
By salvatoremily

221K 5.9K 717

She's the one thing he can't have. And it's killing him, because Kingston men always get what they want, don'... More

Author Note.


3.9K 103 23
By salvatoremily

I woke up with something that felt like bricks thrown over my body. I couldn't move at first, and when my eyes adjusted, I saw that it was Axle's entire left arm thrown over my waist.

When I looked at his arm in his tight long-sleeved sleep shirt, I couldn't help but notice the dips in his biceps and the bumps of his muscles in his arm. I must admit, this was a very pleasant sight to wake up to.

When I lifted his hand, I noticed black ink running up his arm. I looked at it in shock, this man had a full sleeve. It was the first time I'd seen him in anything other than a suit.

I gently lifted his arm which felt like it weighed as much as I did. I made it to my feet, and I noticed that my stitches had torn from the weight of Axle's hand. I limped my way to the bathroom and followed all the doctors instructions.

Axle mumbles a lot in his sleep, and I could swear he was cursing. As I cleaned the blood off my stomach, I took a second to thank God I was still alive. Whatever happened might have been really bad but I couldn't move past the fact that I was alive, I was still able to walk.

I put the patch over the wound and made my way back, to lay next to the king of the Cosa Nostra. I sat upright and glanced around the room that I was in. I took in the dark grey curtains and black and white marble tiles in the room. The bed was massive, the sheets were grey and had splashes of white on them.

I took a deep breath and settled back into the bed, taking into cognisance I was in immense pain and it was only 8am.

I faced Axle and silently admired his features. I also thought that what we were doing was extremely inappropriate and I should go to confession.

What I'd say would probably be along the lines of sleeping in the same bed as a murderous, foul mouthed man being unmarried and liking every minute of it. Though I don't remember much after we spoke. I rubbed my forearm where he run his knuckles up. It felt like electricity running through my body.

I admired his dark thick lashes. And I loved the way his hair was mussed with sleep and left dark brown strands on his face. He had some stubble now, and I'd imagine him shaving when he left for work soon.

My mind darted to how they'd act now that they knew who did this to me. I want to call my papa, but I don't want to worry him.

I sighed and felt the heavy presence of this powerful man beside me. I don't think I would ever be in a safer place.

I watched his hand flex as he turned his body. His deep brown eyes opened and met with mine. His eyes are darker than mine, and they must've darkened over all the things he's seen and done over the years.

There was a slight breeze coming from somewhere, and seeing him in his sleepy state, the breeze made its way between my legs. I was filled with shame.

I should be sleeping in a guest room, or next to Aly. I wondered when she'll come and see me, or why she wasn't here in the first place.

"good morning" I said, and his eyes focused into mine.

"hm, I can definitely get used to this." he said, his voice laced with sleep. It was like honey being poured into my ears or something like that.

"yeah? I don't look gross?" I asked, and I asked this knowing full well that I brushed my hair in the mirror after fixing my stitch. I looked as best as I could considering my face looked like an old peach in a grocery store.

"not at all." he said, and rolled onto his stomach. "you slept okay?"

I nodded. I considered the pain radiating from having his heavy arm thrown over me but this moment, right here, with the two of us in his bed, right where we're were not supposed to be, this moment was one for the memories. And it had to be perfect.

"I have to get to work." he groaned.

"work? You mean finding the man who did this and ruining his life?" I asked, and he smiled.

"exactly." he yawned and I wished he'd take his eyes off me for one second, something he hadn't done since they first opened today.

"you are not to fucking go anywhere while I'm gone. I have to take Jaxon with me so you'll be alone." he barked, not even 9am and he's cursing with his godforsaken mouth already.

"where's Aly?" I asked, and his eyes turned with worry. I could see it. I could smell it on him, he was worried.

"she's not home. She's staying somewhere else. There's about 8 guards in here, and I'll be home as soon as I can." he spoke, roughly but I nodded. I got the feeling he didn't want to talk about Aly, and so I didn't say a word.

