Not Just The Side Character

By Super-Cool-Potato

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'Pointless' That is how the protagonist saw everything. It all started with an accident, but it is pointless... More

Ch 0: New Game+
Ch 1: Travelling Above The Clouds
Ch 2: An Unexpected Encounter
Ch 3: A Memory Unlocked
Ch 4: Late Knight Problems
Ch 5: A Proper Knight
Ch 6: I Got a Job. Then I Brought a Strange Girl Home
Ch 7: A Colourful World
Ch 8: Loose Ends-
Ch 9: -Tend to Catch Up
Side Story 1: The Days in Between
Ch ???: R|||n
Ch 10: Priorities
Ch 11: The Sixth Thread
Ch 12: The Mob Life
Ch 13: A Change Of Heart
Ch 14: They Shall Kneel
Ch 15: A Withered Heart
Ch 16: A Breath of Fresh Air
Ch 17: A Date
Ch 18: Will You Go Out With Me?
Ch 19: How To Love
Ch 20: A Battlefield
Ch 21: Snowfall
Ch 22/Christmas Special Part 1/2: I Know Who You Are
Ch 23: Not Even a Minute
Ch 24: Make A Wish
Ch 25: Please Be Happy
Ch 26: Robin Cross
Sidestory 2 part 1/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Mini Edition
Sidestory 2 part 2/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Rough Edition
Sidestory 2 part 3/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Desire Edition
Sidestory 2 part 4/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Villainess Edition
Ch 27: No Turning Back
Ch 28: A Productive Night Out
Ch 29: Proposal
Ch 30: Suits and Suitresses
Ch 31: The Calm Before The Storm
Ch 32: Without Hesitation
Epilogue: Not Just The Side Character
DLC Bonus 1: The Days Following
DLC Bonus 2: Final Boss
DLC Bonus 3: A Normal Girl
DLC Bonus 4: Babysitter
DLC Bonus Finale: Epik Adventure
The Halloween Treat

Ch 22/Christmas Special Part 2/2: I Remember Who You Are

1.8K 72 194
By Super-Cool-Potato

Markus POV
A bad start to the holidays

Damn it, I'm cold, I'm hot, I feel like shit, there's chocolate ice cream waiting for me, and I'm unable to get out of bed, All because I'm sick.

I thought that having an affinity to fire would keep my body warm, I didn't think a short visit to the city for presents would get me sick like this. That's what I get for not wearing a coat.

This sucks, it really does. It hurts and I'm stuck here alone with my thoughts. A very dangerous companion to be with unsupervised.

It's like I'm stuck in a pit of sludge and the sludge is whispering a lot of mean things to me. A lot of bad ideas that are just oh so tempting.

I'm afraid, I just want someone to be here right now. I need someone to tell everything is all right. Anyone or anything to stop these thoughts roaming my head.

They're my friends, I can't, I won't do it. But my happy ending, it won't matter if I end up alone.

I refuse!

But I'm weak.

I find myself calling for someone's name, someone to save me, but it's not the person I thought I'd be thinking of.

Markus: "Robin...Robin...please" I plead as I squirm in my bed, covered in a cold sweat.

But why would I be calling for his name and not one of the girls? Well, he was the one who first showed me what fun a normal school life is.

Despite only knowing him for two days, I've spent more time with others because of him than trying to reach them on my own.

And he's sort of awesome, he has all the things I should have. But it makes sense, we're different people. He's programmed to be super cool, while I can only blame my own short comings.

I want to be more like Robin Cross.

Are you sure you could provide me that.

???: "I could provide anything you desire." A honeyed voice tells to me in my head.

Normally, people would see red when they're angered. So what does it mean now that I'm seeing purple?

I wish I could ask someone for help, I wish I could be with my friends right now.

Instead, I'm stuck with a voice that's trying to tempt me. I'm resisting it the best I can, since that's what Robin would do, but the offers are getting more and more appealing.

What a bad start to the winter holidays.

Robin POV

It's not the library I'm going to, though that's where she'd usually be, but to Anthony Spillane's room.

Robert told me where his brother's room is, and after a few greetings to fellow students I finally end up at the highly decorated door.

Robin: "Is this the right place?" I ask myself.

I scan the door for a few moments and look at all the drawings and doodles on paper that's been attached to the door. It's like a fridge that's been covered by a child's drawings.

Well these drawings are all really well made. Though they could use some colour.

I knock on the door after a little bit longer and cross my fingers that they're here.

I hear the frantic footsteps of a person who's late for a date from behind the door. Soon the door flys open and man who looks very similar to Robert appears looking very relieved to see me.

Anthony: "Are you the baby sitter? Good, here are the keys and I promise you won't have much trouble with this girl." He says quickly, shoving a key in my hands.

Robin: "I think there's a-"

Anthony: "I'm coming Samantha!" He cries as he runs through the hallway at mach speed.

Robin: "Misunderstanding." I mumble.

Well, looks like I'm stuck babysitting here for now. I think I'm doing good on time, so I'll just stay until the real babysitter arrives.

Melissa POV
A special little girl

From outside my room I hear a door click shut, and just before that I heard Anthony scrambling out the door.

So maybe the person is here now.

I didn't really care, I just wanted to stay in my room and draw. But I wish I could go out and look for Robin, I always want to look for him.

It's a strange urge that I don't quite understand, maybe it's because of this feeling called love. I still don't understand it fully but I know that I like Robin very very much.

If only Mr.Anthony would let me have more free will. I'm not a child, I can take care of myself.

Robin: "What's got you pouting like that?" A monotonous voice that sounds like music to my ears asks from behind me.

I quickly turn around and make sure I'm not hearing things, and sure enough, Robin was here!

My face instantly lights up and I hop off of my chair and give him a big hug.

Melissa: "Robin!" I exclaim happily.

Robin: "Hello Melissa." He says flatly, allowing me to hug him.

I continue to squeeze him for a bit while rubbing my face into his stomach. Even from behind his uniform I could feel how hard his tummy was.

I still don't know how that works.

Melissa: "What brings you here?" I ask excitedly, looking straight up at him.

Robin: "I came here to drop off your present, but I think your guardian mistook me for your babysitter." He says patting my head.

Melissa: "Anthony doesn't understand that I don't need a babysitter, I'm a big girl already." I pout.

Robin: "I'm pretty sure big girls don't need to clarify they're big girls." He says flatly making me pout harder.

Melissa: "Meanie."

Robin: "On the door outside, were those your drawings?" He asks curiously.

Melissa: "You saw them?! Were they good?" I ask meekly.

Robin: "They were really good, I'm proud of you." He says warmly, but the way he looked at me made me happy and annoyed.

Melissa: "Thank you." I say softly. "Do you want to see me draw?" I ask excitedly.

Robin: "Sure, I'd love to see you at work." He says looking to the desk where I was sitting.

I finally let go of him and grab onto his hand. I pull him to the table and usher him onto the chair.

Robin: "Where are you gonna sit?" He asks me as he reluctantly takes a seat, placing his bag next to the chair.

Melissa: "Right here!" I exclaim as I hop on his lap.

Robin: "Oh, alright." He says quickly adapting to his role as my seat.

His hands interlock on my lap and his head right above mine. With Robin's body surrounding mine, I felt safe and secure.

I begin to continue on the drawing I was working on before Robin arrived. But I find myself having trouble concentrating and can't actually draw.

I was doing just fine earlier, why can't I do that now? I'm embarrassing myself in front of Robin!

Robin: "What are you drawing right now?" He asks me, making me feel his warm breath above my head.

Melissa: "It's...It's secret." I say realizing my mistake.

I quickly cover it with spare paper and drawings as to hide it. It's Robin's present after all, I can't let him see the surprise.

Robin: "Oh? Alright then, are you going to draw something else?" He asks, making me grateful that he's not pushing things.

Melissa: "Uhm...yeah, I'll just make a doodle." I say getting a fresh piece of paper.

Robin: "Wait, let me give you your present first." He says reaching into his bag.

Melissa: "A present?!" I exclaim excitedly.

