Hey There, Delilah | Gilmore...

By Bluebell-Winter

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Rory and her twin sister, Delilah, are as different as night and day, but they still manage to be close, desp... More

⓿➊: Hey There, Delilah
⓿➋: High School Never Ends
⓿➌: Smite Me, O' Mighty Smiter
⓿➍: Hanging On For Deer Life
⓿➎: The Fun in Funeral
⓿➏: The Parties' On
⓿➐: Sealed with a Kiss
⓿➑: All's Fair in Love and War and Snow
➊⓿: Forgive and Forget
➊➊: Paris is on Fire
➊➋: Tonight We Triple Date
➊➌: Be Careful With College Creeps
➊➍: Curse You Donna Reed
➊➎: The Return of Christopher
➊➏: If Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow...
➊➐: Break Ups and Other Messy Things
➊➑: Trust Fund Baby
➊➒: We'll Be the White Rabbits
➋⓿: From the Bottom of My Heart
➋➊: Whole Legions of Daisies
⓿➊: One of Us. One of Us.
⓿➋: Tacky Hammers
⓿➌: Just Dance
⓿➍: College Road Trip
⓿➎: Sid Was Abusive
⓿➏: A Coming Out Ball

⓿➒: Out All Night Long

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By Bluebell-Winter

Delilah figured that she'd rather be at home than at another Friday night dinner, but she had obligations to sit with her grandmother and eat salads. Delilah was picking the avocado out because she didn't particularly like avocado with salads. Maybe if it was something other than salad.

"Your grandfather called and he said that he was going to get you both something from Prague," Emily said to Delilah and Rory.

Rory sighed, "Wow, Prague. Lila, how amazing is it that he's going to Prague?"

Delilah nodded.

"It's lovely," said Emily, "very dramatic castles everywhere."

"Did you know the cell that Václav Havel was held in is now a hostel? You can stay there for like fifty dollars a night," Rory said. She looked at Lorelai, "Hey, maybe on our big trip to Europe, we could go to Prague and stay in his cell."

"Absolutely," said Lorelai. "And then we go to Turkey and stay in that place from Midnight Express." She had a tone that Delilah couldn't tell if her mother was being sarcastic or not.

"Lorelai, Lila, what are you two doing?" asked Emily.

"I don't like avocado on my salad," Delilah said.

"Same," said Lorelai. "I'm getting rid of it."

"Since when do you both not like avocado?" asked Emily.

"Since the day I said, 'Gross. What is this?' and you said, 'Avocado,'" Lorelai said.

"I don't dislike avocado, I just hate it being a part of my salads. I like it on nachos or sandwiches though," said Delilah.

Emily turned to Rory, "I'm focusing on you now. Tell me all about the Chilton formal next week."

"There's a formal?" Delilah and Lorelai asked in unison.

Lorelai snapped her fingers and said, "Ha! You owe me a soda."

Rory looked at Emily, "How do you know about the formal?"

"Yeah, how do you know about the formal?" Lorelai asked her mother.

"I read my Chilton newsletter," replied Emily.

"Since when do you get a Chilton newsletter?" asked Lorelai.

"Well as major contributor to Rory's education, I figured I had the right to ask for a newsletter to be sent to my house," said Emily as she got up to get a copy of the newsletter.

"Are you serious?" asked Lorelai.

"And it's a good thing, too, since you don't bother to read yours, and apparently Lila never heard of the formal," said Emily. "One of us should be up to date on the goings-on at Rory's school."

"That's because Lila doesn't even go to Chilton," said Lorelai.

"Do you want to go to Chilton, Lila?" asked Emily. "It's no problem for us to pay your tuition."

"No," said Delilah quickly. "I mean, my grades won't allow me into Chilton and my boyfriend and my g – good friend both go to Stars Hollow High, so I don't want to go to Chilton."

"Your boyfriend?" said Emily. She tried to remember any of Delilah's friends. "Is it that Matthew boy?"

