Newsies Middle School - High...

JaveyandDebuts tarafından

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Watch sixth-graders Jack Kelly, Charlie "Crutchie" Morris, David "Davey" Jacobs, and all their friends grow u... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - The First Chapter With a Name
Chapter 4 - School
Chapter 5 - Fear
Chapter 6 - October
Chapter 7 - Davey Jacobs, Newsie
Chapter 8 - Breaking the Thread
Chapter 9 - February
Chapter 10 - Brooklyn Bridge
Chapter 11 - Science Retreat
Chapter 12 - Iced Coffee and Ice Cream
Chapter 13 - Glasses
Chapter 14 - Karaoke
Chapter 15 - Sleepover
Chapter 16 - Mollicia
Chapter 17 - Swimming
Chapter 18 - Teens
Chapter 19 - Shed
Chapter 20 - Chris Jameson
Chapter 21 - A Heck of A Lot of Drama
Chapter 22 - Spoopy Time (my 12 year old niece came up with the title)
Chapter 23 - Getting Better
Chapter 24 - A Family
Chapter 25 - Families for All
Chapter 26 - Back to Normal
Chapter 27 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 28 - School Dance (With some Spromeo of you're interested)
Chapter 29 - The Holiday Season
Chapter 30 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 31 - Happy News Year (I'm not sorry)
Chapter 32 - Just Married
Chapter 33 - Pep Rally
Chapter 34 - Valentines Day (For those of you seeking Sprace)
Chapter 35 - Helping Out
Chapter 36 - Chaos Ensues
Chapter 37 - Camping part 1
Chapter 38 - Camping part 2
Chapter 39 - Contact Lenses
Chapter 40 - You Guys Are Gonna Love This
Chapter 41 - Attempted Fluff
Chapter 42 - DC
Chapter 43 - Dual Pride
Chapter 44 - High School
Chapter 45 - A Lot Happens
Chapter 46 - Second Day of School
Chapter 47 - Complicated Plans
Chapter 48 - Homecoming
Chapter 49 - Scaresies
Chapter 50 - Jobs and Studies
Chapter 51 - Wintersies
Chapter 52 - Giant Plastic Cup Tower
Chapter 53 - Sick Day
Chapter 54 - Bike Lessons
Chapter 55 - A Lot of Trouble
Chapter 56 - Bigger Problems
Chapter 57 - Spot's Mistake
Chapter 58 - A Turning Point
Chapter 59 - Peach Upside-Down Cake
Chapter 60 - Jack's Birthday
Chapter 61 - Wedding Planners
Chapter 62 - Schrödinger's Siblings
Chapter 63 - Anesthesia: One Hell of a Drug
Chapter 64 - Screwing Up and Apologizing
Chapter 65 - A Brief Return of Ms. Meanie
Chapter 66 - The Big Day
Chapter 67 - The Bi Side of TikTok
Chapter 68 - Rock Climbing
Chapter 69 - Breaking Race
Chapter 70 - Art Sale
Chapter 71 - Auditions
Chapter 72 - Rights and Wrongs
Chapter 73 - Convincing
Chapter 74 - Cousins
Chapter 75 - Pool Water and Bread Dough
Chapter 77 - Approaching Graduation
Chapter 78 - The End?
Epilogue - 3 years later

Chapter 76 - Princess Davey

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JaveyandDebuts tarafından

Over September and October, Jack made a point to emphasize to Davey how much he wanted to win the couple costume contest. Even at homecoming, he found a way to bring it up. Davey felt he owed the win to Jack, so he did his best to perfect his costume.  

Jack's costume was coming along smoothly as well. Sarah had done her best to make it look as close to Princess Daisy's as possible, but she and Jack knew something Davey didn't. 

"We're going to Sarah's place so I can try on my costume, right?" Jack asked Davey after school a week before Halloween.

"Yeah," Davey nodded, "I hope it's worthy of a win," 

"I hope it fits," Jack shrugged.

"Realistically, I see no reason why it wouldn't fit you," Davey reminded him, "she made it for you specifically,"

"Right," Jack chuckled.

"What's funny?" Davey questioned. 

"Nothing," Jack shook his head, "let's go,"

"No, you laughed at something," Davey crossed his arms, "what's funny?" 

"I just thought of something funny. I'll tell you later," Jack insisted. 

When they got to Sarah's house, Sarah was absolutely ecstatic to show them the dress.

"I've had to keep Felix out of here for two months. Let me tell you, it wasn't an easy thing to do, but I couldn't have him scratching up the fabric," Sarah took them into the bedroom, where the dress was hanging on a clothing rack.

