A Billion Reasons (Wish 8)

By pseudoannie

114K 11.6K 5.4K

(Complete) Monty Whitby grew up knowing exactly what was expected of him. As the sole heir of Whitby Enterpri... More

A Billion Reasons
About the cover
The Wish Family Tree
1 - The Woods
2 - Gap year
3 - Kryptonite
4 - Dead Man Walking
5 - Ancient history
6 - Immunity
7 - Weeds
8 - The Joker
9 - Triste
10 - Hell hole
11 - Click
12 - Wishes
13 - Sizzle
14 - Mistletoe
15 - The Envelope
16 - New Year's
17 - Amoeba
18 - Trust
19 - RIP
20 - Perfect
21 - France
22 - Another wish
23 - Naughty child
24 - Bachelorettes
25 - Worry
26 - Like old times
27 - Nightmare
28 - Birthday
29 - Back roads
30 - Pretty Woman
31 - Man up
32 - Roulette
33 - Vegas
34 - A Spell
35 - Lucky
36 - Dowry
37 - Normal
38 - Gossip
39 - A Rumor
40 - Paradise
41 - Wishes
42 - Wife
43 - El esposo
44 - Surprise
45 - Magical
46 - One year later
47 - The Fountain
A Billion Reasons
Bonus Chapter 2: Christmas at The Hayes

Bonus Chapter 1: Christmas at The Hayes

1.3K 105 62
By pseudoannie

Picture credit:
Alin Andersen @unsplash.com

Merry Christmas. As a present to myself, I skipped my time consuming editing process so don't expect commas to be correct.


Samantha Hayes put her hand over her mouth to hide her laugh, as Trey looked at her with pleading eyes. It was Christmas Day, she wasn't going to stop Quinn from singing 'Jingle Bells' even if she had been singing it for days and during their entire drive to Weston. Even Trey chuckled when their four-year-old sang "One house soap and say."

As Trey turned Sam's SUV onto the tree lined street five minutes from his parent's house the crying started. The boys had been enjoying the concert. Sam looked back to see tears run down James' face. Jack looked on, pouting. Hopefully, he wouldn't cry for his unhappy brother.

"What's wrong?" Trey asked.

"Who knows? But he's getting snot on his Christmas outfit."

The three children were dressed in the clothes they wore for the family photograph for their Christmas cards.

Trey murmured, "It could be worse."

The year before, Quinn vomited on the way to Trey's parents. Sam shuddered at the memory of carrying her daughter into Vanessa's gorgeous home holding her under her armpits as she dangled away from Sam's dress. Her mother-in-law took it in stride.

Sam never got used to seeing the large home every time they turned into the circular drive. Theirs was the first car to arrive. Trey jumped out to open the passenger door behind him.

"What's wrong? Oh."

As Sam unbuckled Jack, she watched Trey lift James' pacifier from the floor. Both were oral boys but Jack preferred his thumb. Trey joked about conducting an experiment to see which soothing method resulted in more orthodontia.

"Hey Bud, you have to hold on to it." The chubby fingers grabbed it from Trey's hands and put it in his mouth.

With Jack on her hip, Sam said, "Wipe his nose before your mother sees him. Come on Quinny, let's go see Grandma."

Trey would have to go back for the gifts in the trunk as Sam grabbed the diaper bag.

Quinn burst through the door. "Grandma, jingle bells!"

Vanessa appeared with her arms out for a hug from Quinn, before taking Jack from Sam. After a hug, he wiggled and Vanessa let him down to run to the enormous tree.

"What's wrong sweet boy," she cooed to James who still had tears in his thick eyelashes. She eyed Trey accusingly.

"He dropped his paci."

Sam pulled the culprit from his mouth with a pop. "Go play." Trey let the boy down who ran after his brother. The boys chased after each other the way Quinn had chased after Luna.

"Tee tee." He pointed.

The judge appeared and shook Trey's hand. "We missed you last night."

"Will Bea forgive me?"

Vanessa laughed. "Bea understands."

They had to celebrate with Sam's family on Christmas Eve and both Sam and Trey wanted to be home with their children instead of dancing in the ballroom. They danced. Twice. Once as they cleaned up the mess from entertaining her family. The second time was after the kids were sound asleep and Santa had come. It was the horizontal kind.

