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A/n   Hello my little angel babies it's rly me! im back (hopefully for good now)

Lavenders Pov

I woke up from a super scary dream and it's all dark and quiet and I can't see my mama which makes me feel more scared . I tried rolling onto my side to look for mama but when I tried moving I couldn't . Now I'm super scared so I did the only thing I could think of . I started crying as loud as I could and called out for mama and tightly closed my eyes so I wouldn't be staring at the dark room . I felt my body being picked up and heard mama shushing me and scratching my tummy lightly with her nails . I opened my eyes and saw her reaching over to turn on the light and I finally saw mamas face . I stopped crying and breathed heavily and she held my face smiling at me . She laid me on her lap and held me tightly while rocking me and patting my tummy soothingly

'Why're you crying honey did you have a bad dream ?'

I nodded and felt tears welling up in my eyes again and my chin quivering. I turned on my side and pushed myself as close to mama as possible and tightly held onto her shirt in my fist as I quietly cried. She shushed me and held me tightly as she rocked me slowly. When I started feeling a little better I started tugging mamas shirt whining and pouting at her. She smiled softly at me and nodded before gently pulling my hand off her shirt and leaned back to pull her shirt off. As soon as she got closer to me I latched onto her boob and wrapped my arms around her waist to keep her body close to me. I suckled slowly to calm myself down more and mama looked down at me smiling and stroking my cheek. She leaned down to kiss my forehead and pushed some hair out of my face. I pushed my face more into her chest and closed my eyes sighing when I felt her holding me tighter in her arms and holding me closer and let myself fall back asleep safe in her arms .

Billies Pov

I watched as my little baby fell asleep but kept her arms tightly wrapped around my waist keeping my body close to her. When I was sure she was asleep I slowly pulled her off my chest but as soon as I did that she began whimpering and reattached herself. I sighed but leaned back and kept her cradled in my arms to make sure she was completely asleep before I tried moving her off of me again. I held her tightly in one arm as I reached over to turn off the lamp so the room was pitch black and pulled the blanket over her so she was nice and warm. I rocked her slowly and softly hummed a lullaby to her until she unlatched from my chest. I let her sleep in my arms for a few more minutes to make sure she stayed asleep while I scrolled through my phone. Once I was sure she was fast asleep I slowly moved her back onto her side of the bed and tucked her stuffed animal under her arm and slipped her pacifier in her mouth. I leaned over her and stroked her cheek while I watched her sleep and finally placed a soft kiss on her forehead before getting under the blankets and pulled her closer to me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders tightly to keep her close to me and watched her sleep for a little longer until i finally placed one last kiss on her forehead and fell back asleep.

Time skip next morning

After only being asleep for what felt like seconds I was being woken up to the sound of my alarm. I quickly turned it off and tightly held Lavender when she started fussing and shushed her until she calmed back down. I sighed and laid down on my back looking up at the ceiling  until Lavender's loud cries filled my ears and I felt her squirming around in my arms. I turned on my side and tightly held her body against mine shushing her and rocking her slowly to try to soothe her back to sleep but her cries only got louder. I held her tightly against me as I sat up and stood up off the bed and started walking around the room bouncing her in my arms slowly while patting her back and her cries finally started calming down. I kissed her temple and tried to lay her back down in bed but as soon as i let go of her she began wailing again and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. I quickly picked her back up and decided to try my best to get ready for work while holding her. I slipped her pacifier in her mouth and tucked her blankie and stuffed animal under her arm before kissing her cheek and going into the bathroom. It took a lot longer than it normally would for me to get ready but after half an hour Lavender was fast asleep again. After finishing up in the bathroom I laid her back down on the bed so I could get dressed without her clinging to me and thankfully she stayed asleep. I took my time getting dressed and sat down on the bed next to Lav after I was done. I watched her sleep and reached out to gently stroke her cheek and leaned down to kiss her forehead. Derick let himself into the room and sauntered over to the bed as if he didn't just basically break into our hotel room and sat down on the end of the bed. We quietly talked for a while until my driver called saying he was outside. I slowly got off the bed so I wouldn't wake up Lav and kissed her forehead before leaving.

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