Bright Eyes and Hair Dye

By cinnamontoasted

642 25 1

MYG x OC soulmate au In a world where everyone has a soulmate, a pair of people a world apart (in more than o... More

Unpredictable Irises
Electric Blue
When It Rains, It Pours
4. (title undecided)
Of Crushes and Creeps
Passing Ships
Strange Dreams Pt. 1
Coffee & Flowers

Strange Dreams Pt. 2

43 1 0
By cinnamontoasted

The jet lag must have really gotten to him, because his dreams were weird as he slept in the van on the journey to the venue.

He stood in the lobby of the company building, the sun shining brightly through tall windows and illuminating the floor. The light reflecting off the white tile was almost too bright, and he raised his arm to block it out as he walked out of the main doors.

Once outside, a harsh wind knocked into him, and he stumbled into the rushing crowd on the sidewalk.

The sun had disappeared, replaced by veils of grey fog that covered everything but the people surrounding him.
Trapped between bodies, his only choice was to move along with them.

He didn't know where they were going, but they were moving fast, and he wasn't sure he wanted to go with them.

He tried to shove his way out, but the crowd was too thick and refused to part despite his efforts.
He almost screamed in frustration, but the wind that had initially pushed him to the crowd returned, this time more gentle, but still just as strong.
It began to lift him up, then, taking him higher and higher above the ground, soaring over the fog-covered buildings and the wide river.

He began to panic as the city grew smaller beneath him, and the wind, sensing this, began to bring him down again.

He landed on a rooftop, and though the building was not tall, he somehow had a perfect view of the world around him.

Although the streets below were covered in a dense fog, the sky was clear with not a cloud in sight, but off in the distance a storm seemed to be brewing.
Thick, dark clouds, occasionally shot through with streaks of blue lighting, hovered over the other end of the city.
He stood staring, fascinated by the sight, before a movement below him caught his eye.

The fog parted as someone stepped off the bustling sidewalk, separating from the crowd of faceless passerbys.
She seemed to be barefoot, from where he could see, and she moved as if she were in a trance. Her hair danced around her, the bright blue color of the ends just barely visible from where he stood.

The further she moved from the sidewalk, the more the fog shrank, until none of it remained.
The black asphalt road morphed into grey stones behind her as she continued on, the painted lines turning into rows of flowers.

She slowed her pace for a moment, and as she did, the color of the flowers slowly began to fade.

They brightened again once she began moving at her normal speed.

He continued to watch her from his spot on the building, everything else slowly fading away.

The wind, which had now transformed into a gentle breeze, was the only thing left, and it danced around him playfully, tugging at his clothes.

The girl abruptly stopped her walk, kneeling down onto the newly-appeared stones.
He winced at the thought of the pain her knees must feel.

She studied the flowers in front of her for a while, and he studied the way her blue-tipped hair fanned over her shoulders and curved back, hiding her face from view.

He watched as she picked a few flowers, their already bright colors only deepening from her touch.
She held the flowers close to her when she stood up, as if she were afraid they would be disturbed by her movements.

Her attention shifted, then, caught and held by something he could not see. She moved toward it, whatever it was, this time at a slightly faster pace.

He watched her movements carefully, eyes glued to her, not wanting to miss a thing.

She suddenly came to a stop in front of another flower. It was different from the rest only in the way that it seemingly lacked color, while the other ones around her seemed to glow.

She bent down to touch it, and as she did, the color slowly leached out of the bouquet in her arms and into the flower in front of her, turning its petals a deep crimson.

His attention was stolen by a strange movement just beyond her.

His heart began to race as he watched the storm, originally on the opposite side of the city, racing towards the girl with the flowers.
His eyes darted back to her, but she didn't seem to notice or pay it any attention. She was just staring down at her wrist, unaware of the giant black clouds coming straight for her.

If she didn't move, she'd be swallowed by the storm.

He jumped up and down, waving his arm to get her attention.


His voice came out louder than he thought, shattering the initial silence and shooting out over the city.

He barely had time to register as something small and red shot at him from out of the crowd. He looked at his hand, bewildered, to see a thin red string tied around the wrist of his waving arm, one end leading back into the crowd where it came from.
He tried tugging at it, but it didn't budge, staying firmly knotted to him.

He looked up again to see the girl's position unchanged.
The storm was much closer now, gaining more ground each second.

Panic filled him at the sight of her just standing there in the face of the roiling clouds and bright lightning.


He tried again, this time making his voice as loud as it would go.

