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"So please explain to me again why my daughter not here?"

"Her father came and picked her up."

"I'm about to fucking slap you! Tell me who has my daughter!" I yelled at the lady.

"Where she at?" I hear Fatz deep voice boom behind me.

"The father-"

"I'm her father and I don't recall getting her."

"He said he was the real father and they looked similar-"

"Bitch was his name on the list? No the fuck it wasn't."

"I'm-." Her voice was annoying me. I reached over the table and punched her ass dead in her face.

"Come on, we know who got her."

"Bitch I'll be back for you. Y'all closing down, watch." I said as Arthur dragged me out.

I got inside his truck and took my phone out dialing Montez number.

"He answering?"

"No." I cried. I wanted my daughter and I swear Montez better not had laid a finger on her.


"We going to find her don't worry." This bitch ass nigga was dying.

"That is my only child like how could he do something like that."

I was making my way to my trap and my team was going to be on it. Twenty minutes later we pulled up.

"What are we doing here?"

"I said we was going to find her and that's what we going to do." I said getting out.

I made my way towards the door and heard Alexis behind me. I took my key out and unlocked the door heading inside.

"What's going on?" O said when I walked in.

"Meeting in the office." Was all I said before walking to the back. Alexis didn't say a word as she took a seat. Her eyes were red and puffy.

A few minutes later the table was filled with my top ten guys.

"We looking for a nigga named Montez- what's his last name?" I asked Alexis.


"Montez Brown. I need to know of his whereabouts and anyone who he interacts with. Y'all get on it cause I want information before this day is up. Dismissed." They nodded and stood up leaving out the room.

"Who is he?" Dee asked once everyone was out.

"A fuck ass nigga." Alexis said. "Can I get your keys."

I took them out my pocket and gave them to her. "I'm sitting in the car." She said and left out.

"She good?" O asked.

"Nah. The nigga got Gabriella."

"Damn." Marcus said shaking his head. "We going to get her back."

"I know."


"What she keep crying for?" Tanya said painting her nails.

"I don't fucking know." I said trying to get her to shut up.

"Mommy." Gabriella cried.

"Give her something to eat."

I grabbed the McDonald's bag and took out the chicken nuggets. I tried giving them to her but she took it and threw them.

"No. I want daddy."

"I am your father."

"No." She shook her head.

"You so fucking dumb." Tanya said.

"You shut the fuck up, this was your idea."

"You think this is a way to get Alexis to be with you? You're stupid as shit, she not going to want anything to do with you." She laughed.

"And you think that fuck nigga going to want you."

"You don't worry about me. I know what I'm doing." She smiled closing the polish up and walking out the room.

She had something up her sleeve.

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