"Yes, Grandma," replied Delilah.

"When did that happen?" asked Emily.

"A few days after my and Rory's birthday," replied Delilah.

Emily frowned, "I would assume it was the day of your second party, considering how awkward you two looked."

"I kissed him on the night of our birthday," said Delilah. "We just hadn't talked about our relationship status yet that day."

Emily nodded, "Well, we have to meet him."

"You have," Lorelai said.

"Well, as her boyfriend," said Emily.

Delilah wondered how well it would go if she mentioned that she had a girlfriend as well. Rory looked like she was definitely thinking about it. "So, this formal thing at Chilton?"

"Oh, right, thanks for reminding me," said Emily.

Rory glared at Delilah for bringing it up. "Yeah, but I'm not going."

"Nonsense, of course you're going," said Emily.

"Mom, if Rory doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to go," said Lorelai.

"Well, I don't understand why she wouldn't want to go," said Emily.

"Lila and I are going to get another Coke," said Rory.

"You still owe me that soda," said Lorelai to Delilah.

"Yeah, yeah," replied Delilah, getting her glass of soda. She followed Rory to the kitchen.

"Thanks for bringing up that stupid formal," Rory said to Delilah.

"Sorry, but I don't want to explain my entire relationship to Grandma either," said Delilah. "Somehow she'll wiggle out the fact that we slept together once."

"I thought it was twice," said Rory.

"I count the one-on-one as one," replied Delilah. "And if she finds out about that and the threesome she'll be looking at me as the mini version of Mom."

"She's going to find out, especially about Samantha," said Rory. "It'll be easier and a lot less painful if you tell her."

"I'll tell her and Grandpa," said Delilah.

"Well, I don't think Grandma is too against lesbian relationships. When we got snowed in, she mentioned that she should've married some woman and that'll make her a 'modern woman'."

Delilah shrugged, but felt a bit of hope that their grandparents would approve of her relationship with Samantha. However, if she told them that she was dating two people at the same time on the other hand...

Delilah ended up sitting in the backseat of the jeep, trying hard not to fall asleep.

"Why didn't you mention the dance?" Lorelai said.

"'Cause I'm not going," said Rory.

"Oh," replied Lorelai. "But why aren't you going?"

"'Cause I hate dances," said Rory.

"Good answer." Lorelai said, "Except you've never actually been to a dance."

"So?" replied Rory.

"So you really have nothing to compare it to," said Lorelai.

"No, but Lila told me about her experience at that one dance," said Rory.

"That was in middle school and to get extra credit for showing up," said Delilah. "I hated it and left after ten minutes."

"That's true," said Lorelai. "However, not really, Rory, since you've never actually been to one. You're basing all your dance opinions on Lila's experience and on one midnightt viewing of Sixteen Candles."

"So?" replied Rory.

"So, you should have a decent reason for hating something before you really decide you hate it," replied Lorelai.

"Trust me, I'll hate it," said Rory. "It'll be stuffy and boring, the music will suck, and since none of the kids at school like me, I'll be stuck in the back listening to 98, watching Tristan and Paris argue over which one of them gets to make me miserable first. Or have Tristan come up to me and ask if Lila is really dating someone or am I lying because I want him for myself."

"God," replied Delilah disgusted. "And people find that attractive?"

"Okay," replied Lorelai, like Rory made a valid point. "Or it'll be all sparkly and exciting and you'll be standing on the dance floor listening to Tom Waits with some great looking guy staring at you so hard that you don't even realize that Paris and Tristan have just been eaten by bears."

"What guy?" asked Rory.

"I don't know – maybe the guy who hangs out in our trees all day waiting for you to come home?" asked Lorelai.

"Dean does not hang out in trees," replied Rory.

"He bashed his bead on a branch last week when Sam left the house and threw an apple at him," replied Lorelai.

Delilah smiled at the memory of that.

