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(bold is gonna be Derick aka assistant talking)

Billies Pov

My alarm went off and scared my balls off . I quickly turned that shit off and closed my eyes taking a deep breath to calm down my heart that's about to fall out of my ass . Once I feel like my heart isn't going to leave my body through my ass I turned back to face Lav to see that she's not laying next to me anymore . Where is this girl now omg . I looked around the room and heard someone throwing up ? Who the fuck-


What the hell is she talking about . My pain in the ass assistant isn't here this girl is hallucinating . She sounded like she was screaming from downstairs so I waddled my ass out of the room and down the stairs and saw assistant and Lav in the kitchen and assistant had vomit all over his shoes

"Why the hell are you here Derick and why do you have vomit on your shoes ?"

"Um Lavender threw up on me"

Oh my poor baby

"Why did you throw up honey are you not feeling well ?"

I went over to Lav stepping around Derick and the vomit on the floor next to him picking Lav up and sitting her on the kitchen island so we where eye level

"My tummy hurts....i'm sorry I threw up on you Derick"

Don't nobody give a fuck about him-

"Oh honey come here let's get you cleaned up upstairs ok ? Derick don't you move an inch until you take off your shoes I do not want a trail of vomit around my home"

I picked Lav up and went upstairs to my room . I sat her on the bed and had her take off her shirt so I could change her into a more loose fitting one . Once she was changed we went over to the bathroom and I had her brush her teeth and rinse her mouth out with Listerine . When she was done she turned around to face me and started crying burying her face in my chest . I wrapped my arms around her resting my cheek on the top of her head and shushed her and swayed back and forth with her to calm her down . I felt her go limp in my arms so i picked her up and went into the bedroom sitting down resting my back against the headboard . I moved her so I was cradling her so I could look at her better and she continued crying holding onto her stomach . I brushed the hair out of her face and rocked her back and forth while brushing my thumb against her cheek . It felt like 5 minutes had past by and she was still crying and I don't know whats wring with her so I don't know what to do to help her

"What's wrong honey what hurts"

"My tum tum 'urts mama"

"Oh baby since when has it been hurting ?"

"Whens I wake up from nap it been 'urting mama it 'urts"

She started crying harder and clutched onto my shirt . She wailed and let go of me to put both her hands on her stomach and squeezed her eyes shut tighter . She pushed her head back and pushed herself off of my lap so I took the hint that she didn't want to be touched so i laid my arms at my sides and watched as she cried in pain . I tried thinking of reasons why her stomach could be causing her this much pain . Maybe its a stomach bug , or something she ate wait she's only eaten fruit...it has to be a stomach bug then . Or maybe they're just really bad period cramps . Lav does tend to be over dramatic . But she threw up on Derick . Oh shit I forgot about Derick and the throw up on his shoes . My bad....anyways Lav has calmed down but shes still holding onto her stomach just not wailing anymore . I reached out to touch her face and she crawled back onto my lap so I held onto her and started rocking her slowly so she didn't you know throw up on me or anything . She started crying again but held onto my shirt and started tugging at it and fumbling with the buttons on my shirt . I gently moved her hand away and started unbuttoning my top only undoing a few so I could quickly pull down my bra cup and guided Lav's head to my breast to let her latch onto my nipple so she would stop crying . She started sucking and stopped crying and I rubbed her stomach to hopefully help the pain and leaned my back against the headboard . I slowly swayed side to side and rubbed her stomach with one hand and supported her head with my other hand and stayed looking down at her to make sure miss thing didn't throw up on my tiddie

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