Black Bird

By Hlynns

59.5K 1.5K 109

My name out of thousands of children in my district, it was me, my name that was called. They say its an hono... More

To the people who read my other hunger game books
Read The Hunger Games - Second Quarter


1K 31 5
By Hlynns

"You're crazy Alice, were not just charging at the careers." Melanie says. Right now we were discussing how we were going to start picking off the other tributes.
"I think it's a good idea." I say.
"Of course you would." Melanie scoffs crossing her arms.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" I snap.
"Stop fighting." Hallen says, "Think about it, the careers are more armed than us not to mention they have more people than us."
"That's true but they won't expect it." Alice says.
"Brandon, thoughts?" Melanie asks. Brandon looks up.
"Huh? Oh um I don't know." He says.
"Okay, what if we find the district 12 girl. What then?" I ask.
"Well, we'll have to kill her. Its her or us." Alice says.
"And Lightning?" Hallen asks. I had forgotten completely about Lightning.
"I'm not killing her." Melanie says.
"Melanie! This is the hunger games okay? Its kill or be killed and if you want to live, its kill." I exclaim.
"I'm sorry, but I couldn't do it." Melanie says.
"But do you understand what I'm saying?" I ask.
"Yeah, if it comes down to it and its the only option I will but I'm not doing it until I have to." She says.
"Fine." I say.
"I say we start looking, we've been here for days and we're running low on food." Brandon says.
"Finally decided to join the conversation huh?" Hallen laughs. Brandon shoots him daggers, "It was a joke."
"I agree with Brandon. We're extremely low on food to support 5 people for the next how many days." I say.
"Shall we split up?" Alice asks.
"Brandon, Phoebe and I then you and Melanie?" Hallen suggests.
"Is that okay with you?" Alice asks Melanie who nods.
"Sounds good." I say.
We start to pack up our stuff in silence.

"Who takes what?" Melanie asks.
"I' ll take my knives, Brandon seems to be fond of the spears, Hallen has his sword and so does Alice. So you can take the bow." I tell her.
She nods and grabs the bow.
"Meet back here in about 2 hours," I say, "When the sun is just above the shortest mountain."
"Okay." Everyone nods.
"And don't leave anyone behind." I add.
We all say our goodbyes to each other before going off into our 2 groups.
"Are we looking for the careers or district 12?" Hallen asks.
I shrug, "Whichever comes first."
"Sounds good." Hallen replies.
"Alright, let's go." Brandon says.
"Do we follow the stream or..?" I ask.
"Alice and Melanie went the stream way, so I say we go into the forest." Brandon says.
"More space to hide." Hallen adds.
"Thats not necessarily a good thing." I mumble following behind Brandon and Hallen. The forest was extremely darker than the clearing, not to mention colder. The sounds of unknown animal sounds was all I could hear.
"Well that's creepy." Hallen speaks. I nod my head in agreement. We venture forth into the forest, sticking super close to each other. I held a knife in my hand and kept my other hand close to the other knives that were being held in the thing on my leg (Honestly I have no idea what to call it but if you look at Phoebe's outfit for in the games which is in chapter 22 its on that. It's basically just this thing that goes around your leg and you can put knives in it xD)
"Relax Phoebs." Brandon whispers to me noticing the grip on my knife, I jump at his voice.
"Sorry." I whisper.
"Its gonna be near impossible to find anyone in here." Hallen says.
"Let's look for food then." I say.
"What do we look for?" Brandon asks.
"Squirrels?" I shrug, "Anything really. We need meat, we're good on fruit and stuff."
"Wish we took the bow." Hallen says receiving a small chuckle from Brandon. We kept walking into the forest, stopping ever so often whenever I thought I heard something.
"Your just paranoid." One of the boys would tell me. But secretly they were probably happy I did that because if I didn't, who would? Because of me doing this we managed to kill a rabbit and a squirrel which Hallen had taken the courtesy of holding.
"Shh shh." I speak stopping in my tracks minutes later.
"Phoebe." Hallen laughs, "It's nothing."
"No, I heard something." I whisper.
"Probably another rabbit." Brandon says but his voice was in a whisper as well.
"No. It sounded larger." I reply looking around.
"Its probably no-" Hallen stopped. I turn to see Hallen with an arrow through his back, it had pierced through his chest. While Brandon was next to Hallen I caught sight of the district 12 girl in a tree, preparing another arrow.
"Hey!" I scream anger filling my whole body. She caught site of me, before I knew what I was doing I had thrown a knife at the tree. It missed her but she fell out of the tree, landing on her back.
"How dare you!" I scream at her. She scrambles backwards till her back his against a tree.
"He was my friend!" I scream, her eyes teared up and she stuttered her words.
"I-i" she stutters, "don't kill me."
Rage and anger took over my body and I don't even remember what I did but I grabbed another knife and then I heard a Canon.

Cliff hanger >:)

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