The Queen's Duplicate [USUK]

Da ElaineChism

453 38 1

'I have no need for you, I simply desire your King.' King and Queen of Spades, Alfred and Arthur, live th... Altro

Words of Solitude
Don't Worry
Relaxation and Causation
Arrival of Anticipation
The Plan
Start of a Journey
Together at Last
Caught the King
Trapped King
Presided King
My Darling
Surface Once More
Knock Off
Superficial Exterior
Proceed Again
Switch Saviours
Not Like Other Kingdoms

Ready to Start

8 1 0
Da ElaineChism

Chapter 25

      Exceeding the course of a couple of months, Arthur's visits had become frequent rather than weekly they had been a daily routine allowing the two to catch up, divulging into Spades condition, sales and trades with other Kingdom's, the economy being stable with stocks rocketing with the aided hand of their advisor, having noticed the other going into staggering health, having taken on more than he was capable of handling with creating the spell. Explicitly going out of the each other's way to avoid bringing up Francis or other Arthur, knowing either would provide the other with a headache, Alfred already living with the headache daily not needing to hand it to his lover - even if that twit did attempt to say Arthur was his past, he was still present in Alfred's mind no matter what occurred. The younger having to coax the state of affairs from his partner, watching the other fiddle with the ends of slacks in a strung up way biting on the skin under his thumbnail, casting a downward glance before stating that Francis had become a reoccurring visitor to the Spade palace after Alfred's unexplained, as well as unannounced, disappearance. Yao had worked relentlessly to swat the other out going as far as to threaten to oust him from the Kingdom entirely if he didn't stop pursuing the Queen, who was showing the least amount of interest, comparing it to a rose being subjected to aphids. The rose never wanted it, they was never any consent granted and rather the aphid was selfish, taking what it wanted without reflecting upon how it would affect the one it sought. Even with the dutiful advisors best efforts, they still met to which he was taken aback with the point of Arthur's sword, which Alfred found pretty badass admittedly, reaching over to grasp onto his hands to pull him into a hug, over taken with a sense of pride at the other's quick defense. The Queen quickly picking up his actions, following his attempts, though it all faded when neither could feel the others embrace, turning to words of support. 

      Periodically staying away, gone from sight leaving Alfred to sit picking at blades of grass, only to return days later slightly more apparent. Informing the other that his absence was to work on the spell, though the most he had managed to do was overcome being see through, now seemingly there in person, despite that touch was still prohibited, Arthur figuring it having to do something with while he was passing over the barrier between worlds it was only a mental state rather than physical, compared to when they entered through the mirrors. Having decided he would endure Francis long enough to find the mirror they had gone through, his face falling when Alfred confessed to having shattered it to ensure he wasn't accessible to be used against the other, or be brought back to be ruthlessly killed at the other's lack of obedience. It took time to accept some parts, though if asked the other would never embrace the idea of the King being wed off, especially after gaining the details on how it happened, scoffing and huffing throughout, mumbling under his breath until finally offering an apologetic look, taking Alfred's hand. With the good times, there were their fair share of bad or plain monotonous, at one point never discussing Arthur falling unconscious after a night full of tears, fighting to find a plan, and the other could see how all of this was eating away at the other. 

      Preparing for another day he slipped his coat on, ready to depart after an uneventful night and rather still morning. The other not saying a word to him allowing his thoughts to remain uninterrupted, having learned through his time here on how to avoid thinking of certain subjects, unsure of what may be revealed which was to be a step in the right direction.

      Reaching for one of the side doors he yanked his hand back, seeing the scepter just in time so it only caught the edge of his fingers, not being given the time to process as he was forced onto his back. Glaring up at him, getting back to his feet on the next instant, "Dude, what was that all about?" Not bothering to hide his displeasure towards the man. 

      Tilting his head up slightly, looking him over with a pressed gaze. "Hereby on I ban you from stepping outside of these doors, without an escort." Feeling the need to add on, though Alfred found it highly unnecessary, as he would already remain inside if he was to be followed, preferring to be on his own. 

      Scoffing on instinct, unable to control it as he looked to him, "You're that insecure?" One corner turning up into a smirk. This was ridiculous.

      Crossing his arms Alfred watched the other fight to not furrow his brows, angered by the others audacity, "You've been in a pleasing mood."

      Sighing out he followed with an eye roll, taking on a similar stance outside of turning to his side. "Sunlight helps." An imprisoned mind is highly assisted by it, "I don't understand why this irritates you, isn't this what you wanted?"

      Closing distance he grabbed ahold of the others sleeve, dragging his arm down. "You're seeing someone." Using an accusing tone, his calm stance finally dissolving as he shook the other, trying to use any intimidation tactic that had worked to break the other's spirit in the past. Overall dodging the question.

      Flicking his gaze from the hand threatening to rip the fabric to the one who it belonged to, looked dead in his eyes. "I'm not." Stating in a rather placid tone. 

      He couldn't process what was tumbling within the others head, being slammed into a wall with his breath knocked from his lungs, "Yes you are, and I don't care who it is but, if chaining you is the only way I can stop it from happening. Then so be it." 

      Nails digging in he fought to not let out a sound, the others grip tightening until he whimpered. "You're insane." Heart pattering faster as he attempted to fight back, any effort silenced, reaching for his weak points. 

      Stepping closer he pressed himself into Alfred, glancing up to the man who was experiencing an episode of fight or flight, unable to do either. "No, not insane." Keeping his voice low, sighing as he titled, obtaining an advantage as he closed both wrists in one hand, tracing the others jaw as he let out a small chuckle. "I'm in love, and you're mine. That ring says so, and what I say is mine." The smile disappearing in seconds. "Remains mine."

      Heart stopping it jumped to his throat, looking to him, paralyzed in fear. A million responses that seemed to befall him an unpleasant ending, starting with what should have never been uttered. "I'm not yours." 

      Shrieking as he was thrown to the ground, "What was that." Standing over the other, rather annoyed that he expressed signs of defiance, seemingly set like a diamond in stone with a determined look on his face. 

      "I'm not yours. I never was, you forced me into a situation where I lose everything or nothing. So I chose the second, never would I leave him in your grasp." Not reacting even as nails ripped through his skin. "Stop." Pulling away after a second, getting back up to his feet, "Can't you see? Ever since day one it was never you, it was him. You inserted me in a marriage that I showed no explicit interest in-" His words snipped short.

      "Alfred stop, it will only get worse if you continue. Please, stop." Looking past the looming figures shoulders to see Arthur, draped in his formal garb. What if he was seen or heard? His concerns deepening as he watched the other walk over, resting a hand onto his shoulder but the other never took notice.

      His breathing calming, looking back to him. "No, you're right. I'm being stupid." Pulling his arm away to leave his hand in the other's, doing his best to not pull away due to how clammy it was. 

      Arthur remained by his side, "My hour is up, I have to return but know this," Keeping a serene voice to keep the other at bay, knowing that Alfred was at his ends in this minute. "You have to do it tomorrow." 

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