Trey wrapped his arms around her waist. Did he remember too?

"Was everyone else there?"

Vanessa nodded. "Everyone missed you. Ed and Grace are joining us today."

"Are Jon and Tori next door?"

Vanessa shook her head. "They went home with Tom and Katie."

Sam wanted to say something but held her tongue. She hadn't seen Tori since Thanksgiving.

Vanessa read her mind. "She enjoyed herself last night."

Sam nodded before turning to watch Trey stop Jack from pulling on the tree. Voices at the back door turned Sam's head.

Jon rounded the corner first with Tori behind him. "Merry Christmas! Trey, your kid is gonna pull down the tree."

Quinn turned at the sound of her uncle's voice, but she ran to her aunt singing. "... soap and say."

Tori laughed. "Quinny, tell me all about Santa."

Sam smiled and walked over to Trey. "I'll watch the destruction crew while you unload the car.

Jon said, "I'll go out with you. We have a full trunk too."


As Trey Hayes followed his younger brother, a lot of memories swirled through his head. It was hard to imagine he spent so many Christmases without his brothers.

As if reading his mind, Jon said, "I used to be jealous of you on Christmas, being here when I was in a makeshift mess hall eating who knows what."

"I'm sorry." Trey frowned. Would he ever stop feeling guilty?

"I didn't say it to make you feel bad."

"Christmas was nothing like in there." Trey pointed to the house. "Remember Jessica was my personal hell. Jon, are you okay?" Jon nodded. "And Tori?"

"She's getting there. Sofia is expecting. That was part of last night's excitement."

"Can I say I'm happy for her and Monty?"

"He'll make a good father." Jon assessed.

"Better than his old man for sure."

Trey had no respect for Montgomery Whitby, and it had nothing to do with him and Jessica. What they did was disgusting, but he wasn't Jessica's only mark nor was she his only dalliance. The man failed as a father, but he would never hurt his son again. Celia had never looked happier since the old man's stroke. A rumor had been flying around about her and a younger man.

Both men were pulling bags of gifts from their trunks when another car arrived. Their youngest brother had friends visiting for the holiday. Trey had never met Tom and Katie's former neighbors. His mother described the woman as colorful. Colorful was not always a compliment, although it was for Bea Peterson.

Katie stepped out of the backseat first. She smiled. "Merry Christmas!"

A middle-aged man a bit thick in the middle emerged from the passenger seat and looked at the house. "Wow! Captain, you lived here?"

Tom shrugged. "A long time ago. Dean, meet my brothers Trey and Jon."

Trey's hands were full. "I'd shake your hand but..."

"Let me help you." The visitor grabbed two more bags from the trunk emptying it, except for the double stroller which belonged there permanently.

A woman, who was a shoo-in to win the ugly sweater contest which was not part of the festivities, smiled at him. "Oh Lord! Three of them and they are all so handsome. I'm Laurie."

She held Patrick in her arms, but the two-year-old wanted to run free. Katie said, "He knows his cousins are inside."

Trey followed the others with his payload. He had no idea what Sam bought, but Jon had more gifts.

Inside mayhem erupted with greetings and hugs. His father handed him a scotch which he took and sipped. His mother glowed as she gracefully drifted from hostess to proud grandmother.

Sam came to stand beside him. "Tell me the ornaments on the bottom of the tree aren't heirlooms. I'm tired of keeping them from touching."

Trey watched as Patrick pulled on a ball. "Looks like next year won't be any better."

Sam nodded. "Quinn might be better at distracting them."

Unfortunately, none of the boys wanted to sing 'Jingle Bells'. Ignoring the chaos, Trey put his arm around his wife. He kissed her just enough to express his love and desire.

"You taste like tux Trey."

He smirked. "The scotch.

Katie approached. "We missed you last night." She hugged each of them.

Trey asked, "Is Tori okay? Jon is useless."

Katie laughed. "I saw them sneak out the back door after a serious conversation with Bea. My guess is she'll be fine."

The fountain would take care of Tori. Vanessa's voice preempted his response. "The children are restless. I think it's time for presents." As Trey began to realize three-quarters of the presents were for his children, he wondered how they would get them home.