Robin: "Yup, just for you." He says as he pulls out a large case that shouldn't have been able to fit inside the bag from the bag.

Melissa: "What is it?" I ask excitedly.

Robin: "It's a drawing art set." He says placing it on the table.

I begin to bounce up and down as I await to see what's inside the peculiar package. When Robin finally opens it up, I'm shocked by the explosion of colours I see inside it.

There are so many colours that I've never seen before and things that don't even look close to pencils. I pick up a thicker but smaller looking pencil and examine it in my hand.

Robin: "That's a pastel, give it a try." He says gesturing to the paper in front of me.

I draw a quick line to see a thick yet light coloured pinkish red.

Melissa: "Wow, this is amazing!" I say trying another pastel.

Robin remain silent but pats my head as ideas form in my mind and I begin to draw almost automatically. My hand moves on its own as I continue to be amazed at these new art tools.

I've only ever used pencils to draw my art because there was something about the blandness that felt nostalgic. But now, seeing these unexplainable colours reminded me of when Robin brought colour to my world.

These unexplainable feelings bloomed like the colours I had never seen before in the world out of nowhere. It was Robin who conjured these things in front of my eyes like a magician and his birds.

I'm so happy that I met you Robin Cross.

Robin: "Has Anthony been treating you well?" He asks as I draw.

Melissa: "Yup! He's a nice person like you." I say happily. "But I definitely like you more." I quickly clarify.

Robin: "That's very kind of you." He says patting my head.

Melissa: "Mn, he taught lots of things. Guess what, I can even shower by myself now." I say proudly.

Robin: "Anthony taught you?" He asks with a raised brow.

Melissa: "He only gave me instructions since I didn't want to take a bath with him. You're the only person I've ever took a bath with." I smile, feeling funny when I remember taking bathes with Robin.

Robin: "What else did he teach you?" He asks curiously.

Melissa: "He gave me special lessons on how to control my powers, it's because of him I'm able to do that awesome explosion move." I say smiling happily. "I can protect you now with my power."

Robin: "I'm very impressed that you learned how to do such a special magic. I'm assuming you hadn't had any incidents with your magic then since then right?" He asks worriedly.

Melissa: "Nope, no more magical incidents for me." I say proudly.

Robin: "That's good to hear." He says sounding relieved.

We continue to talk about my life with Anthony for a while as I draw until my stomach growls a bit.

Robin: "Are you hungry?" He asks me.

I nod my head slightly, still trying to focus on drawing.

Robin reaches into his bag again and a nostalgic smell hits my nose. I stop drawing and turn to Robin's hands. He was holding a small bag that could possibly hold some spherical objects.

Melissa: "Is that what I think that is?!" I ask as my eyes light up.

Robin: "Yup, it's your favourite-"

Melissa: "Honey bread balls!" I exclaim.

It's been so long since I've had one of these.

Melissa: "How did you get this?!" I ask in amazement.

Robin: "I couldn't find any places that made them so I made it myself." He says plainly.

He reaches into the bag and pulls out the familiar golden brown spherical bread.

Robin: "Luckily it's still warm, open wide." He says holding the bread to my mouth.

I swallow down my saliva and do as he says. My mouth opens and he gently places part of the bread into my mouth allowing me to bite off a chunk.

There's a bridge of honey from the core of the bread to my mouth and some of it lands on Robin's hand.

Robin: "I forgot how messy things get when eating these." He says looking at the honey that stained his hands after I've devoured the small snack.

It's been so long since I've had these that I can't help but want more and not waste a single drop of honey. So without any hesitation or even awareness of what I was doing, I begin licking the honey off his palms and sucking what has stained his fingers.

Robin: "Ah Melissa, there's more you know." He tells me but makes no move to stop me.

Though the taste of Robin is new, the nostalgic taste of the sweet nectar hits so much stronger than the blandness of black and white. Making me remember so many things so clearly.

And before I realize it, the tears were already streaming down my face.

Robin: "What's wrong?!" He asks worriedly.

I sniffle and smile at him.

Melissa: "Nothing is wrong now that you are here." I say twisting my body so I can wrap my arms around him again.

Robin doesn't say anything but instead just rubs my head comfortingly. Reminding me of our time before the academy, when it was just me and him.

Of course I miss those days, but I'm so much more happier now since I have so many friends.

Though there is just one regret that I still have.

Melissa: "I'm so sorry for leaving you that day." I continue to cry in a burst of tears. "I just wanted to protect you." I say as all of the memories, good and bad, come flooding in.

I'll never forget the painful feeling in my heart when I escaped Robin's bed and left our small room of happiness. I don't think I could ever forgive myself if I never saw him again.

Robin: "It goes both ways you know, as long as we are together we can protect each other." He says comfortingly. "And you don't need to look back at the bad past anymore, just back at the good parts." He says reaching over my head.

In front of the desk we were sitting at was a part of the wall that held my most special drawings.

And through teary eyes I see that the drawing Robin grabbed was a sketch of our backs as we walk along the sidewalk hand in hand.

Robin: "All of these are good drawings, and they're all good memories. You don't need to regret about anything anymore, just look at these drawings and smile." He says looking the wall that's covered in drawings of our memories together.

Melissa: "Mn!" I begin to smile.

Robin: "And I forgive you." He says softly.

These words that I've been wanting to hear for so long finally being said by Robin is like a dream come true. It only makes me cry even harder but I don't frown, instead I smile gratefully for Robin's kindness.

I continue to cry in Robin's arms for an embarrassingly long time but I just can't seem to stop. I've been worried about this for so long and my fears are finally relieved.

Perhaps these strong emotions are a side effect of love.

Melissa: "This time, I promise to never leave you again. We'll stay together forever with everyone else and we'll all be one big happy family." I say looking forward to the future.

Robin: "Yeah, that would be nice." He continues to speak in soft voice.

Soon I finally stop crying and look up at Robin with a big smile.

Melissa: "Robin is the best." I say with a bright smile.

Robin: "Far from it." He whispers, but I think he's just being humble.

I wipe my tears again and go back to drawing as if nothing happened. Mostly because I was feeling embarrassed but I also couldn't stop smiling.

Robin begins to feed me more honey bread balls and rubs my head with his spare hand. It's very calming and I really do enjoy it, but I couldn't help but feel like I was being treated in a way that I didn't like.

Melissa: "Am I pretty Robin?" I ask him as I continue to draw.

Robin: "You're pretty cute, why?" He asks flatly.

I begin to blush at his direct compliment but a strange new feeling is conjured up that I didn't really like.

Melissa: "How cute am I?" I pout.

Robin: "You're like a cute little bumblebee." He says pinching my cheek affectionately.

Melissa: "But I'm a big girl, like Rachel and Yukio." I say turning to him.

Robin: "What about Lisa?" He asks.

Melissa: "She's a big girl too, but not like the other two." I explain thinking about her chest. "Don't change the subject!" I exclaim.

Robin: "Alright, why do you want to be a big girl so badly?" He asks me, as if I fully understand the reason why.

Melissa: "Well...because..." I say trying to figure out the words, I look at Robin's dull teal eyes. "I want you to like me too." I finally say.

Robin: "But I do like you." He says factually.

Melissa: "No, I want you to like me like you do with the mean girl Elizabeth." I frown.

Robin looks at me gently, causing my heart to skip a beat and my body warms.

Robin: "That won't be possible." He says bluntly.

And my heart drops.

Robin: "She's...a different kind of big girl, a very mature one. You wouldn't be able to be like her." He explains gently.

I could feel my body quiver and grow cold, yet I could still see the colour of my hope flicker in his eyes.

Robin: "And I'd rather like you for your own uniqueness, big girl or not, you are very special to me." He says with a look that conjures up so many feelings in me, most being happy, some being dissatisfied yet all being contained.

But only just barely.

Melissa: "Then I'll show you I can be a big girl!" I declare, quickly throwing my arms around his neck.

There's only one way I know of to prove to him that I'm a big girl. I squeeze my eyes shut and I do my best to give him a big girl kiss.

But my inexperience shows when I hit my teeth against his and I reel back in pain. I glance up at Robin who was also rubbing his mouth and I could feel my tears coming.

