
By Lyoungs

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Ben seemed to shift around in his seat and his eyes focused on what was going on outside the window. He could... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Quick message!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Thank you
Sequel Update :)

Chapter 12

3.1K 48 5
By Lyoungs

Liam’s text was still spinning round my head the next day at work. I hadn’t told Cal when we woke up in the morning. I’m not really sure why I didn’t tell him because I don’t really think he would care but I wasn’t sure what I was going to do about it. I had missed Liam but considering what happened last time we saw each other, I didn’t really know what else there is to say. He likes me but I like Cal, your typical love triangle I guess, which I definitely wasn’t up to having! I said goodbye to Shane this morning as he left to go back home, promising that he’d be back to stay soon!

It was now December and me and Cal had been dating a month. We had all arranged to spend Christmas day with Sarah and Jake at their flat as it was their last Christmas there. I had no idea what to get Cal at all! During lunch at work me and Sarah finally got a chance to talk in the staff room.

“Oh my god! These kids are driving me nuts! You’d think it was bloody Christmas!” Sarah laughed as she slumped down next to me with her coffee.

I giggled “Erm I hate to break it to you but I’m afraid it is Christmas darl!”

She groaned “oh well. So you and Cal are still coming to ours yeah?”

I nodded “yep definitely. My parents are away for Christmas and Shane is skiing with his mates! Oh and Cal’s parents live in Dorset with his sister so they will be down there”

“I asked for a yes or no, not your whole life story Amy!” she chuckled and then groaned as I punched her arm

“Anyway if you’ve stopped clowning around” I raised an eyebrow at Sarah and smiled “I need your advice”

She sat forward and placed her chin on her hands “I’m all ears” she beamed at me

“Liam text me last night”

“Really? Saying what?” she whispered

“That he’s sorry for not being in touch and that he misses me” I looked at Sarah to wait for her reaction

“And? Why do you need my advice?” she asked shifting around in her seat

“Because I don’t know what to do! Do I text him back? Do I arrange to meet up? Do I just text and say ok no worries? I don’t know what to say to him Sarah. The way he looked at me when he last saw me was just awful”

“What do you want to do? Have you told Cal?”

“I’d like to see him of course! He was, he is a friend. No I haven’t. I didn’t know what to say to be honest”

“Well there’s your answer then! You want to see him and you need to tell Cal. You’re together now so you can’t have secrets darl”

“Your right. I’ll text Liam and arrange something and I’ll tell Cal about it too. Thanks Hun” and I turned to give Sarah a hug. She smiled and went to make me a cup of tea whilst I text Liam to arrange a meet up tonight at mine for a catch up. Cal had football practice so I knew he would be out of the way.

‘Hey Liam. No worries I completely understand your feelings. I’ve missed you too. I’m free tonight if you want to pop round? Xx’

He text back almost instantly ‘yeah sure. I’ll be round about 7ish if that’s ok?’

‘Yup see you then’ I replied and then quickly sent one to Cal ‘hey babe hope you’re having a good day. Liam text me last night about catching up so he’s going to pop round tonight if that’s ok with you? Xx’

The rest of the day flew by at work and by the time I got back home that night at 5pm, Cal still hadn’t replied which was weird as he always replied. I fixed together my tea after I had changed into some trackies and a hoody. I wasn’t dressing up for Liam as he’s just a friend. I was about to start eating when there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door to find Cal in his training gear.

“Hey come in” I said as I walked back to the table to sit down and eat.

“No kiss for me?” he asked as he sat down with me

I turned to look at him as I spoke “no kisses for a boyfriend who ignores me. I had that with Ben; I’m not going through that with you Cal”

He sighed before speaking “I didn’t know what to reply Amy. You want to meet up with the guy who blatantly likes you and you expect me to be fine with that! I’ve changed for you Amy. I’ve stopped texting the girls who I used to speak to, out of respect for you but yet you’re willing to meet up with Liam”

“So you chose to ignore the situation rather than tell me how you felt? We have to be honest with each other Cal. Liam is an old friend and I can’t help that he likes me! If you remember Cal I chose you! Is that not enough to show you?!” I slammed down my knife and fork onto my plate and got up from the table. I took my plate into the kitchen where I steadied myself on the counter. I didn’t hear Cal creep up behind me but I felt his strong arms around me.

“I’m sorry babe. I’ve acted childishly and I shouldn’t of. I just don’t want to imagine you being near someone who likes you as much as what I do” he whispered in my ear and then planted a kiss on my neck.

I frowned and turned round to face him “but I’m with you Cal. I don’t want to be with Liam. He is just a friend. You need to trust me”

He placed his hands on my arms “I do trust you Amy. I promise” he tilted my chin up so I was looking into his eyes “do you forgive me babe?”

I nodded as he gently kissed me on the lips. “Can I stay tonight?” he asked grinning

“Of course. Come back here after training?” I smiled

“It’s a date” he pulled me in by the hips and kissed me caressing my lips with his own. I placed my arms round his neck, deepening the kiss. All too soon it was over “I’ll see you later babe ok?”