"Oh my goodness," Davey expressed, "it looks amazing,"

"Well, Jack just needs to try it on," Sarah appeared to be struggling not to laugh. 

"I worry that orange isn't my color," Jack took the dress off the hanger and held it against himself, "how do you guys think it looks?"

Davey frowned, "Well... I mean, the color looks fine. It just... doesn't look like it would fit you," 

"What do you mean?" Jack questioned, "I thought it was made specifically for me,"

"I don't know, I just don't think that it would go over your chest," Davey shook his head, "Sarah, what do you think? I'm not an expert on this,"

"No, you're right. But I don't understand..." Sarah dissolved into giggles, "I'm sorry Jack, I'm an awful actress,"

"What did you do?" Davey asked urgently.

"It's Jack's fault," Sarah pointed to Jack.

"Sarah, you're too old to be pointing fingers. What did you do?" Davey repeated.

"Oh, damn. Davey has entered mom mode. We're in trouble," Sarah chuckled, "I didn't make the dress in Jack's size," 

"What? Why?" Davey blinked.

"Here, you try it on," Jack handed it to Davey.

"Oh, no," Davey sighed, "Are you joking?"

"No, go try it on. Tell me what you think," Sarah insisted.

"No, I've said it before; I'll say it once more. I refuse to wear a dress," Davey stood his ground.

"Come on, Dave," Jack begged, "you know how much this contest means to me,"

"Look, just try it on. If you really hate it, I'll try to fix it before Halloween," Sarah promised.

"No one's going to stop bugging me about it if I don't, will they?" Davey sighed.

"No, Dave. No, we won't," Jack shook his head.

"Fine," Davey went into the bathroom and closed the door. Hesitantly, he took off his shirt and put the dress on. He didn't look at his reflection at first, hoping to judge it by how it felt before he saw how undoubtedly stupid he looked. 

It honestly felt like a shirt, just slightly heavier. 

"Do you have it on yet, Davey?" Jack asked through the door.

"Uh... yeah," Davey looked in the mirror, "yikes,"

"What's wrong?" Jack questioned.

"Nothing, I just look ridiculous," Davey sighed.

"I bet you don't. Let us see," Sarah scoffed.

Davey opened the bathroom door and awaited reactions.

"Oh my gosh," Jack started laughing.

"I told you, I look ridiculous," Davey shook his head.

"No, no, no, I'm not laughing in spite of you," Jack promised, "I'm laughing because I love it,"

"You look great," Sarah agreed, "Okay, one sec," she got a comb and fixed Davey's hair, then she put a crown headband on his head, "and I have boots," 

"Boots?" Davey asked.

"Yeah. Daisy is supposed to wear heels, but I figured you'd prefer boots," Sarah got the boots out of her closet. 

"So, will you do it?" Jack asked hopefully.

"Fine," Davey gave in, "but this is the only time I will ever wear a dress... Wait, then what are we supposed to do about your costume?"

"I think it'll be easier to fit into a sweater and overalls that are bought from the store," Jack pointed out. 

"Fair enough," Davey nodded.

"I've even been working on a Luigi impression, but I think I sound too much like Mario," Jack chuckled, "we won't do that," 

"Yeah, I don't think I could sound like Daisy," Davey agreed. 

When Halloween night rolled around, the newsies were in Medda's theatre. Most of them were sitting in the audience. Crutchie and Maine were in the first row, ready to judge the costumes, and the couples were backstage waiting to start.

"Everyone chose their runway music, right?" Maine called through a megaphone, "okay, looks like I got everyone's," they handed the megaphone to Crutchie.

"Okay, Specs and Romeo will go first, then Blink and Mush. Spot and Race will be next, then Elmer and Buttons, and finally Jack and Davey," Crutchie announced, "we'll be starting in ten minutes, I have to take a bathroom break," 

"Uh... Race, what's on your face?" Specs asked.

"Well, it's glue, but it's supposed to be dripping milk," Race replied, "since I'm a cookie,"

"Right," Specs rolled his eyes.

"You know how hard it was to make him hold still while the glue dried?" Spot scoffed, "I practically had to sit on him,"

"You did sit on me," Race smirked. 

"Shut up, Higgins," Spot punched Race in the arm.

"Kinky," Romeo laughed.

"Hey, you're supposed to be Connor, not Jared," Specs joked.

"Uh... isn't Connor dead, though?" Davey pointed out.