I failed and now Robin won't see me as a big girl.

Then suddenly, to my surprise he tilts my head back up to him and looks into my eyes. One long heartbeat passes and he plants his lips gently on mine.

His kiss is soft and loving, as if tailored for a child. But despite that feeling, another feeling inside of me explodes, leaving me feeling all kinds of happiness and joy that overpowers the bad feelings.

He finally releases me and stares into my eyes again. Instead of kissing me again, he averts his gaze to the side and I spot a new colour on his cheeks that I've never seen him have before.

Robin: "It fine if you never end up becoming a big girl, and understand that I'm not into little girls, but you will always be a special little girl to me." His voice still sounding flat yet embarrassed.

I remain bewildered for some time and only look at Robin while trying to understand these magical feelings.

Then we hear knocking on the door.

Robin: "That must be your actual babysitter, looks like our time is up." He says sounding quick to leave.

Normally I'd try to get him to extend our time, but the adult kiss still has me stunned. So he lifts me by the armpits and places me on the chair after he stands up.

Robin: "I'll see you at the party later tonight." He says with one last affectionate head rub before leaving.

I hear my door shut behind me and I'm left alone in my room once more, feeling the most unexplainable feelings I've ever had at a time.

After a bit longer I hear my door open again and a well dressed woman walks in.

Samantha: "Oh, hello Melissa, do you know where my husband is?" She asks me.

Melissa: "Anthony left a while ago, why are you here?" I ask the kind woman.

Samantha: "I got tired of waiting for Anthony so I decided to come back and find out if he was still here." She sighs. "Did something happen? You look a lot more happy today."

Melissa: "A lot of things happen, like Robin came by." I smiling.

Samantha looks surprised for a moment.

Samantha: "Is that who that boy was? He must be very special to you if he has you smiling like that." She says happily.

Melissa: "Yes, he is very special to me." I say with a small blush.

Samantha then rushes me to pinch my cheeks.

Samantha: "You're just too cute Melissa, I'm so glad Anthony brought you in." She says gushing with joy.

She continues until my cheeks feel numb and when she stops I start rubbing them. Samantha is always so touchy feely.

But I don't really mind, she's like family to me now.

Samantha: "Well, I'll just wait here for a little while. Maybe Anthony will come back soon. Did Robin give you those things?" She asks pointing to the case and bag that's sitting on my table.

Melissa: "Yup, they're my presents." I beam.

Samantha: "Aww, that's nice of him. You should introduce him to us sometime." She smiles.

She rubs my head affectionately but the way Robin did it felt more special. It's just another unexplainable feeling of mine.

I place my most recent drawing on the wall in front of me and admire it for a second. It's a tree covered in so many colours that represents all of the important people in my life, even the mean ones.

Pink for Lisa, golden yellow for Rachel, green for Yukio, light blue for Clarissa, three shades of silver for Grace, Elizabeth, and Leticia, dark blue for Markus, orange for Anthony and Samantha, and teal for Robin.

And there I was at the base, with a small watering can to make sure the tree stays healthy.

This is called a family tree right? I'm happy to finally have one.

Robin POV

Well, I did it, I initiated a kiss. But did I really need to do it at that time? Melissa sort of kissed me, so there was really no need for me to do it again.

It was all too embarrassing for me to think about, I should just be happy that Melissa no longer felt like crying after that.

I wonder if it was the honey or her lips that tasted so sweet, perhaps it could have been both.

Melissa is the same age as me, but she undoubtedly looks and acts much younger. So does this make me a lolicon?

If it does, then so be it. As long as she's happy, I'll be happy too.

I take a glance out of a window in the corridor, the sun was about already starting to set. I must be halfway through with the day already, but today feels like it has just gotten started.

A feeling that I'm unable to place as neither good or bad.

Yukio POV
Getting even with you

Stupid supplementary class, stupid Robert making me do work during the winter holidays, stupid me for not doing any of it beforehand.

How did all of the other girls evade getting stuck in this class? We all had the same amount of work and time, how come I'm the only one here?

I'm stuck in our classroom doing the work Robert handed out to us a few days ago while everyone else is having fun during their winter break. This is so unfair!

Grumbling to myself doesn't help at all but I can't help but feel angry. I want to spend time with Robin dammit!

I've been here all morning and at this rate I won't be able to make it to the party! Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!!!


Ah, I broke another one of my pencils.

I continue to grumble about my misfortune as I search through my bag for another pencil. I only grow more angry when I realize I've ran out.

'You should calm down' the wind whispers to me.

Yukio: "And who are you to tell me what to do!" I yell, releasing my pent up frustrations by slamming my hands on my table.

Robin: "I haven't said a thing yet." He says looking a tad bit startled.

In an instant, all of my anger melts away when I find Robin standing directly in front of me with a funny hat.

Yukio: "O-Oh! Hi Robin..." I say stiffly, he totally thinks I just yelled at him.

Robin: "Stuck doing make up assignments I see, I don't think Robert has ever given us paper work before." He says walking around my table and beside me.

He looks down at my papers and his eyes dart around them as if answering the questions in his head.

Yukio: "Y-Yeah well, he only gave out work to us because we were to busy worrying about you to do any work." I cross my arms while leaning back on my chair.

Robin: "I'm happy that you were all worried about me, but I'm sorry for putting you all through that." He says looking a bit down and regretful.

I jolt a bit, I just wanted to push my annoyance onto something. I didn't mean for him to look guilty, now I feel guilty.

Yukio: "It's fine, I'm the only one who didn't finish it before the break. Robert basically dragged me from my room to the class." I grumble.

Robin sighs and takes a seat beside me after removing his bag.

Robin: "I really am sorry for just disappearing on all of you, let me help you." He apologizes again and scooting closer to me.

His shoulders are basically touching mine and I feel my face heat up.

Yukio: "I'd appreciate it." I mumble.

Robin: "This stuff is pretty easy actually, look here..." He begins pulling out a pencil for the both of us.

I feel rather irked that he says easy since I've been struggling with this all morning, but as he explains things like the theory behind magic circles and the properties of mana the work just goes by so smoothly.

Time skip brought to you by chibi tutor Robin helping Yukio with her work while they both enjoy a thermos of hot chocolate

In about half an hour's time, we manage to finish all of the work. Though Robin did the most of the work, not only did he solve them all but he managed to teach me how to do it myself.

Robin: "There, that wasn't so hard right?" He asks, his blank face looking proud of our accomplishment.

Yukio: "Yes, it wasn't at all." I say embarrassed at how difficult that was for me.

Robin: "Yeah, I'm sure you could have done all of that by yourself." He say so surely.

The familiar stabs of guilt strike my heart.

Yukio: "Why are you even here? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see you. But shouldn't you be out with the others or something?" I ask, feeling kind of red.

Robin: "I've already been with the others, you're one of the last ones." He says flatly.

I know you don't mean anything by that Robin, but that hurts man.

Yukio: "O-Oh, so what were you planning on doing after finding little ol me?" I ask trying to sound playful.

Robin: "I was going to give you a present, winter holiday remember?" He say rummaging through his bag.

I freeze up, I was thinking so much about this work that I completely forgot to find Robin a present!

Yukio: "Just out of curiosity, is there anything in particular you want from anyone?" I try to ask nonchalantly.

Robin: "I'll be happy with anything you give me." He says as if seeing through my question.

I begin to blush and fumble for a defence but Robin already begins to sit up empty handed.

Robin: "Now where did I put your present?" He asks himself quietly after zipping up his bag.

I put on a teasing grin in hopes to turn my embarrassment over to him.

Yukio: "It's fine that you forgot my present, you could always get it later. Maybe we can go toget-"

Robin: "Ah, there it is." He says pulling out a small object from his pocket.

Yukio: "You found it...great..." I say getting nervous again, there goes my chance.

Robin: "It's rather small, but I hope you like it." He says holding his closer fist to me.

I open up my hand underneath his and a small phone charm drops into it. It's a miniature baseball bat. Although I'm happy to get something from Robin, I can't say I'm not disappointed

Robin: "I remember you having one and I thought it would remind you of our time when we first met. I'll admit, fighting with you that night was pretty fun." He says almost sounding embarrassed.

