Mommy Mina

By vennysboothang

41K 1.6K 541

Mina and Billie are Lavenders caregivers and Lavender is a little and is in her headspace most of the time... More

Toddler lady
Say what-
Theres no Place Like Lavender
Lavender koala
Mommy ?
Pwetty Purple House
Hold me without hurting me
Just a Pillow and a Boob
Bath time
Little Lav
i love you too
Disaster at the Workplace
Billie tease Howard
Eventful Datenight
Trusting Billie
Women are great
Accidents Happen pt . 1
Accidents Happen pt . 2
in love with a stripper
Nighttime adventures
Billies Home
Baby Lady
Doctors Appointment
Ruined the mood
Didn't mean it
Fly away
New York
Miss you
Day out with Derick
Making Progress
Lazy day
Making Plans
Uncle and Lav bonding day
Confession and forgiveness
New Family Member
Loud Morning

And then there was two

544 34 11
By vennysboothang

Tw / ed

Billies Pov 

I woke up when it was still somewhat dark outside . I got my phone from under my pillow and checked the time . 6:52 am . I checked my phone deciding to stay awake and saw I had a text from Mina 

"If you're going to take Lav to New York please come back to get her medications and make sure she takes them everyday . I'm so sorry for hitting Lav please tell her i'm sorry . Love you both"  

I sighed looking at the text knowing we would have to go back to her house and I was hoping she was already at work so I wouldn't have to talk to her . I stayed on my phone waiting for Lav to wake up and made a list of things I needed to get from Mina's house . After around two hours of laying there Lav started moving around and slowly opened her eyes before closing them again when she saw I was awake and hid her face under the blanket . I smiled and slowly lifted the blanket and Lav looked up at me smiling with her dark hair covering half her face . Kinda scary but uh...ok . I wiped some hair out of her face to kiss her forehead and pulled away to check her face . The red mark had turned to a bruise in the shape of Mina's hand on Lav's small cheek and looked painful . I ran my thumb over the bruise making Lav flinch and she moved my hand away from her face . I placed my finger under her chin slowly and lifted her face to look at me and saw she had tears forming in her eyes 

"My face hurts"

I nodded and kissed the tip of her nose 

"Lets go put some ice on it ok ?"

She nodded and sat up swinging her legs over the bed and standing up . As soon as she stood up sat back down and held the side of her left thigh looking up at me 

"The leg i fell on hurts it feels bruised"

I didn't remember at first but when I remembered she fell off the chair yesterday I nodded and walked around the bed to push up her nightgown and saw the bruise on the side of her thigh . I picked her up and kissed the side of her face and went downstairs with her . I sat her on the counter and went to the freezer to get out two ice packs . I gave her one and she placed it on her face wincing slightly but leaving it on her cheek . I placed the other ice pack on her thigh and she moved my hand so she could hold the ice pack . I leaned forward to lay my forehead against hers and rubbed my nose against her making her giggle

"We have to go back to Mina's house to get our things so start making a list of things you need to get alright ?"

"Kay . Can we go by my house too I have a few things I need to get"

I nodded and we talked about the things we needed from Mina's house . After a while Lav said her face and thigh felt better so i put the ice packs back in the freezer and I got her dressed in the clothes I packed for her . We got dressed and went out to my car to go to Mina's house . I let Lav sit in the front and we sat in silence during the drive since Lav was still tired . When we got to Mina's house I unlocked the door and slowly crept inside looking around for Mina but it seemed like she was at work . Lav and I went up to the bedroom and I started packing some essential things we would need while she packed her stuffed animals blankies pacifiers 5,000 hair bows and all the other things she thought where 'essentials' . I packed enough clothes for the three months we would be in New York and packed our toothbrushes and hair brushes my blow drier and told Lav she should probably pack her hair straightener since she always uses it and she packed it in her bag walking around the room to see if she needed anything else . I guess she was done packing since she sat on the bed and went on her phone while I looked around the room for Lavs medications . I saw them on Lavs nightstand so I put them in the suitcase but when Lav heard the rattling of the pills she looked at them and laid on the bed groaning . I sat down next to her look around the room for anything else we'll need but decided I had everything . Hopefully . Lav and I went downstairs with our bags and I got a few bottles from the cabinet packing them in the suitcase and we went outside to put the bags in my car . Lav said she lived down the street so we walked down and I almost died when I saw her house . That is a blue ass house what the fuck . I tried not the judge and let Lav unlock the door and almost died again when I saw the inside of her house . Purple ass interior god damn 

