The Blue House

By seriesfreak

143K 8.5K 3.4K

Hyun Ji Seok's last day as the President of South Korea left a scar on everyone's heart. Especially his only... More

Sparks Fly
Only The Young
You Belong With Me
I Knew You Were Trouble
Jump Then Fall
State of Grace
Two Is Better Than One
This Is Me Trying
You Need To Calm Down
I'm Only Me When I'm With You
I Almost Do
The Joker and The Queen
Death by A Thousand Cuts
The Last Time
Begin Again
King of My Heart
Paper Rings
The Best Day
This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
This Love
Today Was a Fairytale
...Ready For It?
Welcome To New York
Everything Has Changed
Stay Stay Stay
Sweeter Than Fiction

Love Story

2.9K 213 84
By seriesfreak

Three hours passes inside the Command Center in a blur of agitated phone calls and meaningless debate, and Bin is five seconds away from exploding. His wife is at the hospital to deliver their baby and here he is, listening to his subordinates arguing whether the Kill Chain strategy is worth to consider as the counter action to the North's threat.

He stands up and walks closer to the big screen showing the whole area of Korean Peninsula as he calms himself down and listens to the continuing discussion behind him. Every president before him had different view on how to communicate with their long-lost brother in the Peninsula, but every one of them had the same dream of reuniting two parts of Korea back into one. That dream lives in him, despite the impossibility.

And Kill Chain— feels like a step back.

"It goes against the vision of this administration to keep peace in Korean Peninsula." Prime Minister Gong gives his opinion.

Damn right!

Kill Chain strategy is something very aggressive and at the opposite of the spectrum with the peace talks he is endorsing since last year. It calls for preemptive strikes against the North's missiles and their leaders if imminent attack is detected.

"But if we are to defer to their request to cancel the joint operation drill, we will jeopardize South Korea's alliance with the United States." Minister Ji of Ministry of Defense adds his perspective as the one who proposes the strategy.

A valid point from his minister. This is why Bin refrains from immediately following his instinct to scratch this strategy out. US has been the country's biggest support in terms of military warfare, not to mention, any preemptive and retaliatory actions will be under their order because of their control over the allied forces. And while Kill Chain is a logical step, it brings a great risk of another war at the Peninsula.

It is something to be avoided at all cost. War will only cost them money and the most important— lives. And this time, it will involve nuclear, what a disaster.

Bin turns around and seeks his Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff who is following the conversation silently, seemingly passive, but he knows him as a man of action rather than getting involved in this table top discussion.

"General Dae-sik, any chance you have given a heads up of this situation to our counterpart in the US Pacific Command?"

The General stands up from his seat and nods to him. "Yes, Sir. It may sound premature to some, but I think letting them in on the situation early will be beneficial for us."

"And their initial reaction?"

"They expect us to keep the schedule for the joint operation drill."

"They have their own war with the North that put us in the middle. And they want us to choose." The President reads the situation correctly.

"They don't want us to entertain the North's request and put theirs as our priority."

"Damn it! I won't accept they use us as a pawn in their own war games!"

"Agree to that notion, Mr. President. But unfortunately, we are in the thick of things. The North was clearly agitated with our decision to move forward with the drill. As the North's leader said in the call, they were as far as accusing us of betraying the Panmujeom Declaration."

"We can't have that. We need to show them we are still honoring that agreement. That puts an end to the talk of Kill Chain strategy." Bin looks pointedly at Minister Ji. "So, we need another plan."

"Captain, what's the status from the intelligence? Is there any movement on their ballistic missiles?" General Dae-sik turns to his deputy who is tasked with gathering information from their intel.

"Their missiles are still in position to launch to the direction of Seoul based on the latest satellite's photo." The man called Captain answers and sends the said photo to the screen. "And those are nuclear warheads at the top of the missile."

The General grimaces. "Keep the updates coming, Captain. Patrol on their other stations, too. To be on the safe side, ensure the missiles defense shields are ready at Seongju."

So, the North is still on high alert. What if they're getting reckless? This calls for action, Bin thinks; he needs to do something to calm them down.