More blades of guilt, they just don't stop coming. Of course Robin gave me a well thought out gift, why should I expect otherwise. He's too much of a good guy.

Yukio: "I am very sorry Robin." I say bowing my head to him.

Robin: "I've yet to figure out why you randomly apologize to me like this." He says flatly.

I decide to ignore his comment.

I pull out my phone and clip my new charm onto it. Looking at the bat does bring back some memories. Mainly the badass fight we had on the day we met.

We totally kicked ass that night.

Yukio: "I really like this thing, thanks Robin." I say smiling brightly at him.

Robin: "I'm glad you like it. What ever happened to that bat of yours?" He asks me curiously.

Yukio: "Actually, that thing was never really mine." I chuckle. "When I first arrived to visit Marie I got jumped by a few guys wearing masks. Now that I think of it, those guys might have been with Wayne."

Robin: "Oh no, were they alright?" He asks with a blank expression, but I could tell this was a joke.

Yukio: "I stole their bat and their dignity when I kicked their asses." I grin.

Robin maintains his blank expression but I knew he was enjoying the conversation. This was one of the things I loved about Robin, he doesn't mind my boyish attitude and accepts me for who I am.

He even said it himself that he liked me how I am now before on that edge of the cliff. It feels like that event happened so long ago, and I opened up to him about so many things.

And in this very moment, I felt like doing it again.

Yukio: "This is the first time I've spent the winter holidays outside of my home island you know? In fact, it's the first winter holiday I've ever experienced." I say looking out of a window and at the gently falling snow.

Robin: "Really? You never celebrated it at home?" He asks flatly.

Yukio: "Well it's because it's always snowing back home. There's a reason why my family's affinity with ice is considered something so special." I chuckle.

Robin: "Your affinity to wind is also pretty special isn't it? I bet the rest of your family, except Marie, can't do what you can do." He says encouragingly.

Yukio: "You're damn right they can't." I grin.

But as I think about my power I remember a distinct line from my dream last night.

'There is a boy who never smiles, but on the day he does, he will be reunited with someone he loves. And the second time he smiles, will be moments before the end of his last breath.'

These prophetic dreams sometime scare me and never specify when they'll apply. Most of the time, I can only remember small snippets of the dream like this small line.

I can only hope they're just normal nightmares and that everything will be alright.

Robin: "Are you there Yukio? Hello?" He calls, trying to get my attention.

Yukio: "Huh Sorry?" I ask snapping myself out of my thought.

Robin: "You were spacing out is all." He says and I have to rub my eyes to erase the flag I'm imagining on his head.

Yukio: "I was just thinking about how excited I am for the party. Sure that bit- Grace," I change my words when I see his glare. "Is planning it, but surely it won't be that bad. We'll all be there after all." I grin.

Robin: "I'm also curious as to what she's planning. Earlier today she said she was planning something big and I've been thinking about it all day, when I wasn't too preoccupied." He says flatly.

Yukio: "Hmm, that sounds sort of ominous don't you think?" I chuckle.

Robin: "I think it's just Grace being Grace, she can be quite mysterious at times. You never know what to expect from her." He says a tad bit fondly.

Yukio: "You can say that again, not even the wind will tell me." I say as a breeze passes by. "It likes to surprise me at times, for better or worse. Sometimes I can't even control it."

Robin: "How about now? Can you hear what it's saying?" He asks, eyeing my intently.

Coincidently, I could hear it whispering to me as we speak.

'His eyes on your lips, a kiss on his mind, he's expecting something from you, will fulfill those expectations?' It asks in a voice like velvet.

My face instantly turns cheery red and I force my eyes off of Robin's lips. What is the wind saying right now?!

Robin: "Is everything alright?" He asks leaning closer to me.

Yukio: "Yup! Yup! Everything's alright, the wind isn't saying anything at the moment." I say leaning back.

I can't that I'm not tempted by his lips, but it's not like I can bring myself to kiss him out of the blue.

Robin eyes me skeptically and I could feel his piercing gaze cut right through me. He knows I'm lying but how?

Yukio: "I'm thinking of writing a letter to grams, you know, to tell her I'm fine and everything." I say switching the topic.

Robin: "That's a good idea, I'm sure she'd appreciate it." He nods approvingly.

Yukio: "Would you like to say anything to her? I know she'd love to hear from you." I smile, relieved that I've changed the topic.

Robin: "Yeah, I owe her that much at least." He nods.

Yukio: "I'll type it into my phone then write the letter later, what do you want to say?" I ask him first.

Robin thinks for a little bit before answering.

Robin: "I suppose you should tell her I'm also doing fine here at the academy, and that I happen to be attending it with you. She'd be happy to hear that we're together." He says nodding to himself.

As I type up the ideas I blush at Robin's wording, but grams would definitely tease me about grandkids if I wrote that word for word.

Yukio: "Alright, anything else?" I ask, hiding my blush.

Robin: "A simple thank you, I think that should do." He says looking out the window I was looking out of.

I wonder if he was thinking the same things I was.

Robin: "What about you?" He asks, suddenly turning to me. "What are you going to write?"

Yukio: "I already said it didn't I?" I point out.

Robin: "Surely that won't be all, if it is, then it's going to be a very short letter. You could add more details about your time here, or even just some of your thoughts and worrys. I'm certain she'll write back to you, so give her something to respond to." He suggests as if I should have thought of it myself.

Well maybe that thought is only in my head, but I sure felt stupid for not thinking of it myself. I can't even write a simple letter to my grams? What kind of granddaughter am I?

Yukio: "Thanks Robin, I really appreciate it." I smile at him, at least he's here to help me with it all.

Robin: "Tell me what she writes back, I'd like to hear how she's doing as well." He says in a tone warmer than usual.

Yukio: "Of course, but I'm going to read it myself first before showing you it in case she says anything embarrassing about me." I warn him.

Robin: "I don't think she's the type of woman to do that, and besides, what could she possibly say that would embarrass you?" He asks with his head slightly tilt.

Behind your back Robin when I was still trying to suppress my feelings for you she would tease me about snagging you already, to claim you before it's too late. She's quite assertive when it comes to love you know? And she wants me to be like that too.

As if I could say all that.

Yukio: "I'd rather not say." I say already feeling the embarrassment.

Robin: "Okay, but now you have me curious." He says eyeing me with what I suspect to be a teasing look.

Yukio: "Too bad I won't be able to sate that curiosity, but maybe you can sate mine. Could I ask you a question?" I ask him as I put my eyes directly on his.

Robin: "Is it my three measurements? I can give you my chest size, it's thirty three inches." He says flatly, mimicking what I said on the day I met him.

I stare at him for a moment completely confused, then burst out laughing when I realize what he was doing.

Yukio: "Man, you really remember that?!" I ask him while laughing.

Robin: "I never forgot any moments of when I was with you, and I don't ever want to." He says flatly, making my laughter halt abruptly.

He probably doesn't understand what he just said to me sounded like and I won't point it out, his unintentional flirting always makes me feel warm.

Robin: "I haven't forgotten any moments of when I was with any of you all, I hate forgetting things I care about." He says somewhat bitterly. "Ah, I'm sorry for ruining the mood, and after it got so good." He says in his normal flat tone.

I let out a light chuckle.

Yukio: "Don't worry, I found your joke hilarious." I smile, not pushing him about what he meant by his words.

Robin begins to shine considerably brighter, but maintains his blank look.

Robin: "Was my joke really that good?!" He asks the most excited I've ever heard, well seen, him.

His voice is still flat but he definitely looked excited.

Yukio: "One of the greatest ones I have ever heard." I praise him.

I could sense that Robin was brimming with pride and he was incredibly cute in this moment. So cute that it almost made me throw my self control out the window.

Unfortunately, Robin is quick to calm down after he clears his throat.

Robin: "Sorry, what was your question?" He says calmly.

Yukio: "It's going to bring the mood down again, just saying." I say looking down at my lap.

