.

"Far as I know." She shrugged her shoulders and shut the door. I let out a sigh as she walked up her porch and into the house. I looked over and she left the things i got for her on the seat.


I'm upset that Arthur was even in the situation to almost cheat. I trusted him to not even do anything like that. Now how am I supposed to know that he wouldn't go out and hook up with someone after every time we have an altercation. I love him, I really do but this relationship has been through so much. I'm trying to keep us together because I don't want to lose him. He's grown on me and the way he makes me feel is something I can't explain.

"Mommy." Gabriella said sitting on my bed. I really needed a nap but she wouldn't go to sleep.

"Yea baby?"

"Want daddy." She says pouting and her eyes started to tear up.

I take my phone and face time him.

"Hey Arthur." I said once he came into view. It looked like he was in the car driving.

"What's up Alexis."

"Hi daddy." Gabriella said putting her face into the camera.

"Hi fat fat. What you doing?"

"Miss you."

"Aww I miss you too fats."

"She wants you." I said.

"You ok?" He asked glancing at the camera then back to the road.

"Yea, I'm sleepy. Gabriella doesn't want to go to sleep so I'm up."

"I'll be there in like 15 minutes."

"Ok." I said then hung up.

"Put daddy back." Gabriella said and started to cry.

"He's on his way. Stop crying."

This was the longest 15 minutes ever. I swear I was dozing off. He finally came and I went to open the door and let him in. He had the bags he got for me earlier in his hand.

"Hey fat mama." He said picking Gabriella up. I laid my ass right back down and felt my eyes started to get heavy.

I tuned out their conversation as I finally got the sleep I been wanting.

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