"Why do you care all of a sudden if I go?" asked Rory.

"I don't care if you go. I just don't want you to miss any experiences because you're too afraid," replied Lorelai.

"I'm afraid? Of what?" asked Rory.

"Of asking Dean. Of him saying 'no.' Of going to a dance with a bunch of kids who haven't accepted you yet. Of...dancing in public. Of...finding you should never be dancing in public," said Lorelai.

"Okay, okay, I get it," said Rory.

Lorelai started, "Listen, I know you are not Miss Party Girl—"

"That goes to Lila," said Rory.

"All she does is drink wine with her friends," Lorelai said. "Anyway, I love you both, but sometimes I wonder – do you not join in because you really don't want to or because you're too shy? If the reason you don't want to go is because you really don't want to go and not because you are in any way afraid, then this is the last time I'll mention it, I promise."

Rory sounded uncertain as she spoke, "I don't have a dress."

"I could make you one," said Lorelai.

"Samantha can as well," said Delilah.

"I'd rather have Mom make me one," said Rory. "At least this way, she won't make me look like I'm going to a party or a club."

"Yeah," said Lorelai. "We could get some great shoes and some new earrings. Lila can even do your hair."

"You won't think I'm an idiot?" asked Rory.

"Depends on what hairstyle you choose," replied Lorelai. "This dance could be great for you."

"Or it could be her humiliation," said Delilah.

"Not helping, Lila," replied Lorelai.

"Yeah, not helping," replied Delilah.

"Hey, Eli, have you ever gone to a school dance?" Delilah asked Elijah.

"I have when I was sixteen," replied Elijah as he added flour to some dough, before picking up a rolling pin.

"How did that turn out?" Delilah asked as she mixed some cherry filling.

"Someone spiked the punch, came home extremely drunk. My step-mother, who practically is my real mother, put me in bed. However I wanted something to drink, and decided to leave through the second story window. My dad came home and watched me fall out of the bedroom and land on a lawn gnome. He laughed so hard at that," said Elijah.

"Was that the first time you got drunk?" asked Delilah.

"No," replied Elijah. "The first time I did was at a bonfire party. Fell asleep in some tides and woke up still drunk, with sand in very uncomfortable places. My dad laughed when I came home. He was angry I was out all night, came home, and started speaking incoherently before laughing."

"Your dad sure finds you being drunk funny," Delilah said.

"It was just the way I looked the first time," said Elijah. "Watching me fall out of my bedroom window was hilarious and brings it up every Christmas."

"The first time I got drunk I crashed my boyfriend's car into a tree," said Fran.

Delilah was surprised, "Really?"

"Yeah," said Fran. "He told his parents that someone must've stolen it and crashed it. I think they didn't believe him."

"I got drunk and took my parents' car for a joyride and crashed into a pole," said Marjorie. "Dented the door and I told them that someone pushed a shopping cart into it, and then stole the shopping cart."

"How about you, Lila?" asked Elijah. "Everyone is telling their stories, now it's your turn. At least, if you ever drank before."

"I got drunk while we were outside by the pool. Matt, Samantha, and I were getting bit by mosquitoes, and we headed inside to get bug spray, but couldn't find any. We decided to spray each other down with PAM cooking spray instead," Delilah said, grimacing. "We remember that a little too clearly."

They got back to work and Elijah looked at Delilah's Christmas themed apron. "At what point do I get to wear different aprons?" He looked at his apron which just had the bakery logo on it.

"After four months," replied Fran.

Elijah nodded, "All right."

Delilah smiled, "We're kidding. You can pick wear one whenever."

Elijah chuckled, "You got me good on that."

The door's bell jingled, and a few minutes later, Fran walked in.

"Lila, Rory and Lane want to talk to you," Fran said.

Delilah walked to where Rory and Lane were standing. Lane was looking in the display case, only looked up when she noticed Delilah. Lane looked at Rory, "You weren't kidding about the hairnet."