Robin: "Then we'll just need to bring it back up again afterwards." He says moving his chair a bit closer, as if beginning to preemptively comfort me.

Yukio: "You said you don't forget the things you care about, so do you remember the day you left the bakery?" I ask biting my lip.

Robin: "As clear as the sky that night, which means quite clearly." He clarifies which earns a small chuckle from me.

Yukio: "I...learned about what you said to Marie on the day you met me, and I understand now that I fully misunderstood the situation." I say regretting that moment.

Robin: "I figured as much, I knew you'd find out the whole truth eventually." He says with a sigh of relief.

Yukio: "If only my dumbass figured it out sooner." I grumble, though Robin doesn't seem to hear me.

Robin: "I just wish I could have been there to explain it to you at the time when you first found out. That could have saved us from so much trouble, I'm really sorry." He says with obvious regret.

Why was it that he was always the one apologizing after supporting me with all his might? He'll save my life and apologize for not doing so sooner.

Everything would have been easier if he hated me for what I had done, but instead his kindness only highlights how much of an asshole I am.

The fact that I love him for that and everything else that he is only makes it worse.

Something inside me bursts and I bite my lip in frustration before shouting.

Yukio: "No! It should be the other way around Robin!" I exclaim. "It was my fault that I hurt you and grams, not yours. Please stop thinking it's your fault." I plead him, I don't know how much more guilty I could feel before I broke down crying.

Robin: "But you looked so hurt when you ran away, how could I not feel like it was my fault?" He asks looking guilty.

Yukio: "You should have felt more hurt than me, I'm the one who slugged you across the face!" I yell as if doing so would make him understand what I was trying to say.

I always sucked at being direct with my feelings at important times like these, why couldn't I just say those two words with the same determination I had when I screamed my love for him?

Robin begins to look at me gently as if he was seeing through me once more, and he understood what he was seeing.

Robin: "You really do punch quite hard, I felt that sting for weeks." He says flatly, as if trying to make light of the situation.

Yukio: "Please Robin, no more jokes." I say in a much softer voice.

Robin: "Dancing around is always much easier with two people, no matter what the subject is." He says flatly, making another joke that I understood the meaning of.

He's being patient with me again and is willing to give me more time to find courage. But I really didn't want to dance around the subject any longer, and I was never really a good dancer.

So maybe I should just take another leap of faith.

I clench my fists and look down to my lap.

Yukio: "I hurt grams a lot by leaving her like that, and I hurt you directly, all because of my stupid misunderstanding. I've made many mistakes in the past, but this one is by far the biggest one I regret. I already apologized to grams, but I never had the chance to say it to you." I say gripping onto my skirt.

I look up from my lap and find Robin looking at me in all seriousness, any joking mood completely removed from the atmosphere. I had his full attention.

Yukio: "Robin, I know that this is far too overdue, but I'm sorry, sorry for punching you in the face and for not saying any of this sooner." I say steadily looking into his eyes. "Could you ever forgive me?" I ask hopefully.

Robin stares at me for a few moments that felt like eternities worth of time to me and finally opens his mouth.

Robin: "Of course I forgive you Yukio, and I was never mad at you in the first place." He says gently.

The familiar feeling of a large weight being lifted off of my shoulders hits me and I can't help but smile and sink back into my chair in relief.

Yukio: "I did it, I finally did it." I say to myself.

Robin: "Saying sorry isn't the easiest thing to do, good job Yukio." He praises me flatly.

I quickly sit up after remembering what I thought of when I first saw Robin at the academy.

Yukio: "No, my apology isn't over yet." I say moving my face closer to Robin's.

Robin: "What do you mean?" He asks showing no reaction to the sudden proximity.

Yukio: "I always believed in eye for an eye Robin, punch me in the face." I say determinedly.

Robin: "What?" He asks with furrowed brow.

Yukio: "I said, punch me in the face, it's only fair." I say, trying to keep my breathing calm.

I wasn't going to enjoy this, because this was going to hurt. Yup, the thought of Robin's cold disgusted face didn't get me excited at all. Nor does the thought of him inflicting pain upon me.

Robin: "I'm not going to punch you in the face." He says flatly.

Yukio: "Why not?" I ask letting far too much of my disappointment show.

If Robin notices it, he doesn't show any signs of acknowledgement.

Robin: "Your apology was enough, there's no need for me to harm you." He denies me flatly, but doesn't move an inch.

The familiar voice of the heated wind fills my ears and I don't need to listen to its words to know what it was saying. But I still managed to resist its alluring suggestions.

But the way Robin looks at me, with somewhat expectant eyes makes me want to fulfill his expectations. I hated trying to fulfill my families expectations, but I felt the exact opposite with Robin, I wanted to fulfill them.

And Robin's unmoving face doesn't help.

Why are you making things so damn difficult dammit!

Robin: "You are quite close to me." He states the obvious. "Are you going to kiss me perhaps?" He asks bluntly.

I feel all of my embarrassment rise to my cheeks in an instant and I could only think of one way to hide it.

Yukio: "Dammit." I mutter.

In an act of desperation, panic, and weak will, I quickly press my lips onto his. I feel fireworks go off in my head and electricity jolt my body as I get a good long taste of his lips.

How could I not want for more?

My eyes begin to spin just as quickly as the fantasy's in my head. How many times have I thought of doing this kind of thing in class during class?

The risk of a student walking in, the annoyance in Robin's eyes when I force this myself onto him, the amount of intense heat that came from me enjoying Robin's anger, the thought of it warmed me to my very core.

But this felt different in so many ways.

There was heat in this passionate kiss, but one that was much more tame, and whether Robin was doing it on purpose or not, the thought of him teasing me by holding me back got me excited.

I throw my arms around his neck to pull myself closer, but the distance between us remained the same.

I then realize that his hands are on my waist and hold onto it, pushing me back and in turn preventing me from deepening the kiss. Despite dominating the kiss, I wasn't in control here, he was.

He was putting a painful limit onto how much I could enjoy this, and I loved it.

Then, he suddenly jerks my body back leaving my mouth still open and searching for his lips for a few moments.

Yukio: "Why are you stopping me?" I ask heatedly without any displeasure in my voice.

Robin: "I'm keeping you from falling off your chair." He says flatly.

When I glance downwards I do find that I'm very close to the edge of my seat, so that's what he was doing. Just another misunderstanding on my part.

I quickly push myself off of him and manage to look him in the eyes.

Yukio: "Listen up Robin, I was getting even with you one way or another." I say absolutely red from...from many things.

And I don't appear to be the only one.

Robin: "Well I hope that makes us even." He says still unmoving, glancing out of the window again to avoid my eyes.

Yukio: "Are...Are you blushing?!" I ask in amazement.

After seeing his blushing face, I realize now that lately it's been much easier to find a reaction on his face. Robin turns to me with an annoyed piercing gaze that sends a jolt down my spine, proving my point.

Robin: "Anything wrong with that?" He asks a tad bit pointedly.

Yukio: "N-No! I was just...that was" I say at a loss for words after that experience.

Robin: "It's getting late and I still have a few more things to do. I'll see you at the party later tonight." He says standing up with his bag in hand.

Yukio: "A-Are we not going talk about what jus-"

Robin: "I really must get going." He says flatly, shooting a glare at me. "And don't you leave from that spot for the next little while." He commands me.

My mouth clamps shut and I'm unable to do anything but sit and watch Robin leave the classroom.

Taking orders from him also felt surprisingly  good.

I shake my head to try and focus my thoughts but they're quickly scrambled again when I repeat my first kiss in my head. I can't believe that just happened.

If the wind told me something even remotely close to this was going to happen I wouldn't have believed it. But it wouldn't have mattered if it did try to do it.

As much as it scares me to not know the future, I always do my best to suppress the wind when I'm with Robin.

I know I could just use the wind to tell me what's going to happen when I'm with him, or if there's a possibility of a future with me by his side, but it didn't feel right.

I want to be with Robin as I explore the unknown future, it's like a greatly anticipated show to me and I don't want any spoilers.