I nodded and walked him over to the door and quickly said goodbye. Within five minutes there was another knock. Thank god Liam hadn’t come five minutes earlier! I really don’t know how either of them would cope with each other! I opened the front door to find a shuffling Liam waiting there.

“Hey Amy” he smiled genuinely as he placed a kiss on my cheek

“Hi Liam. Come in” I said as I opened the door further for him to come in. As he walked past, I closed the door I turned to face him “drink?” I asked

“Yes please. Tea would be great” he grinned at me

I nodded and went into the kitchen. Whilst I made the teas, Liam went through to the lounge. I made the teas and went through to the lounge. I sat at the other end of the sofa and passed him his tea.

“Thanks Amy”

I smiled “your welcome”

There was then an awkward silence between the two of us as we drank our teas.

“Soooooo, how’s things?” he eventually asked

“Erm yeah great. Work is busy as usual especially as it’s the last week of term so the kids are rather hyper. What about you?” I turned to ask him

“Things are good. Work is busy. I’ve been working away a lot. And I’ve met someone too” he whispered the last part

I smiled “that’s great Liam. I’m glad you’re happy”

He shrugged his shoulders “I guess I just needed someone to keep me occupied rather than thinking of someone else” he turned to look at me

I looked away “Liam, if we’re going to sort whatever happened out then you need to know that I’m with someone else now”

“It’s Cal isn’t it? I bloody knew it! I didn’t believe Ben when he told me though! I wanted to think the best that you would never fall for a player again! He’s cut from the same cloth as Ben! He’ll get what he wants and then he’ll fuck off!” Liam stood up and looked down at me

“I can’t be your friend if you’re going to be so stupid Amy! And I can’t believe that even Sarah is ok with this! She knows how shit Ben treated you and yet she’s going to let someone else do it to you!”

I stood up and glared at him “have you finished Liam?” I asked him but he remained silent “don’t you dare lecture me on morals! You’ve just admitted to me that you’re seeing some girl to keep you occupied instead of thinking about someone else! I know you don’t like Cal but so far he’s been nothing but a gentleman to me! I’m sorry that I rejected you but all I wanted was your friendship and right now I don’t even want that!” I screamed at him

“What’s going on here?” a voice called from the side of us

Me and Liam turned round to see Cal stood there. “Sorry to interrupt but I did knock and there was no answer and the door was unlocked so here I am. Everything ok Amy?” he asked

“It’s fine Cal. Liam was now leaving” I said calmly

Liam sighed “fine but you’ll soon be wishing that you listened to me Amy” and with that said he turned and left, slamming the front door behind him which made me jump. Calum walked over to me and put his arms around me and placed a kiss on the top of my head.

“What happened?” he asked as he pulled us onto the sofa.

I groaned “he basically said that I’m making a mistake by being with you” I whispered as I turned round to look at him

He tutted “yeah sounds about right. Jealous friend wants to fuck up his mate’s relationship because he lost. Simple loser outcome really babe”

“It was just so unlike him though. Liam’s usually so level headed and calm about everything” I sighed “I guess people change hey?”

Cal laughed “I’m the prime example of someone who’s changed babe”

I grinned and leant forward to kiss him “and I’m so glad you have”

The next week flew by at work and I filled Sarah in on everything that happened with Liam and to say she was angry was an understatement!  But finally it was the weekend and it was Christmas day on Monday! I was so excited! Me and Sarah had gone Christmas shopping one afternoon after work to try and find Cal a gift. In the end I had settled on a new football shirt of his favourite team and some Lacoste aftershave which I knew he loved. I also had another present planned but that was for Christmas Eve!

The weekend flew by with Christmas parties and meeting up with friends until finally it was Christmas Eve. Cal was coming over for a takeaway so that we could wake up together and open our presents and he would also get his treat that I had planned. We settled down with the food and a glass of wine.

Cal’s arm was slung on the head of the sofa as he stroked my shoulder “this is perfect babe. The best Christmas ever by far” he grinned at me

“Ever? How come?” I asked

“Because it’s my first Christmas that I’ve spent with a girlfriend that’s why”

I blushed “you really are cute sometimes”

He looked shocked “only sometimes?!”

I playfully punched him and then continued eating. A few hours later and I was ready to put my plan in motion.

“I’m gonna go and get ready for bed babe if that’s ok? I’m knackered” I pretended to yawn

He seemed surprised “oh ok. I’ll come with you then”

“no no no that’s ok just give me ten minutes then come in ok?” I asked

He looked unsure “Erm ok?”

I scurried away into the bathroom where I was getting myself ready. Whilst me and Sarah had gone shopping we had brought me the perfect outfit for what I was about to do! I had decided that tonight was the night! I was going to have sex with Cal!

Authors note

Haha sorry to leave it there but I thought it would be a nice opening for the next chapter! All comments and votes very welcome :)

Much love

Leanne xx

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