"Connect me to the North in my office." Bin says suddenly. "While we devising a plan, we need them to not feel hurried and pushed."

"Once this get out, people will think we are deferring to them." Minister Ji grumbles.

"We are definitely not deferring to anyone. Not the North and not the Americans. People can say they want to see us fighting the North, but they don't know how little we have control over the next steps if we are to face them with an aggression." Bin responds calmly, then turns to his deputy.

"Find something we can offer to the North while simultaneously keeping our alliance with the US safe. General Dae-sik, work with Prime Minister Gong while I call them. Come back to me in an hour."

"Yes, Sir!" The General salutes him as Bin walks away, exiting the Command Center with several men toward his office, including Chief Kang. And it doesn't take long for him to ask a question he's longing to ask.

"Chief Kang, any news on my wife?" The President asks as he speed-walks in the long passage connecting the center and the main office.

"Last update coming about half an hour ago, the First Lady is said to be 5 cm dilated. Both the First Lady and the baby are in stable condition."

He emits a relief sigh before another thought crosses his mind. 5 cm dilated. He doesn't expect the process to progress this fast. From what he read in the books, 1 cm per hour is the average time. Does that mean he have four to five hours time to settle the matter at hand qand still on time to go to Ye Jin?

"Any estimation on how long until she is fully dilated? God, she must be in great pain right now." He sucks in his breath as he thinks about the love of his life having to go through the momentous event without him.

"I'll ask the doctor and get back to you once I get info, Mr. President."

He hates being helpless; at this point, what he can do is to ensure he does his job here, then he can run to his family as soon as possible.

"Do that. Thank you." Bin stops in front of his office's door and inhales a deep breath. He needs to put his game face back on.

Once he's ready, he opens the door and prepares for another long and difficult talk. It's been a lengthy and arduous journey to achieve peaceful reunification and Bin is not too arrogant to think that he can make something happen that all his predecessors couldn't.

But he sure as hell will work his best not to create another war, and right now it all comes down to his ability to persuade his counterpart in the North to back off a little while his subordinates preparing a more concrete plan.

"Good evening, Supreme Leader Kim."

"I have nothing to say."

"Then let me talk. I have many things to say. First, I believe you have gotten a wrong impression about South Korea in relation to the Panmunjeom Declaration."

Bin talks animatedly, standing up from his chair and using a relax gesture to deliver his point. He hopes it gives the North leader the sign that South Korea will never betray what they have agreed a few years ago.

And by the time he finishes, one hour and a half has passed. And he still doesn't know if all of his talk results in something positive.



Ye Jin grips the edge of the bed in the delivery room once again as contraction after contraction come at her more regularly in the past hour. It feels like the contractions are only one or two minutes apart, and each one is even stronger than before.

And the urge to push— God, Cookie really wants to see the world soon. She can feel her movement inside and she has to stop moving, pressing her legs together to stop her baby from moving too much.

She is dizzy and in pain and nothing can bring her comfort. Not even the soothing pats Yeo Been gives her at her back.

"When again the midwife said she will check my dilation? I think I'm fully dilated." She groans as another contraction hit and pain ricochets through her body.

"Not for another half an hour, I am afraid. Do you want me to call her again?"

"No— ughhh, yeah, call her. Please call her."

Yeo Been presses the button to alert the nurse station and before long, one of the midwives that has been checking on her comes in.

"Anything I can help you with, First Lady Son?"

"Can you check my dilation again? The baby is pushing and I want to push. I really need to push."

The midwife smiles and nods. "I understand a little about that, just trust your body, Ma'am. Lie back, and open your leg. Try to relax and not lifting your bottom."

The First Lady takes a deep breath and lets the midwife does her job just as a really strong contraction comes over.

"Good God, please tell me I'm fully dilated, please." She moans in pain.

"This is fast, you're 7 cm dilated just half an hour ago. Now, it's 8 cm. Breathe in and breathe out, my guess is you'll be ready to push the next time I check on you in 30 minutes. I'll call the doctor, too, to prepare for the First Daughter's birth."

