π‚πˆπ‚π€π“π‘πˆπ™π„ οΌƒ YOUR THR...

By vollerie

21.7K 1.1K 153

𓂃 δΈ­ THERE WAS NO game that i wasn't set out to win . 𓂃 β΄° ࣭͘ οΉ«vollerie ! all rights reserved . β­‘Β« [... More

( 00 ) CLAIR DE LUNE .
( 00 ) A/N +SIDE STORIES 𓍯


228 13 0
By vollerie

"SISTER?" EROS PEERS IN the room quietly, the princess turns to him with a small smile as she pauses in writing. "Yes? Do you need anything?"

Eros walks towards the desk where Asteria was, holding a significant book. "Hm, would you like me to read this to you?" She gently asks, placing her quill down.

The Crown Prince nods, as the princess beckons for him to sit on the couch in her study. "How is your studies going, Eros? I trust that your tutors have been treating you well?"

"They do. But I still prefer you teaching me instead. They do not get straight to the point and keeps on initiating useless small talk with me."  Eros complains, as the princess sat beside him. "Well, you are the crown prince after all. They are most likely trying to curry your favor."

Eros hands her the book, as she arches a brow. There was no title on the cover, Asteria soon flicking over the coffee-hued pages. "This is.. written in the ancient language."

"Do you understand it?" Eros inquires, his curiosity piqued. "Quite. I'm familiar with the ancient language since Grandmother has teached me about it. Although this is slightly vague,"

"Do you still want me to read it?" Asteria asks, gaze flickering towards the words scribbled on with ink as deciphers the context. 'This is..!'

'How did Eros got hold of this book? This belongs to the temple..' Asteria ponders in thought as she turns the pages gently. There were odd images, and the vague image of the Guardian Deity she assumes. Her silence was broken when Eros finally spoke.

"That word over there, it says divinity right?" Eros questioned, making her golden hues widen momentarily before she shakily sighs. "Do you know more about it?"

"Divinity is a special power used by the Guardian Deity. According to ancient scripture, those who are blessed by the God will be able to wield divinity. And if I'm not mistaken, this book belongs to the temple." Asteria explains profusely, her brother's silver orbs had a unmistaken glint in it. One that showed great interest.

"Where did you get this?" Asteria carefully asks, arching a brow at her younger brother. "Do you believe in God, Asteria?" She narrows her eyes as Eros diverts the topic to something else.

"I do not." Asteria shakes her head, heaving a quiet sigh. "Return this to where you got it, okay? We wouldn't want to get in trouble with the temple." Eros nods, with a low hum. Eros soon exited her study as her gaze lingers at her younger brother, wondering why he is interested in divinity.


I STIRRED AWAKE, EYES snapping open as I forcefully sat up. Ragged pants left my lips, as I was drenched in cold sweat. 'How am I here?'

My gaze darted towards the other side of my lower abdomen and hovered my hand over it, aching when I touched it. String of curses escaped my lips as I leaned against the headboard exhaustedly.

The last scenarios I remember from yesterday playing in my head, I thought that was the end for me. I unwillingly passed out at the moment where Rocielle was speaking. Now I was certain that, it was definitely her.

My head throbs more as I try to remember everything else, the clicking of my bedchamber's door snapped me out of my  trance. 'Right, How did I get to Rosaria Palace again?'

"Your Highness!" Eva's delighted tone with a mix of concern calls out, holding a tray with a tea-set. "You're awake!" Eva mutters, placing down the tray on my night-stand on the other side before sitting by the bedside.

"Do you know how worried I was when Clara and Eric carried you here, all battered up and injured?!" Eva chides, acting like a worried mother but soon stopped when she sees me shake my head. "They carried me here?"

"Well yes, they said they've found you in the middle of the forest injured. I'm not sure how you ended up there or how they even found you but, what happened?" Eva gently inquires, eyebrows knitting together as her blonde locks shift with her movement.

"There was an assasination. They attempted to murder me," I muttered quietly, lowering my gaze to my blanket. "You mustn't disclose this information to anyone else, except those who are aware of what happened."

I instructed carefully, staring into Eva's jade orbs as she nods without another word. She pours me a cup of tea, reminding me that it's hot. "It isn't your usual favorite rose chamomile, but this will help with your speedy recovery."

"Thank you, Eva." I thanked, as she gently gave me the cup of tea. "Also, please send word to Duchess Solon to visit me in a few days. We have plenty to discuss,"

"Yes, Your Highness. I shall take my leave," Eva bows her head, closing the door as left. I took a sip from my cup of tea, eyes drooping down tiredly. 'I was certain that it was Eros who sent those knights there. As well as Rocielle,'

The following days approached, and soon Medea visited me. I opted to stay in bed because my stab-wound still hasn't fully healed. Even though the Crown Prince was quiet, I was sure he was keeping an eye on me through various ways.

