Lazy day

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Wilhemina's Pov

This is my first weekend without Billie and Lavender . Usually on the weekends we all spend time together since I work through the whole week and come home tired so I don't spend much time with them . But now I'm waking up alone on a Saturday . I used to wake up with Lavender laying on top of me and Billie on the other side of the bed but now I'm alone . I sighed but got up to get ready for the day . I decided to keep myself busy this weekend so I don't have to think about the fact that I'm alone . I got up and made my way to the bathroom to do my morning routine . It takes me a lot less time to get ready in the morning since I don't have Lav fighting me to wake up and then again to get ready . If I let her she would sleep through the whole day and not wear any clothes . She's not a fan of clothes . It's a war trying to get her dressed . But now since I'm not doing that anymore I have a lot more time in the mornings . I don't really know what to do with this open time now though . I take extra long brushing my teeth and combing out my hair and take my time in the shower . I stood under the water and moaned at the feeling of the hot water running over my head but shot back when I heard my moan . What the fuk . I leaned back against the shower wall and thought for a second . Billie and I hadn't had sex since the day she left with Lav but I haven't really thought about that . I've been too busy worrying . I thought about it and started trailing my hand down . Should I do it....maybe I should . Maybe I shouldn't . I started pulling my hand away but....maybe I should . I cant . All I can think about is how many baths I've taken Lav in this tub . I can't do this here. I turned off the water and got out of the shower being extra careful so I wouldn't slip and bust my ass . I went back into the bedroom and got dressed and went downstairs . I decided to go out to breakfast by myself and then shopping to get some things for Lav and Billie . I got my shoes on and got my purse making sure everything was in there before leaving the house . This trip out of the house is supposed to help be not think about them yet all I can think about as I'm driving is how much I miss them both .

Billies Pov

Lavenders been asleep all day . I've been trying to wake her up since noon and it's 3 . I've been shaking her , talking to her , yelling her name and she still hasn't woken up . I'm just gonna let her wake up on her own . I sat on the other bed and watched tv while I waited for her to finally get up . After another hour , she started groaning and moving around in bed . I looked over at her and watched her lay on her back and sigh and finally open her eyes looking up at the ceiling . Finally shit . She laid there for 5 minutes just staring at the ceiling until she sat up and stretched and slowly got off the bed . She looked at me for a second but ignored me and walked over to the bathroom

'Good morning starshine'

'Go fuck yourself'

Wow . She shut the door behind her and I went back to watching tv . She came out 10 minutes later and had her hair in a low bun . She laid back down in bed and got on her phone still ignoring me . I guess big her isn't a morning person . Little her isn't either but at least she doesn't ignore me . Mostly because she wants a bottle but I'd rather that than have her pretending I'm not here . I got on the bed with her and pulled her over so her head was laying in my lap . Now she has to look at me . I looked down at her and rubbed her cheek

'What do you wanna do today honey'

'Go back to sleep'

'It's 4 in the afternoon you can't go back to sleep baby . Do you wanna take a walk ?'

'No the fuck'

'Ok then what do you want to do . And you can't go back to sleep'

She groaned and rolled her eyes and looked up at me silently pleading with me to let her go back to sleep . I shook my head and she groaned again but held onto my arm that was wrapped around her . She sat up and moved onto my lap sitting sideways and wrapped her arms around my neck . I think she's starting to like me again. She laid her head on my collarbone and looked up at me for a while before closing her eyes and laying her forehead on my shoulder

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