And right now, I can't wait to see the next episode. Our future seems bright, and in this moment as I gently touch my lips and remember our kiss, I forget about my foreboding dream.

Robin POV

I wonder if Grace's information is correct, does Yukio really like it when I look mean at her like that? I decided to try the experimental technique only at the end in case something went wrong, but I'm not sure if it was a success or not since I left too hastily.

But then again, I don't think I could have stayed for much longer, my red cheeks wouldn't allow it.

As I touch my lips I find myself comparing the kisses I've received today.

They're all so different yet they all ask me feel the same way, and I'm not sure I fully understand what that means for me and them.

Perhaps it's best that I don't think about it just yet, the day is only half way over and I feel like I should be keeping my wits about me today.

I think about the remaining people I've yet to give my presents to.

Robert is at a party with some of the other teachers of the school, Lucas has to attend some kind of winter ball, and I have found absolutely no traces of Markus.

Leaving two people left on my nice list.

Clarissa and Grace.

I'll walk around for a bit and see who fate leads me to. If it's Grace, then I'll have to hope that I manage to give her my present before she disappears again.

And if it's Clarissa, then it should be easy enough to give my present and spend a little time with her.

I hope I run into her first though, I really want to hand her the scarf I made.

Intermission with Grace
How could I forget?

Grace POV

Ughhhhhhh...I'm booooooooooored. There's nothing to doooooooooo. I wish Robin were here to just walk around with me.

But I know he can't, that he shouldn't be here. It was already a risk to go talk to him earlier, I don't want to take another one.

Who knows what could happen to me...

I can't deviate from my goal, not after I'm so close. But maybe finding out how I know Robin will be beneficial to the plan, it could add some extra oomph to it.

I look straight up to the clear yet gently snowing skies, and I start to feel uncomfortable with the snow. I always hated winter, all it brings to me are bad memories.

Memories...memories...Think Grace think, where in your memories have you seen Robin before?

It can't be from anything recent, his significance came before I saw him two years ago. I've seen him from somewhere I don't quite remember.

No, it was snowing, that's something important. He has to be from a place that's locked far inside of my head.

From a time I don't want to remember, a time where I lost my parents.

Natalie Cross and Robin what way are those two related?

Then, all at once, it hits me. How could I forget such an important part of my life?

But, what do I do with this information? Do I go to Robin and tell him my findings? Or keep it to myself and tell nobody?

Because if I tell him now, then everything will change and I won't be able to go back once I tell him.

You've truly managed to spike up our ending's story Robin, for that I thank you but the show must go on. I am determined to see things through.

This sweet taste of purple energy, I can't wait to see what ending it will lead me to.

Our history together Robin Cross, will forever only be known to me.

Or so that is what I wish for.

I really do want to tell you Robin, but with the stakes this high, is it worth the risk?

I'll just have to find out myself.

Maybe I'll even give him the necklace already, it will be his present from me after all.

Robin POV

Once again I'm walking around without any directions in mind. The weather is nice at least and Scarfy is cooperating with me again, meaning the cold isn't affecting me at all.

Maybe a few hours has passed by now and there have been no signs of either of the girls I'm looking for. So I keep on walking.

With not much to do, my thoughts begin to wander again. Eventually, it begins to drift towards something I've thought about a lot as of late.

The game and it's story.

I've already messed up the story to the point of no return, and I've already made my peace with that, so what exactly in the future has changed?

Everyone's ending for one. I, a simple side character, will be present in them, or so I hope, and there will be others that would have been dead by then that will still be alive, me included, hopefully.

Characters that never even got an ending will get one, for example Grace will survive being the villainess, and I will ensure that she does, which leaves her ending to be a complete mystery.

At this point, I'm really telling the story to go shove it since I'm filling in all of the empty times and rewriting most of the story. But I can't just forget about the story completely.

There will come many times where things from the story will become inevitable and I'll need to use my game knowledge to assist with whatever I plan on doing at that time.

Each of the female leads have their own antagonist that they will have to deal with, and I suppose Clarissa won't have one since Grace became friends with her.

Now that I think of it, Grace isn't her only antagonist. In fact, I think majority of the school are the real antagonists.

I really don't care for gossip so I automatically turn off my ears when I hear something I assume I won't care about, so I'm not completely sure about how her situation is like.

She's still the 'special' commoner that's gotten lucky by surrounding herself with all of the big shots of our year, and many people are jealous. Those people who dislike Clarissa create rumours that paint her in a bad light which creates even more people who dislike her thus creating a loop of hatred that's pointed at her.

I helped with the creation of that loop, back when I went through my bad guy episode. I regret it deeply now.

But Clarissa has not changed since I first met her in that forest, she's still her childish self so I hope she's doing fine. I doubt anybody could bring her energy down for long.

???: "Look who it is, the lucky commoner. Not with any of your boyfriends today? What about that bitchy villainess?" A sneering voice asks from around the corner of the corridor I found myself in.

Sometimes I wonder if my thoughts conjure things into existence. Maybe it's not Clarissa.

???: "Hah, I bet she's just looking for another man to seduce with her tits." Another voice laughs.

Alright, never mind.

I speed up my walking speed and get around the corner to find Clarissa being backed to a wall by three other girls.

Clarissa: "What did I even do to you?" She asks quietly looking down.

Girl 1: "Oh you've done a lot to make people angry." She glares at her, reaching for her hair.

I quickly use Scarfy to enhance my speed and grab the girl's wrist before it reaches Clarissa.

Robin: "Hands off." I say coldly.

All four girls are startled by my sudden appearance beside Clarissa and the girl who was about to grab her hair slaps her hand away from me first.

Girl 1: "Filthy commoners have to stick together I suppose." She says directing her glare to me while massaging her wrist.

The other two girls suddenly seemed more interested in me than Clarissa as well, but not in the same way as the first one.

Girl 2: "Why don't you ditch this loser and come with us? I can assure you that we're much better than her" She licks her lips.

Girl 3: "How about you go a step further and serve us instead of that Astley bitch?" She giggles.

Girl 1: "Wha- what are you girls talking about?!" She yells at the two.

Girl 2: "Come on Tracy, you have to admit he's pretty hot. He's part of the top three hottest boys in our grade." She says as if I'm not even here.

Girl 3: "I agree with Angela, I like his whole cold nature." She says also as if I'm not standing right in front of her.

Tracy: "You have a boyfriend Bridget!" She exclaims.

Bridget: "And?" She asks with a smirk.

As the three begin to bicker I turn to Clarissa.

Robin: "Are you alright?" I ask her worriedly.

Clarissa just meekly nods her head, still looking down to her feet.

Tracy: "Argh, fine whatever. You can come with us Robin." She rolls her eyes.

Robin: "When did I ever agree to go with you three?" I ask flatly.

For some reason, all three of them seem surprised at my response, it's as if they fully believed I was going to go with them.

Angela: "We're in front of his girlfriend, of course he wouldn't accept." She giggles.

Tracy: "God, ditch this loser already." She commands me.

Clarissa flinches underneath the emphasis of loser and I take a deep breath. Making people disappear is something Grace would do, not me.

I take step forward and shoot them all a cold look.

Robin: "I'd watch your words if I were you." I warn her, making her flinch. "You know how many connections she has, one call to milady with me backing her words and, well, you can find out first hand if you'd like." I threaten them using [Pressure]

I'd rather not resort to violence when it comes to conflicts as petty as this but I wanted these three to get the message.

My threat accompanied by my magic seem to work and they all shrink back somewhat afraid of me. I'm about say a few other voice words but a soft hand grabs my sleeves.

Clarissa: "You don't need to do this." She says meekly.

Robin: "I'm your friend, I have to do this." I say flatly, somewhat more calm now. "All I wish is for you three to leave her alone, maybe then I can consider giving you what you want." I say vaguely, since I'm not completely sure what they even want from this.

Somehow, the fear I indicted into the ones named Angela and Bridget leave their faces and they grin at each other.

Angela: "Alright, deal." She says plainly with a smirk.

Bridget: "Yeah, no hard feelings right Clarissa?" She asks, tilting her head so she can see Clarissa behind me.