It worked, he saw, as she turned in his direction. But she continued to stay still, and now her back was towards what he was trying to warn her away from.

He was too far away to see her face, but he could see the frustration in the set of her body as she tugged at something on her hand.

The red string! It must be connected to her too!
In a desperate attempt to save her, he yanked on his end of the string with all his might, praying that it wouldn't just snap.

He watched as she stumbled forward, towards the sidewalk and away from the storm. Strangely, the dark clouds seemed to slow down slightly as she got closer to him.

But she was still moving too slowly.

He was running out of ideas. He needed to get down to her, quickly.

By some miracle, the wind which had been circling him up until that point decided it would help him, and it lifted him up once again, this time bringing him down from the rooftop and into the crowded city below.

He pushed and shoved through the pedestrians, following the red string on his wrist to where he knew she would be.
He was just close enough to glimpse, through the moving bodies, a pair of hands pushing her away from the curb.

He looked on in horror as the storm, which had begun to speed up again, drew up right behind her.

He pushed himself faster, harder, plowing through the people around him as he desperately tried to reach her on time.

He stretched out his hand towards her, and she tried to grab hold, but the gap between them was already too big and only growing by the second.

He was too late.

He could only watch as the black clouds swallowed her whole.

He closed his eyes, taking a final breath, before it engulfed him too.


He woke up in a cold sweat, eyes so wide they resembled those of a startled deer.

Namjoon, who had been in conversation with the driver, stopped mid-sentence when Yoongi suddenly shot upright in his seat. His brows drew together in concern as he took in the state of his band member.

"Yoongi, are you okay?"

Hoseok, upon noticing Namjoon's abrupt change of focus, removed his headphones, placing them around his neck while shifting to see what was going on.

Yoongi was still too dazed from his dream to truly register anything, and his lack of a reply only worried Namjoon more.

"Yoongi? Yoongi, can you hear me?" Namjoon asked, placing a hand on his knee to get his attention.

Yoongi visibly flinched, eyes flying over to Namjoon.
Namjoon pulled his hand back, a bit shocked at Yoongi's reaction.

Hoseok eyed Yoongi for a bit, confusion and worry written all over his face. He pulled his headphones from around his neck, hesitating as he stared down at them, before slowly reaching over and placing them over Yoongi's head.

The tension in Yoongi's body almost immediately melted away as soon as they covered his ears.
He squeezed his eyes shut, blocking out Namjoon and Hoseok and the rest of the world, focusing on the sounds and vibrations in his ears and his labored breathing as he tried to calm the heavy pounding of his heart.

Namjoon and Hoseok looked at each other, concerned expressions mirrored on their faces.
They wanted to know what had caused Yoongi's panic, but given his current state, it probably wasn't the best time to ask.

"I'll ask him about it when we get there," Namjoon said to Hoseok, who nodded before turning back to gaze out of the van window.
The worried furrowing of his brows didn't disappear until he himself fell asleep.


Yoongi's head felt foggy, and the hours of pre-show rehearsal and getting ready for the concert went by in a haze.
The others definitely noticed, but upon Namjoon and Hoseok's urging, no one pushed him about it. They knew it wouldn't do any good, anyway.

But they were worried about him, and if he didn't snap out of whatever it was soon, it could affect the whole concert, and maybe even their entire trip abroad.
And as the leader, Namjoon was voted as the sacrificial lamb.

He wasn't going down by himself, though, so he decided to drag Hoseok with him.

Once they had finished their immediate tasks, Namjoon grabbed Hoseok and Yoongi, the former following with questions in his eyes, and the latter seemingly unaware of where he was going and who he was with.

"Yoongi," Namjoon said quietly, grabbing him by the shoulders once they had found a quiet space away from prying eyes and ears. "Yoongi, what's going on with you? You've been like this ever since the ride here."

Yoongi looked up at him, but his gaze was clouded over, as if he wasn't actually seeing him.

"Hyung," Namjoon said again, softer this time, when he realized Yoongi wasn't answering. "We're performing for ARMY in a few hours. If something's bothering you, I think you should talk to us about it. If not to me, then—"

"I think I dreamt of her, you know."

He said it so quietly that both Namjoon and Hoseok had to strain to hear him.

"What?" Hoseok and Namjoon said in unison.

Namjoon's tone was confused, his head struggling to connect Yoongi's words with what he'd just said.
He looked over at Hoseok, who's 'what' had sounded much less confused.
Hoseok's eyes were wide in what seemed like shock, disbelief, and excitement.

