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(Alexis in mm)

"Gabriella it's not play time right now."

It was the first day of school. I'm dressed but I was trying to dress her. She kept laughing and wanting to play.

I dressed her in some blue shorts, a gray and blue shirt and her hard bottom shoes with the frilly socks. Her hair was in four ponytails with barrettes. She had my phone and put it to her ear acting like she was talking to someone.

"Stay right there while I get your bag."

I walked down to her room and grabbed her bag putting pampers in there along with an extra outfit. I carried it back to my room and my phone was ringing. I looked and it was Fatz.

"Let me see." I hold my hand out so I can get it from her.

"No." She pulled it back. "Mine." I sigh and just answer it and place it on speaker.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning Fatz."

"Hi." Gabriella says in the phone.

"Hey Lil mama." She starts talking.

"Why are you up so early?"

"I wanted to talk to you before you leave for school."

Fatz wasn't in school no more. He's 23.

I get my book bag and make sure everything is in there.

"Aww that's nice but you didn't have to."

"I wanted to. So when you leaving out?"

"In about 30 minutes. I need to feed Gabriella and myself then we out."

School started at 8:15 for me. I was going to leave out at 7:30.

"You want me to take you?"

"No that's fine." I grab both of our bags and pick Gabriella up so we can go downstairs.

"I'll pick you up from school then."

"Fatz you don't-"

"Nah I'm coming, you get out at 2:45 right?"


"Aight I'll be there."

"Ok since I guess you not taking no for an answer." I sat our bags on the couch and go to the kitchen sitting Gabriella in a chair.

"You right, I'll be there."

"Ok." We said our byes then hung up.

I made Gabriella and I some oatmeal. After we ate I put her in her stroller and put my book bag on. I place her bag on my shoulder and we leave out.

I walked to her daycare which was five minutes from my school. I sign her in and give her a kiss and a hug.

"Mommy will see you later, ok?"

"Bye." She waves at me.

"Give mommy kiss." She puckers her lips and give me a kiss on mine. "I love you." I stood up and the lady takes her bag from me and they walk off.

I sigh and leave out. I hate being away from her for a long time. I really be missing her.

I make it to school 10 minutes before the first bell will ring.

"Alexis!" Someone yells my name as I walked down the hall. I turned around and it was my friend Kayla.

"Hey Kayla." I say once she catches up to me.

"How was your summer?"

"It was fine, you know the usual."

"That's good. How's the baby?"

"She's not really a baby no more, but she good. Still amess."

"She get it from you." Everyone says that but I do not act like that.

"No she doesn't." We walk into first period and took our seats.

"So what's new with you?"

"Not a damn thing. I met this boy but it's just friendly nothing serious."

"Who?" She ask just as the bell ring. Students started to come in and take their seats.

I turned to the front as the teacher starts talking.

School was over now. I walked out the door and to the front. I pulled out my phone and was about to call Fatz but he called me.

"You here?" I asked once I picked up.

"Yea, I'm right in front of you." I look up and a window rolled down to an all black range rover. I hung up the phone and walked to it.

"Hey." I said once I got in. I put my seat belt on as he rolled the window back up.

"What's up." He put the car in drive and drove off.

"I need to pick up my daughter, the daycare right around the corner."

"Aight, I got you." He turned the radio up and Legend by Drake was playing.

We pulled up to the daycare a few minutes later. I got out and quickly walked in to get her. I signed her out and held her hand as she walked. I had her stroller and her bag.

"I got it." Fatz said taking the bag and stroller from me.

"Thanks." He placed the things in the back of his car before getting back in himself.

"What you doing?" He look back at me. I was sitting in the back so I can hold her.

"She don't have a car seat." I said putting the seat belt around us after I closed the door.

"We can go get one." He said before pulling off.


Just a lor something. Leave some feedback. I can't wait until this book start to pick up with the drama and everything

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