He was likely trying to rid of me. It was true I might be a hindrance for him to successfully become Emperor, and knowing that he decided to assassinate me Eros wouldn't hesitate to do so with the Empress and Emperor as well.

The door to my bedchambers opened, revealing a purple-haired female. Her smoldering gaze darted towards me as she neared my bedside silently. "Will you tell me what happened?"

I heaved a sigh, treading my fingers through my blue tresses. "Eros. On the day of the Ordination, he tried to assassinate me. I survived out of sheer luck and managed to outsmart the men."

"Yet, I have a stab wound on my abdomen right now." I muttered blankly, balling up my fists tightly which the Duchess noticed. "Rocielle.. also came to check what happened. I assume she let me off the hook, for now atleast."

"Can you.. no. When do you think we can rid of Eros permanently?" Medea questioned quietly, making sure her tone was hushed so no moles will hear. "When every thing is set, let us host a banquet."

"And on that banquet, we will oust him off his position. But, we need a plausible and believable reason to fully rid him as Crown Prince. We simply can not say he attempted to assassinate me or make up reasons."

"And he intends to become Emperor, does he not? I noticed when he decided to return Othilei former ruler's body back to them. It was something that not even my father did. And when Eros tried to rid of me," I added, locking gazes with the solemn Duchess.

"Somehow, I can't believe we are scheming to rid of my brother the crown prince." I mockingly laughed quietly, as I shook my head. "I have a reason, and it's plausible enough for the people to believe in. This reason includes Psyche,"

I raised a brow momentarily, my curiosity piqued. 'What does the Crown Princess have to do with this?' I beckoned for her to continue, and Medea soon explained her situation with Psyche. The Crown Princess's divine power, and how Eros intends to become God with Psyche's power.

I pressed my lips into a thin line, gripping the silk fabric sheets of my duvet. "We couldn't easily disclose Lady Callista's divinity to the people.. how will you deal with this?"

"I will find a way, manipulating people's belief is easy if you do it precisely and deliver such news in a well-crafted way. I will handle everything in order for you to become sovereign of Vasilios. I am on your side, Asteria." Medea quipped, a small graceful smile etched on her face.

"So you needn't worry about anything else, and focus on becoming the sovereign." Medea continues, reaching for the princess's hand and held it briefly in hers. "I swear, Your Highness."

Asteria felt delighted that she had such a strong person on her side, as she inhales a whiff of air. She must recover faster, and then host the banquet.

The banquet was but a cover for her to rid Eros. And it was a small one, with only well-picked nobles and other guests will arrive. Asteria had a private army, along with Frienza clan's people as well against the Imperial Knights. She the new noble Solon Duchy and the meritorious Frienza clan on her side.

She also was loved by the nobles and common-folk because of her charity and benevolent service for the empire. Asteria also managed state affairs of the Empire on behalf of the actual rulers when they were absent. With her more improved reputation, turning the tides will be made much easier.

After all, Asteria Cadence Orna Vasilios was once the crowned heir before they decided for Eros to be Crown Prince instead. She received the education of being a ruler before Eros did, and there were still nobles who supports Asteria on becoming the Sovereign.

Then, half a year passed. The time for the banquet, was now set in the evening. Asteria didn't bother to wear a extravagant dress and opted to wear a suit instead. She adjusts the sleeves of her blazer, as she sighs. "This is it."

The banquet was hosted in her palace, as she could barely hear the distant sound of carriages arriving and chatter. She exits her bedchambers confidently, walking towards the banquet halls. Of course, Duchess Solon was already present along with the Marquess Niccolo.

But she felt like everything was going too smooth for her liking. And Eros still wasn't in the banquet halls, her gut feelings were telling her something was about to go wrong. The loud slam of the doors startled all of the guests as Asteria turned to face them. "Your Highness! The Empress.. she is..! Please follow me!"

The princess balls up her fists, casting a glance to the Duchess and Marquess one that instructed them to follow with their gaze alone. "Eric, stay here with the Crown Princess. Clara, call the physician then follow!"

Asteria speeds up her pace as she ran across the pathways towards the main palace, once she arrived at her mother's bedchambers she panted briefly before entering. "Mother!?"

The empress was pale, and her body was thin. Asteria immediately checked for her pulse, and fortunately it was still there but it slowly got faint. "Asteria.. my beloved child,"

She croaked out, tears brimming at her waterline as she stared at her daughter so fondly. "Mother.. Are you alright?" The princess asks gently, grasping her mother's hand tightly.

Asteria glances at Medea and Helio who were at the door, mouthing that they should leave and gather the armies to infiltrate the crown prince's palace and she'll be leaving everything else to Medea. The pair got the message and soon scurried away. "You've still got a long way to go, Asteria.. I am so proud of you."

