Accidents Happen pt . 2

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Recap of pt 1
I shouldn't have been running down the stairs . I should have been paying attention to how fast I was going down the stairs compared to Billie . But no . I wasn't paying attention . I was running down the stairs, something Minas told me repeatedly not to do because someone could get hurt but I never listened to her and now someone's gotten hurt . Really bad . And I don't know what to do . The moment she started falling down the stairs my heart dropped and when I heard her head hit the last step, I think my heart stoped beating . When I saw her body roll off the stairs and she wasn't moving I ran down to the bottom and started shaking her and trying to wake her up but nothing . She wasn't moving . She wasn't opening her eyes . She wasn't even slightly flinching when I was shaking her and hitting her trying to do anything to wake her up . I started crying and ran back up stairs to grab my phone to call Mina . I really fucked up now .

TW / self harm , this chapter is just depressing in general so get your sad Spotify playlists ready

Lavenders POV

When I finally got back up stairs and got my phone i called Mina praying she would pick up and wasn't still in that meeting . I called . And called . And called but nothing . It just kept ringing and ringing until finally on the fourth call and last ring she picked up

(Phone convo)
Lav honey what it is I have to get back into the meeting

Mina I fucked up i really fucking fucked up I was running down the stairs and ran into Billie and she fell down the stairs and now she's not waking up . She's not even fucking moving I was shaking her and kicking her and and-

Hey hey calm down calm down tell me again what happened but take a deep breath I can't understand what the fuck you're saying speak clearly

Ok I was running down the stairs behind Billie and I didn't notice how close I was getting to her until I ran into her and she fell down the stairs and hit her head really fucking heard on the last step and now she's not moving I don't know what the fuck to do please come to her house I'm so fucking scared she's just laying at the bottom of the stairs barely breathing

Ok baby I'm on my way just stay there and stay calm please ok I love you it's gonna be ok alright bye

(End of call)

After she hung up I went back downstairs and just stared at Billie lying there . Her chest is barely moving up and down with her shallow breathing . I dragged her body onto the couch and laid her down . I started crying harder and sat on the floor holding onto Billie

"Billie please wake up please I'm so sorry please I love you please wake up Billie"

Still, nothing . Her breathing is getting slower and slower and I'm crying harder and harder . I can't believe I did this . I'm the reason Billies laying on the the couch with blood coming out of her head and barely breathing . I'm such a fucking fuck up . What will Mina do when she gets here ? She's gonna be so pissed . She's gonna leave me for sure . I really fucked things up . I had two people taking care of me and loving me everyday but now, because I was being stupid and a pain in the ass I've ruined that . The only two people I've ever loved now hate me . Great fucking going Lavender . I can't take this . It's all too much . I'm losing Billie . I'm probably gonna lose Mina . Who's gonna care . I left Billies side and ran up to Billies room and grabbed my backpack looking for the blades I've had hidden in there since I got the damn bag . I found them right where I had them hidden and sat on the floor pulling my dress up revealing all the old scars . I've been clean for about a month but right now it's the only way I'm going to get out my anger towards myself . I started dragging the razor against my upper left thigh over and over and over until I didn't have anymore room on that thigh so I moved to the other . I only got to cut my right thigh once before I heard pounding at the front door and Mina yelling for me . I ran into the bathroom to clean the blood off my thigh and the floor and put some bandaids I found over as many cuts as I could . I ran downstairs and opened the door to see Mina who had clearly been crying . Great . I made Mina cry . As soon as I opened the door Mina pulled me into a tight hug and started crying into my neck but I could bring myself to hug her back . I just reached behind her to shut the door while she sobbed into my neck and held onto me . Still I couldn't move . I didn't want to hug her back to console her because I was afraid that the second I touched her she would realize I was the reason Billie was laying on the couch barely conscious . She finally let go and asked where Billie was and I just pointed to the couch and watched Mina run over . But I stayed still . I didn't even try to move . I knew Mina didn't want me over there with them . She didn't want me at all anymore . I went to go sit on the stairs to give them space . I sat on the same stair that knocked Billie unconscious . There was a small amount of blood on the stair so I moved to sit next to it, i felt like it was Billie sitting there .

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