"Maybe canonically, but not according to the fifteen and a half fanfictions I've read on Wattpad," Romeo shrugged, "You know how little sense the Dear Evan Hansen story makes, though? I'm in the middle of reading a fanfiction where it's all a dream, and Evan wakes up and uses his new knowledge to befriend Connor, and eventually they start dating," 

"I do have to admit, that one is pretty good," Specs nodded, "yeah, I've read it... well, what there is of it, the author hasn't finished it yet," 

"Wait, Davey's wearing a dress," Romeo suddenly noticed.

"Oh my gays," Race laughed, "no #$%&ing way," 

"Wait, wait, it's... Princess Davey," Elmer chuckled.

"Princess Davey is my lock screen, look," Jack showed everyone.

"Okay, enough about Princess Davey," Davey crossed his arms, "it's not funny,"

"Okay, we're ready to start. Let me just explain how it works first," Maine was back on the megaphone, "the couple will come out and explain their costumes, where they got them, any creative decisions they may have made, why each person dressed as each character, et cetera," 

"Alright, let's begin," Crutchie added, "Specs and Romeo... let me start your song- oh no," 

"They had to choose 'Sincerely, Me,' didn't they?" Davey shook his head.

After a few moments, the music got quiet so Specs and Romeo could explain their costumes.

"Well, our original assignment was Evan Hansen and Zoey Murphy, but we made the creative decision to do Connor instead of Zoey," Romeo began.

"Every part of our costumes came from a thrift store, except my cast is made out of paper mache and sharpie ink," Specs added, "I'm dressed as Evan because we couldn't find a polo shirt in Romeo's size," 

"Perfect," Maine nodded and picked up their megaphone, "NEXT!"

There was a conversation happening backstage While Blink and Mush had their turn.

"I don't care about anyone else's costumes. You two deserve to win," Race told Jack and Davey, "just for getting Davey to wear a dress and an absolutely fabulous one at that. Your sister made that?"

"Yep," Davey nodded. 

"I might buy a dress from her, not gonna lie," Race chuckled.

"You have enough dresses," Spot scoffed.

"You can't have too many dresses," Race disagreed, "why do you care? It's not like I'm keeping them at your house,"

"I beg to differ," Spot crossed his arms, "You've left a couple dresses at my house,"

Race suddenly looked confused, "What the hell did I wear home, then?"

"My clothes," Spot shook his head.

"Oh, that's where that shirt came from," Race nodded.

"How high were you that you don't remember that?" Romeo chuckled.

"I wasn't high," Race promised, "I guess my mind just goes blank at times,"

"That makes sense," Spot rolled his eyes.

"NEXT!" Maine suddenly shouted.

"Oh, that's us," Race told Spot, and the two of them went out on stage.

"Okay... I like what I'm seeing, explain," Maine looked the costumes over.

"We're a cookie and milk," Race shrugged, "We got our costumes from Amazon, and we found glue in Spot's kitchen,"

"Race is dressed as a cookie because I didn't want to wear the cookie costume," Spot nodded.

"Okay, great," Maine picked their megaphone up, "NEXT!" 

"Um... Survey question, what do you think we'd all be voted as in the yearbook?" Jack asked the people backstage.

"Do you mean things that are actually in the yearbook or something ridiculous?" Romeo asked, "Because if we're doing ridiculous, I have one for Race,"

"Let's hear it," Jack nodded.

"Most likely to be a drag queen," Romeo chuckled.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Race decided, "I have one for Jack: 'most likely to die of paint consumption,'"

"I was thinking 'most likely to have nightmares after watching Stranger Things,' for Jack," Romeo shook his head.

"Um, you're absolutely right. That's why I will never be watching Stranger Things," Jack scoffed.

"Oh, please, Jack. You're eighteen, for crying out loud," Race rolled his eyes, "how can you call yourself a man if you can't watch Stranger Things?"

"It's not even that scary," Romeo added, "I watch it for the plot, personally,"

"More like you think all of the teenage characters are attractive," Specs corrected him.

"You know, I've never seen Stranger Things, either," Davey shrugged, "maybe we can watch it together," 

"Yeah, Jack. Just think, if Davey can wear a dress for a night, you can watch Stranger Things," Race pointed out, "don't be a wuss, Jack,"

"Maybe it can be like a weekend-long binging event, like a Friday to Sunday thing," Davey suggested, "depending on what the run-time is," 

"And you'd stay the night?" Jack questioned.

"Absolutely," Davey nodded, "maybe we could even do that this weekend,"

"NEXT!" Maine shouted.

"I think that's us," Jack told Davey.