"30 minutes. Oh my God! I can't wait that long, for God sake!"

"Remember, breathe in and breathe out. Everything is going to be alright. I'll be back in 30 minutes, but press the button if you need anything." The middle aged woman nods and leaves the private room.

Yeo Been is ready by her side again when the door closed. "Breathe in and breathe out, Ye Jin-ssi. Drink this for energy. You will need your energy to push."

"Yeo Been-ah, what time is it?" She asks weakly.

"It's four."

"I'm sorry I dragged you here."

"What a nonsense. Don't think about anything like that."

"Do you hear from my husband?" Ye Jin asks with hope. More than 7 hours has passed since she arrived in the hospital, why isn't he here?

Yeo Been shakes her head. "But I have asked Jung Tae Eul to inform us if President Hyun is on his way."

"Can you ask her? Will he be here soon? If yes, I want to wait for him."

"I'm afraid if you are fully dilated in 30 minutes and by horrible circumstances President Hyun is not here— the protocol states to proceed with the delivery."

For God sake—

"Not this protocol again!"

"President Hyun doesn't want you to be in pain for too long. He wants the best for you and the baby."

"And what's best for me is him being here with me!" She whines as her heart sinks. It's really sweet of him to think about her first, but still, she wants him here no matter what.

"Ughhh." As another contraction rolls over her, she uses the pain as reason to let go of her emotion. She cries her heart out and feels grateful when Yeo Been doesn't try to stop her but caresses her aching back instead.

Getting everything out calms her tremendously as her sobs are reduced to quiet sighs, but the part where she misses her husband is still very much there. Her hope shots through the roof when the door to the delivery room opens, only to feel even more disappointed as the doctor and the midwife enter the room with a smile on their face.

"Midwife Choi says the First Daughter will arrive soon. How are you feeling, Ma'am? Excited to meet the baby? Let's check your dilation and get you ready for delivery."

At this point, Ye Jin doesn't feel any discomfort anymore when they do internal exam on her. She just opens her leg and hopes that this time they will tell her she can push. Because the pain— good God, the pain—

The thought of finally seeing their bundle of joy for the first time is what gives her strength as well as sharing the beautiful moment with her husband.

"Oh, great! You are fully dilated, Ma'am. I can feel the head. Let's prep her for delivery." The doctor says to the midwife.

It's definitely relieving and painful at the same time when she registers what will happen next.

"I want to wait for my husband." Ye Jin blurts in between her moans. "I want to wait for my husband."

"First Lady Son—"

"I know, I know the protocol stated differently. But I'm fine, despite the pain, and the baby is in good condition. Uughhh." She pauses and grimaces as the Cookie really pushes her to the brink. But—

Bin— oh, Bin.

What about him? He will only blame himself for a long time if he misses this. another burden that will drag him away from the present and back to the past. And she can't let him.

Once the pain goes away, she continues her pleading, emphasizing every word to the doctor. "We can wait a little, Doctor. I need my husband to be here. I don't want him to miss the birth of his first born. I. Want. To. Wait. For. My. Husband."

The doctor looks at her emphatically and sighs. "I can't fully discard the protocol, Ma'am. Mr. President has put his thought on this matter very carefully, and your safety along with the baby is always his priority. So, I will give you another 10 minutes. If President Hyun is not here, we will proceed with delivery. How about that?"

Ten minutes is not nearly enough, she's afraid. But it's still better than now. She caresses her belly and talks to her daughter, asking her cooperation to wait for her father.

"Ji Won-ah, wait a little bit more for Appa, please? He really wants to be here but he needs more time. So, wait—" she stops and moans aloud as the strongest urge to push comes over her and she holds it back with all her might.

Her assistant looks at her pitifully and goes to her side once again, gripping her hand in hers. "Let's push. You're in pain, Ye Jin-ssi."

Ye Jin shakes her head adamantly, even when she feels another push from within that makes her squeezing Yeo Been's hand violently. If she hurts her, Yeo Been doesn't show it. At another contraction, she starts to believe this is not the time to be stubborn.