Upon seeing Hoseok's reaction, Namjoon's confusion only doubled.

"It must've been her," Yoongi continued, as if voicing his thought process. He didn't seem to be aware that he was actually speaking out loud. "It can't have been anyone else. The blue hair, and—and the thread—"

"Yoongi!" Hoseok excitedly cut him off. "Yoongi, you mean... You're talking mean you dreamt of your soulmate, right?"

Namjoon felt his eyes widen in shock, his jaw dropping.
This was the first time he'd heard anything of this.

Yoongi looked over at Hoseok, the fog clearing from his gaze for the first time since they'd gotten out of the van.

"I—..." He hesitated, a look of slight panic on his face. He seemed unsure, maybe even worried.

But then something seemed to settle into place.

He sighed, his features smoothing out, a slight smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Yeah, I think I did."


Upon the sudden revelation that Yoongi had already discovered his pre-bond, and had seemingly dreamt of his soulmate, Namjoon had remained speechless for at least a solid two minutes.
Yoongi had been nervous about his silence, worried Namjoon would be angry that he'd kept it secret for so long.

But after he'd broken out of his trance, Namjoon had assured him he was just incredibly shocked.
He did feel a bit disappointed—thinking that maybe Yoongi hadn't trusted him enough to confide in him—but he also understood.
Soulmates were a tricky thing, and a very sensitive, personal subject for most people.

Under Namjoon and Hoseok's urging, Yoongi decided it would be best to break the news to the others soon. Namjoon had advised him to wait until after the concert, though, in case the information distracted them from performing their best.

Yoongi had immediately agreed, glad for an excuse to postpone the whole conversation. He needed time to figure out exactly how to tell them.
And to get his own thoughts together.

Which was difficult because, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about the dream he'd had.

For most of their performance, his body operated on autopilot, the muscle memory of hours and hours of practice allowing his mind to wander back to the strange city of his dream and the girl standing in a bright field of color with faded flowers in her hands.

He forced himself not to dwell on the dream's ending, and what it could mean.

Instead he focussed on the details he could remember, which were becoming fewer and fewer as the minutes passed: the bright blue ends of her hair (which had been the main giveaway as to who she was to him), the delicate way in which she held the flowers, her—

"Yoongi, are you okay?"
Seokjin's voice broke him out of his thoughts.

They were now backstage— having finished their performance—and getting ready for the fansign.

Yoongi hummed in response, nodding his head, eyes closed as he leaned back further into the couch he was sitting on.

"How's your shoulder doing, hyung?" Jungkook asked. Yoongi felt the couch dip as Jungkook flopped down beside him.

Once Jungkook's question fully registered, Yoongi's eyes shot open. He leaned forward, hand reaching for his shoulder.

"Hyung?" Jungkook looked at him worriedly, watching as shock engulfed Yoongi's features.

Seokjin, who had witnessed Jungkook's question and Yoongi's strange reaction, moved closer, crouching right in front of Yoongi.
"Yoongi? What's wrong? Is it hurting a lot? Was the concert too much?" Seokjin frowned, a hint of guilt mingling with the concern on his face. "I—we shouldn't have let you dance with us. You need to be careful. If you hurt it again—"

"No, no— hyung, stop, it's okay!"
The look on Yoongi's face had morphed from shock to disbelief, and he stared at Seokjin with wide eyes.

Seokjin stared back at him, unconvinced.

"No, really! I'm fine!" Yoongi said upon seeing the look Seokjin was giving him. He rotated his shoulder in proof.

Jungkook's mouth dropped open at the movement, Seokjin's eyes widening in surprise. Yoongi himself was having a hard time believing the lack of pain he was feeling in his left shoulder.

Thinking back on it, he realized he hadn't felt more than a slight ache since he'd woken up in the van. He'd been too distracted with thoughts of his dream and his soulmate to even notice.

In fact, the last time he really remembered it hurting was when he'd bumped into that stranger in the airport.
After that, the pain had slowly seeped away, until all that was left was the slight ache he was currently feeling.

This surprised him for multiple reasons:
After colliding as hard as he did, shouldn't his shoulder hurt more, and not less?
And how could it have gotten so much better so quickly?

Something wasn't adding up.
And he thought he knew why.

He stood up from the couch abruptly, surprising Seokjin enough that he toppled over from where he was squatting on the floor in front of him.

"Sorry, hyung," Yoongi apologized, reaching out a hand to pull him to his feet.
Seokjin accepted, but as soon as he was upright again, Yoongi had let go of his hand and jumped over the back of the couch, rushing off and away from them.