"Yeah," Davey nodded. The two of them went on stage to the Mario Brothers theme song.

"Oh my gosh," Maine stood up, "You actually did it,"

"Heck yes, we did," Jack nodded, "Well, my costume is DIY, and Davey's sister made his,"

Maine shrugged, "Well, if you'll go backstage, Crutchie and I need a moment to discuss," 

"Right, as if they need to decide a winner," Race scoffed, "we all know who the winners are,"

"Which sucks because it took forever to find this wig," Romeo sighed, "oh, well," 

"Who are you guys saying will win?" Davey questioned.

"You, duh," Race rolled his eyes, "didn't we tell you the fact that you're wearing a dress is enough for you to win?" 

"I think if we win, it'll be because the dress is so well made," Jack shrugged, "If we win, part of the glory goes to Sarah," 

"I agree whole-heartedly," Davey nodded.

"I hope we win," Jack chuckled.

"Okay, if we can have all the couples line up in the order you presented in," Maine called through the megaphone. When everyone was lined up, they continued, "We liked all of your costumes, but unfortunately, there was one group that just didn't wow us as much as the others," 

They allowed a tense silence before Crutchie announced, "Blink and Mush, your Sun and Moon costumes are great, so we're sorry, but will you please join the audience?"

Blink and Mush nodded and got off the stage.

"Now it's time for our third-place winner of a 5-dollar Starbucks card," Crutchie continued.

"Although they didn't do what their assignment said, I think that what they decided is arguably better," Maine held up the Starbucks card, "and for a surprisingly realistic paper-mache cast, please give a big hand for Specs and Romeo and their Evan Hansen and Connor Murphy costumes," 

The audience applauded as Specs and Romeo went to claim their card. 

"Next, our second-place winner of a 10-dollar Starbucks card," Maine handed Crutchie the next card.

"Not only were the costumes beautiful, but they were also both completely home-stitched, right down to the mouse-ear headbands," Crutchie smiled, "Let's hear it for Elmer and Buttons and Mickey and Minnie Mouse!" 

"Aw, man. We didn't even make the top three," Race sighed.

"It's alright, Race. I can just buy something from Starbucks. I have a job, remember?" Spot chuckled.

"Now, I don't think it's a surprise to anyone who made first-place and is the winner of the 25-dollar Starbucks card," Crutchie stood up, "the dress is absolutely stunning, but we also have to acknowledge that they got him to wear the dress in the first place,"

"Of course, we mean Jack and Davey," Maine got up on the stage and handed the card to Jack and Davey, and with that, the contest was over, and the newsies continued their Halloween party. 

"So, how do you feel?" Maine asked Davey and Jack later on. 

"Well, part of the credit has to go to Sarah, of course," Davey nodded, "we'll have to share our prize with her,"

"Damn, I'm so happy," Jack laughed, "it sounds stupid, but I really wanted to win this," 

"Just for no reason?" Davey questioned.

"I guess so," Jack shrugged, "we didn't know what the prize was going to be before tonight,"

"I think what Jack is trying to say is that he wanted to win something with you specifically," Crutchie commented. 

"Well, who doesn't want to reign supreme with the love of their life?" Jack scoffed.

"Reign supreme?" Crutchie chuckled.

"Love of your life?" Davey blinked.

"Didn't you know?" Jack shrugged.

"Oh crud, I'm gonna die," Maine took a step back, "you're too freaking cute," 

"Did you hear that they're gonna binge watch Stranger Things together this weekend?" Race informed them.

"Jack? Watch Stranger Things? No way," Crutchie scoffed.

"They talked me into it," Jack admitted. 

"Make sure you stock up on Eggo wur-fwas to eat while you watch it," Maine chuckled.

"Oh, yes, Eggo wur-fwas," Race mocked.

"Shut it, Higgins, or I'll steal your soul," Maine rolled their eyes.

"Watch it, Maine," Race warned, "my boyfriend's here," 

"Pffft, I could take him," Maine glanced at Spot, "he's dressed as a milk carton. He doesn't have enough of a range of motion,"

"Well, unlike someone I know, I wore clothes under my costume," Spot elbowed Race.

"I'm wearing clothes," Race argued.

"Bicycle shorts and a tank-top do not count as clothes," Spot rolled his eyes. 

"Sure they do," Race shrugged.

"Not in October, they don't," Spot shook his head.

"Well, you said I left clothes at your house. I'll change into those when we get there," Race crossed his arms.

"If you left your clothes at Spot's house, then what the hell did you wear home?" Maine blinked.