"Stop judging my house and wait here i just need a few things and we can leave"

How'd she know I was judging.... She went to the back of the house and into what I'm guessing is her room . I sat down on her couch looking around the house trying not to laugh too loudly

Lavenders Pov  

I can just sense all the judgmental vibes coming off of Billie . Rude ass . I told her to stay her ass in the living room and went to my bedroom to get my shit . I got a backpack out of my closet and packed my purple ass laptop, a book, my extra pack of cigarettes, some makeup and my vibrator. Essentials . I went back to the living room and saw Billie still judging my house and rolled my eyes lighting a cigarette . I walked around to sit on Billies lap blowing smoke at her face . Deserved . She brought my cigarette up to her lips and I looked around my house for a while since I haven't been here in a while . The two bitches have been holding me captive in purple bitches house for like 2 months . We went back to her car and drove back to her house talking the whole way about how it was gonna be when we left on Wednesday . She told me I would probably be in the hotel room all day everyday since she had to work but her assistant could stay with me if I wanted . Thank gaga I packed my vibrator at least i'll have something to do 

Billies Pov  

When we got back to my house we decided to take a shower and we would go get breakfast . I was a little worried about Lav being by herself in the shower so I stayed in the bathroom while she was showering saying I was organizing the cabinet . I didn't know what the fuck else to say but she bought it and took her shower . Once she was out I went in but made her stay in the bathroom with me so i could keep and eye on her . I took a quick shower and got out almost stepping on Lav since she was sitting next to the shower . She moved out of the way and we got ready to go out . She chose both of our outfits so we would be matching and she got an ice pack before we left because she said her face was starting to sting again . She grabbed her purse and stumbled out of the house holding the ice pack to her face and complaining that her 'god damn motherfucking face hurt like a bitch' . She's doing too much tbh but i opened her door for her since both her hands where occupied and helped her into the car . During the drive to breakfast I was starting to get worried since the whole reason Mina slapped Lav last night was because she wasn't eating but she seemed to be in a better mood today so hopefully she'll be fine . When we got to the place I opened her door for her and she got out of the car still walking awkwardly since her leg probably still hurt . I held onto her hand and helped her sit in her seat and sat next to her . When I was looking over the menu thinking about what i was going to get Lav just sat there and watched me or played with her fingers avoiding looking at her menu . I saw her look up for a second so i looked over at her but she quickly looked away to avoid eye contact . I held onto her hand that was under the table making her look at me

"Are you ok whats wrong"

She smiled slightly nodding her head but quickly bit her lip and I saw tears forming in her eyes

"i'm fine i just don't feel too hungry right now it's still a little early you know "

She giggled slightly after saying that and blinked away the tears that had formed in her eyes . I nodded even though I didn't understand what she was saying but I understood that she didn't want to eat but the last time she had anything was last night and it was just a bottle so she has to have something

"We'll just get you some fruit then ok you have to have something in your stomach"

She looked kinda upset but nodded her head and rested her forehead on the table . I ordered my breakfast and a fruit salad for Lav and saw her tense up and lift her head off the table to start biting her nails . I took her hand so she would stop and moved her so she was sitting on my lap so i could hold her . She laid her head against my collarbone and i felt her breathing heavily so I placed her hand on my chest so she could feel my heartbeat to calm her down . She clutched onto my shirt and continued hyperventilating and tightly closed her eyes muttering something

"What are you saying honey I can't hear you"


Shit didn't have to yell god damn-

"It's just fruit honey and keep your voice down"

Why's she freaking out this hard over fruit ?


I placed both my hands on her cheeks so I could hold her face and make her look at me

"Ok . It's ok just calm down please you're getting too worked up listen to my heartbeat honey"

