Keep Your Eyes On Me

By _xX_DarkAngel_Xx_

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• 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 𝒌𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒘𝒉𝒆... More

chapter 00 | issues
chapter 01 | pouring feelings
chapter 02 | against the wall
chapter 03 | warm skin
chapter 04 | satisfaction
chapter 05 | toy
chapter 06 | frustration
chapter 07 | rain
chapter 08 | Gu Huan's bed
chapter 09 | lips pressed together
chapter 010 | pleasure
chapter 011 | suitable partner
chapter 012 | "do you love me?"
chapter 013 | no place
chapter 014 | care
chapter 015 | bodies glued on
chapter 016 | collapsing
chapter 017 | dark mode
chapter 018 | confirmation
chapter 019 | Gu Huan's realization
chapter 021 | cold
chapter 022 | worry
chapter 023 | hospital
chapter 024 | the end

chapter 020 | different

21 3 0
By _xX_DarkAngel_Xx_

"I'm so tired, also very hungry"

Gu Huan smiled as he glanced at the whining baby walking next to him across the hallway. "We only have a few lessons left, endure it"

Yuyang stopped in his tracks and turned his head around. "Ha, you're so heartless" He walked towards the opened window, leaned on it and watched the students playing soccer outside the building on the fields. While Yuyang was busy observing the students outside, Gu Huan took this chance to scan Yuyang's whole vibe and when the strong wind decided to fight back. It had similarities from an anime where a character got more attractive since their hair flies and cherry blossoms make the situation more appealing. This exact moment had the same feeling. Gu Huan widened eyes as he examined how Yuyang looked at him and smiled. It was such an overwhelming situation for Gu Huan as he had the urge to press his lips against the ones in front of him, however he believed that Yuyang would be mad at him if he ever pulled that move for real. So, he held himself back and trapped his thirsty hands inside his pockets.

"Class will start soon. Let's head back"

Gu Huan smiled, then turned and began to head back leaving Yuyang behind.


The school day had come to an end and nothing made Yuyang more happy than to drag Gu Huan to the nearest restaurant and order as much as possible food.

After finishing their meal, the two left the restaurant only for Yuyang to receive a phone call from his father, which he truly did not want to accept. However he knew that not answering this call meant something may happen to Gu Huan as he works for his father, so he sighed and accepted the call. Meanwhile Gu Huan found the nearest bench, grabbed Yuyang's arm and brought the two towards it. "What do you want?"

"Speak properly, where were you raised?" Yuyang busted out a loud laughter. "In your household"

"Where are you? School ended half an hour ago" Yuyang was silenced by this question. He glanced over at Gu Huan and observed the oblivious wolf sitting next to him. Gu Huan was reading the ingredients written on the bottle of juice that he was enjoying drinking, not noticing Yuyang's long stare. "I'm with Gu Huan, why are you asking?"

"Tutoring you?" The curiosity floating through the phone into Yuyang's ear caused him to nearly choke. "We are hanging out"

"Am I paying him to play around or to guide you?" Yuyang sighed. "Is it wrong to have fun?"

"I think you're having plenty of fun, get to the business and do something with your life" He hang up. Yuyang shoved his phone inside his pocket, leaned his head back and closed his eyes. "I'm so done with this shit"

Gu Huan turned his head and examined Yuyang's drained face. After entirely scanning the situation he put the bottle down onto the ground, then gently placed his hand on top of Yuyang's head.

"What are you doing?" Yuyang slightly opened his eyes to watch Gu Huan pat his head and run his fingers through the soft hair. "What did your father say?"

Yuyang smiled. "He's pissed at you. He says we shouldn't be hanging out, instead focus on studying"

Gu Huan listened quietly as he focused on everything that Yuyang had to rant about. "He's super possessive about me becoming exactly like him, which I really do not want. I'm not interested in running a business whatsoever, I'm not interested in whatever he has planned for me and I just want to fucking send myself to the nearest adoption center as fast as humanly possible" Gu Huan lowered his hand from Yuyang's head, instead grabbed his hand and squeezed it. With this action he was hoping for the pain within Yuyang's heart to ease and for him to be able to bring that innocent and loving smile back up. "Why aren't you saying anything asshole? It's way too damn quiet"

"Sometimes the silence treatment does more work than the oral one"

"I'm an expert in that" Although Yuyang smirked and busted out a laughter in this unexpected situation, Gu Huan rolled eyes and joined him with some chuckles.

"What is it you want to do Yuyang?"

Yuyang remained smiling as he lowered his head and played with his fingers nervously. "Well, I just want to live in peace with the one I love"

Gu Huan smiled.

"That's not hard"

Although it was easily said Yuyang knew deep within his heart that it wouldn't be as easy to commit to and simply do. People like them most of the time aren't capable of living an ordinary life without feeling constantly watched, judged and most of all hated for simply existing. Gu Huan may still be experimenting with his sexuality and isn't aware of the side-effects, but Yuyang's eyes and ears were fully experienced and aware of what this pathetic world had to offer for someone with a few differences than the rest of the society.

"Unfortunately ... for someone like me ... it's not as easy as you are imagining"

Gu Huan knew that behind this smile in front of him was more hidden than simple sadness.

To be Continued...

Thank you for reading!~♡

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