"What? Yoongi, what are you doing?" Seokjin yelled after him, confused and a bit shocked at his bandmate's behavior.
This was out of character for him.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in a minute! I just need to find Hobi!" Yoongi called back, not bothering to slow down.

Seokjin tsk-ed at Yoongi's disappearing back, before sitting down in the exact spot Yoongi had occupied only a moment before.
A glance at Jungkook told him that the younger member was just as confused as he was.

Meanwhile, Yoongi was racing through the backstage hallways of the concert halls, poking his head through various doorways in search of Hoseok and apologizing whenever he disturbed the people behind said doorways.

It took him nearly fifteen minutes to finally locate Hoseok, and when he reached him, he was out of breath and sweating a bit.

"Hoseok, you—"Yoongi tried to speak, but he was breathing a bit too hard for his words to be understood.
He bent over, resting his hands on his knees in an attempt to draw more air into his lungs.

It seemed to work, his breathing slowly evening out.

Hoseok, upon taking in Yoongi's disheveled appearance, rushed over to him, hands hovering over his back as if he wanted to help but didn't know what to do.
When he spoke, his voice was full of concern and slight panic. "What's wrong? What's happening? Are you okay? Why are you so out of breath? Did something—"

Yoongi held up a hand, gesturing for Hoseok to stop talking, which he did.

"No, it's nothing bad, Hobi," Yoongi said, once he'd finally caught his breath.

He stood up, turning to Hoseok with bright eyes and a smile, which only served to confuse Hoseok even further.

"I just have a question."

Hoseok looked at him incredulously. "You look like you ran a marathon, supposedly to find me, just so you could ask me a question? Why not wait until we got to the hotel? I don't—"

"No, no I can't wait. It's important," Yoongi cut him off impatiently. His manner softened significantly as he said, "Well, it's important to me."

He looked up to Hoseok, searching his eyes as though now that he was here, he was unsure if he should really ask the question.

Hoseok nodded at him, a gesture for him to continue.

Yoongi nodded back, breathing out a sigh of relief. "Okay, so... have you ever heard of a soulmate bond that could heal wounds? Or—or you know, at least make the pain go away?"

Hoseok's eyes widened at the question. He wanted to demand right then and there that he spill all the details, but judging by the eagerness in Yoongi's eyes, he knew that now wasn't the right time.

"Hmm, I don't know," Hoseok hummed, thinking back hard to all the things he'd learned and read about soulmates. "I'm not sure I've heard of it, but it's probably very possible. I wouldn't be surprised if a bond like that existed. Why do you wanna know?"

Yoongi shifted under Hoseok's suspicious stare, a hand reaching up to scratch the back of his neck as he chuckled nervously.
"Umm, well... my shoulder's feeling a lot better. Like, a lot better."

"That's great!"

"Yeah, but it doesn't really make sense. It's been hurting for months, and then all of a sudden the pain's almost gone? And, well... okay, don't judge me on this. It's just a theory, okay?"

Hoseok nodded. "Sure, of course. No judgment here. What's your theory?"

Yoongi swallowed, unsure of whether it would make any sense once he said it out loud. He sighed. You never knew unless you tried, right? "Okay, then. So when we were in the airport, and I had to go to the bathroom— you remember that, right?"

Hoseok nodded, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. Of course he remembered. It hadn't even been a day since they'd arrived at the airport.

"Well on the way out, I ran into someone. With my bad shoulder. Like this—" he smacked one of his hands against the other to demonstrate"—super hard, and my shoulder hurt so much that I couldn't think, couldn't see. The staff had to guide me back to you guys because it hurt so much that I couldn't even concentrate enough to walk."

Hoseok grew concerned upon hearing this. Learning that Yoongi had been in so much pain made his heart ache.
He opened his mouth to say something, but Yoongi cut him off, unaware.
"But I've thought about it, and right after that was when the pain started to go down. And then when I fell asleep in the van— right after that, I dreamt about her, about my soulmate."

Hoseok's eyes widened noticeably as he realized where Yoongi was going with this. "You think the person you ran into was your soulmate." It was less of a question and more of a statement.

Yoongi nodded.

Although it was only a theory—only wild speculation— he just felt that he was right. He had to be right. It was the perfect explanation for everything, and it just made sense.
Felt right.

Hoseok stroked his chin in thought. "Of course, it's possible. I mean it makes a lot of sense. But the probability of running into her like that is very slim. And you said you couldn't see. How are you going to find her again if you don't know what she looks like?"