"Unless you want hair in your food, the hairnet stays on," Delilah said. "What do you two want?"

"I want that scone," Lane said.

"Also, I asked Dean to the dance," said Rory.

"Isn't it a given because you two are dating?" Delilah asked.

"She prefers the term gentleman caller," Lane said.

Delilah looked at Rory, "I said it once, and I'll say it again: you're an old lady in a teenager's body."

"Actually you said I'm an adult in a teen's body," Rory corrected. "Now, get me and Lane some of those scones, Hairnet."

By Saturday, Rory had to get ready. Delilah decided to make some hot chocolate along with whipped cream and cinnamon powder on top. She set the mug aside for her mother.

"How's your back, Mom?" Delilah asked her mother, who was sitting on the couch, reading a magazine.

Lorelai had told them about the pulled back muscle she had gotten. "It's feeling a lot better now that I have the hot chocolate that you put your blood, sweat, and tears in making for me."

All she did was use a packet of hot chocolate mix and milk.

"You're welcome," said Delilah.

Lorelai took a sip and looked into the kitchen. "Come on, already!"

"I'm primping!" Rory yelled.

"You're sixteen. You have skin like a baby's ass. There's nothing to primp," Lorelai replied.

"Okay, okay, here I come," said Rory.

Rory walked into the room wearing a purple dress. It was beautiful. The added flowers

"Wow," said Lorelai and Rory spun in the dress. "Someone hit you with a pretty stick."

"This dress is amazing," said Rory. "You outdid yourself."

"It is gorgeous," said Delilah. She felt a slight pang of jealousy towards the dress, but she stomped it down. Now was not the time for pettiness like that.

"It's beautiful," said Lorelai. "You look beautiful. Come here."

"What?" asked Rory, going over to Lorelai.

"Stray hair," said Lorelai.

"Fix, please," said Rory, crouching down in front of Lorelai.

Lorelai fixed the hair and petted Rory on the side of the face. "Yes." She hummed, "I think my favorite part is the shoes."

"The heels hurt," said Rory.

"That's all part of the beauty process," Delilah said.

"Yeah, beauty is pain," said Lorelai.

"You should've worn them because you have to get used to them," Delilah pointed out.

"I'll just throw them on my way out," Rory said.

"No, you should put them on now and let your feet get really numb," said Lorelai.

"That's sick," replied Rory.

"That's beauty," replied Delilah.

"Go get me the hair spray," Lorelai told Rory.

"Okay," Rory said and hurried to go get hair spray.

Rory ran off to get her shoes and the doorbell rang.

"It's open!" Lorelai yelled.

"It's me! I got tacos!" Sookie declared as she walked in.

"Yay!" Lorelai said.

"You got taco sauce?" asked Delilah.

"Yes, I got extra hot sauce, a couple of extra burritos for Lorelai when she gets hungry later, and I got some enchiladas for Samantha and Matt," said Sookie.

"Why would they want enchiladas?" asked Delilah.

Sookie turned to her, "I assumed they would be here at some point."

"They would," admitted Delilah.

"You take such good care of me," said Lorelai.

"Hey, Sookie," said Rory. "Look."

Sookie gasped, "Oh, my god! You're a movie star! I'm serious. Oh my – at some point tonight, walk down a flight of stairs. Movie stars always walk down staircases."

"Okay, come on, let me spray while you both try to figure out what she just said," said Lorelai.

Sookie took the can of hair spray from Rory. To Lorelai, she said, "You don't move. I got it."

Delilah trusted Fran and Marjorie with a can of hair spray than Sookie.

As if to prove her thought process, Sookie sprayed it in her own face. "Ow!"

"Sookie," Lorelai said.

"Wrong way! I got it," replied Sookie.

"Are you okay?" asked Rory.

"Yeah, sweetie, hand that to your mother. My eyelashes are all stuck together," Sookie said, handing the can of hair spray to Rory.