I guess a part of me didn't want to know.

"I swear to God Kat, I'll tie you to this fucking bed, and unlike your fantasies, I'll leave you here" he said, and smirked.

My cheeks grew so hot I'm sure an egg could fry on it.

"I'm going to pretend like I didn't just hear that. And don't worry your pretty head, I'll be fine." I said, and he looked somewhat convinced.

"pretty?" he asked, I detected some condescension in his tone but I ignored it.

"very pretty. I'd bet that pretty face gets you whatever you want from the women you bring into this bed of yours." I said, and realized that I talk too much.

"funny you think that, you're the first woman who's ever touched my fucking doorway. But tell me, does that theory apply to you? Would my pretty face work?" he asked, and tilted his head left.

I bit back my smile

"Stop flirting with me, Kingston. Go away." I said, and rested my body against the pillow and shut my eyes. "Chasing me out of my own bedroom," he mumbles. I smile to myself. I heard him sigh and leave the bed, grabbing whatever he needed to get ready for work.

He woke me up before he could leave to give me tablets.

"this shit is already working. Your face is clearing up and the cut is healing fast." he said, using his finger to turn my face so he can examine it. I can't figure out why I liked that so much.

The patch I put over the wound helped a lot with the pain. I couldn't tell Axle that his attempt to keep his body closer to mine was a crash and fail and ended up hurting me. But it wasn't bad. And I liked being close to him. I could feel his breath on my neck as we slept. And I could feel his heartbeat against my back. I loved every second of it.

He left the pills by my side and reminded me to take them 1 more time, then he'd be home again to give me my last hit for the day.He also told me my phone was there and that he was always available. He also said there's chefs downstairs who would make anything under the sun. His words were looping in my head but I enjoyed the roughness of his Italian accent. It was very sexy. I felt his lips press softly onto my forehead before he left. My head was resting on the pillow, but his fingers still tangled in my hair like they always did, and his kiss lingered. I could still feel it as the sleep carried me away. Axle Kingston kissed me.

I dozed off, passed out actually. It was such a deep sleep I think I would've missed an earthquake. When I woke up with was 12pm and I wanted to talk to my papa.

"Katerina, mi Bella are you alright?" he asked, his voice laced with panic and fear. He sounded frantic for the first time ever.

"papa, I'm fine. I'm fine. How are you?" I asked, and heard him scoff.

"God I've been so worried about you. Are you feeling okay? Must I come get you? We can try to put you in a hospital." he said, and I laughed.

"you need to relax. The doctor treated me so well and I'm getting better. I'm on bed rest though." I said.

"that's good. You stay in that damn bed. Listen Bella, I'm meeting with Kingston now. I think we've both just about had it with these Capellos. You take care of yourself. I love you." he said

"I love you too. Be careful, look out for each other and don't go crazy."

He laughed softly and ended the call. I sighed, not knowing what to do in this massive house. I wasn't going to snoop. I'm not a snooper. And I was afraid of finding some kind of torture room in this house.

Everything was pretty. I'd imagine the cost of his bathroom artwork could feed a family for a year. I gave a lot of Axle's money to charity when I helped with his books and accounts, but he made so much that he didn't notice the donations, so I didn't mention it. It's not like he would've been angry about it or anything. If anything, it just proves that he makes too much money.

I walked around, slowly and the pain medication helped with everything. I was taking it easy, and putting very little strain on my left side. I saw guards in every corner and shook my head.

When I walked downstairs, I recognized the ballroom only. Other than that, I had no idea where I was or what I was doing.

I met a lovely lady with fresh, crisp white towels in her arms.

"hello Ms Hayes. Can I help you?" she sounded like a robot and I loved it.

"hm, yes, I'm looking for the kitchen."

