Until Now

By kayxo8

715 5 1

Until now, she's never felt this way for someone before. Until now, he'd never felt this way for someone befo... More



25 1 0
By kayxo8

Taylor and Dee sat in the nail salon next to each other getting their nails done. Today was Friday, the day everyone who was in on it had been waiting for.

"Have you been excited for your date tonight?" Taylor beamed at the girl, feeling excited for her as she didn't know half of what was happening. Dee shrugged.

"Kinda, not exactly though...." She spoke glumly. Taylor stared at her in disbelief.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, today is Friday and that means Judah goes back to LA tomorrow...it's all just bitter sweet today" she told Taylor.

"I get that. When Nash and I first got together we had to work a long distance relationship for the first year. It wasn't easy, but the distance also made every time we saw each other so much more special and exciting. I really do believe you and Judah will work out, just try to think positively and I promise you everything will fall into place" she grinned at the girl as she reassured her as best as she could.

Dee stared at her for a moment before smiling.

"You're right, I'm probably stressing over nothing" Dee chuckled softly, glancing back at her nails which were being painted a ruby red colour.

"Let me guess, you know where I'm going tonight?" Dee chuckled as she looked over to Taylor once again. Taylor smirked before giggling.

"I do...and that's why I get to help you choose your outfit for tonight!" She beamed. Dee laughed and looked back over to her nails when her phone buzzed. It was a Snapchat from Judah.

She opened the message to see a selfie from him with the caption 'how's it going?' She smiled and took a photo of her hand where the nails were being painted on and captioned it 'nails are almost done🤩then shopping to choose an outfit' before sending it back to him.

They snap chatted back and forth for a while until Dee's nails were finished. She then sent him a message saying she would see him later before waiting for Taylor to finish up and then go shopping.

The girls walked around the mall for a while, searching in clothes shops to find the perfect outfit for Dee.

"You definitely need to wear a dress and heels again" Taylor told her, looking through the rack of dresses.

"I kinda want a red one so then it matches my nails" Dee told her, flashing her nails at her before giggling.

"Agreed" Taylor told her.

They continued searching until Taylor found a gorgeous tight fitted, mid thigh, long sleeved, Red sparkly dress.

"Oh my gosh, Dee! Try this on!" Taylor gushed at her, pulling the dress off of the rack and showing Dee. Dee gasped as she saw it.

"That's perfect" she smiled, carefully taking the dress from Taylor's hands.

"It'll also match your black heels at home" Taylor told her as they headed for the changing rooms.

"Yeah it will" Dee agreed. Dee walked into the changing room to try the dress on to check it fit her, and when she did, it fit like a glove. She gawped at it in awe as she stared in the mirror before walking out of the changing room to show Taylor what it looked like on.

"That's the one" Taylor grinned from ear to ear, staring at the dress.


Dee walked down the stairs of the house to see everyone in the living room in their own conversations or watching TV. At the sound of her heels touching each step, people started to gradually look over.

"Girl why you so HOT!" Tez yelled jokingly, wanting his friend to know how great she looked. Dee laughed at the boy and watched as Judah stood up from his spot on the couch and headed towards her. They met halfway and he beamed widely at her.

"You look beautiful" he told her, breathing out. Dee blushed.

"Thank you, nice outfit" she teased him, he was wearing the same white shirt and black trousers he wore for their first proper date before. He laughed and nodded.

"It was the only nice outfit I packed for coming here and if I buy more clothes I'll have to pay extra at the airport for my luggage" he explained.

"I'm kidding, Judah. I like the outfit" she chuckled softly. He laughed and nodded with her.

"We better get going" he told her, feeling slightly nervous for the evening as he didn't want anything to go wrong.

Dee followed him out of the house as everyone shouted goodbye to them. They headed for Hayes' car which he allowed them to borrow again and got inside.

"So where are we going to this time?" Dee asked him curiously as he started up the engine.

"You'll see" he smirked at her before backing out of the driveway.

They were driving for about 15 minutes before pulling up to a cute restaurant.

"Nice pick, Lewis" Dee smirked, looking out of the window and admiring the building in front of them.

"Thanks, now lets go" he told her, feeling quite hungry as well.

They walked inside hand in hand and Judah spoke to the waitress telling her the name the reservation was under before they were guided to their candle lit table which also had rose petals all over it.

"Oh my god, this is amazing" Dee gasped as she saw how romantic the table looked.

"You like it?" Judah asked her as he stood beside her, smiling slightly.

"It's perfect" she smiled up at him, giving him a small peck on the cheek before they sat themselves down opposite each other.

The waitress handed them their menu's each and dispersed so that they could have a look at them.

"Did you request for the table to look like this?" Dee asked the boy, feeling overwhelmed. He blushed and nodded.

"Yeah..." he told her. She felt her heart warm up as he said that.