Rory headed towards Lorelai.

"Honey, are you sure you're alright?" Lorelai asked as Sookie stumbled towards the kitchen.

"I'm fine," said Sookie.

"Shield the tacos," Lorelai said to Rory. "Okay, ready?"

Rory put the bag under the table and Lorelai covered Rory's eyes with one hand, while Lorelai sprayed her hair with the other hand.

"God!" yelled Rory after a few seconds of hair spraying.

"Okay, that will be good for six slow dances, four medium ones, one lambada, but if you plan on doing any moshing, I suggest another coat," said Lorelai.

"I think I'm good," said Rory.

"Rory, sweetie, is this soap by the sink in the silver bottle?" Sookie called.

"No!" yelled Rory.

"Hurry!" Delilah ordered, taking the bag out from under the table and hurried into the kitchen to get some plates.

The doorbell rang.

"It's open!" Lorelai called out.

Delilah got out some tacos. She spoke to Rory, "The burritos and enchiladas are for later."

Rory took a taco and Delilah took a hand towel. "Here, stick this in your dress so you don't get grease and stuff on it."

"Thanks," said Rory, doing as she was told.

Delilah held up a condiment cup, "Hot sauce?"

"Yeah," said Rory, taking it and opening it to pour it in her taco.

"Okay, Rory, come in here now," Emily said.

Delilah followed Rory into the living room.

"Hey, Grandma," said Rory.

Emily was holding a camera and glared at Lorelai, "They have lived with you too long."

"Honey, lose the bib and taco, put your shoes on, come back out, and let Grandma take the pretty picture," Lorelai said to Rory.

"Okay," replied Rory, turning and leaving the living room.

Emily looked at something, "Lila, dear, what are those things on your legs?"

Delilah looked down at her tights, "Fishnet tights?"

Emily looked at Lorelai.

"Mom, they're something that she picked out," Lorelai said.

Delilah was positive that her grandmother wouldn't like the idea that Delilah wore them because her girlfriend liked seeing her wear fishnet tights, although Delilah had one out of two chances of getting pregnant by dating two people at the same time.

Sookie came out of the kitchen, holding a towel to her eye, "I'm going to get going."

"You took hair spray to the eye, I can drive you home," Delilah said.

"I walked," said Sookie. She spoke to the staircase, "It was nice to see you again, Mrs. Gilmore." She moved her hand, "or at least make out your shape."

"Call in fifteen minutes or I'm sending out a search party," Lorelai said.

"And you call me if I can come over and help Lila help you up the stairs or something," Sookie said.

"No, I'll be fine," said Lorelai.

"Bye," said Sookie.

"I'm going to go help her," said Delilah.

"Not in your—" Emily eyed the tights in distaste, "fishnet tights, you're not. Especially not when your sister is going to her first dance."

Delilah guessed her grandmother had a point there, "Fine."

Emily turned to Lorelai, "Why would you need help up the stairs?"

"No reason," said Lorelai. "Rory, let's go! Your public awaits!"

Delilah went into the kitchen to help Rory with the heels. Rory wobbled and Delilah had to steady her.

Rory took a few steps in the heels and grabbed Delilah's shoulder to stabilize herself. She took a good few steps before she was steady.

"It's open!" yelled Lorelai.

Together, they ventured out into the living room, although Matt and Samantha were there in the living room already.

"All right, here she is. Mom, get your camera moving," said Lorelai.

"What? Oh, my, you're gorgeous. Oh! Smile!" said Emily.

Delilah moved out of the way, so Emily can take Rory's pictures. Matt grabbed Delilah around her waist and pulled her into a brief kiss.

Emily was taking pictures of Rory. She said to Lorelai, "I'm so glad you decided to buy her a dress."

Delilah looked at her twin and her mother.

"Oh, Lila, how about you get in the picture with Rory?" asked Emily.