"I think the President was onto something when he decided it's better to miss the birth of his daughter than to let you be in pain for longer." Yeo Been says gently. "He really doesn't want you experience pain more than you should."

Ye Jin starts to cry again at the thought of her husband and Yeo Been starts comforting her one more time. And this time, with a little bit of encouragement.

"This is probably not— a good parallelism. Because my definition of bad day is certainly nothing compare to giving birth. But— whenever I had a bad day and Vin was not here to comfort me, I— will make myself feel closer to him. I will think about how good he smelled the last time he held me. I will think about how soft his kisses were when he bid me good night. I will think about how affectionate he stared at me when I was about to fall asleep. Then gradually I will see him in front of me, helping me getting through the day."

Ye Jin doesn't give any response to Yeo Been's words as she is somewhere else. On a dreamy land with her husband.

Where he has his arms circling around her waist as he embraces her from behind while she prepares breakfast for them.

Where he plants soft kisses all over her face, making her giggles uncontrollably as they fool around on the bed like two teenagers in love.

Where his hand tightly holds her, spreading warmth from her fingertips to her toes, as they walk around after their picnic in the clouds.

Where he talks sweetly to her belly with that deep voice of his that always has that calming effect on their baby, soothing her and letting her know that her father is around.

Where he gently massages her back when she sighs uncomfortably, tossing and turning in her sleep, never finding the perfect position. Only when he gathers her closer she finally finds the peace she is looking for.

Bin is here. Her husband will always be with her, even if it's not always in person.

"He is here, Yeo Been-ah, he is with me." Ye Jin sobs. "Let's have this baby. Let's meet our Ji Won."

Yeo Been relays her readiness to the doctor and the midwife and they set her up for delivery.

"Ma'am, push when you feel another contraction. Don't forget to breathe, it'll be over soon."

Ye Jin nods as she grips Yeo Been's hand just in time for the contraction they're waiting for.

"Here it comes, push!" The doctor orders. The First Lady gives her best and pushes the baby out with a little moan. "Good! Good! Let's push again."

"Ready? Here it comes again, push!" The doctor orders again. "Very very good. One more push then we'll wait for the next contraction."

She pants, trying to take as much breath as she can. She does 3 pushes at every other contractions, taking a rest and deep breaths in between. Yeo Been keeps murmuring encouragement through it all.

"I can see the head! One or two more pushes and you're gonna meet your baby."

It brings bittersweet feeling to her, again wishing Bin can be here for real; holding her hand, looking at her with so much love in his eyes, telling her everything will be okay, telling her that she's doing a wonderful job.

She leans back and looks at the ceiling, wiping her tears away, preparing to push for the last time.

"Okay, push!"

Ye Jin pushes with all her might— then she lets go. And far off the distance, she hears the unmistakably deep and commanding voice of her husband.

"Where is she? Where is my wife?!"

It follows with the sound of his shoes running against the marble floor of the hospital then the door opens and there he is.

Their eyes meet in the spacious room and sobs erupt from her. "Bin—" she whispers his name just as the shrill sound of a baby's cry fills in the room.

The new parents turn their attention to the doctor who rises and lifts the baby.

"President Hyun, First Lady Son, congratulation. The First Daughter is here."

Ye Jin's sobs are now mixed with laughter as relief floods her, she squeezes Yeo Been's hand and turns to her when she feels her releasing her hand. She signals that she will leave them to enjoy this private moment, then walking out of the room quietly.

And Ye Jin appreciates her so much for that, feeling the love and gratitude toward her steady presence in all aspect of her life. She is a great Chief of Staff but even greater friend and family.

Then her focus is back to the here and now, where her husband is stunned when he sees his daughter for the first time. He weeps when the doctor puts the baby in his arms. And her heart squeezes at the beauty of the moment.

"Bin—" She calls him softly. He looks up at her and the brimming tears and emotions in his eyes make the moment even more precious and tears pour out of her eyes at their own will.

Her hands reach out for their baby and her husband brings her closer. Bin puts their daughter in her arms and Ye Jin cries in earnest when she feels her baby weight weighing her arms. The new father plants a kiss on his wife's forehead before circling his girls in his arms.

