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"Hey Alexis." Austin said coming up to me. I was on my way out the door.

"Hey Austin." I gave him a smile. "What you up to?"

"Nothing. Just thought I come say hi. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime."

"I'm in a relationship Austin." I told him and I noticed his face expression change.

"Oh. He's a lucky guy."

I chuckled. "I would like to think so."

"Well since that's out, can you tutor me for math. I know we have exams coming up soon and I really need to pass." I stopped walking once we made it outside and turned to him.

"If you're serious about it." I said. I didn't want to waste my time.

"Serious as I heart attack."

"Ok, we can start tomorrow. Can we do it during lunch?"

"Yea, sure."

"Ok, I'll see you then." I gave him a hug as Arthur pulled up.

"See you tomorrow." I walked over to the truck and noticed someone was in the front seat.

I opened the back door.

"Mommy." Gabriella shrieked out in excitement.

"What you doing?" I look up and Arthur was looking at me.

"Getting in the car."

"Nah, come get in the front."

"Its fine Ar-"

"Marcus let her get up here."

I sat my book bag back there and gave Gabriella a kiss.

Marcus got out the front and I got inside.

"Hey baby." I greet him.

"What's up." He greet and pulls off.

"Hi O, hi Marcus." I said not trying to be rude.

"What's up Alexis." O replied but Marcus didn't say anything.

"So how was she?" I asked Arthur.

He shrugged. "She was good foreal."

I nodded and got on my phone. Maybe he was having a bad day or something.

"Where we going?" I asked after a while of silence. I noticed we weren't going in the direction of my house.

"Just ride Alexis. I'll take you home don't worry."

I sighed. He was having an attitude problem right now. The only thing that was heard was Gabriella talking and making noises. The radio wasn't even on.

"Did she eat?" I asked. I needed to make sure she did.

"Yea, I fed her." He said like he was irritated that I was asking him so many questions. "You done questioning me now?" I saw he glanced at me then back at the road.

"Mmhm." I said looking out the window. My eyes were becoming watery. My period was making me emotional right now.

As soon as Marcus and O got out I spoke.

"What's your problem?" I asked lowly.


"What's your problem?" I spoke up.

"People just getting on my fucking nerves. And why the fuck you were hugging that nigga outside ya school?"

"Uh oh." Gabriella said from the back.

"It was a friendly hug Arthur. He wasn't grabbing on anything and it wasn't even a whole hug it was a side hug. Am I getting on your nerves?"

"Nah not you. Just don't be too friendly with the nigga."

I sighed rolling my eyes. "What you think I'm some type of hoe or something?"

"I didn't say that, did I? Don't put words into my mouth."

"I can't put words into your mouth. I'm just trying to figure out what you was saying."

"I didn't say that shit. You assumed I said that."

"Ok Arthur you right." I said to just end this extraneous argument.

"You saying that to get me to shut up?"

"Now look who's putting words into someone's mouth." I said sarcastically.

"I asked a question. I didn't say why you trying to get me to shut up. That would be putting words in your mouth."

"Ok Arthur." I'm not about to sit here and go back and forth with him.

He pulled up to my house and I quickly got out. I went to the back and grabbed my bag and Gabriella's. I took her out the seat.

"Bye daddy." She waved.

"Bye fat fat." He looked at me and I just shut the door. I walked around to his side of the car. He rolled his window down.

"Um, I'll see you later." I leaned in to give him a kiss but instead he turned his head. "Really?" He didn't say nothing.

"Bye." He said rolling his window up.

That hurt.


I might have overreacted with Alexis but I was just irritated because of Marcus and O. Then she was twisting my words around and I hate when people do that shit. I was mad with her at the moment. Mad at the fact she was hugging another nigga.

I just walked into the trap house dapping a few niggas.

"Dee why you leave them at the mall?" I asked taking a seat.

"They were getting on my fucking nerves saying shit."

"You can't take a joke." Marcus said laughing.

"Hell yea. He was mad as shit." O said.

I shook my head at them.

"Fatz can I talk to you." I look and Tanya was standing there.

"Oh shit. She was waiting for you at the door." O said and everyone busted out laughing. I stood up chuckling.

"She heard about you." Dee said as I walked to the office with her behind me.

"What's up?" I asked taking a seat. She shut the door.

"I'm trying to get back to where we were before." She said walking over to me and sitting on my lap.

"Nah, I told you that shit was done."

"You don't really want that bitch you with though. She not pleasing you, I can tell." She said rubbing her hands along my chest and started kissing on my neck.

"Tanya you really got to stop."

She reached for my pants and unbuckled them. She took my manhood out and before she can touch it or do anything I stopped her.

"What the fuck I say." I yelled putting my shit up. "Get the fuck out Tanya." She got up embarrassed.


"I don't give a fuck. Good bye."

She quickly got up and left.

I might be upset with Alexis right now but that's still my baby. I can't do that to her.


Their first petty argument but y'all know they going to bounce back.

How y'all feel about Arthur almost cheating? Do y'all consider it as cheating or what?

The drama not over yet

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