"Should I go change?" Delilah asked.

"No, what you have on is lovely," said Emily.

Delilah went to Rory and they had to stand facing each other, but it was hard, considering Rory was wearing heels and was now taller than Delilah. Delilah turned and spotted her lovers standing awkwardly behind Emily, looking at what was happening. So she winked and pretended to blow a kiss to them.

They pretended to fight over it.

Her lovers were weirdoes, but they were her weirdoes.

A car honked from outside.

"That's Dean!" said Rory.

"Hey, come here," said Lorelai.

"Oh," said Rory. She hurried on over to hug Lorelai bye.

"Have an amazing time," said Lorelai. Rory kissed her on the cheek.

"I'll chronicle the whole evening for you, I promise," said Rory. She looked at Matt and Samantha who gave her questioning looks.

Rory went over and put one arm around Matt's shoulders, in a sort of one armed hug. Samantha put her arms around Rory's shoulders and smushed Rory against Matt with her body, causing Rory to squeak. Matt had put his arms around both girls, pulling them closer to him, effectively sandwiching Rory between them.

"Have a good time at a rich dance with Dean, Rory," Samantha said, sounding like she was using a flirtatious voice.

Delilah couldn't help but laugh at what they were doing.

They were weirdoes, but she loved them anyway.

Rory managed to get free, especially when Dean honked again.

"Bye, Grandma," said Rory, kissing her on the cheek. She hugged Delilah, "Bye, Lila."

"Bye," said Delilah. "Step on his toes for me."

"I will," said Rory.

"Where are you going?" asked Emily.

"You do not go running out the door when a boy honks," said Emily.

Matt and Samantha looked at each other.

"Mom, it's fine," said Lorelai.

"It certainly is not fine. This is not a drive through. She's not fried chicken," said Emily.

"But I told him to honk and I'd meet him out there. We agreed," explained Rory.

"I don't care what you told him. If he wants to take you out, he will walk up to this door, and knock, and say 'good evening' and come inside for a moment like any civilized human being would know to do," said Emily.

Samantha and Matt both snickered. Delilah held back a grimace at the flashbacks of sneaking in through her lovers' bedrooms windows, just to hang out and lay in bed together.

"Zip it you two," Lorelai said sternly at them. To her mother, she spoke, "No, Mom, this is silly. I have met him already."

"Well I haven't," replied Emily.

Lorelai started, "Yeah, but—"

"We will wait until he comes to the door."

"He doesn't know he's supposed to," said Rory.

Samantha strode by and opened the door. She stuck her head out the door, "Hey! You floppy haired wannabe bad boy! Get your ass in here!"

My girlfriend, ladies and gentlemen, Delilah thought. She looked at Matt, who looked unsure if he should be turned on or embarrassed. Delilah felt the same way.

"And now he knows," Samantha said with a smirk as she closed the door. She walked back over to Matt.

The doorbell rang and Rory started running to the door.

"Don't rush. A lady never rushes," Emily said.

You haven't seen Samantha run for the cafeteria when it's pizza day, Delilah thought, watching as Rory ran for the door anyway. She still remembered Nicole Ramirez getting shoved to the ground by Samantha.

"Hey," said Rory, once she opened the door.

"Hey, uh, I thought I was supposed to honk, but Samantha over there yelled at me to, uh, and I quote, 'get my floppy haired wannabe bad boy ass' in here' end quote," said Dean.

"I know, she has a way with words, and I'm sorry," said Rory.

"Young man, come in here please," Emily said.

"Hey, Dean, meet my mother, Emily Post," said Lorelai.

"Emily Gilmore," said Emily.

Dean looked uncomfortable, "Hi."

"Great rap session," said Lorelai. "All right you guys are out of here. Have fun."

"Be home by eleven," said Emily.

Delilah saw her mother mouth twelve.

"Bye Mom, bye Grandma, bye Lila, Matt, and Samantha," Rory said before leaving.