Before I can ask about what was going on, Clarissa speaks up.

Clarissa: "Y-Yeah, no hard feelings." She says with a forced smile.

Tracy: "Ugh whatever. We're leaving." She says, flicking her hair as she turns around, her posse close behind.

For some reason, I wanted to say something even after witnessing what they were doing.

Robin: "Wait." I call to them.

Angela: "What? Changed your mind?" She teases as she turns around.

The other two follow suit and watch me with interest.

Robin: "I'm sorry for threatening you, it won't happen again." I say with an elegant bow.

Bridget: "Just like Clarissa, no hard feelings." She smirks.

Angela: "Just figure out a way to make it up to us." She says blowing me a kiss.

Tracy: "Fine, apology accepted." She says with red tinted cheeks.

All three of them begin to walk off and I hear Angela's voice speak loudly.

Angela: "Didn't you for vote for Robin during the popularity poll?" She asks in a teasing voice, purposely loud enough for me to hear.

Tracy: "S-Shut up!" She quickly yells.

When they're finally gone from sight I turn to Clarissa. But freeze when I find the reason for the sudden change in attitude between all of us.

In the air around us were many gentle light blue mana particles that seemed to make me calm. Then I notice majority of the particles were surrounding Clarissa.

She appears to be a little shaken up still and completely oblivious to the magic that was radiating from her.

[Calming Aura] one of the many magic abilities unique to the saintess. I'll let her find out about the magic herself on a later date.

I grab her hand and she looks up to me surprised, confused, and embarrassed.

Clarissa: "Wh-What are you doing?" She asks me with wide eyes.

Robin: "Taking you away from here, let's go." I say already pulling her hand.

She reluctantly begins to follow behind me, gently squeezing my hand as if to comfort herself. Poor girl, how long has this been going on and why was I so stupid as to not realize that this was happening. I played the game dammit.

Clarissa: "A-Are you alright Robin?" She asks me suddenly, wincing a bit.

I quickly realize that I'm squeezing her hand and ease my hold.

Robin: "Sorry, I'm just a little annoyed at those girls." I say truthfully.

Clarissa: "T-There's no need for you to worry about it, trust me." She says unevenly.

I sigh.

Robin: "Why didn't you tell anybody about this?" I ask her flatly.

Clarissa: "What do you mean?" She asks, feigning ignorance.

Robin: "Why hide the fact that you were being bullied?" I ask her flatly in a tone that couldn't be left hanging without a response.

She remains quiet for a little bit and squeezes my hand a bit to show her nervousness.

Clarissa: "I just didn't want to trouble any of you, and you're always helping me with school work already, I don't want to ask too much of you." She finally says in a quiet voice.

I've never heard Clarissa sound so down like this before, this must have been really weighing her down.

I remain silent until we finally reach the outside.

Robin: "You helped me a lot too you know?"

Clarissa: "When?" She asks with furrowed brows trying to remember the memory.

Robin: "First, you should take a deep breath." I suggest to her.

She looks at me confusedly for moment before taking a deep breath of the somewhat cold air.

Robin: "If you didn't give me the suggestion to take a break and get a breath of fresh air a lot of things wouldn't be as they are now. You helped me and a lot of others with that one suggestion, so consider us even." I say flatly.

Clarissa: "I won't." She declares. "You've done so much for me, more than I could ever hope to pay you back. I'm just a nobody, and everyone else is so amazing, so why are you always so kind to me?!" She yells with tears forming in her eyes, slapping my hand away as if she feared my touch.

This whole bullying thing runs much deeper than I feared, has she been thinking these thoughts all this time?

Clarissa, the bubbling girl made of pure energy, I know you sometimes looked at all of us like we were worlds apart, but what made you decide to say these things now? Why couldn't you have let me help you sooner? Why didn't I ask you about it sooner.

There's no point in thinking about what should have happened, I should just start making it happen.

I slowly raise my hand as if to show her I'm not a threat and plant it on top of her head. I give it a small ruffle and look off into the distance.

Robin: "Someone's gotta look after you." I say flatly before turning to her. "If not me then who?"

She looks at me strangely and begins to sniffle.

Robin: "Me and the others, we aren't kind to you out of pity, we're kind to you because we're your friends. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise, they don't know the first things about how amazing you are." I say softly.

She doesn't say a thing because she begins to cry openly now. She tries and tries to wipe her eyes but the tears don't stop coming.

Robin: "I promise you that even if everyone turns their back on you, I will always be there for you." I say reassuringly, patting her back.

I could feel Clarissa trembling, but I could also feel her sense of security. Perhaps it was a sixth sense, but I knew that what I was saying was helping her and that she was taking in every single word.

Robin: I'll get everyone to help with this whole bullying problem, I know they would like to have your back as well. And if you really want to pay back everyone, including me, then pay us back by giving your iconic brighter than the sun smile to all of us. It's so contagious that it amazes us all." I say warmly.

It seems the more words I speak the harder she begins to sob, good thing most students are out for the winter holidays. In this scene of a gentle winter night it's just the two of us.

I give her a few more pats on the back and look at the scenery while I wait for her to calm down.

Clarissa: "Hey Robin." She sniffs.

Robin: "Yes?" I ask, turning to face her and seeing that only a few tears remained.

Clarissa: "I'm really glad I met you." She smiles brightly, a huge contrast to the gloomy one she just had on.

Robin: "So am I." I give her a nod.

Her smile brightens and she grabs my hand looking like she was back to the old Clarissa again.

Clarissa: "Let's keep walking around, I love the snow and I'm in the mood for a walk with you." She says already pulling on my hand.

Robin: "We really are quite the opposite, I hate the snow." I say, allowing her to drag me along.

Clarissa: "Really? Why's that?" She asks curiously.

Robin: "A lot of bad memories appear with the snow." I say bitterly.

Clarissa: "C'mon, there has to be some good memories that appear with the snow." She says encouragingly.

I try to think of any good memories that happened in the snow and surprisingly enough, one comes quite quickly.

Robin: "I guess you're right." I say softly.

Clarissa: "See? Told you so." She grins, making the last few minutes seem like it never happened. "For me, a lot of my good memories come from presents." She smiles.

Oh right, presents.

Clarissa: "I should have grabbed my coat, it's starting to get cold." She giggles.

Robin: "Come here, I've got a surprise for you." I say letting go of her hand.

Clarissa: "Really?!" She exclaims excitedly, quickly dashing in front of me.

She's already a teenager but she still acts so childish, not that I minded, it's my favourite trait of hers.

Robin: "Close your eyes." I say to her, reaching into the bag I was carrying.

Clarissa closes her eyes and waits patiently with a smile. I grab my present and wrap it around her.

Robin: "Happy winter holidays." I say flatly.

She opens her eyes and as she looks at the light blue scarf around her neck her eyes light up.

Clarissa: "Thank you!" She exclaims, then she pauses like she was thinking for a moment. "Now it's your turn to close your eyes." She says suddenly.

Robin: "What?"

Clarissa: "Do it!" She says excitedly, basically jumping in place.

I decide to listen to her and close my eyes. Then I feel something thin, cold, and metal go around my neck. Then I hear a click behind me.

Clarissa: "Alright, now open your eyes."

I open them and I look at my collar to spot a silver necklace with a cross on it.

Clarissa: "It's a cross because your last name is Cross!" She says enthusiastically. "I was going to give it to you during the party but since you gave me your present now, it only felt right to give you yours." She smiles.

I lift the cross in the palm of my hand and admire the intricate engravings it had, relieved that she didn't give me it because she found out I gave her the one around her neck. I close my hand over it feeling a lovely sense of nostalgia.

Robin: "Thank you." I say closing my eyes.

Clarissa: "No, thank you, for everything." She says with a smile brighter than the star on top of the miniature Christmas tree I had made and placed in my room.

Her smile was truly something everyone would find amazing.

Of course I begin to see Natalie in that smile of hers, but instead of feeling hurt, I feel warmth and happiness.

Then I get a text on my phone.

Grace: "Come to the party place now, I have a surprise for you. You must come immediately! That's an order" And a winky face at the end.

