Pure Evolution (Male reader x...

By Divine_Quirk

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(Y/N) (L/N) is a teenager that just... shows up at Beacon Academy. He sticks out the crowd of all the other s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 45

2.3K 52 13
By Divine_Quirk

(Readers POV)

I opened my eyes. I quickly closed them when light from the sun tried to blind me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I let out a yawn and looked around. I'm still on a rooftop. I sniffed the air and smelled team RWBY's scent. I looked over at Saphron's house. Did they leave?

(Y/N): What's going on?

I sniffed some more and their scents go in different directions. They did leave! I grew some wings and quickly flew into the air, tracking Blake's by default. I flew above a forest and I started to smell someone else's scent.

(Y/N): This scent, it's familiar...

I flew down into the trees and landed on the ground. I got rid of my wings and started to run as fast as I can. I got closer to Blake's scent. I saw her jumping from tree to tree, while dodging attacks from Adam Taurus!

(Y/N): Adam!

I shouted with malice while my blood started to boil. My shouting made Adam and Blake look back at me.

Blake: (Y/N)?!

I ran up to them and tried to kick Adam away. He blocked my kick with his sword.

Adam and (Y/N): You again!

Adam grabbed my arm and threw me over his shoulder. I landed on my feet and stopped myself. I looked back and saw I'm at the edge of a cliff side. I saw the sea down the cliff and there is a waterfall. I looked forward at Adam. I saw Blake get out her weapon, getting ready to fight.

(Y/N): Blake, stop.

Blake: What?

(Y/N): Every time you're involved, Adam gets away. I don't want Adam to breathe after this.

Blake took a step back and put her weapon down with a sad look on her face. Adam laughed and got ready to swing his sword.

Adam: You'll regret not taking any assistance. You will be cut down here and now.

Parts of his body started to glow red. I ran right at Adam. He swung his sword and I threw my arm forward. Adam's sword cut through my arm. I felt pain shoot throughout my body, but it feels exhilarating. I kicked Adam in the stomach, knocking him away. I looked at my arm that's sliced in two. I reattached the two pieces and smiled.

(Y/N): You need to work on your aim. You could barely cut a blade of grass with that sword.

I brought my arm up to my face and licked some of the blood off it. Adam rushed over at me and swung his sword. I dodged his sword. I opened my mouth and made my tongue really long. I wrapped my tongue around Adam's leg and started to spin around. I swung Adam into a tree, breaking it on impact. Adam cut part of my tongue off, freeing himself from my grasp. I brought my tongue back and made it normal length.

Adam: Stop using your tricks and fight me head on.

(Y/N): Make me.

Me and Adam ran at each other. I threw several punches at him. Adam blocked all my punches with his sword, making it glow red. He sheathed his sword and punched me in the stomach. His body started to glow red again and he swung his sword at me, cutting through my body. My skin turned white and I reattached my body.

(Y/N): I hope you didn't think it was that easy!

I felt strength go through my body. I punched Adam in the face, knocking off the blindfold he's wearing. He has a marking, that are some numbers, over his eye. He looked pissed and got ready to kill me.

Adam: You'll pay for that!

He rushed over to me and started to swing his sword like crazy. I dodged and weaved through his attacks. I ran past him and Adam started to chase me. I got behind Blake and grabbed onto her. Adam was about to attack again, but realized that I have Blake in my arms.

Blake: (Y/N)?! What are you doing?!

(Y/N): What's wrong Adam? You stopped all of a sudden.

Adam: Let her go.

(Y/N): Or what?

I started to laugh to myself. Wait, what am I doing? Why am I using Blake like a shield? What if Adam didn't stopped? He would've cut through Blake! I gently tossed Blake away and kicked Adam. He kept his footing and countered me. I got sent back into a tree. Before I could get up, Adam got in front of me and swung his sword around. He sheathed it again and my arms and legs got cut off, along with the trees around me being cut down.

Adam: I'll make you pay for using Blake like that!

Adam raised his sword up and swung it down at me. I grew my arms and legs back and caught his sword, with it being a few inches away from my face.

Adam: How does she care for someone like you?!

Adam kicked me away. I fell down to the ground, but I slowly got up on my knees. I felt something warm escape my lips. I put my hand on my mouth and felt blood. Adam is walking up to me, but a bullet flying past him made Adam stop. We both looked over to see the bullet came from Blake.

(Blake's POV)

Adam: What are you doing Blake?

Blake: I'm done being a coward and having someone else fight my fights! I'm not going to stand back while you hurt my boyfriend!

I looked over at (Y/N) and he smiled at me. It wasn't a smile from insanity, but it was a smile that said thanks. I smiled back at him, but I quickly put my attention back at Adam.

Adam: How can you care for him?! He's a monster! I'm going to be doing the world a favor by getting rid of him! Just look at him! He's no more a human, but more like a creature of Grimm!

Blake: Shut up! You don't have any right to say that about anyone! You asked how I can care for him, well here's how. You may not see it, but (Y/N) is kind. He cares for others and not just himself. He fights for his friends, not for himself and hide the fact saying he's fighting for "his cause".

Adam: You really think I'm not doing anything right?! Is that it?! You think he's better than me?!

(Y/N): She doesn't think it, she knows it.

Adam's eyes filled with rage and bloodlust. He immediately dashed at me, getting ready to swing his sword.

Adam: I don't care anymore! I'll cut down anything that gets in my way!

Adam swung his sword at me, but I used my semblance to get out of the way. (Y/N) got in front of Adam and kicked him towards me. I swung my weapon at Adam, sending him across the ground. I heard sirens in the distance. I looked at the sea and saw a huge Grimm making it's way to Argus.

Blake: What is that thing?

(Y/N)'s eyes started to twitch. He put his hands over his ears.

(Y/N): Make them stop! Make the noises stop!

(Y/N) let out a screech, making me and Adam fall down to our knees. I felt my will to move start to fade. This is just like the Apathy. (Y/N) walked up to me and smacked my face, making my will to move come back.

Blake: (Y/N)! Are you ok?! Please don't do that again!

(Y/N): Cover your ears.

He slowly walked towards Adam. I covered my ears and Adam tried to get up. (Y/N) got closer to Adam's face and I can slightly hear (Y/N) screeching. Adam fell down to the ground, his will draining from his eyes. (Y/N) stopped his screeching and put his hand around Adam's neck.

(Y/N): I remember doing this before with some Grimm that attacked Vale. I remember being scared at the possibility of doing this to a person, but you're no person to me.

Pours started to come out of (Y/N)'s body. I jumped back, making sure I was out of (Y/N)'s range. The pours disappeared and mushrooms started to grow from Adam's body.

(Y/N): Now get up.

Adam stood up without a second thought. (Y/N) started to punch Adam over and over again until Adam's aura shattered. (Y/N) turned Adam around.

(Y/N): Walk off the cliff.

Adam took a few steps forward, about to walk off the cliff. I remember now, this made (Y/N) able to control Grimm and now he's using it to control Adam. Adam stepped off the edge. I quickly ran over and saw him crash into the water. (Y/N) snapped his fingers.

(Y/N): Now the fungus should be ripping him to shreds.

He's gone. Adam is actually gone. I looked over at (Y/N). I quickly ran over to him and hugged him. (Y/N) shook his head and he wrapped his arms around me.

(Y/N): Blake... I don't know what came over me. Are you hurt?

I looked up at his eyes and gave him a gentle smile.

Blake: With you, I can't be hurt.

(Chapter 45 end)

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