I brought her head to lay on my chest and heard her sniffling and she un clutched my shirt to wrap both her arms around my torso . She pressed her ear against my chest closing her eyes to focus on my heart beating and I rubbed her back to calm her . Her breathing evened out and she brought her hand up to her mouth to start sucking her thumb . I rocked her back and forth and debated texting Mina to tell her Lav was still freaking out about eating but I decided not to since the last time Lav wouldn't eat she got bitch slapped so it's probably best not to text Mina . I stayed rocking her and replaced her thumb with mine after she tried sucking around my chest until the waiter came over with our food . When Lav saw her fruit she tensed up again and closed her eyes sucking my thumb harsher . I pulled my thumb out of her mouth since I was afraid my nail would accidentally hurt the inside of her mouth and she started whining and gripped my hand trying to suck my knuckle . I let her while I ate my breakfast preparing myself to deal with Lav having another panic attack when I had to feed her but she had to eat something the only thing she's had is a bottle of milk so she must be hungry I just have to get the fruit in her mouth . I had finished all my food and Lav had drank half her orange juice since I was trying to get her ready for her fruit . I pushed my plate to the side and slid the bowl with her fruit in front of us and pulled my knuckle out of her mouth . She sat up straight on my lap and looked at the bowl for a while before looking at me with tears in her eyes and her bottom lip trembling 

"No no no mama no"  

She let the tears fall down her cheeks and bit her lip looking down at her shaking hands in her lap . I placed both my hands on her face again wiping her tears as they fell and pulled her face to kiss her forehead and pulled away to smile at her trying to comfort her

"Just a few pieces it's all gonna be ok baby don't worry"

Tears still fell down her face but she sat there emotionless and moved one of my hands off her face and held onto it . I slowly picked up the fork and stabbed a strawberry slowly bringing it to her lips being careful not to move too fast and scare her . I rubbed the strawberry along her lips until she started opening her mouth and took a small bite off the end of the strawberry . I watched as she slowly chewed and swallowed the small piece . I brought the strawberry up to her lips again and she took a slightly bigger bite . After a while of alternating between small bites and bigger bites she finished the strawberry so I stabbed a piece of melon and brought it up to her mouth and she ate the whole piece at once smiling as she chewed it 

"You like melon baby ?"

"Mmhm yummy"

I smiled at her and stabbed another piece of melon bringing it to her mouth . She ended up eating all the melon smiling the whole time and I was glad she was finally eating and seemed happy 

"Do you want strawberry's now honey ?"

I was scared she would start freaking out if I just tried to give her a strawberry so I felt it was safer to ask . She shook her head and reached her hand into the bowl to grab a piece of pineapple and shoved it into her mouth before I could try to feed her . She started giggling as she was chewing and took the fork from my hand holding it incorrectly and tried to stab another piece of pineapple . I decided to let her feed herself if that was going to help her eat and wrapped both my arms around her waist and leaned back to watch her . She ate most of the fruit by herself and she held the fork incorrectly the whole time but I was glad she ate most of it especially by herself. She dropped the fork in the bowl and turned to look at me smiling . I smiled too and cupped her cheeks bringing her face to mine to kiss her forehead and the tip of her nose

"Are you all done ?"

"All done !"

She started clapping her hands smiling and I smiled watching her . I pulled her against me to hug her and kissed the top of her head and held onto her tightly . I called for the check and paid ignoring the weird look from the waiter when he saw Lav sitting on my lap giggling and trying to bite my shirt . I quickly picked up our purses and set Lav on my hip walking out to the car . I strapped her in the backseat and went around to the trunk to get the backpack Lav packed to take out a teether for her since she was chewing on my shirt . I handed it to her and she smiled chewing on it and played with her hair . I kept the backpack with me and sat it in the passengers seat in case she needed something while I was driving . When we got back to my house I carried Lav in and sat her on the floor in the living room and gave her some toys to occupy herself while I went into the kitchen to make her a bottle since it was around her nap time . When I came back with her bottle she reached out for it but I picked her up and went upstairs with her . I went into the bedroom and sat on the bed cradling her but she fought me on that trying to wiggle away from me and pushing me away from her

"Honey it's nap time come on let me hold you stay still"

"No no no me no want nap mama bottle"

She stopped wiggling and reached out for the bottle trying to grasp it but i moved it away and held both of her arms down so I could position her on my lap to cradle her since she was squirming all around the damn bed . She continued whining about how she didn't want to take a nap but I held her close to me so she couldn't move and rubbed the rubber nipple of the bottle around her mouth until she stopped whining and began eating . I sighed leaning against the headboard and rocked her slowly watching her face to make sure she didn't choke on the milk . Not trying to have baby lady choke especially when I'm alone . She continued eating but didn't look like she was going to sleep anytime soon and had finished half the bottle staring up at me . I took the bottle out of her mouth thinking about what I could do to help her go to sleep . She started whining as soon as the bottle left her lips so i rubbed her tummy while I thought of something . I gave her the bottle cold and for nap times she usually has a warm bottle so maybe that's why ? Damn I really don't know and I want to text Mina to ask but i'm still upset with her so I guess I'll figure this out by myself

"Do you want a warm bottle honey ? Will that help you sleep ?"