Robin: "Sorry Clare, but I've got to run. I'll see you at the party later tonight." I say turning around.

I give her a wave and don't turn around to see her reaction, a bad habit of mine that I should fix.

I wonder what Grace wants from me.

Clarissa POV
I remember who you are

I'm left standing in place completely stunned and flabbergasted at the scene that took place before me. With only this scarf to keep me company.

It was no magic scarf, but one that was made by hand, this I knew for sure.

But that wasn't the only present I had received this year.

No matter what would happen in front of Robin, whether it be funny or just something generally good, he would always keep a stone cold face that masked the large amount of warmth inside of him.

So when Robin had smiled in front of me, I thought I was dreaming. His smile was so dazzling, so bright, so filled with hurt, but most of all, so truly happy.

But that smile made things begin to click in my head. There was a reason why Robin was so familiar to me, and I finally figured it out, he was the boy from my dreams.

For the last four years I've been thinking about Robin ever since he saved me in that forest and was elated to find him on the road to the academy. But I kept this knowledge a secret since I had thought he wanted to keep it a secret.

If he wanted me to remember who he was, then he would have said it up front. But he didn't, so I assumed that he didn't want me to remember him. Since he's always so mysterious I faked not knowing who he was at first in order to get closer to him, I wanted to be closer to my saviour.

But that was not something that correlated to my dream.

For the last seventeen years of my life, from the moment I was born I had this dream of a different life. And as the years went by, the dream became blurred.

At some point all it became was a boy so special and dear to me that it would be impossible for me to have forgotten, I knew I loved him after all.

Yet I still managed to forget.

As it continues to snow gently, I begin to cry.

I remember who you are, Robin Cross, and there wasn't a shadow of a doubt in my mind, you are my big brother from my past life and the one I loved the most, Nathaniel Cross.

Ever since I met Robin I always had a feeling that he was familiar to me but could never understand why. The more I watched how he acted, how he talked, how he cared for others, the more I saw the boy in my dreams in him.

And when I heard the name Natalie more things came into place. I am Natalie Cross, those dreams were my memories of the life I had led before, and this scene just now almost mirrored the one in our past lives.

The last name Cross was always familiar to me because of that life, just like this necklace around my neck, the one so similar to the one he had given me on Christmas Day.

The boy in my dreams was always a shadowy figure, but that smile, his beautiful smile shone light onto the figure because it was the very thing I loved to see the most in that life.

Nathaniel Cross, the one I was forced to leave behind in our old world, I finally meet you again in this wondrous magical world.

And I've fallen in love with you all over again.

Unfortunately, that fact broke my heart.

He still remembered Natalie, I forgot about Nathaniel. How could I deserve to still love him when he was forced to bear the weight of his memories while I had forgotten mine?

And he was my brother, this sort of thing was forbidden, but how was I supposed to avoid it?

Nathaniel was the only one I had left, he was the only one who was always beside me. Before I knew it, the seeds of forbidden love had fully bloomed in my heart and I fell in love with my own brother.

Life just isn't fair.

Nathaniel saved my life, not once, but twice in two separate lives of ours, and I've fallen in love with him in both of those lives. And in both of those lives I've always been on the receiving end of his kindness.


Before we began our stroll outside I felt a purple thread snap when Robin comforted me and it gave me a clear mind. But that still didn't save me from figuring out what I was supposed to do now.

Do I tell him the truth and try to explain that I'm his dead sister from his past life and ruin any chance of a romance with the one I love.

Or be selfish and remain silent about it, never telling the truth just so I can continue to love him without the worry of being sibling-zoned.

I was at a loss, I was truly lost. I snuggle into the scarf Nathaniel, no, Robin for comfort. I wish he was still here with me, I just needed to see him again.

I needed him to help my always helpless self.

Then suddenly, the snow around me began to fall slower and slower, until it stopped completely. I look at my surroundings and find that everything, including the cold wind, has stopped moving.

I take a few steps and suddenly feel the ground beneath me begin to shake, and a distant boom reaches my ear.

I quickly turn to where I heard the explosion from and see smoke rising into the air in the distance. Then I realize it's coming from where Robin was headed, the party.

I quickly wipe my eyes and try and clear my thoughts, which is incredibly difficult after finding out that the brother you're in love with has reincarnated into the same world as you, and begin running towards the smoke.

I'm not sure what's happening right now, but if you're in danger Robin, I'll save you. Just how you saved me in our past life.

Bet cha you didn't see that one coming! That's right folks, Grace was never his sister, it was Clarissa the whole time! But what about all those hints Grace gave you may ask? Well I never specified what they were about now have I. But fret not, you shall see what they were all about next chapter, maybe. I'll see you then!

Potato: "Merry Christmas!"
Razer: "Merry Christmas!"

Razer: "Or other holiday you may celebrate on this day."

Potato: "I just want to say that I've been dying to write this chapter for so long and am so hyped to read your guy's reaction to the big revelation."

Razer: "Has this been the plan since the beginning?" He speaks in a very monotonous tone as if reading a script.

Potato: "Why yes it has my dear friend. Since like chapter two I planned on making Clarissa the sister but a certain someone figured it out after a while. I told them the truth and said they were right so they wouldn't say anything to anyone else. So then I decided to make it very obvious it was Grace who was his sister when she's actually not. That way the revelation would still be a surprise for them." He says proudly.

Razer: "Wow, that's awesome, very cool, much wow." He says in the monotonous voice.

Potato: "Thank you, thank you. Now here beneath me is a short list of the bigger hints I've dropped throughout the story. It's not complete, as it says near the bottom, so feel free to point anything out to me."

Razer: "Hey why does it say in this script that time will stop for us?" He asks looking confused.

Potato: "What? I don't remember writing that."

Razer: "Well you did, and whatever the author says goes. So does that mean we'll be trapped in time forever?"

Potato: "I don't think so, it doesn't specify how long so maybe it already happened." He shrugs.

Razer: "I guess we'll never know."

List of things that hinted at Clarissa being the sister:

Ch 3: In Robin's flashback he mentions that Natalie was always childish and there are several occasions when Clarissa is classified as such. The first time being in chapter two when she asks for a specific plant to save her dad.

Ch ???: The last person to say thank you and was titled the one who was indebted to the boy, was Natalie not Clarissa. There are seven '|' and Natalie has seven letters while Clarissa has eight but the thought was that they are both indebted to the boy making them use one voice. Also, Clarissa mentions that she has a debt to the boy in her dreams and after she had met him again along the path of the academy she was no longer talking about Robin, but Nathaniel.

Ch 10: Robin mentions how the female protagonist's personality is different than the game, any guesses why?

Ch various: there are several instances where Robin and other characters mention how he and Clarissa are the exact opposite. In ch:??? It is mentioned how the siblings are the exact opposite of each other.

Ch 19: Robin mentions that Natalie had brown hair and blue eyes, Clarissa has brown hair and blue eyes. Coincidence? I think not!

Ch 20: When Clarissa hugs Robin and he reciprocated it she mentions it reminded her of family.

Ch 20: When Clarissa mentions that being so close to Robin during the scene where they're wrapped together tightly by Scarfy felt familiar. She wasn't talking about the time when she was basically suffocated by his scarf but the familiar security she felt when she was in the arms of Nathaniel.

Ch 22 2/2: During Clarissa and Robin's present exchange I made it almost completely identical to the one in the flashback from ch 3. I'm totally a genius for that one, you should totally go check that out to see why Robin smiled.

There are a lot of small clues and things that are easily missable since you guys didn't understand the mindset Clarissa had. There would be no way you would after all, but if you were to reread some things with the understanding that Clarissa thinks that Robin is very similar to Nathaniel, maybe certain things would make more sense.

And everything she has said will have a whole new meaning. For example, in ch 21 near the end she says I love the winter holidays because her family always gave her the best presents, who do you think she was talking about in that scene?

And in Ch 15 she asks Robin if they've met before. Since she already knew Robin was the one who saved her in the forest she thought she had seen Robin from somewhere else, her past life.

To be updated when I re-read everything myself.

Word count: 13834

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