"What do you know about this boy?" asked Emily.

"He's good with English literature," Samantha said.

"He's really tall," said Matt.

"He sucks at math," Delilah added.

"Rory likes him and his parole officer has high hopes for his rehabilitation," Lorelai joked.

"Does he drink?" asked Emily.

"Like a fish," Lorelai continued to joke.

"That's not a crazy question," Emily said.

"It is a crazy question, Mom, because if I had knowledge of him being a drinker, he would not be with Rory now," said Lorelai.

Emily started, "Yes, but—"

"Mom, please relax," Lorelai interrupted. "Dean is a good kid. Rory's gonna have a great time. You got your pictures and tomorrow I will call you and give you all the details."

"Bye Mom, bye Grandma, we're going to be late for the movie," Delilah said quickly.

"Be home by twelve!" yelled Lorealai.

Delilah left the house with her lovers following after her.

She just wanted to get out of there before an argument cropped up in front of them. They headed to Black-White-Read Bookstore. They wore showing the1958 version of The Fly and Matt wanted to go see it.

"She's...high-maintenance," Samantha said, taking Delilah's hand, who took Matt's hand.

"She's not that bad," Delilah admitted, "But yeah, I guess she's high-maintenance. I just hope no one comes out of that house in a body-bag."

"That bad, huh?" asked Matt.

"I mean she got pregnant at sixteen and left with us when she was seventeen because she felt my grandmother was controlling," said Delilah.

"Oh," said Samantha, "Good for her, then."

"I mean, she's old fashioned in a way, but she didn't seem that horrible," said Matt.

"Compared to your mother? Emily would be a better mother to you than Vanessa," said Samantha.

"At least my grandmother will feed you," Delilah pointed out. "Even if you piss her off, she won't let you go to bed hungry."

They took their seats in the theater and waited for the movie to start. Delilah hoped that Rory was having fun at the dance even if Paris and Tristan tried to make her miserable while she was there.

"She'll have a good time," Samantha said to Delilah. "Don't worry. She's a big girl, she can handle herself. She's been going to school there for a few months now. If she survived a few months, she'll survive a dance."

Delilah knew that her girlfriend had a point, but it didn't lessen the worry she felt towards Rory, especially with the creep Tristan on the prowl there and bitchy Paris, although Rory had complained about Paris as much as she used to.

Samantha took Delilah's hand, "Don't worry. Just enjoy the movie."

Delilah sat back in her seat. She leaned towards Matt who looked at her, before kissing her on the cheek. "Thanks, but not that. I was going to ask if someone remade this movie."

"Oh," replied Matt, "Yeah, in 1986. I think there was a sequel."

"Oh," Delilah said. She kissed Matt on the cheek and turned to face forward in her seat. From the corner of her eye, she noticed Samantha pouting, so she went to kiss Samantha on the cheek, but the blonde girl turned at the last second and kissed Delilah on the lips.

Matt chuckled and the movie started playing.

After the movie, Matt went home because he didn't want to get locked out of the house when his mother eventually came home, so it left Samantha and Delilah to hang out together, which was fine with her.

"I hate it," Delilah said as they hung out in Samantha's bedroom together.

Samantha looked alarmed, "What?"

"I hate how my mom and grandmother always argue. One minute they seem to get along so well and then they're at each other's throats," Delilah said.

Samantha nodded, "Go on."

"And I just hate how my grandmother takes potshots at my mom all the damn time, about everything that she is. I think my mother did a good job raising Rory and me, even if it was on her own and my dad barely being there," Delilah continued. "And we're expected to grit our teeth and accept her criticisms towards her. I just want everyone to get along and they'd rather not let the past go."

Samantha pulled Delilah into a hug and lied down on her bed. "One day it will get better. They'll move on and everyone will get along."

Delilah nodded, "I hope so."

"I know so," Samantha said. They laid there in silence. "By the way, have I told you that you look hot in fishnets?"

