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(Gabriella in mm)

I was at work. I work at foot locker.

"How the baby doing?" My homeboy Dre asked me. He was real cool and he made work here more fun. He a funny dude.

"She fine, still amess."

"She get it from you." He laughed.

"No she don't. I most definitely don't act like that."

"Let you tell it."


I walk around the store fixing the clothes hanging up and the shoes that's on display just to waste time.

"Do you guys need help?" I ask the mother and her child who were looking at shoes.

"No we just looking right now."

"Ok well let me know of you need anything."

"Ok thanks." She replied with a smile.

"Nah this bitch keep playing games with me." I hear a deep voice. I turn to the entrance and two older boys walk in. They were both cute, but one of them stood out the most. He had dreads with a nice line up and he was brown skin. He was tall about 6'0 and was well built. I don't know what about them brown skin and dark skin boys but they most definitely attract me.

"Man don't even let that girl get to you, that shit not even worth it foreal." The boy with the dreads replied.

I went to the shoes on the wall and began straightening them to make myself busy.

"What a nigga got to do to get some help around here." I hear one of them mumble.

I roll my eyes before I turned around to help them.

"Hi do you guys need some help?" I ask.

"Finally I been asking for help since I walked in this mothafucka." The one guy said. The boy with the dreads was busy on his phone.

"Well sorry no one didn't come when you asked. But I am here now so do you need help?" I tried to say as nicely as I could.

"What type of customer service is this, you need to be more respectful. Disrespectful ass mothafuckas." 

I folded my arms across my chest and looked at him while he just talked. He running his mouth when he could be receiving help. The boy with the dreads finally looked up and I saw him glancing at me.

"Aye bruh just tell her what you need help with, all this fussing for what." He sounded irritated.

"He fussing with himself." I mumbled. He was still looking at me. I took my hand and pushed my curly hair behind my ear.

"Yea get me these in a size 11 bruh."

I took the shoe from him and walked in the back to get the shoe.

"They giving you a hard time, huh?" Dre said.

"It's the boy without the dreads out there running his fucking mouth for no reason."

"They about to leave, don't even worry."

I got the shoes and brought them to him.

"I'm ready to pay for them now."

I took the shoes to the register and rung them up. I gave him his total and he paid by sliding his card. I placed the shoes in a bag and gave them to him.

"Have a nice day."

"Yea thanks." Fucking attitude like a bitch. I turned around to walk off, but someone was trying get to get my attention.

"Excuse me." I turn back around and the boy with the dreads stood there. "Alexis?" He question looking at my name tag.

"Yea, how can I help you?"

"You're beautiful, you should smile more."

I gave him a small smile. "Thank you-"

"Fatz." He gave his name but there's nothing fat about him.

"Thank you Fatz." He nodded and walked out the store. I don't know, but that compliment just made my day.

It was now 8:30 when I got off. The mall was 15 minutes away from my house. I could either walk or catch the bus. But since I missed the bus I was going to walk. I had mace and a knife in my bag. I made my way down the street. I couldn't wait to get home to get in the shower and see my baby. I miss her mean self.

"Aye sweetheart." I hear a dude call. I don't even turn around.  I just continue to walk.

I finally made it home and my feet was killing me.

"I'll see you tomorrow Lex." My mother said as soon as I walked in the door and she was out. I locked the door behind her and made my way up to my room. I undressed and wrapped a towel around me. I walked down to Gabriella's room and checked on her. She was alseep. I walked down the hall and took me a quick 15 minute shower. After drying off, I lotioned up and put on my panties and a shirt before climbing in the bed.

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