Hyun Ji Won is the most beautiful baby in the whole world. Her chubby pinkish cheeks, the matted black hair covering her head, the long eyelashes and the sparkling deep brown eyes make her parents fall in love with her at the first sight.

"Oh, Bin. Look at her, she's so beautiful." Ye Jin turns toward her husband who focuses on them — especially her — the entire time. He leans in to kiss her lips softly and caresses her cheek.

"You've done such a wonderful job, beautiful. I love you, Ji Won Eomma."

And in that moment, with her husband whispering words of love and her daughter lying safely in her arms, Ye Jin never feels more complete and more blessed in her life. She is filled with so much love, it threatens to spill over.

"Thank you for always be with me, with us, Ji Won Appa."

"Always. I'm here forever and always, beautiful."


The room is all white, except for the swatches of Indian pink at one side of the wall, just like the nursery she diligently decorated at the main residence. At first, Ye Jin thought she was there, at home, but as she looks around some more, she decides she isn't there.

Where is that round mirror above the cot? Where are those cute dresses she lined up beside it?

This place is foreign; one she never saw before. And so is the scene that welcomes her as her eyes arrive at the window.

Ah, she must be dreaming.

This view is too beautiful to be a reality; she thinks as her lips curl for a smile. Her husband is standing close to the window, cradling a baby in his arms, a soft smile playing on his face. The look of love in his eyes is unmistakable and even in a dream— her chest warms at the most wonderful sight she has ever seen.

Don't ever wake me up from this, please!

Ye Jin closes her eyes again to keep the dream alive, but a deep baritone voice she will recognize anywhere prompts her to open her eyes once again.

"Looks like Eomma still needs her sleeping, Ji Won-ah." Bin coos at the baby in his arms. "How about we let her sleep a little longer?"

Wait— he sounds too real. This isn't a dream?

"Bin?" She calls him groggily.

His tall figure moves toward her and plants a soft kiss on her forehead. Her hand feels where he just kissed her and she blinks a few times to focus on him.


And once she sees her baby, everything comes back to her. Her last push, the 'just-in-time' moment when her husband came, their first moment as parents, the first time Ji Won latched on her breast to breastfeed, then her passed out due to exhaustion right after.

Oh my God! She is a mother, now!

Bin helps her lifting herself up and he looks at her with something akin to pride. "Thank you for being so strong and be the anchor of this family, Jagiya."

"You're welcome, Mr. President. Now, give her to me." She orders, extending her arms for Ji Won.

"She looks like you, so much, Beautiful." He tells her as he puts her down in her arms, then he sits at the edge of the bed as they look at their baby with wonder once again. "She has your eyes, though." Ye Jin says, caressing the fluffy cheeks.

"She is perfect. You are perfect." He states softly, pressing kiss on her cheeks as they enjoy the moment.

"I thought I'm dreaming, seeing you holding a baby."

Bin chuckles and his voice startles Ji Won who wiggles but continues her sleep. And her parents smile at her cute movement. "The nurse said to wake her up in an hour to feed her. I was about to let you sleep for an hour more."

"How long was I out?"

"Not long enough after what you're going through."

"It was— worth it. Everything is worth it."

"I'm sorry I miss most of it." He looks at her regretfully. "But I have to ensure the situation was stable enough for me to delegate it as I ran to you."

Ye Jin smiles at her husband. "You didn't miss anything. In fact, you came at the right moment. That moment when Ji Won was born— was everything."

"It was."

"Though you were really going overboard with the First Daughter protocol. I almost had a fit when Yeo Been told me I couldn't wait for you."

"Jagiya, it was already agonizing for me to think that you would be in great pain to bring Ji Won to this world, and as much as I wanted to be here, there are circumstances that may prevent me from doing so, just like tonight. It would be very selfish of me to insist you waited for me."

Ye Jin melts at his explanation but she wants to at least have a say for the next time. "I want to be involved in this protocol discussion the next time we're doing this."