Delilah smirked, "I think you have said it once or twice."

Samantha kissed Delilah.

After some fooling around, Delilah took a quick shower and left Samantha's home, feeling a little better after ranting about her family drama towards Samantha, who really wasn't helpful in giving advice, but it was appreciated that she listened to Delilah.

So, when she walked in the house, Emily was still up, reading a book.

"Lila? Is that you?" Emily called.

"Yeah, it's me," Delilah said, walking into the living room.

Lorelai was asleep and had a blanket around her.

"Did you enjoy your movie?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, I cried when Dandelo the cat was transported to another dimension...and it when it meowed from somewhere they couldn't see, I cried even more," Delilah said. "I cried when André got crushed by a rock when he got stuck in the spider web."

Emily smiled at that, "I cried at those parts, too."

Delilah was surprised, "You saw the movie?"

"Yes, and I had even read the short story that it was adapted from," said Emily. "Just don't tell your mother and grandfather. They'll never leave me alone for it."

Delilah smiled, "Good night, Grandma."

"Good night, Lila," said Emily.

Delilah went up to her room.

Delilah woke up to yelling. It sounded like her mother and grandmother were arguing. She got up and made her way down the stairs.

"Maybe I was some horrible uncontrollable child like you say, but Rory and Lila aren't. They're smart and careful and I trust them and they're gonna be fine and if you can't accept that or believe it, then I don't want you in this house!"

Emily left, slamming the door.

Rory and Delilah went into the kitchen.

Rory started, "Mom, thank you saying all those—"

"What were you thinking? Staying out all night! Are you insane?" Lorelai said.

"I'm sorry. It was an accident," said Rory.

"You're talking to the queen of staying out all night. I invented the concept! This is no accident! You can't this! Period," said Lorelai.

"Nothing happened!" Rory yelled back.

"Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up with my mother here and find out that you never came home?" asked Lorelai.

"So all this is about Grandma being here," said Rory.

"No, it's about the feeling of complete terror when your kid isn't in her bed in the morning," said Lorelai.

"Lila stayed out all night to stay with Matt during the first snowfall," said Rory.

"That's different," said Lorelai. "I knew she was with Matt. And don't change the subject. It's a whole different kind of terror when you find out that she spent the night with some guy."

"I didn't spend the night with him. We fell asleep. And how is different when she spent the night with Matt having sex with him and I fall asleep in Patty's barn with Dean?" said Rory.

"That's because she's open with me about that kind of stuff and she told me right away, and I know she's on birth control, and I know Matt and Sam very well, and you're going on the pill, too," said Lorelai all in one breath.

"What?" said Rory.

"You're not getting pregnant," said Lorelai.

"I'm not sleeping with Dean," replied Rory.

"Damn it!" yelled Lorelai.

"What happened to all that stuff you said to Grandma? What happened to trusting us? Where did all that go?" Rory argued back.

"I think its back on Patty's yoga mats," said Lorelai.

"This is crap! You know I didn't do anything. You know this is an accident. You're just mad because I screwed up and I did it in front of Grandma and she nailed you for it. Well I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I screwed up and I'm sorry that you got yelled at, but I didn't do anything and you know it!" Rory countered, turned and went to her room slamming the door.

Lorelai sat at the table and Delilah went to her room, feeling confused. Sure it seemed like her mother was overreacting over the whole situation with Rory, since her mother's nerves were usually shot after dealing with Emily. But Rory did make an honest mistake by accidentally staying out all night long.

However, Rory didn't even tell her mother about her first kiss with Dean, Lorelai had to find out by Mrs. Kim, so it would make sense if Lorelai had thought something else went down with Rory and Dean.

But Lorelai was just worried that Rory would 'ruin' her life by getting pregnant at sixteen.

It was settled then, the both of them had right points and Delilah wasn't going to get caught in the middle of their argument.

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