Yoongi's shoulders sagged. Hoseok was right.

"Are you sure it was your soulmate? The person in your dream?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi nodded, not a doubt in his mind. "Yes, it had to have been. It couldn't really be anyone else. I mean, the ends of her hair were blue, the same color my eyes were when they changed color. And then there was this red string thing tying us together, and—"

"Yeah, that definitely sounds like soulmate-y stuff," Hoseok said wisely. He leaned in closer to Yoongi, desperate for details. "What did she look like? Was she pretty? Did she seem nice?"

Yoongi's face fell, and Hoseok wondered whether he'd said something wrong. "I couldn't see her face. In real life or in my dream. I have no idea who she is or what she really looks like."

Hoseok patted him on the shoulder consolingly, mindful of which one was his injured one despite the fact that Yoongi had said the pain had gone down.

"Maybe that's good, though," he said, and Yoongi looked up at him in shock. How was that a good thing? Hoseok was the last person Yoongi thought would ever say that.

When he saw the surprise on Yoongi's face, Hoseok just shrugged. "The last time we talked about this, you said you didn't want to meet your soulmate. That you were happy where you were and didn't want to get involved with the whole soulmate thing."

Yoongi groaned, internally facepalming. He definitely had said that.

"Unless you didn't mean it? Or maybe you changed your mind now?"

Yoongi hesitated, unsure of how to answer that.
It was true that getting involved with his soulmate would likely cause a lot of trouble to his career. As well, his career could affect the type of relationship he ended up having with his soulmate. Maybe she wouldn't want to be involved with him because he was an idol.

But the trouble could be worth it. Maybe being with his soulmate would be everything he'd longed for it to be ever since his childhood.

The what-ifs and maybe's swirled around in his head all at once, leaving him slightly dizzy.

Hoseok saw his friend's confusion, and a small, understanding smile made its way onto his face.

"It's okay, Yoongi. You don't have to worry about it right now. We have no idea who she is or where she is yet, so there's not much you can do anyway. Give it some time and things will probably sort themselves out. Fate works in strange ways. And you are soulmates after all."

Yoongi sighed, relieved that Hoseok wasn't pushing him, and also comforted by his words. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Thank you, Hobi."

Hoseok smiled widely at him, and Yoongi returned it.
"Of course! What's family for?" He bumped Yoongi's good shoulder with his own. "Now let's go. We shouldn't keep ARMY waiting!"

His thoughts and feelings on the matter temporarily settled, Yoongi bumped Hoseok's shoulder right back.

"You're right. Let's go, sunshine."

Hoseok grinned at him, before taking off into a sprint. "Race you there, grumpy cat!" Hoseok called over his shoulder as he sped off.

Yoongi chuckled as he watched Hoseok's quickly retreating figure, before jogging after him.


Yoongi might not always love being an idol; the pressure and restrictions and regulations often being too overwhelming.
But the fans made it worth it.

Yoongi loved interacting with ARMY. He loved seeing the smiles on their faces, smiles that he and his members had caused. He loved the idea that the music they made and the things they did could do so much for so many people, to make their days brighter even if only in small ways.

So yes, even though idol life was incredibly hard and demanding, he was glad he'd ended up how he did. And he knew his members—his brothers—felt the same.

But it looked like their interactions with their fans would be cut short this time.

"Of course, I understand," Namjoon was saying into the phone. He sounded frustrated, as though what he was saying was the exact opposite of what he wanted to. "Don't worry, we're fine... Of course... No, not yet, but—... I understand... Will do... Yes, you too. Goodbye."

Namjoon hung up, turning to look at the other members who were seated in the various chairs scattered around the room.

"I'm sorry, guys. It looks like we're going to have to return home sooner than planned."

He rubbed his forehead, frustrated by the situation.

"How soon is sooner?" Jimin asked, trying to keep his voice light.
He was just as unhappy with this turn of events as Namjoon was, but he felt that added negativity would do little to help the situation.

"Tomorrow night." Namjoon flopped down onto the sofa next to Seokjin, who rubbed his back soothingly.

"A little warning would've been nice," Jungkook muttered from his spot in the armchair.
His legs were thrown over the arm of the chair, and he was currently trying to burn a whole in the wall with the force of his glare.

"Jungkook," Seokjin warned, still patting Namjoon on the back.
Namjoon had relaxed a bit under the elder's touch, but the tension in his shoulders was still visible.

Seokjin sighed, glancing around at all the downcast faces. "There's nothing we can do about it now, so we might as well enjoy the rest of our stay while we can."