"Spot's clothes, apparently," Race replied, "I don't understand why,"

"Because they were more comfortable than a dress," Spot informed him.

"Well, that makes sense, then," Race nodded, "was that the night when the bottle of vanilla extract 'fell' into the hot cocoa?"

"That was one of them, yes," Spot sighed.

"A whole #$%&ing bottle of vanilla extract?" Maine exclaimed.

"Yeah, I like vanilla, so I added a ton of it to the hot cocoa, AND THEN Spot decides to tell me how they make vanilla extract," Race rolled his eyes.

"Don't they soak vanilla beans in vodka?" Davey remembered.

"Yeah, and guess who still drank the hot cocoa?" Spot facepalmed.

"Dear goodness gracious," Maine groaned.

"He drank all of it, and then he fell asleep because it was late and he was tired and whatnot," Spot shrugged.

"Remember when we stayed up until 4 AM playing Smash Bros?" Race laughed, "and then your mom was super mad at us?"

"That's why I don't let us play video games at sleepovers anymore," Spot nodded.

"You two get yourselves into a lot of trouble, don't you?" Albert chuckled, "what's the most mischievous thing you'd say you've done?"

"Nice try, Albert," Race crossed his arms, "I still wouldn't tell you," 

"Come on, Racer," Albert scoffed, "you'd be doing the same thing if you were in the position I was in," 

"And you'd be doing what I'm doing if you were in my place," Race shrugged.

"What is this about?" Spot questioned.

"If I remember correctly, Albert and Mush made a bet several years ago about whether Jack or I would lose their v-card first," Race explained.

"That's kind of a screwed-up bet to make," Spot shook his head.

"Exactly," most of the people in the conversation agreed. 

"Was the bet out of all the newsies or just Race and Jack?" Romeo asked.

"Uh... I think it was out of everyone," Albert shrugged, "Mush, what was it?"

"It was out of everyone," Mush nodded, "why?"

"Well, dang. Guess you were both wrong," Romeo walked away.

"Uhhh... what?" Albert blinked.

"Well, that's debatable," Race scoffed.

"What?" Albert repeated.

"I thought you weren't telling anyone," Spot commented.

"Well, now that there's actual competition," Race shrugged. 

"Time for the rest of us to leave the conversation," Jack decided, "and hurry before we hear things we never wanted to hear," 


"Mom, are you okay with Davey coming over for the weekend so he and I can watch Stranger Things?" Jack asked Medda.

"I don't care," Medda shrugged, "but you should watch it in the game room. Just so we're not bothering you. Also, Teddy's coming over for dinner Saturday night,"

"Oh gosh," Jack sighed. 

"I don't understand your aversion," Medda chuckled.

"It's not an aversion," Jack promised, "it's just awkward. You've never been in a serious relationship before now," 

"It's not THAT serious," Medda rolled her eyes, "it's not like we're engaged or anything," 

"Why did it have to be someone who works for the school? The Superintendent, no less," Jack groaned.

"You're the only one who's making it weird," Medda pointed out.

"Because it is weird," Jack expressed, "and don't act like it ain't. I spent my entire childhood without a dad in my life. It would be weird for me to have one now," 

"Now you're really making it weird," Medda shook her head, "I told you, we're not engaged, or anywhere near so, for that matter," 

"Obligatory 'mom's boyfriend,' then," Jack stood up, "I'm going to go to the store with Davey to get stuff for this weekend," 

After school on Friday, Jack and Davey went to Starbucks before going over to Jack's house to start their binge-watching. 

"I'll make some popcorn. Why don't you get a couple blankets from my room?" Jack suggested.

"Alright," Davey nodded and started up the stairs. 

"You're seriously going to love Stranger Things. It's so good," Crutchie promised Jack, "Sure, it can be kinda gory at times, but personally, I find the scariest thing in it is the amount of making out Nancy and Steve do in the first few episodes," 

"Ew, romance," Jack joked. 

"It's literally the worst," Crutchie nodded, "because she's all like 'oh, we're just friends,' and I'm always like 'you're in a straight relationship. What do you have to lose from people finding out you're a couple?'" 

"Yeah, that's annoying," Jack got a bag of microwave popcorn out of the cupboard and put it in the microwave.

"Oh, also, there are these characters who will TOTALLY remind you of the Delancey brothers," Crutchie informed him.

"Hey, Jack, are there any blankets you don't want me to take?" Davey called from the top of the stairs. 

"Hmm..." Jack paused, "no, any blankets should be fine," 

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