She very politely escorted me to Axle's kitchen where I noticed 2 guards walking around outside. They noticed me and I smiled and waved. Axle is ridiculous, this place is probably safer than Fort Knox right now. I felt warm thinking he did so much to protect me.

I like to think of myself as a strong minded person. I like to think of myself as an optimistic person as well. But sitting here, in Axle's beautiful kitchen with white and chrome furnishings, I felt alone. I felt scared.

I saw him when I blinked. I saw him hitting me in the face. I know I'm stronger than this, I know I'm in control of my mind. But this was hard for me. I think this was the most trauma I have ever experienced. I felt nauseous.

I saw the two of them again. Busting my door down and reaching for my head. I thought of how I mentally screamed for my papa or Axle. I thought of the way he spoke to me, as if he had something to prove. Whatever Lo had done, I wished people would stop targeting me.

I blinked away the tears brimming in my eyes and looked out the window to a garden I'm pretty sure Axle doesn't even know exists. I'm thankful for him, for him rushing to me that day. The parameters of our 'relationship' have changed a lot. I don't know what is going on. But all I know is that it may be the best thing, or the worst. It's either it ends well or it doesn't. And if there's anyone I'm willing to bet my happiness on, it is Axle Kingston.

I must admit, for being stabbed a little over 24 hours ago, I was in fairly good shape. My face wasn't looking too bad either. That doctor must've been threatened, poor guy.

I walked around the home and sanctuary of a rude, murdering, beautiful man. I ran my fingers along the walls, my nails clicking as I go along. With one cup of orange juice in my hand, I realized that this house is beautiful. And if I were to snoop, no one would ever know.

I wondered where Aly was. I was hoping she would come back soon. Something was wrong. I wondered of Brendan's status too. Axle would never have killed him. Maybe 'never' is a bit too strong. I should say, Axle would have considered killing him and not gone through with it.

I liked the power I had over the two most powerful men. It made me happy. I only ever reason with them when I know what I'm talking about. There's many things they don't tell me for my safety, I know there's things my father hides from me but when him and Axle do take my advice, it's because deep down they know I'm right. Brendan didn't deserve to die, that's an old-fashioned Italian way of handling things. Life is different in the mafia, my papa isn't supposed to consider anything I say to him, but our relationship is different. I have no control over his anger when it comes to me, but he listens when he knows there's other ways to handle something. I'm grateful for that. He must be in a lot of anguish without me. I miss him but it is better that he doesn't come here until they find James and sort out their business with the Capello's.

These 3 families need couples counseling.

Well it's actually just 2 families, Axle seems to have involved himself.

When I finally had some time to think, I analyzed the mess that is my life. I've been sheltered from everything. Yet I'm still always caught in the crossfire. Whether it's Lo messing something up, or my papa, I'm always stuck in the middle. Fuck that shit. Fuck being a helpless little girl, fuck being a damsel in distress. With Axle by my side, I never have to fear for my safety, or even being threatened or used as leverage. Simply because as irrational as the man can be sometimes, he would never intentionally start wars to endanger my life. It was a sense of comfort I've never known existed.

I passed out somewhere. I honestly have no idea where I am in this house. But when I glanced outside I saw that it was dark. It was now October and the sky darkened a bit earlier.

I felt pain radiating from my side so I sat up and took deep breaths. I heard a key jangling in the door and Axle walked through. I figured out where I was, I left the right wing and was now in the living room.

His eyes met mine on the couch and he looked so tired. He had been gone for a total of 13 hours, leaving home at 9am sharp, and getting back at 10pm.

"you okay?" he asked, and a small sigh left his lips.

"I'm okay. Are you okay?"

He simply nodded.

I understand that he's a very emotionally closed off person. I respect that. But I like communicating. It isn't safe for the world when a Don is angry, or something is on his mind.

I could tell he wasn't having the best day. Anyone could've smelt it on him. He was tense, I could see it in the way he stood. He was on edge. He was tired. He poured himself a glass of whisky, didn't bother with the ice. He removed his coat and set it on the back of the chair.