"Please answer my question.. mother," Asteria pleads, while the Empress simply treads her fingers through her blue locks lovingly. "You wish to become the emperor, yes? You have my blessing then.. the royal seal is──"

Ariella mutters the royal seal's location, as she retracts her hand away from Asteria's hair. "I hope this will be of help to you, Asteria.."

"There has never been a moment I wasn't proud of you, my daughter. I always pride myself in having a intelligent and sweet child like you." Asteria purses her lips, tightening her hold on her mother's hand. It was true, she was always a mommy's girl. She was closer with the empress, and admired her mother greatly.

"Asteria. There are many things that wouldn't forever last in your grasp, and you might take such things for granted. It will one day disappear from you, and you just have to accept it even if it was against yourself. I know that, you've always been tied to your obligations as the princess so I want you to set yourself free.. atleast once,"

"I apologize for my absence in your childhood, you had to take Eros under your wing and guide him yourself because we were too immersed in the state affairs. And you also were pushed to being perfect because of your father, and I couldn't do anything about it but stay silent." Ariella's voice started to get fainter with each minute that passes by.

Asteria's heart clenched at her mother's words. The heavy pressure and awful scoldings she received from the emperor replayed in her head as she stays silent. As the oldest sibling, she had no choice but to dedicate her time to Eros instead of exploring hobbies fitting her age when she was young.

She had to be that perfect and flawless role-model for her younger brother, and she didn't mind back then but that didn't mean she never felt tired or overwhelmed.

"You needn't suppress your emotions for others anymore. I was aware of how you pushed your feelings aside for the young lord Solon for your best-friend because you thought your emotions weren't important than theirs. I hope that one day, you will understand that it won't hurt to do something for yourself. Love someone that will be able to guide you into becoming a better person, someone that will be there to comfort you in your darkest days and.. bring out the best in you."

Ariella coughed, blood trickling down her mouth as Asteria's eyes widened. "Clara!──" Asteria calls loudly, but was soon interrupted when the empress weakly grasped her wrist briefly. "Go.. leave me here. It's okay,"

"Reclaim your throne. I know that you will be a great sovereign, I could already imagine you ruling in a proper and graceful way. A shame that I couldn't see you do so," Ariella's eyelids slowly drooped down, as Asteria stifles her sobs as she felt a weak and reassuring squeeze on her hand but the warmth soon faded.

Clara and the physician soon entered, "Your Highness..!" The female knight surprisedly mutters, as the princess abruptly stands up and walks past her. "I'll be back soon. Please try to help the Empress as much as you can."

Asteria orders, but it had a small pleading tone to it. The princess soon met up with Medea and Helio, Perion and Psyche was also present. "How is the empress?──" Perion tries to ask, but was interrupted.

"Have you gathered them Medea?" The princess straightly asks, while the Duchess nods briefly. "I'm sorry for delaying you all, and Perion I will answer your question later."

"Now, let us proceed with the plan." Asteria stated firmly, gaze flickering towards Psyche momentarily as Medea whispered something to her causing the crown princess to leave. "The Crown prince's palace is guarded heavily as expected, but we have fortunately snuck in our people in."
Medea spoke.

"The guests have also been safely evacuated to their respective houses. We instructed them to not speak a word about this." Perion adds, causing Asteria to nod solemnly. "Let's end this once and for all." She mutters with a bitter and blank smile as they easily fought the guards to make way for Asteria and they soon followed. "Perion and Helio, stay outside!"

The princess unscathed her sharp sword from it's scabbard, ridding the people who were in her way. The sound of distant slicing near the Crown Prince's office reaches their ears as she slammed open the doors.

The brunette beside the Crown Prince unscathed her sword, pointing it to Asteria coldly. Medea follows behind the princess, as she did the same with her own sword. "My, it seems like you've defeated everyone in your way sister."

Asteria's eyebrows knitted together in annoyance, glancing at Rocielle who protectively covered Eros behind her. "Step back." Rocielle seethes, while the purple haired female behind Asteria mockingly chuckles.

"You're a trained knight aren't you? 'Cannot believe that you are holding the sword wrong." Medea pertains to how Rocielle held the sword single-handedly, as a small hue of fuchsia spread across her cheeks in embarrassment.

"I'm your enemy here, 'Cielle." Medea spoke boldly, as she points her sword at the brunette, now in-front of Asteria. The princess places a hand on the duchess's shoulder, her warmth lingering on the place.

"I've defeated every knight stationed in your palace, Eros. And if you were to call in more, you are outnumbered. You were wrong to use my mother as a scapegoat to use against me in a battle that is between us siblings. This is your end, Eros. I will make sure that your ulterior motives are revealed before the world."

From the open windows, a genial breeze entered the room and caressed their skin. The moon's timid peering with it's torrent of light outlined the Crown Prince's figure, as this night will be a long one. But this will be the last, the end of their suffering and the start of a new era of prosperity under Asteria's rule.



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