Hoseok nodded, humming in agreement.

"Are we still doing the fansign?" Taehyung asked hopefully. They'd flown all the way here, and now they'd be flying all the way back. He at least wanted to interact with their fans a little before leaving.

Namjoon sent Taehyung the most reassuring smile he could manage. "Yes, Tae, don't worry. We'll do the fansign, then head straight to the hotel. You can sleep in as late as you want, too. The flight's around 11pm."

Upon hearing this, Yoongi only slid down further in his chair.
First a flight so early in the morning, and now one so late at night? Barely even a day apart? What was so serious that they had to fly back right away?

"I don't really know, Yoongi," Namjoon admitted.

Ah, so he'd said it out loud.

"Yes, yes you did, hyung," Namjoon said, a small smile working its way onto his face.
It didn't last long before he sighed, dropping his head into his hands.
"I'm sorry, guys. They didn't tell me much, but it sounded pretty serious. I did try to bargain a bit for more time, but they weren't having it. I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing, Namjoon. It's not your fault." Yoongi stood up, walking over to their leader and patting him reassuringly on the head.

Hoseok followed suit, standing beside Yoongi and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
"Yeah, Joon, it's alright. It's not what we hoped for, but it happens. And we still have the fansign," Hoseok said, trying to lift his spirits a bit. "I think it's best if we just do what they say, and not fight back on it."

Seokjin patted Namjoon on the back, a bit harder this time. "Yeah, Hoseok's right, Namjoon. Let's focus on the positive. I'm sure ARMY doesn't want to see us frowning. And I definitely don't want to frown. Because then I'll get wrinkles. I don't want wrinkles."

Seokjin shuddered at the idea.

"Really? I think the wrinkles would suit you, hyung," Jungkook piped up, barely suppressing a giggle.

"Of course they would. I look good in everything."

At that, the other members began to laugh, the tension and negativity slowly dissipating.
Just in time, too, for the fansign was about to start.


Most of the fans at the fansign were female. They also seemed to have been a part of ARMY for quite a while, or at least knew their fair share about Bangtan's history.

But there was one fan there who broke both of those standards.

"What's your name?" Yoongi asked the very attractive man in front of him.

He seemed to be around the same age as Yoongi, tall and lean with dark hair and round glasses that did nothing to distract from his impressive jawline.

Yes, he was very attractive.

"Ji-Hoon," the man replied. Even his voice was pretty. "Im Ji-Hoon."

Yoongi smiled at him, gums fully on display.
This man's voice was almost as deep as Taehyung's, and almost as sweet as Jimin's.

It was hard not to smile when he spoke.

"Nice to meet you, Im Ji-Hoon," Yoongi said, sending him a wink. "I'm Min Yoongi."

The man—Ji-Hoon— chuckled at his behavior, displaying perfect teeth. "I know," he replied.

His eyes widened when he realized what he'd said. 

"I mean— I mean of course I know, you're famous. Wait, no— ah, sorry, that sounded kind of rude. That's not what I meant. Okay, I'm just gonna stop talking now before I make an even bigger mess of myself."

Yoongi chuckled at his behavior, and at the bright red flush of embarrassment on Ji-Hoon's cheeks.

"It's alright, Ji-Hoon," Yoongi reassured him. "I'd be a bit worried if you didn't know who I am, since you're at a BTS fansign. Don't worry about it."

Ji-Hoon sent him a grateful smile. "I have to admit, I'm a relatively new ARMY, so I don't know that much about you all. But I definitely do know your names."

Yoongi raised his eyebrows. "Don't know much about us, huh? Why don't we fix that. What do you want to know?"

Ji-Hoon's eyes widened at Yoongi's response. Put on the spot, he scrambled for something to ask.

"Uhhhh..." he scratched at the back of his neck, and he seemed to be finding his shoes very interesting. "What's your favorite color?"

His voice squeaked a bit at the end of his question, causing Yoongi to laugh.

He felt a bit obligated to say purple, given it was the main color of the fanbase, but he didn't want to be dishonest.

He thought hard for a moment, contemplating the question seriously despite the simpleness of it, before—
"Blue," he said decisively, face lit up with a grin big enough to show his gums. "Deep, bright blue."

I meant for this to be a double update, but cleaning and finishing this chapter up took a bit longer than expected.
Sorry about that!
As always, constructive criticism is welcomed!!
Also: Merry Christmas, you all!
Stay safe and Happy Holidays,


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