He sat across from me. Heavy eyed and looking moody. I knew better than to annoy him, not like he'd snap at me or something but I know Don behaviour. They need their space because that's what they're used to. It's like having a cat, or a temperamental chihuahua.

I managed to lift myself up. He followed me with his eyes. I got a strange feeling that he liked me being here.

I walked, limped, to where he was and plopped down next to him. His eyes were focused straight ahead and I could tell he was miles away.

"Axle, are you okay? Did something happen at the meeting?" I asked, my voice as gentle as possible.

"a lot happened at that fucking meeting Kat. Don't worry about it."

I sighed.

I moved closer to him and my wishes came true. His body relaxed against mine. It was as if his tension was released in the air.

"I'm here if you want to talk about it."

Sometimes those words are all you need to hear.

I shouldn't have rested my head on his shoulder. I know I shouldn't have. But I did it.

I looked at his left arm, where the tattoos spread. Though he was in his formal dress shirt, a black one, I knew they were there.

"you should tattoo my name somewhere on your arm." I said, and I heard him laugh somewhere in this throat.

"should I?" he asked and I nodded.

"yes. I'm pretty sure most of your tattoos don't have any significance, so you should put my name there." and there it was, a full chuckle.

"and how did you see those hm?"

I smiled.

"oh, I peeked this morning when your hand was thrown over my body."

"sorry. I haven't shared a bed before"

Well that was very pleasant to hear.

"I didn't mind. Not one bit."

He finished his whisky and craned his neck to place a soft kiss on the top of my head. My insides began to flutter. He keeps doing that. It's driving me crazy.

"I'm happy you're here, neonata. Can we go upstairs?" he asked, a certain vulnerability in his voice.

I nodded and he helped me to my feet.

When we walked to his room he began to remove his clothes. He was looking for a shirt but I was wearing his freshest one after my very long shower earlier.

He threw something on and flung his huge body onto his bed.

I lay beside him and ran my hand up his inked arm. He smiled softly at me.

"whatever happened today Axle, we'll figure it out."

He sighed.

"I shot him Kat. I shot your brother."

My world began to spin and I felt stuck for air.

I wasn't angry at Axle, I knew something like this was going to happen. It was actually a cointoss as to who would shoot Lo for putting me in danger. My father, or Axle.

"is he okay?" I asked, my voice shaking along the way.

"he was fine, then your papa shot him too."

I sighed heavily.

"well is he alive?"

He nodded.

"I want you to know that I don't feel bad about it." he said, harshly.

I had nothing to say.

"I know." was all I could respond with.

"and I want to remind you that I'd do a lot worse." he said, even harsher this time.

"I know that too."

He stopped my hand from trailing his tattoos and took it in his, wrapping it with his rough fingers.

"nothing will ever happen to you again Kat, ever. I will always protect you, no matter what I have to do. You have my word on that." he spoke with a deep intensity this time and I admired it. Anything he said in this tone was true. I could see the vulnerability in his eyes, getting hurt really triggered something in him and I don't know what it is since he's always been protective over me. Axle Kingston laid a claim on me the day we met, we both knew it, we just couldn't anything about it. I don't know how things will be family-wise after this, but all I know is that I'm on Axle's side. For anything and everything.

"I think I have the world's most handsome protector. And I don't want to leave." I said, and a smile graced his face.

As I nuzzled my face closer to him, I eventually drifted off.

But not before hearing his words.

"Vorrei che neanche tu te ne andassi"
I wish you wouldn't leave either.

Author note
Hi beaches, I'm back! After a very short break I began to write again. This was the very first Christmas without my grandfather and I miss him terribly. I want to wish everyone a safe and happy festive season. I hope you're all enjoying Kingston so far. I have ideas all scrambled in my head and will give them to you shortly. For now, enjoy this one bed chapter. I love you guys.

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