"Only you talking about the next time when you were just brought a human being to the world." Bin teases her.

"Oh, at least I want another two times." She replies cheekily and it brings a booming laughter from Bin which finally wakes Ji Won up. Ye Jin calls a nurse to help her with her lactation and Bin gives room for them but stands never too far away from the bed.

As if he wants in for every moment, every experience and she is very glad to share everything with him. She loves every look of fascination, every loving gazes, every wondrous expression he directs at them.

Ye Jin looks at the love of her life and she is grateful for so many things at the moment. For that time they took for themselves so they could love each other better.

For every single decision — right or wrong — they took that brings them to where they are now.

For every moment their foreheads fuse, their lips touch, their hands intertwine as they go through the motions called life.

For every whisper of sweet nothings and adoration they say to each other.

For every twist and turn that builds their love story and brings them happiness they now feel deep in their heart.

For their immeasurable love that has changed both of them for the better and binds them tight forever.

For this gorgeous man— this strong, loving, and protective man who is hers to love and to hold forever. And of course, the tiny human being who now become their world.

This is the next chapter of their lives together, with family of their own. They will embark on another journey toward another set of goal with another path they have to create together.

It will certainly come with challenges, but with her husband beside her, Ye Jin knows their immeasurable love will get them through everything life thrown at them.

And she won't have it any other way.


"Put her down, Appa." Ye Jin orders her husband despite her smiley face directed at the duo.

"I really think she'll wake up if I put her down now." Bin pleads with his wife to let him cradle baby Ji Won a little longer.

"It's time for me to feed her anyway. Just put her down. You need to change your shirt, her drool is everywhere." Ye Jin points to his shoulder where traces of drools can be seen from afar.

"It's okay. I'm wearing my suit jacket. No one will see these little islands."

"The camera will easily capture your wet shoulder if you don't change the shirt. Besides, your perfume is replaced with baby oil's smell."

"So what? They know I have a daughter. Of course, I'll smell like her."

"Ugh, you just love Ji Won's baby smell."

"That I do." He nuzzles his daughter lovingly. "Our Ji Won smells so good."

Warmth and love spread out of her chest in automatic fashion, something that continuously happens for the last three months.

"We're going to be late." She says amusingly.

"I'm the President and Ji Won's Appa, they have to wait for me before the celebration can begin. What's five more minutes, right, Ji Won-ah?"

Their family and closest friends are waiting for them to celebrate the first one hundred days of Ji Won's life. His wife has Ji Won wearing a cute sage traditional hanbok for today and Bin falls in love with her daughter and her beautiful mother all over again.

He can't believe this is his life now; leading the country by day and loving his family by night. He has never felt anything remotely close to what he feels for his family all of his life.

Their love grows, evolves, and deepens with every experience they share and every moment he missed, with every apology spoken and every forgiveness given. He loves them with every fiber of his being, even if sometimes only his voice and blurry videos accompany their family.

He never stops saying gratitude for the love of his life; the loving woman who stands beside him, whose beauty never ceases to amaze him. And she loves him back as fiercely as he loves her. She makes everything make sense and she makes their family his home.

And for the beautiful daughter he reluctantly lets go as he goes to change his shirt. "Appa will come back in a matter of second, Ji Won-ah."

Ye Jin laughs at his clinginess, but he never wants to miss any moment with them more than he already missed. Their princess cries a little but her mother easily calms her down, then they step outside to meet their family and friends and enjoy the intimate moment shared.

"Ji Won-ah, look there, Ji Won-ah." Bin directs her daughter to look at the camera as they take a picture of her with the beautiful decoration. But his princess is agitated and cries her heart out and that moment is captured well in the picture of their family.

The whole family laughs and it makes another great moment and memory in their life inside the symbol of power in the country.

The massive establishment was once the very place which only brought him hurt and pain. But not now. This place is his home.

Where he works for the betterment of this country.

Where he shares laughter and cry with his family and friends.

Where his heart resides in the form of a beautiful wife and beautiful daughter.

The Blue House has always been his goal.

And love definitely has a place in the Blue House.


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