"Do I need to rent a UHaul?"

It was a good thing the addition was complete on their house. It didn't take long to realize their cozy love nest was too small for a family of five plus one dog. Tori even had presents for Luna which Quinn opened. After much debate they decided to stay in the home they loved and add a family room to the back of the house with a master suite above it. It created three months of upheaval. The mess almost caused Sam to go crazy. Luckily, it was over the summer, so she spent her days in Weston by the pool with Katie and Tori. The three were like sisters, only Tori had a real sister.

Trey looked toward his sister-in-law. Her half smile wasn't convincing. He walked over and put her arm around her. "You and I, we've had a lot of crappy Christmases. Next year will be your year, I know it. I feel it here." He touched his heart.

She hugged him. "Thanks, Trey."


Tori wanted to be happy and enjoy Christmas with all her nieces and nephews but it was hard. Two weeks before she had a miscarriage. When the bleeding started at nine weeks, she felt like she lost a part of herself. Numbly she went through the motions which resulted in a D&C. Jonathan was her rock, but the disappointment had been etched on his face. It had taken them three months to conceive. Why couldn't she be like Sam who got pregnant twice without really trying. The third month, Tori used an ovulation test and she propped pillows under her after an efficient missionary style coupling. It felt more like a task, although Jonathan didn't complain at the time.

She kept focusing on her doctor's words. "You don't need to wait if you want to try again."

She and Jonathan argued because he wanted to relax and make love. She wanted to use the kit and make a baby. He always gave in to her, although she agreed to a compromise. When they returned from Bea's party, she let herself be seduced. However on Christmas morning, she spent thirty minutes with her bum propped up on pillows while Jonathan showered and shaved as he hummed 'Jingle Bells'.

They had a whole school assembly on the last day before break. It wasn't for parents, so she and Jonathan were lucky to see the preschool group sing 'Jingle Bells'. Jonathan took a video. Little Ed's class sang 'Deck the Halls' while Jonathan's middle school kids showed talent with their acapella harmonies. She liked the younger kids, including her own first graders who sang 'Frosty the Snowman'.

Quinn had been singing to herself and anyone who would listen. Tori loved the addition of soap to the classic song. She loved her nieces and nephews, including the honorary ones, Daniel, Declan and Scarlett. They brought her joy, but it was like a kick in the shin to see Monty as a proud expectant daddy. It wasn't like he didn't deserve it, because he and Sofia did, but Tori wanted to see her husband equally as happy. She wanted to feel nauseous and tired and miserable like Sam told her she had felt.

Tori watched Tommy and Katie. Tom looked up at her with a sympathetic frown. Tori looked away. She had been keeping her distance from her neighbors. It sounded like a great idea for her and Katie to want babies together. If Katie and Tommy tried for their second, she didn't know. For four months, Katie stayed silent about her own plans for a baby as Tori complained about not conceiving and then her celebration was cut short.

Any ill will Tori had towards Katie for catching Tommy's heart had disappeared as Tori's love for Jonathan blossomed. However it would be just her luck if Katie were pregnant when Tori couldn't manage the task her body was created for.

The night before, Bea had laid a sympathetic hand on her back and told her to go make a wish. Tori knew Bea had wanted more than one child. "The fountain didn't work for you."

"Darling, my problems were complex. The interventions necessary didn't suit me. You are young with a virile husband. Make a wish and go have some fun."

Tori smiled despite herself. When she and Jonathan went home they had fun. If a wayward swimmer defied gravity then it would be a miracle. Good thing Jonathan held her against an outside wall or Katie's guest might have heard them.

Jonathan appeared and whispered. "What are you smiling about?"

"You and the wall."

He chuckled. "I love you and I believe."

"In Santa?"

He chuckled. "The fountain. Next Christmas we'll be getting all those presents."

At both the Calhoun and the Hayes mansions, the piles of toys were obscene. Tori watched as the three boys disappeared inside a huge box which held the pink battery powered car Jonathan insisted on buying for Quinn.

This is dedicated to all those who have experienced pregnancy loss at any stage. It is not meant to make anyone sad.

Part Two will be posted tomorrow. For more holiday fun, revisit Christmas at The Reillys (published at the end of One in a Million - Tom and Katie's story)

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