"You're so cute" she told him, smiling from ear to ear. He smiled with her and they both looked back down at their menu's.

They ordered their food and had conversation the whole time they were at the restaurant. When they finished up with eating, Judah paid the bill and they were on their way back to the car, hand in hand, just like before.

"We're not quite going home yet, I have a surprise for you" he told her as they reached the car. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion before getting into the car. They travelled for about ten minutes before pulling up at the top of a hill which had barriers where you could look over and see the view. The view was insane. You could see all the lights in North Carolina, it looked beautiful.

"Wow" Dee breathed out, staring ahead of her in awe.

"I know how you like looking at views...someone told me about this place, so I thought we could chill here for a little bit" he told her softly, turning to face her from his seat in the car. Dee smiled back at him and unclipped her seat belt.

The pair got out of the car and walked round to the front bumper, staring at the view ahead of them. Judah leaned against the bumper of the car whilst Dee rested her hands on the barrier, looking ahead at the view. Judah wasn't watching the lights, he was watching as Dee's hair was being blown out of her face by the wind and how the smile never left her face. She eventually turned around to face him and they locked eyes.

"What?" She chuckled, realising he was already staring at her.

He shrugged, keeping his smile on his face.

"It's just, in this moment right now....I've never felt so lucky" he told her, still feeling slightly nervous at the same time. If it was even remotely possible, Dee's smile grew even wider. She stepped back from the barrier and stepped towards Judah, placing herself directly in front of him from where he was leaning against the bumper of the car. She placed her hands on his shoulders whilst his found their way to her waist. Almost immediately they pulled each other closer for a kiss.

The kiss got heated rapidly and they were making out for a while. They only stopped when they needed to pull away for air, but even then their faces still remained close to one another.

"I-I have one more surprise for you back at the house" he told her quietly, breathing heavily whilst their faces remained close to one another.

"You didn't have to do all of this for me tonight" she told him gently, feeling grateful for all of the effort he's put in for her. He shook his head.

"No I did" he told her, not breaking their eye contact. She smiled before kissing him one more time. After a few more minutes they got back in the car and set off back to the house.

The whole car ride home, Judah had his hand resting on Dee's thigh unless he needed to change gear. When they finally pulled up in the driveway and Judah put the car in park, he turned to her to talk.

"When we get out of the car, I'm gonna need you to shut your eyes and trust me" he told her, smirking slightly, knowing she wouldn't like the sound of that.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You know what I mean, come on" he said, getting out of the car. She rolled her eyes but smiled to herself before getting out of the car and then closing her eyes. Judah slid an arm around her waist and used his other hand to grab hers. He started guiding her through the back gate into the back yard where her final surprise was.

They walked for a few minutes before coming to a halt.

Judah then let go of her.

"Okay...you can open your eyes now" he told her, standing slightly off her shoulder and staring down at her. He watched as she opened her eyes slowly and as soon as she saw what was in front of her, she brought her hands to her face in disbelief.

He had decorated a section of the garden with colourful fairy lights and there was a small white tent set up like a comfortable den with fairy lights all inside too, as well as all of Dee's favourite snacks.

"You done all of this?!" She asked him in disbelief.

"I got some help from the others" he admitted, laughing softly. She immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He held her waist firmly before pulling away but keeping his hands there.

"I need to talk to you about something" he told her, becoming more serious within his tone. He could feel his nerves build up slightly as his palms became sweaty. Dee stared at him confused, waiting for him to carry on.

"We've only known each other for three weeks tomorrow...and I know that's not a long time, but it's long enough for me to know a few things....I know I fly back to LA tomorrow and i know it's an unsettling feeling of what can happen between us with the distance, but we won't know what happens until we try. I've never met a girl as beautiful, funny, kind and caring as you are. I've never met a girl that I've gotten on with this well. I can't imagine my life without you in it anymore...I know I sound like some proper simp right now, but I don't care....Delilah~Rae Williams? Will you be my girlfriend?"

He watched as her eyes welled up and she held back the tears. She smiled and began nodding.

"Yes" she told him, wrapping her arms around his neck again and hugging him closely to her.

"Yes?!" He asked her for reassurance, making sure he had heard her correctly.

"Yes!" She laughed, speaking a little louder this time, burying her head into his neck. She couldn't believe this was happening right now.

He picked her up and spun her around, causing her to burst into laughter, before placing her back on the ground and kissing her once again.

"So what's the tent for?" She smirked up at him, implying nothing but one thing.

He stared at her for a moment before catching on to what she meant.

"Oh no it wasn't for that reason! I just wanted it to be some cute set up that we could chill in for a while without being around the others and we could just eat snacks before going back inside" he panicked, not wanting her to think he was some low-key asshole just trying to get laid.

"I'm kidding, Judah!" She laughed, tickling the back of his neck as her arms rested around it.

"Although I wouldn't be apposed" he admitted with a nod, causing them both to laugh.

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