"Mama bottle"

She was still whining and reaching for it so I decided to just try to give her a warm bottle so I got off the bed with Lav and went downstairs to pour more milk in the bottle and heated it up bouncing Lav on my hip when she started crying . When it was warm enough I ran up the stairs with her now crying hysterically and sat on the bed cradling her and she thankfully let me and didn't fight back . I rubbed the bottle against her lips until she realized and began eating at a steady pace but didn't let her eyes close . When they would start shutting and I would think she was falling asleep she would force them back open to look up at me 

"I know you're tired baby stop fighting it"

She didn't respond but continued looking at me . She finished her bottle and was still awake and I sighed moving her over my shoulder patting her back to burp her . I placed the empty bottle on my nightstand and laid her back on my lap rocking her back and forth hoping it would make her go to sleep . She moved her body so she was facing my chest and begun sucking on my collarbone whining . Shit . Fuck . Mina's the one she goes to for her suckies but the bitch isn't here now . I sat there thinking about what I should do when she started crying and tiredly sucked my collarbone . I thought I could just let her tire herself out but i couldn't sit there listening to her cry so i hesitantly unbuttoned my shirt and felt Lav lift her head up to look down at my chest and looked back up at me with tears staining her bruised face

"Mama suckies ?"

Well no one else is here shawty so yeah-

"Yes baby lay down"

She moved her body so she was laying down again and quickly pulled my bra cup down to latch onto my nipple . Uh rude didn't even give me time to fully unbutton my shirt damn . I held her rocking her and patting her back and leaned my head against the headboard again to sigh out in relief feeling her sucking tiredly . I looked down and she still had her eyes half open still trying to fight the tiredness . I stroked her hair and rubbed her scalp seeing her eyes shut as soon as I did that and she stopped sucking . I gently moved her away from my breast and laid her down next to me leaving my hand in her hair for a while to make sure she stayed asleep . I slowly moved my hand out of her hair and put my boob back in my bra and re buttoned my shirt moving as slow as possible so i don't wake Lav . She was still asleep so i took the bottle and ran downstairs still being quiet and put the dirty bottle in the dishwasher and went outside to my car to bring in Lavs backpack . I went back upstairs searching through the bag and took out her pacifier and slowly crept onto the bed next to her and slipped the pacifier in her mouth . I covered her with the blanket and laid next to her watching her sleep for a while . I heard my phone ding inside my back pocket and i quickly took it out to turn off my ringer and saw the text message I just received was from Mina . I sighed deeply feeling my heartbeat increase and closed my eyes so I couldn't read it . I opened my eyes and swallowed before tapping my phone twice and seeing the message again on my lock screen

'I know you're mad at me but I just need to know if you and Lavender are ok I haven't been able to focus at work all day I've been so nervous and I feel terrible about yesterday . I truly didn't mean to lose my temper on her I'm just scared for her and she wouldn't listen to me but I shouldn't have hit her . Has she eaten yet ? Is her face ok is she in pain ?'

I scoffed reading the message and I let my anger take over and decided to respond

'You didn't seem to care if Lav was alright last night when you just watched her on the floor after you slapped the shit out of her . Her face has a big ass bruise in the shape of your hand and she has a bruise on her thigh from when she fell off the chair . And yes she has eaten and just like last night she didn't want to but I sat there and talked to her and made her feel comfortable and let her take her time unlike you . ' 

I sent the text without even reading over it and started crying when I remembered how upset and in pain Lav was last night . Not even 20 seconds later I hear my phone ding again and picked it up wanting to see what she could have responded with that quickly

'I'm so sorry'

I put my phone on my nightstand before I could respond with something sarcastic . I turned on my side and laid down wrapping my arm around Lav's waist and pulled her closer to me. Before I fell asleep I set and alarm for two hours and laid back down holding onto Lav listening to her breathing before I fell asleep next to her just the two of us

A/N   ok so do y'all like Lavender more when she's in her headspace or not in her headsapce because it gets confusing when I'm writing her going in and out lol so uh lmk plz k bye xxx

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